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Crash Course in History: The Civil War Name:


Words Associated with the South Words Associated with the North

● Confederate States of America ● The Union

● The gray ● The blue

● Slave States ● Free States

Important People Important Events

● The Nullification, 1830
● Civil War 1861-1865
● George Mcclellan ● American Population Breakdown, 1861
● Clement Vallandigham ● American Manufacturing, 1861
● God ● Battle of the Wilson Creek
● J. E. B. Stewart ● Battle of Chickamauga
● Jason Murray ● Siege Of Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 1863
● Stonewall Jackson ● Homestead act, 1862
● Robert E. Lee ● Siege Of Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 1863
● George Mcclellan ● Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1863
● Union General, Sherman, Took Atlanta,
August 1864
● American Election, 1864
● Lincoln's Emancipation proclamation, Jan 1,
● Massive land grants in Pacific railway, 1862

Part 1 Notes & Summary: Generals, Battles & War Part 2 Notes & Summary: Outcomes
● Battle of Chickamauga
● Battle of the Wilson Creek ● Lincoln's Emancipation proclamation
● Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1863
● Civil War 1861-1865 ● Helped singularize the United States
● 41% were injured or killed at the battles of
Wilderness and Cold Harbor.
● America having places on the map (Italy,
Greece, etc)
● Congress goave away land to people that had
at least $18 and were able to maintain a farm
for 5 years
● The Morrill Land Grant financed colleges
offer training in new scientific agricultural
● The administration began printing federal
money, (that were called, “Greenbacks”) and
these along notes issued by banks under the
National Bank Act of 1863, became the first
national currency of the U.S
● Congress helped to unify the country with
massive land grants in Pacific railway in 1862
● To finance the Civil War, the congress passed
the first progressive income taxes in american

Did Lincoln free the slaves? Respond & elaborate.

Half yes and Half no. Lincoln's Emancipation proclamation ostensibly freed all the slaves that were in the
territory that were rebelling against the states, and the U.S didn’t have any authority to free these slaves, it
was good but it wasn’t their jurisdiction. Other slaves that were in other areas weren’t freed, and stayed as
slaves.So they freed part of the slaves, and the other part stayed slaves. The slaves that Lincoln had the power
to free weren’t freed, and the others that couldn’t be freed were freed because of the Emancipation
proclamation. President Lincoln helped the slavery end sooner.

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