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Short – term plan

LESSON: Sequence of tenses College: Esik humanitarian-economic college

Date: 26.01.2024 Teacher`s name: Bakyt Aruzhan

CROUP: 311«B» Number present: absent:

The students will: 1. Identify verb tenses in sentences

2. Use verbs in appropriate forms and tenses in


3. Revise incorrect verb tenses

4. Write sentences using verbs correctly in a

variety of tenses

5. Employ correct verb sequence in a sentence

Part of the Teacher`s activity Students Assessment Resources

Beginning of Organization moment : The students

the lesson greet the
1. Greeting.
teacher and
-Welcome, everybody! wish each
5 min. other good
-How are you? wishes.
-My name is Aruzhan. I am your
new English teacher. Nice to meet

-How is everyone feeling today? I

hope you all had an enjoyable
There are
different cards
-To prepare our brain and body on the board
for the lesson. Let's play a game. with different
The main task is to take one card basic
at a time and answer the question questions.
very quickly in 10 or 15 seconds. Students come
up, take one
Questions: card at a time
and answer
1) 5 fruits
2) 5 clothes quickly. The
3) 5 days of the week
4) 5 animals teacher tries
to award
5) 5 foods active
6) 5 months students.
7) 5 vegetables praise»
8) 5 subjects method is
9) 5 colors used to
10) Twenty five plus eleven is? students
(25+11=36) thirty six with phrases
11) 5 things from the class like:

12) 5 things from your room “Good job!

13) Sixty minus forty five is? (60- Well done!”


-Thank you all for playing, let`s

take our seats and let’s get started
our lesson!

-What is the day today?

-What is the date today?

With the
-Now open the copybooks and help of a
Students sit
write down today`s date. laptop and
down together
an online
-Today we will work in group. who is in the
Now, using the generator, we will same group.
site, we will
divide you into exactly two
divide the
class into
two groups
Middle of the -Today we will be taking a
lesson «Sequence of tenses».

-What do you know about it?

- The sequence of Tenses is the

rules that regulate the use of
tenses. There are a few rules to
remember to use these tenses
correctly and meaningfully.

- Tenses are verbs that describe

the timing of an event, action, or
condition. When a passage
contains more than one verb in it,
the relationship between the
tenses of the verbs is known as
the sequence of tenses. Different
types of sequences are available.
When all the verbs in a sentence
show actions or states that occur
at or generally about the same
time, their tenses should be the
 Whenever the alarm clock
rings, I run, stretch, and roll
over for another five
minutes of last sleep. (all
present tense).
 She opened her arms to the
audience, smiled, and
bowed deeply. (all past

-Яғни, шақтардың қиылысуы.

Ағылшын тіліндегі сабақтас
құрмалас сөйлемнің
бағыныңқы сөйлемімен
шақтардың қиысу ережесі
қолданылады. Мысалы:

She says that they will go to

Astana in summer. – Ол олар
Астанаға жазда барады деп
She says that Alina takes English
lessons. – Ол Алина ағылшын
тілінен сабақ алып жүр дейді.

Шақтардың қиысу ережесі егер

басыңқы сөйлемдегі
етістік Past
Indefinite немесе Past
Continuous-та тұрса
қолданылады. Бұл жағдайда
бағыныңқы сөйлемде барлық
осы шақтар мағынасы жағынан
сол топтағы өткен шақтармен
ауыстырылады, ал барлық
келер шақ топтары – өткен
шақтағы келер шақпен (Future-
in-the-Past) ауыстырылады. Осы
жағдайда бағыныңқы сөйлемде:

а) бір уақыттағы іс-әрекетті

көрсету үшін Past
Indefinite немесе Past

She said that Alina took English

lessons. – Ол Алина ағылшын
тілінен сабақ алып жүр деді.

ә) бағыныңқы сөйлемдегі іс-

әрекет басыңқы сөйлемдегі іс-
әрекеттен бұрын болғанын
көрсету үшін Past Perfect:

He said that they had been good

friends for many years. – Ол
олардың мәңгілікке жақсы
достар болғанын айтты.

б) келер шақтағы іс-әрекетті

көрсету үшін Future-in-the-Past

He said that we should learn

English. – Ол біздің ағылшын
тілін үйренетіндігімізді

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