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Business is a world full of opportunities, of different people with

different values and beliefs that are meant to be acknowledged and
respected. These kind gestures are a part of the business ethics which is
the "study of the ethical dimensions of the business entities”. These values
and beliefs pertain to Religion that “regards to what human beings believe
of something as holy, sacred, or worthy of special reverence”. In the
business sector, why is it really important to acknowledge the religion of a
person? A businessman’s religion matters because it is a part of his/her
identity. Religion can influence a person’s way of presenting his/herself
through appearance, gestures, thinking, and motivation to success in the
business world. Religious Ethics serve as “guidelines and sets the standard
for what is and isn't acceptable behavior”. It is also an important part of how
business acumen thinks about common ethical dilemmas. Many
businesses apply ethical standards to investing and advocate certain
ethical business practices. As Melé writes, "A deeper knowledge of
religious business ethics might bring about a better understanding of
people worldwide. It can also facilitate a more intense dialogue between
different religions and between religious and philosophical approaches."

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