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PAPER 3 考評常用字結集

Art/ Music/ Sports/ Nature

A cappella group (n.) 無伴奏合唱團 / 2015

Adventure (n.) [C/U] 冒險 Escapade 2017

Amateur (n.) [C] 業餘愛好者 / 2021

Artifact (n.) [C] 文物 Artefact (UK) 2020

Athletics (n.) [U] 運動競技 track and field PP

Audiobook (n.) [C] 有聲讀物 Taped book 2020

Autograph (n.) [C] 親筆簽名 / 2021

Ballad (n.) [C] 抒情歌 / 2015

Checkpoints (n.) [C] 檢查站 Inspection 2021

Choir (n.) [C] 唱詩班 / 合唱團 / 2015

Collectible (n.) [C] 收藏品 Collection 2016

Contestants (n.) [C] 參賽者 Candidates

Craft (n.) [C/U] 工藝 Artistry 2017

Edition (n.) [C] 版 Issue 2018

Endangered species 瀕危物種 Species facing extinction 2020

Entertainment (n.)
娛樂 Amusement 2018

Exploration (n.) [C/U] 勘探 Search 2020

Exposure (n.) [C/U] 接觸 / 2012

Facility (n.) [C] 設施 Equipment 2013

Fantasy (n.) [C] 幻想 Imagination 2016

Folk (n.) [U] 民謠 / 2015

Greenery (n.) [U] 植物盤景 Plants 2013

Hobby (n.) [C] 愛好 Leisure activity 2014

Issue (magazine) (n.) [C] 期(雜誌) Edition 2018

Jazz band (n.) [C] 爵士樂隊 / 2015

Journalist (n.) [C] 記者 Reporter 2018

Leopard (n.) [C] 豹 / 2020

Marching band (n.) [C] 軍樂隊 Military band 2015

Orchestra (n.) [C] 管弦樂團 Band 2015

Overseas travel 海外旅遊 / SP

Pest (n.) [C] 害蟲 Bug 2019

Podcast (n.) [C] 播客 Radio

Predator (n.) [C] 捕獵者 Carnivore 2018

Rap group (n.) [C] 饒舌樂團 / 2015

Rock music 搖滾音樂 / 2015

Skiing (n.) [U]

滑雪 Snowboard 2017
Ski (v.)

Spectators (n.) [C] 觀眾 Audiences 2021

Statue (n.) [C] 雕像 Sculpture 2020

Stunt (n.) [C] 特技 Trick 2016

Theme (n.) [C] 主題 Topic 2014

Ticket-holders (n.) [C] 持票者 / 2021

Tournament (n.) [C] 錦標賽 Competition 2021

Yoga (n.) [U] 瑜伽運動 / 2018

Attitude/ Tone
Aggressive (adj.) 好鬥的 Threatening 2014

Agreement (n.) [C] 協議 Consensus 2017

Aligned (adj.) 支持的 Supported 2021

Annoyed (adj.) 厭煩的 Irritated 2014

Apologetic (adj.) 歉疚的 Sorry 2015

Attitude (n.) [C/U] 態度 Outlook 2017

Awesome (adj.) 令人驚嘆 Admirable 2017

Awful (adj.) 可怕 Dreadful 2014

Biased (adj.) 偏袒的 Slanted / One-sided 2014

Boring (adj.) 無聊的 Tedious 2014

Committed (adj.) 忠誠的 Devoted 2021

Compliment (n.) [C] 讚美 Praise SP

Concentrate (v.) 專注 / 2021

Confused (adj.) 困惑的 Perplexed 2014

Contented (adj.) 滿足的 Satisfied 2013

Criticism (n.) [C/U] 批評 Censure PP

Delighted (adj.) 高興極了 Ecstatic 2017

Disappointed (adj.) 失望 Devastated

Discontent (n.) [U] 不滿 Dissatisfaction 2021

Disgusted (adj.) PP
噁心的 Nauseated
disgusting (adj.) SP

Dull (adj.) 乏味的 Dreary

Embarrassed (adj.) 尷尬的 Ashamed 2017

Enthusiasm (n.)
Passionate 2017
enthusiastic (adj.) 熱情的

Excited (adj.) 2014
Exciting (adj.) 扣人心弦 2017

Frightened (adj.) 害怕的 Terrified 2017

Glad (adj.) 高興的 Gleeful 2017

Gloomy (adj.) 懮郁陰沉 Depressed 2013

Inconsiderate (adj.) 輕不為人設想的 Selfish SP

Interact (v.) 交流 Interrelate 2021

Interesting (adj) 有趣的 Fascinating 2016

Miserable (adj.) 悲慘的 Sorrowful

Mixed feelings (n.) 五味雜陳 Uncertain 2020

Patience (n.) [U] 忍耐 Tolerance 2021

Persuade (n.) [C] 勸服 / 2021

Pleased (adj.) 滿意 Satisfied 2014

Revealed (v.) 洩漏 Disclose 2021

Shocked (adj.) 驚訝的 Astonished

Straightforward (adj.) 直截了當 Direct 2014

Suspicious (adj.) 可疑的 Sneaky 2020

Sympathy (n.) [U] 同情 Pity PP

Terrible (adj.) 糟糕的 Atrocious 2014

Terrified (adj.) 震驚、驚慌 Horrified 2017

Uninterested (adj.) 不感興趣的 Apathetic PP

Unsympathetic (adj.) 絕情 Cold-hearted PP

Verdicts (n.) [C] / 2021

Worried (adj.) 擔心 Concerned PP

Business/ Technology
Agents (n.) [C] 代理人 Representative 2021

Antenna (n.) [C] 天線 Wire 2020

Applicant (n.) [C] 申請人 Candidate 2017

Application (n.) [C] 應用 Use 2016

Apprentice (n.) [C] 學徒 Trainee 2019

Augmented Reality
增強現實(AR) / 2019
Battery charger (n.) [C] 充電器
Battery charging station /
電池充電站 2019
(n.) [C]

Branding (n.) [U] 品牌化 / 2021

Collaboration (n.) [C/U] 合作 Partnership 2012

Construction (n.) [U] 建築 Building 2019

Cost breakdown (n.) [C] 成本分析 Cost analysis SP

Crew (n.) [C] 全體人員 Team 2020

Device (n.) [C] 裝置 Gadget 2016

Equipment (n.) [U] 設備 Gear 2014

Firewall (n.) [C] 防火牆 (防毒軟件) / 2012

Founded (v.) 創建 Created 2022

Free of charge (adv.) 免費 Free 2018

Hacking (n.) [U] 駭客活動 / 2019

Hired (v.) 僱用 / 2022

Hospitality (n.) [U] 待客之道 Reception 2017

Interface (n.) [C] 接口 / 界面 Port 2012

Intranet (n.) [C] 內聯網 Extranet (Antonym) 2012

Launched (v.) 發動 / 2021

Layout (n.) [C] 佈局 Design 2021

Live feed (n.) [U] 即時動態 / 2019

Metropolitan (adj.) 大都市的 / 2021

Monitor (n.) [C] 監視器 Screen PP

On board 參與 Bring 2017

Pension fund (n.) [C] 養老基金 Superannuation fund 2015

Productivity (n.) [U] 生產率 Fecundity 2012

Programming (n.) [U] 編程 Coding 2012

Prospective customer
潛在客戶 Potential customer 2012
(n.) [C]
Public relations
公共關係 / 2013
(n.) [U] (PR)

Publicity (n.) [U] 宣傳活動 / 2021

Recruitment (n.) [U] 招聘 / 2022

Redesigned (v.) 重新設計 Redo 2021

Reputation (n.) 名聲 Statue 2015

Shortlisted (v.) 入圍 / 2022

Social network (n.) [U] 社交網絡 / 2012

Stewards (n.) [C] 組織者 / 2021

Strategy (n.) [C] 策略 Tactics PP

Technician (n.) [C] 技術員 / 2012

Transcript (n.) [C] 文字紀錄 / 2021

Video conferencing
視頻會議 Video call 2012
(n.) [U]

Food/ Health
Beverage (n.) [C] 飲料 Drink 2013

Calorie (n.) [C] 卡路里 / 2020

Depression (n.) [C/U] 抑鬱 Desperation PP

Deteriorate (v.) 惡化 Worsen 2019

Dietary (adj.) 飲食的 nutritive 2021

Disease (n.) [C] 疾病 Illness 2014

Disinfected (v.) 給...殺菌 / 2021

Emotional impact (n) [C] 情緒影響 / 2015

Freshness (n.) [U] 新鮮 Newness 2013

Hygiene (n.) [U] 衛生 Cleanliness 2021

Injection (n.) [C/U] 注射 Inoculation 2014

Peppermint (n.) [U] 薄荷 Mint 2016

Poisoning (n.) [U] 中毒 / 2021

Self-esteem (n.) [U] 自尊 Dignity PP

Spine (n.) [C] 刺 / 2020

Sprained (v.) 扭傷 / 2022

Starvation (n.) [U] 飢餓 Hunger

Stitch (n.) [C] 針 Threads 2014

Vaccinated (adj.) 疫苗接種 Inoculated 2014

Wallop (v.) / 2022

Social/ School
Academic (adj.) 學術的 Intellectual 2019

Assumption (n.) [C] 假設 Hypothesis PP

Characteristic (n.) [C] 特徵 Trait 2017

Coeducational (adj.) 男女同校制 / 2021

Comment (n.) [C] 評論 Remark

Committee (n.) [C] 委員會 Board 2017

Conduct research
進行研究 / 2013
(phrasal verb)

Council (n.) [C] 評議會 Assembly 2017

Definition (n.) [C] 定義 /

Efficiency (n.) [C] 效率 / 2012

Extra-curricular activity
課外活動 / 2012
(n.) [C]

Guesstimate (n.) [C] 粗略估算 Guess / Estimation SP

Impression (n.) [C] 印象 First-image 2017

Infrastructure (n.) [C] 基礎設施 / 2019

Initiative (n.) [C] 倡議 Proposal 2017

Institute (n.) [C] 研究所 / 學院 Organization 2021

Intention (n.) [C/U] 意圖 Purpose 2018

Interviewee (n.) [C] 受訪者 Respondent 2014

Measure (n.) [C] 措施 Action PP

Morality (n.) [C/U] 道德 Ethics 2018

Nuisance (n.) [C/U] 滋擾 Annoyance

Politician (n.) [C] 政治家 Lawmaker / Legislator 2017

Popularity (n.) [U] 流行程度 / 2016

Postal service (n.) [C] 郵政服務 / 2013

Predict (v.) 預測 Forecast 2012

Process (n.) [C] 過程 Procedure PP

Psychology (n.) [U] 心理學 / 2018

Purpose (n.) [C] 目的 Aim 2016

Research team (n.) [C] 研究團隊 / 2013

Scatter (v.) 分散 Disperse 2020

Sense of belonging (n.) 歸屬感 / 2019

Stationary (adj.) 靜止的 Motionless / Still 2014

Support my stance 支撐我的立場 / 2015

Suppose (v.) 認為有可能,猜想 Assume PP

Location/ Situation/ Time
Adopt (v.) 收養 / 2021

Audition (n.) [C] 試鏡 / 2015

Australia (n.) 澳大利亞 / 2013

Avenue (n.) [C] 街道 Road 2012

Bangkok (n.) 曼谷 / 2013

Boarding gate (n.) [C] 登機口 / 2013

Box office (n.) [C] 售票處 / 2015

Brazilian rainforest (n.) 巴西雨林 / 2020

Campsite (n.) [C] 營地 Campground 2020

Coast (n.) [C] 海濱 Seaside 2020

Countryside (n.) [U] 農村 Rural Area 2014

Destination (n.) [C] 目的地 Terminus 2013

District (n.) [C] 區 Region 2017

Era (n.) [C] 時代 Epoch 2017

Exhibition (n.) [C/U] Fair 2016
Exhibited (v.) 展出 Display 2022

Expedition (n.) [C] 遠征 Journey

Fast-food outlet (n.) [C] 速食店 / 2013

Fled (Flee) (v.) 逃跑 / 2021

Immigration desk
出入境通關口 / 2013
(n.) [C]

In perfect condition
在完美的狀況下 / 2016

Interval (n.) [C] 間隔 Interim 2015

Jungle (n.) [C/U] 叢林 Forest 2020

Lodge facility (n.) [C] 旅館設施 / 2020

Lounge (n.) [C] 休息室 /

Maze (n.) [C] 迷宮 Labyrinth 2018

Meditation room (n.) 禪堂 / 2013

Moslem prayer room (n.) 穆斯林祈禱室 / 2013

Muslim (n.) [C] 穆斯林 / 2013

Press conference (n.) [C] 新聞發布會 News conference 2012

Punctuality (n.) [U] 準時 On Time 2021

Remote area (n.) [C] 偏遠地區 Secluded spot 2019

Sanctuary (n.) [C] 庇護 Refuge 2021

Siberia (n.) 西伯利亞 / 2020

Singapore (n.) 新加坡 / 2013

Stadium (n.) [C] 體育場 Arena 2017

Sydney (n.) 悉尼 / 2013

Thailand (n.) 泰國 / 2013

The immediate area

鄰近地區 / 2020

Walkway (n.) [C] 人行道 Passageway 2013

Common Adjective/ Adverb
Accurate (adj.) 準確的 Precise SP

Additional (adj.) 外加的 Extra 2021

Adequate (adj.) 足夠的 Sufficient 2021

Airtight (adj.) 密封的 Sealed 2022

Amazing (adj.) 令人驚人喜的 Astounding

Apparently (adv.) 顯然 Seemingly 2017

Barbaric (adj.) 殘暴野蠻 Brutal 2014

Biodegradable (adj.) 能進行生物降解的 / 2022

Civilized (adj.) 文明 Educated 2014

Colorful (adj.) 豐富多彩的 Vibrant 2014

Complicated (adj.) 複雜 Complex 2018

Complimentary (adj.) 讚美的 / 2021

Contemporary (adj.) 當代的 Modern 2018

Controversial (adj.) 有爭議的 Contentious 2021

Cramped (adj.) 狹窄 Crammed

Cruel (adj.) 殘忍的 Callous 2014

Dramatically (adv.) 明顯地 Drastically 2014

Dread (adj.) 可怕的 Frightening 2012

Eco-friendly (adj.) 環保的 Green 2020

Equivalent (adj.) 等值的 Identical 2021

Established (adj.) 成立 Well-known 2015

Ethical (adj.) 道德的 Moral 2022

Exotic (adj.) 異國情調 Foreign 2014

Expensive (adj.) 昂貴的 Pricey 2016

Extraordinary (adj.) 意想不到的 Exceptional 2017

Fancy (adj.) 花哨的 Decorative 2014

Fierce (adj.) 兇猛 Aggressive 2017

Fishy (adj.) 腥 / 可疑的 Suspicious 2013

Frankly (adv.) 坦率地 Candidly 2022

Generous (adj.) 慷慨的 Magnanimous 2017

Genuine (adj.) 真正的 Authentic 2021

Glamorous (adj.) 富有魅力的 Alluring 2017

Grim (adj.) 嚴峻 Dire 2020

Have a sharp tongue

/ Be sharp-tongued 尖酸刻薄 Unkind SP

Historically (adv.)
/ 2014
Historical (adj.) 歷史的

Homely (adj.) 普通的 Unattractive 2022

Ideally (adv.) 理想地 Preferably 2017

Intolerant (adj.) 不容異說 /心胸狹隘 Narrow-minded 2017

Invariably (adv.) 總是 / 2021

Ironically (adv.) 諷刺地 /

Legendary (adj.) 傳奇的 / 名聲顯赫的 Famous 2017

Lengthy (adj.) 漫長的 / 2021

Life-threatening (adj.) 致命的 Deadly 2021

Lukewarm (adj.) 微溫的 Tepid 2013

Magnificent (adj.) 極好的 / 2022

Nasty (adj.) 可惡的 Unpleasant 2014

Obvious (adj.) 明顯的 Overt PP

Occasionally (adv.) 偶爾 Sometimes PP

Ordinary (adj.) 普通的 Typical 2016

Orphaned (adj.) 成為孤兒的 / 2021

Outdated (adj.) 過時的 Old-fashioned 2019

Particular (adj.) 特定 Specific 2017

Practical (adj.) 實際的 Constructive 2017

Prestigious (adj.) 有威望的 Reputable 2021

Presumably (adv.) 大概 Seemingly 2019

Priceless (adj.) 貴重的 / 無價的 Invaluable 2020

Rare (adj.) 稀有的 Uncommon 2014

Recognizable (adj.) 識別 Apparent 2016

(feel) Refreshed (adj.) Revitalized 2016
Refreshing (adj.) 清爽 Invigorating 2013

Retired (adj.) 退休 / 2017

Rotten (adj.) 腐爛的 Decayed 2020

Scared off Agitate 2020

(phrasal verb) Afraid 2017

Scared (adj.) 感到害怕 Daunting 2014
Scary (adj.)

Smelly (adj.) 臭 Stinking 2013

Spacious (adj.) 寬敞 Roomy 2013

Staggering (adj.) 令人咋舌 Astonishing 2012

Strange (adj.) 奇怪的 Weird 2014

Stray (adj.) 流浪 Homeless 2014

Striking (adj.) 引人注目 Attractive 2017

Stringy (adj.) 多筋的 Chewy 2013

Stunned (adj.) 目瞪口呆 Amazed 2022

Thermal (adj.) 熱的 / 2017

Tragically (adv.) 悲劇性 / 不幸地 Unfortunately 2016

Unanimously (adv.) 一致地 / 2021

Unbalanced (adj.) 不平衡的 / 不穩固的 Unstable 2014

Uncomfortable (adj.) 不舒服的 Awkward 2017

Underprivileged (adj.) 貧困的 / 無特權的 Needy 2021

Unfair (adj.) 不公平的 Unjust 2017

Unmistakable (adj.) 確定無疑的 Lucid 2020

Unusual (adj.) 異常的 Abnormal

Unwanted (adj.) 不需要的 Undesirable 2014

User-friendly (adj.) 方便使用的 Easy (to use) 2012

Violent (adj.) 暴力的 Savage 2018

Visual (adj.) 視覺上 / 2014

Vulnerable (adj.) 易受傷害的 Susceptible 2019

Workable (adj.) 可行的 Feasible SP

Wrecked (adj.) 受到嚴重破壞的 Smashed 2014

Common Noun
Agony (n.) [C/U] 極度痛苦 Pain 2022

Alternative (n.) [C] 可供選擇的解決辦法 Option 2022

Aspect (n.) [C] 方面 Perspectives 2018

Availability (n.) [U] 能出席、能參加 / 2019

Breach (n.) [C] 破壞 Violation 2021

Breed (n.) [C] 品種 2014

Contrast (n.) [C/U] 對比 Comparison 2014

Disgrace (n.) [U] 恥辱 Dishonor / Shame 2021

Downsides (n.) [C] 不利的以免 Drawbacks 2021

Elegance (n.) [U] 優雅 / 2021

Exhaustion (n.) [U] 筋疲力盡 / 2021

Invaders (n.) [C] 入侵者 Attacker 2022

Inventory (n.) [C] (某處的)物品清單 List 2022

SP P1 Q75 /
Literal meaning (n.) 字面意義 /
2015 P1 Q69
Maintenance (n.) [U] 維護/ 保養 Preservation

Migrant (n.) [C] 移民 Emigrant 2021

Nationality (n.) [C/U] 國籍 Citizenship 2017

Origin (n.) [C] 2016 / 2017
Originality (n.) [U] 獨創性 / 2015

Perception (n.) [C/U] 見解 Approach 2021

Permission (n.) [U] 允許 Approval 2019

Porcelain (n.) [U] 瓷 / 2022

Predecessor (n.) [C] 前輩 Precursor 2012

Preference (n.) [C/U] 偏愛 Inclination 2013

Procedures (n.) [C/U] 步驟 Steps 2021

Ramifications (n.) [C] 可能的後果 Consequences 2021

Recognition (n.) [C/U] 認同 Identification 2022

Refreshments (n.) [C/U] 茶點 / 2021

Refugee (n.) [C] 難民 / 2021

Demand / Obligation
Requirement (n.) [C] 要求 2017
/ Prerequisite

Route (n.) [C] 路線 Direction 2018

Specialism (n.) [C] Forte 2019
Specialist (n.) [C] 專家 Expert PP

Spectacle (n.) [C] 奇觀 / 2022

Substance (n.) [C] 物質/ 材料 Material 2022

Summary (n.) [C] 總結 Synopsis 2021

Terrorism (n.) [U] 恐怖主義 / 2021

Tribespeople (n.) [U] 部落成員 / 2021

Variety (n.) [C] 種類 Kind 2017

Volunteer (n.) [C] 自願參加者 / 志願者 / 2021

Common Verb
Abandon 放棄 Give Up 2014

Accomplish 完成/實現 Finish / Achieve 2012

Achieve 達到 Accomplish 2017

Acquired 取得 Obtain 2022

Advocate 擁護,支持,提倡 Support PP

Appeal to (everyone) 呼籲(大家) Urge SP

Arrange 安排 Organize 2014

Assess 評估 Estimate PP

Attend 出席 Show Up 2013

Be familiar with 熟悉 Acquaint with 2016

Be trapped 被困,陷入困境 Cornered / Ambushed

Bombarded 連續炮擊 Blast 2021

Capture 捕獲 Catch 2014

Chase 追趕 Run After 2014

Chuck it away 扔走 Throw It Away 2013

Claim 宣稱 Allege / Assert 2014

Consist 組成 Make up of PP

Contribute 貢獻 Give 2021

Convert 轉變 Change 2016

Cope 應付 Deal 2017

Darkened 變黑 Blacken 2021

Declined 減少 Decrease 2022

Distinguish 區分 Differentiate PP

Emitted 發出 Discharge 2022

Empower 授權 Entitle PP

Ensure 確保 Make Sure PP

Exceed 超過 / 2022

Fade 褪去 Disappear / Vanish 2016

Get sorted out 得到整理 Get Organized SP

Guide 指導 Lead / Direct PP

Integrate / 2021

Interfere 干預 Disturb 2022

Involve 涉及 Connect / Associate PP

Keep (everyone) Keep (everyone)

(讓每個人都)感興趣 2020
entertained interested

Kick off 開始 Start / Commence SP

Modify 調整 Adapt / Adjust PP

Nod off 打瞌睡 Doze 2015

Outlining 勾勒 / 2021

Overlook 忽視,沒注意到 Neglect / Ignore 2019

Overstepped 超越 Meddle 2022

Patronized 表現高傲 Humiliate PP

Perpetuate 延續 Maintain / Preserve 2015

Predicts 預言 Forecast 2022

Prohibited 禁止 Forbid 2022

Prompt 迅速的 Quick 2022

Reckon 認為 Think / Believe

Release 釋放 Free 2014

Represent 代表 Speak for 2017

Retrieve 找回 Recover 2021

Rotating 旋轉 Twirl 2022

Stick to 依照 Abide by 2014

Suffer 遭受 Endure PP

增加收入 Increase 2016
(one's income)

Tranquillized 使人鎮定 Sedate 2014

Vow 發誓 Promise / Swear 2020

Withdrawing 抽回 Remove 2021

Witness 看到,目睹 See 2017

Worship 崇拜 Admire 2013

Yelp 喊叫 Shout 2014

Common Phrase
A creepy coincidence 令人毛骨悚然的巧合 / 2020

A drastic increase 急劇增加 / 2012

A remarkable
一個驚人的發現 / 2020

Achieve instant fame 實現一舉成名 / 2015

Be consolidated into 合併成 / 2012

Be converted to 被轉換為 / 2016

Bold statement 大膽的聲明 / 2012

Continuing fame 繼續成名 / 2016

Dispel the myth 打消錯誤觀念 Disprove the myth 2015

Drift off 迷迷糊糊 Drowse PP

Effective means 有效的手段 / 2012

Get big-headed 自負的 / 傲慢的 Arrogant SP

In contact with 在接觸 / 2012

In the vast majority of 在絕大多數的 / 2015

Advantages and
Pros and cons 利弊 2019

Serious consequences 嚴重的後果 / 2020

Smashed Up 被暴力破壞的觀念 / 2022

The slaughter of
(音樂行業)的沒落 / 2015
(music industry)

Tips of icebergs 冰山一角 / 2020


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