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Story time:

A at the same time born group of birds
²: n c
Family with a lot of children, used humorously.
_ i have a brood of grandchildren.

A duck chick

To move in a line

Cheep: v i
Young bird making weak noise
_ the chicks helplessly cheeped for food.

Feeble: adj
_ his voice sounded feeble.
_ a feeble young foal trying its best to stand on its feet.
_ he nodded feebly
²: adj
Not very good or effective.
_ our teacher gave a feeble lesson today.
_ that's a feeble excuse.
_ he tired feebly to explain.
It Wasn't effective.

Step ( American English)
Tread V i: trod, trodden.
To put your foot in or on something while walking.
_ sorry for having trodden on your hand.
_ sorry for having stepped on your hand.

The one of two front legs of animals
Forearm ‫ساعد‬

Nestle: v i
To sit or lie down in a comfortable position especially by pressing against them. Cuddle.
_ i hugged the rabbit and that nestled against my chest.
²: v t
To put or hold something like that.
_ she nestled her baby in her arms.
_ she nestled her head against her shoulder.

_ the child snuggle up in her mom's arm.

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