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Onshore Field Development: A Comprehensive Project Management Approach

Introduction: Onshore field development projects represent significant endeavors in the energy
sector, requiring meticulous planning and execution. This report delves into the vital aspects of
project management principles applied to onshore field development. The principal focus is on
aligning project characteristics with project management goals, emphasizing the initiation phase,
scope baseline, feasibility study, and the crucial integration of project management knowledge

Project Characteristics and Life Cycle: Onshore field development projects exhibit unique
characteristics, demanding a holistic project management approach. The project life cycle,
comprising initiation, planning, execution, monitoring & controlling, and closure phases, serves
as the roadmap for systematic project progression. Recognizing the distinct features of onshore
projects is essential for effective management, considering their large scale, complex stakeholder
relationships, and extended durations.

Initiation and Scope Baseline: The initiation phase sets the foundation for successful onshore
field development. A comprehensive feasibility study, identifying project objectives,
stakeholders, and risks, guides decision-making. The scope baseline, defining project scope,
objectives, and deliverables, acts as a crucial reference point throughout the project life cycle.
Managing scope changes and aligning with project integration management are paramount for

Feasibility Study and FEED Engineering: Conducting a thorough feasibility study evaluates
technical, economic, and operational feasibility, informing decision-making. The Front-End
Engineering Design (FEED) phase refines project technical requirements, mitigates risks, and
aligns with project scope and objectives. Integrating feasibility study findings into the decision
support package ensures informed decision-making, critical for successful project outcomes.

Decision Support Package and Design Management: The decision support package, merging
feasibility study and FEED findings, provides decision-makers with essential information.
Design management, a pivotal aspect, balances technical requirements with project constraints.
Engaging cross-functional teams and ensuring compliance with industry standards are key
considerations. Effective design management contributes to the overall success of onshore field
development projects.

Execution Phase and Project Management Goals: Transitioning from planning to execution is
a critical phase in onshore field development. Implementing project management plans,
managing resources, and monitoring project progress are essential tasks. Project management
goals, including integration, cohesion, and balancing scope, time, cost, and quality objectives,
guide successful project execution. Addressing issues and changes in real-time ensures
adaptability and resilience.

Project Integration and Knowledge Areas: Aligning project management goals with project
objectives is pivotal for success. Integrating project management knowledge areas, such as
scope, time, cost, and risk management, is crucial. The nine knowledge areas, from integration to
procurement and risk management, collectively contribute to a comprehensive project
management approach. Striking a balance among these areas is essential for delivering value to
stakeholders throughout the project life cycle.

Conclusion: In conclusion, effective project management is indispensable for the success of

onshore field development projects. This report provides insights into key project management
principles, emphasizing the initiation phase, scope baseline, feasibility study, and the integration
of knowledge areas. A holistic approach, aligning project characteristics with management goals,
ensures the seamless execution of onshore field development projects, delivering value to
stakeholders in this dynamic and complex landscape.

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