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1.Define embedded system. Explain the important characteristics of an embedded system in detail.

2. Explain the various purposes of embedded systems with illustrative examples.

3. Compare general purpose computing system and embedded system.

4. Explain the classification of embedded systems based on different criteria in detail and give an
example for each.

5. What is an embedded system? Explain the different applications of embedded systems.

7. What is operational quality attribute? Explain the important operational quality attributes to be
considered in any embedded system design

8. a) Give examples for general purpose processor. And explain in detail about processor.

b) Explain the role of microprocessors and micro controllers in embedded systems.

9.a) Describe the role of processor selection in an embedded system.

b) Give the differences between embedded systems and general computing systems.

10. Explain about the embedded system design process.

11. Explain in detail about the classification of embedded systems based on different criteria and give an
example for each.

1. Describe the memory shadowing.

2.a) What is watchdog timer? Explain its role in embedded system design?

b) Explain the significance of brown out protection circuit

3. Discuss the selection of memory in embedded system design.

4. What are the different types of memories used in Embedded System design? Explain the role of each.

5. What is programmable logic device? What are the different types of PLDs? What is the role of PLDs in
embedded system design?

6. Which are the components used as the core of an embedded systems? Explain the merits and drawbacks

7. What is process control block (PCB)? Explain the structure of the PCB.

8. What is the difference between microprocessors and microcontrollers? Explain the role of
microprocessors and controllers in embedded system design.

9. Explain the role of RTC in embedded system design, with examples.

10. What is the difference between big-endian and little-endian processors? Give an example of each?

11. Classify different processors in an embedded system with an example for each.

12.Explain in detail about the classification of embedded systems based on different criteria and give an
example for each.

13.(a) Compare the Von Neumann and Harvard architectures.

(b) Differentiate the design philosophy of CISC and RISC

14. Explain about various actuators in embedded systems.

15. Explain about the seven segment LED in embedded system

1. What is a communication interface? Explain in detail about different external communication interfaces.

2.Explain the different communication on-board communication interfaces in brief.

3.(a) Explain serial bus communication protocol using I2C bus.

(b) Explain the CAN architecture with neat diagram.

4. Explain the functionalities of RS232 and RS 485 standard serial interface with neat diagrams.

5. Explain the working of SPI communication protocol.

6. Define Bluetooth. Explain the different classes in Bluetooth

7. Explain the following: (i) SPI. (ii) CAN.

1.Explain the structure in embedded C programming context. Explain the significance of structure over
normal variables.

2. Discuss the various Embedded Firmware Design Approaches in detail.

3. Explain the advantages of Assembly level language based on embedded firmware development.

4. Explain the advantages of “High Level language” based embedded firmware development.

5. Explain in brief about embedded firm ware development

6. Explain about the high-level language-based development in embedded systems.

1.a) What is task control block (TCB)? Explain the structure of TCB.

b) Explain the concept of multithreading. What are the advantages of multithreading?

3. Explain different multitasking models in the operating system context.

5. a) Explain context switching, context saving and context retrieval.

b) Explain the various factors to be considered for the selection of a scheduling criteria.

6. a) What is Inter Process Communication (IPC)? Give an overview of different IPC mechanism adopted by
various operating systems.

b) Explain the different functional and non-functional requirements that need to be evaluated in the
selection of an RTOS.

7. What is a device driver? Explain the architecture of device drivers.

8.What is a process? With a neat representation explain the process states and state transition.

9.With a neat diagram describe a task synchronization model for a specific application
10.Describe the fast scheduling.

11.Explain about non pre-emptive and pre-emptive scheduling

12. Describe the various Task Synchronization Techniques


1. (a) Explain the important architecture considerations for embedded systems.

(b) Discuss about different programming languages & tools for embedded design.

2.(a) What is meant by Memory? Explain the different types of memory devices: (i) ROM. (ii) RAM.

(b) Discuss the few applications of an embedded system.

3.(a) Write about different types of memory devices used in embedded systems.

(b) Explain the design process of embedded systems

4. What are the different types of embedded processors? Explain


1.(a) Compare the Von Neumann and Harvard architectures.

(b) Explain about on-chip system peripherals.

2.Differentiate the design philosophy of CISC and RISC


1.(a) Explain serial bus communication protocol using I2C bus.

(b) Explain the CAN architecture with neat diagram.

2. Explain the functionalities of RS232 and RS 485 standard serial interface with neat diagrams.



1.(a) Write short notes on Universal Serial Bus (USB).

(b) Describe how Wi-Fi capability can be added to a microcontroller

2. Explain the working of SPI communication protocol.

3.Explain the implementation procedure and programming SPI interface using TM4C.

4. Explain the implementation procedure and programming 12C and USB interface using TM4C.

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