Conditional Sentences-9

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1) Iron/rust/it/get/wet

2) Ice/float/you/drop/it/in water
3) You/gain/weight/eat fast food
4) You/study/hard/you/get/good/grades
5) You/eat well/ you look healthy
6) Water/evaporates/boil it
7) If you pull a cat’s tail, it __________________ you
8) If you add sugar, it ________________ sweet
9) If I go home late, mother_____________ me
10) If you mix red and white you __________ orange
11) If he forgets to take lunch, he___________ a sandwich
12) If dad is free, he _____________ us out
13) When it is cloudy I ____________ an umbrella
14) If I miss the school bus, my father ____________ me
15) If babies are hungry, they _____________
16) If it rains, plants ____________ well
17) If the weather is good, we ________________________________________
18) If you come to my birthday party, we __________________________________________
19) If I won the lottery, I _______________________
20) If you practice well, you ___________________________________________
21) If you don’t hurry, you ______________________________________
22) If you eat a lot of fruits, you _____________________________________
23) If I go to Paris, I ______________________________________
24) If I have time, I _______________________________________
25) If she stops eating sweets, she _______________________________
26) If I have a doubt, I ____________________________________
27) What will happen if you touch a live electric wire?
28) What will happen if you go out in the sun?
29) What will happen if you drive a vehicle rashly?
30) Who will help you if you are sick?
31) Where will you go if you have a holiday?
32) What will you do when it is very cold?
33) What will you do if your neighbour plays loud music?
34) What will you see if you visit New York?
35) What will you do if you find a hundred rupee note in the street?
36) How will you feel if you fail an exam?
37) If I had a lot of money, I _________________________________________________
38) If I were a bird, I _______________________________________________________
39) If you did exercise, you__________________________________________________
40) If you studied hard, you __________________________________________________
41) If I had a car, I __________________________________________________________
42) If I were rich, I __________________________________________________________
43) If I failed the exam, I _____________________________________________________
44) If you ate junk food, you __________________________________________________
45) If you started early, you ___________________________________________________
46) If I were a singer, I _______________________________________________________
47) If I had more time, I ______________________________________________________
48) If I visited the USA, I _____________________________________________________
49) If I grew fat, I ___________________________________________________________
50) If she wore nice cloths, she _________________________________________________
51) If Sara had money, she ____________________________________________________
52) If he performed well, he___________________________________________________
53) If you paid attention, you _______________________________
54) If you were regular to class, you ________________________
55) If people were kinder, the world______________________________________
56) If you had studied hard, you ___________________________________
57) If I had taken medicine, I _________________________________
58) If she had asked me, I ______________________________________
59) If she had left the house early, she _________________________________
60) If you had been careful, you ________________________________________________
61) If I had saved some money, I ______________________________________________
62) If I had known you were coming, I _____________________________________
63) If she had got seat in a medical college, she _____________________________________
64) If she had helped me with the money, I _______________________________________
65) If you had driven carefully, you _____________________________________
66) If they had come earlier, they ______________________________________
67) If we had played better, we ______________________________
68) If you had locked the car, it ______________________________
69) If you have had experience, you __________________________________
70) We didn’t go to the movie theatre early, so we didn’t get tickets
71) We didn’t have enough money, so we didn’t go on a holiday
72) My father didn’t give me permission, so I didn’t go for the picnic
73) We didn’t buy the house because it was too far from the city
74) I didn’t understand the sum, so I didn’t do it

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