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1. Define the role of a Token in C?

What are the different types of tokens available in C

2. What is an identifier? What are the rules to construct identifiers?
3. What is the role of an operator? List and explain various types of operators.
4. Write a brief about features of c.
5. Write a short note on data types in C? Write the significance of each data type
6. Classify the different types of decision-making statements. List and explain loop control
(or) iteration statements in C.
7. Write the syntax for nested if and else-if ladder.
8. What do you mean by looping statement? Describe any two looping statements in ‘C’
programming with examples.
9. What is type conversion? Explain two types of conversion with examples
10. What is an array in C? Write the types of an array. Explain with a suitable example how
to declare and initialize the array. How array elements are stored in memory?
Write advantages of array in c. Explain use of array in c.
11. Write a program to read and display the elements using a 1-D array.
12. Write a program to print the array elements in reverse order.
13. Define a string. Explain the use of any 4 string library functions with syntax and
14. Differentiate between call by value and call by reference.
15. Differentiate between the macros and the functions.
16. Write a program for sum of digits of a given number.
17. What is the difference between normal function and recursive function.
18. What is function and need of function?
19. Define static storage class
20. Define Auto storage class in C?
21. Differentiate arrays and structures?
22. Differentiate Structure and Union?
23. What is array of function? Explain with example.
24. Enlist storage classes in ‘c’
25. Discuss about function prototype, function definition and function call?
26. What is recursion? Explain. Write a C Program to find factorial of a number using
recursion function?
27. Write a program in C using functions to swap two numbers using
global variables concept and call by reference concept.
28. Write a c-program using function to check whether the given number is
prime or not.
29. Write an example of array of structures?
30. What is structure? Explain the C syntax of structure declaration with example
31. Explain nested structure and write C Program to
implement the example.
32. Compare with example code for Structure and Union.
33. Illustrate and explain about pre-processor directive.
34. Specify the use of typedef with example.
35. Examine the differences between nested structures and
array of structures.
36. Write the syntax of the following file I/O functions and Explain every option in each
function with suitable example : a. fopen() b. fclose() c. fread() d. fwrite()
37. Write a C program to print the following from a given file:
1. Number of characters 2. Number of spaces 3. Number of tabs 4. Number of newlines
38. Write the basic operations of a file?
39. Write the various text file opening modes?
40. Write a C program to read your full name, Date of birth and display the same using the
concept of nested structure.
41. What is the difference between while loop and do-while loop
42. What is a pointer? Give examples. List the advantages of using pointers
43. Differentiate P and *P
44. Analyze how pointer is initialized.
45. Write a program in C to demonstrate the concepts of dynamic memory allocation.
46. Explain about Memory Allocation Functions (1) malloc (2) calloc (3) free (4) realloc
47. Write a program using pointer to swap two numbers.
48. Illustrate in detail about array of pointer with your own example
49. Create a C program to find the sum of two values using Pointer
50. List the types of function based on return values
51. Write a program to multiplication of two 2-D array.
52. Write a program to find length of a given string using strlen() function.
53. Write a program to concate two string using strcat() function.
54. Write a program to compare two string using strcmp() function.
55. How 1-D and 2-D array elements are stored in memory/ Explain with example.
56. Difference between pre-increment and post-increment operator.
57. Write a program to find a number is even or odd.
58. Explain all data types with their range and example.
59. What is two dimensional array? How is it declared and initialized?
60. Declare and define a structure having member variables as student name, student marks,
students roll no.
61. What are string handlings functions? Explain any three.
62. Explain different categories of pre-processor directives used in C.
63. Explain structure using pointer with example.
64. Write a program to print value and address using pointer.
65. State the use of & and * operator with respect to pointer.
66. Discuss about different bitwise operators.
67. What is double pointer? Explain with the help of suitable example.
68. Define different file handling modes.
69. What do you mean by null pointer? Give an example.
70. Differentiate between: (i) Compiler and Interpreter, (ii) break and continue, (iii) linker
and loader
71. Differentiate between pre-defined and user defined functions.
72. Explain loops in c.
73. What are keywords. List some with use.
74. Write a program to generate the following output :

75. Write a program to generate the following output :

76. Write a program to generate the following output :

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