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/seasonal /
1 Seasonal rainfall Dry /seasonal / nonperennial streams, dry
nonperennial/tank, broken ground, dry water channel,
causeway roads motorable in dry season/open scrub
2 Type of climate: streams, dry /seaso
Dry /seasonal/ nonperennial ground,
asonal /
nonperennial/tank, broken dry water rchannel.
Hot and dry climate with / open scr /scrub
seasonall scanty rainfall causeway ,roads motorable in dry seasondepression/ disappearing
/Tropical monsoon type of vegetation/ sand dune /sandy feature /
climate / alternates
nate wet and dry streams/ brackish water in lined
climate /arid climate with
seasonal monsoon rainfall dry /seasonal /
3 Hot dry summer season Dry /seasonal / nonperennial streams,
nonperennial /tank, broken ground, dry water channel,
causeway,roads motorable in dry season / open scrub
Forested /very hilly / steepep slopes/
s highlands/absence of
4 Absence of human habitation
drinking water.
Rural region Presence of agricultural land /no metalled roads only cart tracks
or pack tracks or unmetalled road/main source of water only
perennial lined well /lack of amenities or facilities.
6 Limited cultivation Sand dune /sandy features/desert soil /broken ground/hilly
area/scanty rainfall/open scrub/stony waste/sheet rock/rockof
outcrop/barren land /forested area/ lack of perennial source
water etc
/ higher
|7. Highlands Steep slopes/ waterfalls/contours are closely spaced
(natural feature) values of contour ,spot height or triangulated
meandering course/
Level /plain land Contours are widely spaced /rivers have
(natural feature) rivers are broader/many big rivers/agricultural
land/disappearing stream/wells/broken ground/ tanks / canals
/lower values of contours o spot heights
Prominent village / most Size of the village is biggest
important village Lots of amenities are present (PO,PTO,PS market
,dispensary, temple etc)
Village is connected by many roads /railway and many
other villages are linked to that village by roads.

SLOPE OF THE LAND : Look into the direction of the river in which it is flowing/ the
direction in which contour values or values of spot heights are decreasing.

Features of the river bed:

l.sandy nature of river bed, 2. Presence of river islands, 3.presence of water channel
1.PROTECTED FOREST (PF) Forest planted by government as shelter belts to prevent soil
erosion in desert

2.RESERVED FOREST (RF) Forest where trees felling ís prohibited by government


3.DENSE FOREST or FAIRLY DENSE Indicates hilly region and heavy rainfal.

4.MIXED FOREST Indicates moderate rainfall.

Indicates moderate rainfall.
6.OPEN SCRUB Indicates scanty or low rain,desert or arid or semi desert
conditions.These are the areas of scrub or thorny bushes.

7.BAMBO0 |Indicates scanty or low rain, desert or arid or semi desert

8.GRASSES Indicates insufficient rainfall.
For other types of vegetation or
bottom of the map
SCATTERED TREES refer to text book and conventional symbols at the

1. Agriculture/Cultivation |EVIDENCE Flle the Symbes )oR(Follan Tthe aloans)
Yellow wash or patch of land /perennial source
irrigation like perennial well /perannalFivers /tanks
2 Forestry(collection of bas
Green wash or patch of land.
forest products)
3 Fishery Dams /lakes/perennial river/ Resevo ins
4 Rearing of White land
livestock/animal like cattleOpen scrub (cultivable waste land or barren land )/
grazing /sheep rearing
5.Quarrying and mining Stone quarry or mine
6 Service in government Presence of the following irailway station,police
department station,pestand telegraph affiee,post
office,dispensary,police chawki, PWD(public work
department),construction and maintainence of
roadways and railways(under construction)
7. Industrial work
|Chimney is printed. (Faiia)
Settlement near main road /annual fair.
9. Working in kiln Lime kiln /brick kiln
MAIN OCCUPATION/s IN THE MAP: Follow the symbols which are in abundance /in
majority / covering most of the map area compared to other evidences. Write accordingly.

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