OGE Vocabgrammar Sample

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Table of contents

Family and friends......................................................................................................................................... 5

Vocabulary ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Vocabulary list ........................................................................................................................................15
Word webs ..............................................................................................................................................16
Writing ....................................................................................................................................................17
Speaking ..................................................................................................................................................18
Grammar .................................................................................................................................................20
Homes and cities .........................................................................................................................................27
Vocabulary ..............................................................................................................................................27
Vocabulary list ........................................................................................................................................35
Word webs ..............................................................................................................................................36
Writing ....................................................................................................................................................37
Speaking ..................................................................................................................................................38
Grammar .................................................................................................................................................40
Daily routine and school life .......................................................................................................................48
Vocabulary ..............................................................................................................................................48
Vocabulary list: .......................................................................................................................................59
Word webs ..............................................................................................................................................60
Writing ....................................................................................................................................................61
Speaking ..................................................................................................................................................63
Grammar .................................................................................................................................................67
Sports and healthy lifestyle .........................................................................................................................74
Vocabulary ..............................................................................................................................................74
Vocabulary list ........................................................................................................................................85
Word webs ..............................................................................................................................................86
Writing ....................................................................................................................................................87
Speaking ..................................................................................................................................................89
Grammar .................................................................................................................................................91
Shopping and clothes ..................................................................................................................................98
Vocabulary ..............................................................................................................................................98
Vocabulary list ......................................................................................................................................110
Word webs ............................................................................................................................................111
Writing ..................................................................................................................................................112

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Speaking ................................................................................................................................................113
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................115
Free time and mass media .........................................................................................................................121
Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................................121
Vocabulary list ......................................................................................................................................134
Word webs ............................................................................................................................................135
Writing ..................................................................................................................................................136
Speaking ................................................................................................................................................139
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................144
Work and English ......................................................................................................................................150
Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................................150
Vocabulary list ......................................................................................................................................165
Word webs ............................................................................................................................................166
Writing task ...........................................................................................................................................167
Speaking task ........................................................................................................................................169
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................171
Transport and travel ..................................................................................................................................177
Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................................177
Vocabulary list ......................................................................................................................................193
Word webs ............................................................................................................................................194
Writing ..................................................................................................................................................195
Speaking ................................................................................................................................................197
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................199
Celebrations and food ...............................................................................................................................205
Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................................205
Vocabulary list ......................................................................................................................................219
Word webs ............................................................................................................................................220
Writing ..................................................................................................................................................221
Speaking ................................................................................................................................................223
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................225
Technology ................................................................................................................................................231
Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................................231
Vocabulary list ......................................................................................................................................246
Word webs ............................................................................................................................................247
Writing ..................................................................................................................................................248

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Speaking ................................................................................................................................................250
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................252
Weather and ecology .................................................................................................................................258
Vocabulary ............................................................................................................................................258
Vocabulary list ......................................................................................................................................272
Word webs ............................................................................................................................................273
Writing ..................................................................................................................................................274
Speaking ................................................................................................................................................277
Grammar ...............................................................................................................................................279
References .................................................................................................................................................285

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Family and friends


Exercise 1
Look at the Simpsons’ family tree. Find Bart. Can you name his family members?
Example: Homer is Bart’s father.

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Exercise 2
Put the family members below into three groups:
aunt, brother, child, cousin, daughter, father, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather,
grandmother, grandparent, grandson, husband, mother, nephew, niece, parent, sister, son, uncle,

male ♂ female ♀ male or female ♂ ♀

What is the short form for: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather?

What is the plural for: child?

Exercise 3

Read grammar. Then complete the sentences with the correct family member in the
Simpsons family:

a) Abraham is Herb's father.

b) Jaquie is Maggie's ___________.
c) Selma is Bart's ___________.
d) Ling is Lisa's ___________.
e) Homer is Maggie's ___________.
f) Herb is Homer's ___________.
g) Mona is Homer's ___________.
h) Bart is Herb's ___________.
i) Lisa and Bart are Abraham and Mona's ___________.
j) Jaquie and Clancy are Patty's ___________.
k) Lisa is Marge's ___________.
l) Homer is Mona's ___________.

Write 5 more sentences about Bart’s family.

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Exercise 4
Draw your family tree and write names of your family members.
Write 10 sentences about your family similar to the ones in ex. 3

Exercise 5
Look at the pictures a) - c). Guess the relationships between people. Then read the texts
about them and check.

a) Sonya: My grandma is the best! She is ninety-five years old. She's short and thin. She's
got short grey hair and brown eyes. When I was a child, I went to her country house in
summer to spend my holidays. She's a very kind and nice person. She’s always there for
me. Every time I visit her, she makes my favourite food – chicken soup and apple pie.
She tells me stories about when she was young and shows me pictures of our family. My
grandma also likes to knit. She made me a scarf last winter that kept me warm all season.
When I'm feeling down, she knows just what to say to make me feel better. She has a lot
of wisdom from her years of experience. My grandma is the best listener too. She always
listens to me when I talk and gives me good advice. She's my role model and I hope to be
like her one day.

b) Jake: This is my small brother Rick. He's only 4 years old. He has got blond hair and big
blue eyes. He's really funny, nice and charming. My brother is still learning how to talk
properly but he can say many words now. He likes to ask a lot of questions and he is very
curious about the world around him. He always wants to know why things are the way
they are and how they work. Even though my brother can be naughty sometimes, he is
still very lovable. He likes to give hugs and kisses and he is always happy to see us. I
love spending time with him and teaching him new things.

c) Stacy: My husband is really hard-working and I rarely see him at home. He has got dark
hair, green eyes, a moustache and a beard. He likes doing sport and he is fit. He is
intelligent and he can sometimes be shy. My husband loves sports, especially football and
basketball. He also likes to watch movies and read books. He is always learning new
things and trying to improve himself.
He works hard every day to provide for our family. He has a job as an accountant and he
is very good at it. He likes to save money and invest wisely. He is very responsible with
our finances.

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Exercise 6
Read the questions and say in which text you can find answers to them. There’s one extra
question that doesn’t have an answer:
1. Which person says his/her relative works a lot?
2. Which person says his/her relative can misbehave sometimes?
3. Which person says his/her relative is quite old?
4. Which person says he/she sometimes quarrels with his/her relative?

Exercise 7
Look back at the texts in ex. 5 and find words to describe:

eyes hair appearance character

big short thin kind

What other words can you add to each column?

Exercise 8
Look at Bart’s family tree in ex. 1 and correct the sentences:
a) Ling's hair is blonde.
Ling's hair isn't blonde. It's dark.
b) Marge has got short hair.
c) Clancy's hair is red.
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d) Mona is young.
e) Lisa is big.
f) Bart’s eyes are green.
Add words to the columns in ex.6 from ex. 7.

Exercise 9
Look back at your family tree and describe your family members’ appearance and
character to your partner.

Exercise 10
Look at the pictures of these actors and describe their appearance:

Exercise 11
Are you like any of your family members in character?
Look through the list of adjectives. Which ones do you know? Which are new for you?

Exercise 12
Find words in the list for these definitions:
a) feeling sure about oneself and one's abilities
b) behaving in a pleasant and kind way towards others
c) causing laughter; humorous
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d) relaxed, not easily upset or worried

e) working a lot
f) telling the truth and not cheating others
g) able to learn quickly
h) not wanting to work or use energy
i) unpleasant
j) feeling worried about something
k) pleasant, enjoyable, or attractive; kind and friendly
l) liked by many people
m) thinking only about with one's own interests or benefits
n) thoughtful
o) feeling nervous around other people, especially in social situations
p) enjoying the company of others; friendly

Are there any opposites in this list?

Which adjectives are negative and which are positive?
Which of them can you use to describe yourself? Your family members? Your best friend?

Exercise 13
Choose the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

a) She was so arrogant/confident that no one wanted to talk to her.

b) The new neighbors seem very friendly/nasty and welcoming.
c) My dad always tells funny/selfish jokes during family dinners.
d) My boss is easy-going/hard-working and never gets upset about small mistakes.
e) My mom has always been a hard-working/sociable woman who does everything for her
f) He is a very intelligent/honest student who always gets good grades.
g) On the weekends, I like to be lazy/kind and spend the day watching TV in my pajamas.
h) The naughty/friendly child drew on the walls with pencils while his parents were not
i) I always get nervous/nasty before exams.
j) The nice/lazy lady at the store helped me find what I was looking for.
k) The popular/arrogant girl at school is friends with everyone and always throws amazing
l) She was selfish/happy and didn’t share the last piece of cake with anyone.
m) The doctor looked very serious/sociable when discussing my test results with me.
n) The shy/intelligent boy had problems making friends at school.

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Exercise 14
Fill in the chart. Make negative forms where possible:

noun verb adjective adverb

attractiveness attract attractive, unattractive attractively

- arrogant

- confidently
fit, unfit -
- friendly
- happy, unhappy
honesty -
- intelligent
- unkind
laziness -
- nervously

person -
- pleasant, unpleasant
- selfishly
seriousness -
- sociable, unsociable

What negative prefixes are used in this table? What is the most often used negative prefix?

Exercise 15
Read the dialogues and think which personality adjectives or nouns formed from them you
will use to fill in the gaps. The first letter of each word is given to help you:

a) Sophie: "Why are you always so a______________?"

Tom: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look that way. I'll work on it."
b) Emma: "I'm not feeling very c___________ about this presentation."
Jack: "Don't worry.. Just take a deep breath and do your best."
c) Lily: "You seem really f___________. Can we be friends?"
Max: "Of course! I'm always h__________ to make new friends."
d) Lucy: "I need you to be h_________ with me. Did I do something wrong?"
Adam: "Yes, you did. But it's okay, we can work through it together."
e) Olivia: "You're so i_____________. How do you know so much?"
Daniel: "I just like to read and learn new things. It's a hobby of mine."
f) Sophia: "You're really k___________. Thank you for helping me."
Ethan: "No problem, it was my pleasure."
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g) Ava: "Why are you so l_______? You never do anything."

Noah: "I don't know, I just don't feel very motivated lately. I'll try to do better."
h) Grace: "I'm feeling really n__________ about the exam tomorrow."
Leo: "Don't worry, you've studied hard and you'll do great."
i) Emily: "You're so s___________. How do you meet so many people?"
Luke: "I just enjoy talking to new people and making connections. It's fun.

Now close the words that you filled in. Try to remember them.
Close the full sentence leaving only the target word. Can you remember the dialogue?

Exercise 16
Do you think there’s a connection between a person’s character and his position in the
family (if his the eldest/youngest or middle child)? Read the text to find it out:
The position we hold in our family can have a
significant impact on our character. Let's take a
closer look at how being the eldest, youngest, or
middle child can shape who we are.

If you're the eldest child, you may be confident

and hard-working. You were the first to
experience everything, from starting school to
getting a job, so you tend to be more responsible
and independent. However, you may also be
bossy or arrogant, as you're used to being in

Youngest children (like the only children in the family), on the other hand, are often seen as
sociable and easy-going. They enjoy being the center of attention and can be quite energetic and
playful. However, they may also be lazy or selfish, as they're used to others doing things for

Middle children are known for being friendly and sociable. They tend to be peacemakers and are
good at negotiating and compromising. They're also independent, but not to the same extent as
the eldest child. However, they may feel neglected or overlooked, which can make them feel
nervous or shy.

Of course, these are just generalizations, and every person is unique. Our character is influenced
by many factors, including our upbringing, environment, and experiences. It's important not to
stereotype people based on their birth order, but rather get to know them as individuals.
What is your position in the family? Do you agree with your description from the text?

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Exercise 17
Read the text in ex. 16 again and mark the sentences as true, false or not stated:
1. Being the eldest child can make you keep your promises more and not depend on other
2. Eldest children usually wish they weren't born first.
3. Youngest children don't like to be noticed.
4. Only children are always lazy and selfish.
5. Middle children are less independent than the eldest child.
6. Our character is only influenced by our birth order.
7. It's important to know a person's position in the family.

Exercise 18
Describe the characters of these people
 Your sister or brother
 One of your neighbours
 One of your classmates
 Your best friend
 Your parents
Who would you like to spend a day with? Why?

Exercise 19
For each question, fill the space in the sentence using the base word given in the bold at the
end. The required word may be a noun, adverb, adjective or verb and it may be either
positive (e.g. helpful) or negative (e.g. unhelpful).

(1)______________ is what makes us unique and different from one PERSON

another. Some people are (2) ______________ and kind, while others FRIEND
can be (3) ______________ or dishonest. It's important to be true to PLEASURE
yourself and understand yourself.

Being (4) ______________ and (5) ______________ can also make ATTRACTIVELY
you feel good about yourself. It's important to take care of your body by FITNESS
exercising and eating healthy foods. This can give you more energy and
make you feel more (6) ______________. ENERGY

Having a (7) ______________ and funny personality can make you CHARM
popular with others. People like to be around those who can make them

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laugh and feel good. However, it's important to remember to not be too
(8) ______________ or (9) ______________ hurt others with your LOUDNESS
humor. SERIOUS

In conclusion, everyone has their own unique personality that makes

them special. Just remember to always be true to yourself and treat
others with (10) ______________. KIND

Exercise 20
Translate into English using active vocabulary from this unit:
a) Отвечая на твой вопрос про лучшего друга, это мой одноклассник Макс. Ему 15 лет и
он высокий. Он любит спорт, поэтому он подтянутый. У него светлые короткие
волосы и голубые глаза. Мы вместе играем в компьютерные игры, он умный и
уверенный в себе. Еще у него легкий характер, но иногда он бывает ленивым.
b) Моя семья большая. У меня нет бабушек и дедушек, зато у меня много дядь, теть и
двоюродных братьев и сестер. Каждый праздник мы собираемся дома у моих
родителей, бабушка печет пирог, мама и моя сестра убирают квартиру, а я в это время
гуляю возле дома. Они говорят, что я не очень работящий и мне лучше просто не
находиться дома, когда они готовятся к визиту родственников.
c) Мой сосед Боб – самый веселый человек, которого я встречал! Он очень хорошо
шутит и всегда счастливый. Он любит общаться и заводить новых друзей, но иногда
он бывает заносчивым.
d) Что насчет меня, то у меня рыжие волосы и зеленые глаза. У меня длинные волнистые
волосы, и я не высокая. Я худая, потому что мало ем. Мои подруги говорят, что я
очень дружелюбная и добрая, но иногда я бываю злой, особенно когда голодная.
e) У меня есть сестра, но нет брата. Она маленькая, ей всего 4 года. Но она очень
капризная и постоянно просит покупать ей кукол. У неё маленькие темные глаза и
короткие каштановые волосы. Она скромная и боится, когда кто-то приходит к нам
домой. А еще она очень эгоистичная и не любит делиться своими игрушками.

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Vocabulary list

family members: aunt, brother, child, cousin, daughter, father, grandchild, granddaughter,
grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, grandson, husband, mother, nephew, niece, parent, sister,
son, uncle, wife
appearance: attractive, bald, beard, beautiful, big, black, blond, blue, brown, charming, curly,
dark, fit, green, grey, handsome, long, moustache, old, overweight, red, small, short, straight,
strong, thin, wavy, young
character: arrogant, confident, friendly, funny, easy-going, energetic, happy, hard-working,
honest, intelligent, kind, lazy, loud, nasty, naughty, nervous, nice, pleasant, popular, selfish,
serious, shy, sociable

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Word webs

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Email 1

You have received an email message from your English-speaking friend Ann:
From: Ann@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@oge.ru
Subject: My family
… I look totally like my mum! We have the same blue eyes and long blonde hair. And I have the
same character – I’m energetic and easy-going like her. But sometimes I can be bossy too.
… Who do you look like more – your mother or your father? Do you have the same personality
as your parents do? Do you like spending time with your parents?
Write a message to Ann and answer her 3 questions.
Write 100 – 120 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

Email 2

You have received an email message from your English-speaking friend Pete:
From: Pete@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@oge.ru
Subject: My best friend
… I quarreled with my best friend and now we don’t talk! It’s such a pain. I love her and I want
to be friends with her again. She’s so nice and charming!
… What kind of person is your best friend? How does he/she look? What do you like doing
together in your free time?
Write a message to Pete and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100 – 120 words.

Remember the rules of email writing.

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Paper A
Task 1

You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for
reading aloud.

Families are important to everyone. A family is a group of people who love and care for each
other. They can be big or small, but they all have something in common: they share a special
bond. Family members can include parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and
more. Each member has a unique role in the family. Parents take care of their children and teach
them important things.
No matter what kind of family you have, it is important to love and respect each other. Families
are there to support us through good times and bad. So, cherish your family and the special bond
that you share!

Task 2
You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Electronic assistant: Who do you look like more – your father or your mother?
Electronic assistant: Do you have brother or sisters?
Electronic assistant: Do you have good relationships in your family?
Electronic assistant: How do you spend time together with your family?
Electronic assistant: Is there anything you don’t like about your parents?
Electronic assistant: What would you recommend to your friends who have bad relationships
with their parents?

Task 3.
You are going to give a talk about your family. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:
 how big your family is;
 who you look like in your family;
 if your personality is similar to your mom’s or dad’s one;
 what your attitude to spending time with your family is;

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Paper B
Task 1

You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for
reading aloud.
Friendship is important for everyone. It's great to have friends to talk to and share things with.
Here are some tips on how to be a good friend and make new friends.
1. Be kind and helpful. If your friend needs help, try to help them if you can. If they are feeling
sad, listen to them and try to make them feel better. Small acts of kindness can go a long way in
building a strong friendship.
2. Be a good listener. When your friend talks to you, really listen to what they are saying. Show
that you care by asking questions and giving them your full attention. This will help your friend
feel valued and supported.
3. Remember, friendships take time and effort to build. But with patience and kindness, you can
create lasting friendships that will enrich your life.

Task 2
You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Electronic assistant: How many friends do you have?
Electronic assistant: Do you have a best friend?
Electronic assistant: What do you and your friends like doing in your free time?
Electronic assistant: Do you often see your friends?
Electronic assistant: If your friend has some problems, do you help him or her to solve these
Electronic assistant: What would you recommend to a person who quarreled with his best

Task 3.
You are going to give a talk about your family. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

 what people need friends for;

 how long you and your friend have known each other;
 what you enjoy doing together;
 what your attitude to friendship is.
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1) Plural nouns

We all arrived at the park early in the morning and set up our picnic
blanket. The __________1 were excited and eager to play, while the adults CHILD
were busy unpacking the food and drinks. There were ____________2,
chips, and cookies. SANDWICH

The _________3 were running around and playing games. It was a joy to CHILD
see them having so much fun.

After lunch, the ________4 and _________5 split up to do different WOMAN,

___________6. MAN
Some of the ___________7 took the __________8 to play at the ACTIVITY
playground, while the _________9 were playing a game of frisbee. It was a WOMAN,
great opportunity for everyone to spend time together. CHILD
Our family picnic was a memorable experience that brought us all closer
together. It was heartwarming to see the ________10 having so much fun CHILD
and the adults enjoying each other's company. I hope we can have another
picnic soon and create more __________11 together. MEMORY

2) Pronouns

How do you spend time with ______1 family? YOU

I work out with ______2 family members. I

______3 parents teach ______4 to exercise. I, I
I love spending time with ______5. THEY

When do you give each other presents?

We don’t need a special day to give presents to each other.______6 father
usually brings some souvenirs from ______7 business trips and ______8 HE, I
mother can buy something for ______9 if she sees beautiful things while WE

What do you do to help your parents about the house?

I throw away ______10 garbage, sort ______11 clothes and set the table for I, I
______12 family meals. WE

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3) Numerals

______1 impressions are often based on a person’s appearance, but it’s ONE
important to remember that appearance is not everything. While it’s true
that a person’s ______2 impression can be influenced by their physical
appearance, it’s the ______3 and ______4 impressions that really matter. ONE
The ______5 impression is where we start to see the real person. We begin
to notice their speech and their body language. But it’s the ______6 TWO
impression that is really important because we have spent enough time with THREE
the person to truly understand who they are.

4) Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives

What pets are most popular in your country?

Cats and dogs are the ______1 pets in Russia. Cats are perfect to live with POPULAR
in a small apartment. Dogs can be amazing friends. Their owners are
______2 and less likely to experience depression. Russian people also love ACTIVE
hamsters, rats and mice. Unfortunately, the lifespan of small rodents is
usually only a couple of years. Guinea pigs, rabbits and chinchillas may
live ______3, but for various reasons rarely survive the age of 5–7 years. LONG

5) Present Simple + numerals

Do you enjoy having family meals, and why yes or no? On what occasions
do you have special family meals? Who is the best cook in your family?

I enjoy having family meals because they give me an opportunity to spend

time with my nearest and dearest. My mother ______1 that we ______2 a SAY
special occasion to gather, so we have them as often as possible. As for NOT NEED
your _________3 question, my father is the best cook in my family. He THREE
________4 much time to cook, but sometimes he ______5 making NOT HAVE
something delicious. ENJOY

6) Past Simple

I _______1 my best friend six years ago. I _______2 to a new city and I MEET, MOVE
_______3 really nervous about my first day in a new school. When I BE
_______4 a classroom, I _______5 that only one seat _______6 free, ENTER, SEE,
and it _____7 next to a girl who is my best friend now. BE, BE

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7) Present Simple and Past Simple + numerals

…What kind of person is your best friend? When and where did you meet?
How do you spend time together?

My best friend ______1 kind and helpful. He always ______2 and _______3 BE, SUPPORT

We ______4 at a party. My cousin ______5 a birthday celebration, and

Kirill ______6 to congratulate him. As for your _______7 question, we MEET, HAVE
enjoy different ways of spending time together. Sometimes my friend COME, THREE
______8 to my place and we watch movies and play computer games.

8) Future simple

My friend is having a birthday party next week and I don’t know which
present to give her. She has so many interests and hobbies! Maybe I BUY
______1 a book for her because she’s fond of reading. However, I don’t
think I _______2 something she hasn’t read yet, so it’s a bad idea. I have to CHOOSE
think it over.

9) Present Perfect

Family conflicts ______ always _______1, and they continue to occur in EXIST
every society today. In my experience as a teenager, I _______2 through GO
lots of them. For example, I ______ just ______3 an argument with my HAVE
mom. She’s angry because I _________4 the dishes! NOT DO

10) Present Perfect and Past Perfect

My best friend and I _______1 each other for years, and our friendship KNOW
_______2 a constant source of joy and support in my life. Looking back, I BE
can see how much our friendship _______3 over time, thanks to the GROW
challenges we _______4 together. When we first met, we _______ already FACE
_______5 through many experiences that ________6 who we were as LIVE, SHAPE

11) Present Continuous

My younger sister is a constant source of entertainment and amusement in

my life. Right now, she ________1 through a phase where she is interested GO
in unicorns and rainbows, and she loves nothing more than dressing up in
bright clothes and pretending to be a magical creature.

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023


At the moment, she ________2 on the floor and _________3 on a new SIT, WORK
costume for her latest imaginary adventure.

12) Past Continuous

As I walked into the coffee shop, I saw her. She ________1 at a table by the SIT
window. She ________2 a simple white T-shirt and jeans, but there was WEAR
something about her that caught my eye.

While we ________3, I noticed that she had a warm and welcoming smile.
She was easy to talk to and had a great sense of humour. That’s why our TALK
conversation ________4 effortlessly.

13) Conditional 1

If we all gather together for Thanksgiving dinner this year, we ________1 CONTINUE
our family tradition of sharing what we’re thankful for. It’s a simple but
powerful way to connect with one another and to remind ourselves of the
good things in life. This year, with everyone’s busy schedules, it’s been
hard to arrange a meeting. However, if we all commit to setting aside the
time and meet, it ________2 worth it in the end. BE

14) Conditional 2

If my grandmother ________1 still alive, I would love to spend a day with BE

her and hear more about her life experiences. She was a remarkable woman
who had lived through some of the most significant events of the 20th
century. Despite facing many challenges and hardships throughout her life,
my grandmother always had a positive outlook. If I ________2 an HAVE
opportunity, I would ask her about what it was like growing up during the
Great Depression and how she managed to stay positive during such
difficult times. Most of all, I _________3 her how much she meant to me. TELL

15) I wish

Do you approve of keeping wild animals as pets, why or why not? What pet
do you have or would you like to have?

I don’t approve of keeping wild animals as pets. I believe that it is cruel and
dangerous. I wish I ________1 an opportunity to prohibit this violent HAVE
fashion. As for your second question, I have a dog. His name is Jack and I
love him so much. However, I would like to have more pets. I wish I LIVE
2 3
________ in the countryside and ________ a big animal shelter to help HAVE
homeless dogs.

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023


16) Passive Voice

Good relationships in a family ________1 on trust, communication, and BUILD

respect. When trust ________2, family members feel safe and secure with ESTABLISH
one another. Communication is also important for healthy family
relationships. When family members communicate openly and honestly,
conflicts and misunderstandings ________3 much faster. RESOLVE

17) Participles

________1 through the park, I noticed my best friend ________2 on a WALK, SIT
bench, ________3 a book. ________4 brightly, I approached him and sat READ, SMILE
down. My friend put the book down to greet me. _________5 about our CHAT
day, we soon got into a deep conversation about our goals and ambitions in
life. _________6 intently, my friend encouraged me to chase my dreams LISTEN
and never give up.

18) Reported Speech

Last weekend, my family and I spent some quality time together doing
various activities. My mom suggested that we take a hike in the nearby
mountains. She said that she _______1 about a new trail that led to a READ
beautiful waterfall, and she thought it ________2 a great experience. My BE
dad agreed and added that it ________3 a good opportunity to get some BE
exercise and fresh air.

19) Revision 1

I would like to talk about my ________1 friend and the importance of GOOD

As human beings, we all need friends in our ________2. Friends are there LIFE
to support us, to make ____3 laugh, and to share ____4 joys and sorrows. WE, WE

I am fortunate enough to have a ________5 friend who ________6 with me GOOD, BE

throughout all the ups and downs of life. We ________7 each other for over KNOW
a decade now, and our friendship has only grown ________8 with time. STRONG

One of the things that I enjoy doing with my best friend is traveling. We
________9 on many trips together, exploring new places and experiencing BE
new cultures. We also enjoy watching movies, trying out new restaurants,
and just hanging out and chatting.

In conclusion, I believe that having a best friend is one of the ________10 GREAT
blessings in life. It is a relationship that requires effort and commitment,

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023


but the rewards are immeasurable. So, cherish your friendships, and never
take them for granted. Thank you.

20) Revision 2

Family ___1 the backbone of ___2 society. It is the _______3 institution that BE, WE, ONE
we are born into and the one that ________4 our values, beliefs, and SHAPE
attitudes. It is where we learn the meaning of love, respect, and

I ____5 lucky to have a wonderful family that has always been there for
____6. We enjoy doing many things together, such as cooking, playing BE
board games, and watching movies. We also love to travel and explore new I

I believe that family is the _________7 thing in life. It is the one thing that
we can always count on, no matter what happens. It is the one thing that IMPORTANT
________8 us strength and courage to face the challenges of life.
I urge everyone to cherish their ________9and never take them for granted.
Spend time with your loved ones, create _________10, and build strong FAMILY
bonds that will last a lifetime. MEMORY

21) Revision 3

Personality traits are the ________1 that define who we are as individuals. QUALITY
They shape our behavior, attitudes, and beliefs, and determine how we
interact with others. Some of the most important personality traits include
honesty, integrity, empathy, and kindness.

Honesty is the foundation of all relationships. It is the quality that

________2 us to trust and be trusted by others. Integrity is the consistency ALLOW
between _____3 words and actions. It is the quality that ________4 us to be WE
true to ourselves and to _______5 values. ALLOW, WE

Kindness and empathy are the ________6 that allow us to connect with QUALITY
others on a deeper level. They are the ________7 that allow us to QUALITY
understand and appreciate the feelings and perspectives of others.

On the other hand, there are some personality traits that I dislike, such as
dishonesty, selfishness, and arrogance. ________8 traits can damage THIS
relationships and create unnecessary conflicts.

In my opinion, character is the __________9 thing in life. It __________10 IMPORTANT,

our success and happiness in life. It ________11 us to build meaningful DETERMINE
relationships and to make a positive impact on the world. ALLOW

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023


22) Revision 4

Appearance is something that we can't change so easily. Sometimes, we

want to be ________1, thinner, or have a different hair color. However, it is TALL
important to remember that we _______2 all unique and beautiful in BE
_______3 own way. WE

Personally, I wish I _______4 be more confident about my appearance. I CAN

often compare myself to others and feel insecure about my body shape or
my skin. It _______5 me hours to decide what to wear because I want to TAKE
look pretty. And I am never satisfied with the result.
My _________6 sister doesn’t have such a problem. She is six years old. As YOUNG
all ___________7 do, she just enjoys life around her and CHILD
________________________8 what insecurity means. NOT
I wish I _____________9 the same attitude. HAVE

© Кузнецова Ирина & Блинова Линда, 2023

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