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Sampling Plan for the Effect of Check-In Frequency on Client Adherence during an Online

Coaching Program


Institutional Affiliation



Sampling Plan for the Effect of Check-In Frequency on Client Adherence during an Online

Coaching Program

Population of Interest

The target demographic under consideration for my doctorate-level research comprises

adults engaging in managing their weight through an internet-based coaching program. My

research interests center on investigating the lived experiences of individuals who suffer from

obesity and undergo treatment with anti-obesity medications to achieve weight loss. The

aforementioned demographic category encompasses individuals whose Body Mass Index (BMI)

is equal to or exceeds 30 and who have been administered weight loss drugs by their healthcare


Sampling Frame

I will utilize a sampling frame that includes persons currently enrolled in online coaching

programs with a specific emphasis on weight management. I will identify prospective

participants via collaboration with online coaching platforms, obesity clinics, and online support

groups that cater to individuals dealing with issues related to excessive weight gain. The

platforms above and communities offer an avenue to access a substantial cohort of individuals

inclined to employ pharmacotherapies to manage obesity (Raghvan, 2020).

Participant Selection:

I will use a combination of purposive and convenience sampling methods to procure

suitable participants from the sampling frame. I will employ a convenience sampling technique

to recruit participants, primarily targeting individuals with easy accessibility through online

platforms. These individuals will constitute an initial cohort for the research. In order to achieve

diversity within the sample set, I will employ a purposive sampling technique. This method will

enable me to select participants from varied demographic backgrounds, age groups, and

medication adherence levels.

Sample Size Determination

I will be determining sample size through the attainment of data saturation, which is

characterized by the absence of new information or themes arising from the analysis of the

gathered data (Maher et al., 2020). The ongoing focus of my research is to gain a comprehensive

understanding of the experiences of individuals suffering from obesity while utilizing anti-

obesity medications. In this regard, I plan to conduct in-depth interviews with a cohort of

approximately 20-25 willing participants. The sample size above has been determined to

adequately facilitate a comprehensive inquiry into the research questions at hand, yielding

significant and elaborate insights into the participants' experiences.

Researcher's Positionality

In my capacity as the researcher, I assume the role of an "external investigator" as I do

not possess obesity in a personal capacity, nor do I partake in the use of anti-obesity

pharmaceuticals. Nonetheless, I possess a profound inclination to comprehend the difficulties

and perceptions encountered by individuals belonging to this demographic. It is acknowledged

that I will assume a unique position in relation to the participants. I will conduct the present

investigation with a comprehensive understanding of the participants' emotional and

psychological disposition, emphasizing an empathetic and respectful approach. The primary

objective is to foster a friendly and impartial environment, facilitating the participants' ability to

disclose their experiences openly. Establishing rapport and trust is essential in guaranteeing the

authenticity and dependability of the data collected.

Justification of Sampling Strategy

I selected the sampling techniques since they align with the research design and

questions. Convenience sampling will quickly access potential participants from online platforms

and support groups. This method will allow varied experiences and perspectives. Purposive

sampling ensures diverse participant characteristics. This will help understand how obese

individuals use anti-obesity drugs (Cohen et al., 2018).

Comparison with Other Dissertation Topics:

The following analysis compares the researcher's empirical observations with two distinct

dissertations. The initial subject of discussion delves into the encounters of individuals afflicted

with obesity and their utilization of anti-obesity drugs. Regarding the feasibility of the sampling

plan, the researcher could adopt the approach of recruiting participants from weight management

clinics or medical institutions specializing in treating obesity. The sampling technique employed

in this study offers several notable advantages, including the ability to leverage the firsthand

experiences of individuals who have utilized anti-obesity medications and to acquire

comprehensive insights into the nuances of their experiences. One potential limitation of the

study could be the constrained level of generalizability of the results to a wider demographic of

people with obesity who are not receiving medical care. One example of criteria for exclusion

that the researcher may incorporate is individuals with comorbidities that could affect the

outcome of the study, as well as those who have previously participated in comparable research

studies. Furthermore, individuals who have recently terminated the use of the medications above

should be barred from participation.

The second topic explores how rest and recovery affect athletes' performance and ability

to avoid injury. One possible strategy for the researcher is to partner with sports teams or training

facilities to recruit participants. The study's sampling approach has strengths, including access to

a cohort of dedicated athletes with expertise in recovery and performance. The challenge is

recruiting exceptional athletes due to limited availability and extensive commitments. The

exclusion criteria that the researcher could utilize in this study may entail excluding athletes with

pre-existing injuries or medical conditions that could jeopardize the soundness and clarity of the

research outcome (Ros & Guillaume, 2020).


To conclude, I will use targeted purposive sampling and aim for data saturation with a

sample size of 20-25 participants for my dissertation on the experience of individuals with

obesity and anti-obesity medications. This method enables a thorough investigation of

participants' views and experiences. The sampling plan for the obesity topic is more viable than

the other two with healthcare providers and support—challenges in recruiting participants due to

privacy concerns and obesity stigma. The athlete recovery sampling plan may face feasibility

challenges due to limited athlete access. Using probability sampling and exclusion criteria

ensures representation and focus. Each research topic may have unique considerations for

sampling strategies, feasibility, strengths, weaknesses, and exclusion criteria. Careful planning,

expert consultation, and continuous evaluation are crucial for reliable findings.


Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research methods in education. Routledge.

Maher, C. A., Davis, C. R., Curtis, R. G., Short, C. E., & Murphy, K. J. (2020). A physical

activity and diet program delivered by Artificially Intelligent Virtual Health coach: Proof-

of-concept study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(7).

Raghvan, A. (2020). Research and evaluation in education and psychology. SOCIETY


Ros, F., & Guillaume, S. (2020). Sampling techniques for supervised or unsupervised tasks.


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