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DATCB/565: Data Analysis and Business Analytics

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Data Analysis and Business Analytics

We did two tests in this study. There are two scenarios where resources should be allocated:

1. If TiQ is below the market average, more resources are required. The second test evaluated the
new protocol's superiority to the traditional one. For both tests, we perform four necessary steps.
These are:

1) Hypotheses determination,
2) significance level determination,
3) critic Z-value determination,
4) conclusion.

To test if a company's TiQ is lower than the industry norm of 2.5 mins, a hypothesis test with
α=0.05 can be done.

H0: Avg TiQ ≥ 150s, Ha: Avg TiQ < 150s. The hypothesis can be evaluated by collecting TiQ data and
performing a one-sample t-test.

For the first case, the steps are:

α =0.05
χ= 160.9

ᶞ= 159.9
Degree of freedom=n−1=1674−1=1673

H0: µ=150
Ha: µ>150

Avg QitT – AvG H 0

( )
1) Test statistics Z= Dev
sqr ( N )

160.89 – 150
Z= 159.88

Z= 2.78

For this test statistic and a degree of freedom 1673, p−value is read off from the
distribution tables
since p-value is lesser than significance level we reject the null hypothesis.
2) Conclusion:

The test concludes that the company's TiQ is higher than industry standard. P-value is 0.003,
so null hypothesis is rejected. Given the present scenario, additional resources to enhance TiQ
may not be imperative as the company has already achieved or outperformed the industry
standards. So, we should not allocate more resources to improve de average QiT (Albright &
Winston, 2022). The company's TiQ is higher than industry average. TiQ of the company
outperforms industry benchmark, so no need for improvement. Not necessary to allocate
more resources for TiQ improvement now. Higher TiQ advantageous in certain situations and
It suggests the company offers excellent services with attention to detail. It's essential to
monitor TiQ performance consistently. Adapt to changing standards and expectations to stay
competitive in the market. Feedback from customers improves service quality. The company
should pride itself on TiQ, monitor trends and customer needs for continued success in timely

The second analysis checks if PE has enhanced ST compared to ST.

Avg ST PE= 149.28

Dev ST PE = 185.78

Var ST PE = 34,515

N = 853

Avg ST PT = 212.16

Dev PT = 190.46

Var ST PT = 36,276

N = 821

1) H0: Avg ST PE = Avg ST PE – Avg ST PT =0
2) H1: Avg ST PE < Avg ST PE – Avg ST PT <0

3) I will reject H0 if Z > 1.64 or Z < -1.64

( Avg ST PE – Avg ST PT ) – 0
(( )( ))
Var PE Var PT
n1 n2

149.28 – 185.78
Z= ( 34515 36276
+ )

853 821

Z = -6.83

4) Conclusion
At a confidence level of 95%, the null hypothesis (H0) can be rejected. Implementing the
new protocol has resulted in notable enhancements in service delivery timing (Albright et
al., 2012). Drawing upon the furnished data, a hypothesis test was performed to establish
that the mean Service Time (ST) under protocol PE is inferior to that of protocol PT. The
null hypothesis (H0) posits equivalence in mean ST measurements between the two
protocols, whereas the alternative hypothesis (Ha) postulates that the mean ST associated
with protocol PE is lower. PE protocol showed a significantly lower average ST than PT
protocol indicating a successful reduction in service time. The hypothesis test proves that
protocol PE effectively reduces service time enhances efficiency, and improves customer
satisfaction. Based on They can optimize the PE protocol for consistent service delivery.
Based on the conclusion, continuous monitoring is crucial for effectiveness and


Albright, S. C., & Winston, W. L. (2022). Business analytics: Data Analysis and decision
making. Cengage.

Albright, S. C., Winston, W. L., Zappe, C. J., & Broadie, M. N. (2012). Data Analysis and
Decision Making: Selected Chapters. Nelson Education.

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