A1.1 Spoken Exam

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A 1.

1 Spoken Exam Questions

1. Introduce yourself and others using basic information (name, surname, age, phone
number, country of origin)
2. Talk about object you have on your desk at home.
3. Describe everyday objects you own (everyday adjectives from Unit 2)
4. Describe how you feel when: you don't eat for 12 hours/ you get a beautiful gift/ you
watch a scary movie/ you have nothing to do/ your pet is ill
5. Talk about your daily routine on a weekday/ at the weekend
6. Think of someone you know very well. What is their daily routine?
7. Think of 4 questions you would ask someone you just met
8. What's the time and date?
9. When do you have English classes?
10. How often do you: go on holidays/travel abroad/ read books/ work out/ go to the
11. Talk about your skills (what you can and can't do)

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