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1. Global context Fairness and development.

Key Concept Systems.

Related concept(s) Culture, civilisation, government.

The pilgrimage contributed to the development of the areas near its routes. It also developed
the cultural level of the population

The church in the Middle Ages was the most powerful engine to develop the education and
culture through the pilgrimage because pilgrims visited a lot of saint places, cathedrals and
churches on their way.

All these pilgrimages were related to the places with a big cultural effect; as monasteries and
cathedrals were pilgrims could see pieces of art and saint books. It helped the civilisation in the
Middle ages to keep the art of sculpture, painting and writing books

2. Pilgrimage is a special journey made by a pilgrim or a visit to

a place that is considered special, where you go to show your respect.
Examples: Recalling that pilgrimage, I now go back in spirit to those death

In her pilgrimage through human history.

a)This route through the north of the Peninsula was established at the end of the 11th century
largely due to the positive efforts and promotion of the monarchs. The pilgrimages benefitted
the towns located on the Camino, as the new housing and religious buildings required a large
number of workers such as bricklayers, stonemasons, carpenters and glaziers.

b)It demonstrates the political and religious wish to promote the Compostela sanctuary and
facilitate access to it.

C)The number of pilgrims continues to grow, especially during the Jacobean Holy Year: the
years in which the Feast of St. James, the 25th of July, falls on a Sunday. This happens regularly
at intervals of 6-5-6 and 11 years.

3 Exercise 1. A) around 1135. This book was a guide attributed to the French cleric
Aymeric Picaud
b) The Codex opens with two pages in which Pope Callixtus II, through a letter
addressed to the ‘very Holy Assembly of the Basilica of Cluny’ gives testimony of the
miracles performed by the Apostle St. Jame
c) it contained sermons, hymns, miracles, liturgical texts, music and stories about the
Apostle St. James and the Jacobean route

Exercise 2 A)In the middle Ages the church encouraged people to make pilgrimages to
special holy places called shrines. It was believed that if you prayed at these shrines
you might be forgiven for your sins and have more chance of going to heaven . Others
went to shrines hoping to be cured from an illness they were suffering from.
B) Because it crosses the whole Peninsula and it contributes to the development of the
towns next to it.
c) The big amount of pilgrims needed places to stay so the building of the houses next
to the route needed a lot of workers for bulding

Exercise 3 A) ‘Credential’ provided by several brotherhoods, associations

of the Camino and authorised bodies and the document called ‘Compostela’ is
obtained when the pilgrim has travelled the last 100 kilometres on foot or horseback.
They can also have travelled the last 200 kilometres on a bicycle.

b) The next Holy year is 2021 because the 25th of july will be Sunday
c)If I traveled on foot from Burgos to Leon I would receive Compostela because it’s
more tan 100 km walking. In other cases I wouldn’t receive it because you can’t travel
there by car and you have to travel by bike 200 km.

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