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The Magic Of Thinking Big

1. The size of your success is limited by the size of your thinking

Do you believe you can make millions of dollars of year in exchange for the
value you provide?
Do you believe you will have positive relationships, partners and friendships?
Are you consuming information that makes you feel like you can't achieve your
Who can you connect with that thinks big so you can learn how they think big?
2. Thinking big starts with believing big
What are your dreams in life for fitness, business, relationships?
Do you believe you will achieve your goals?
For each goal you have, are you doing the things everyday that move you
towards your goals?
3. It's harder to sell yourself if you don't believe in yourself
Do you have a bad relationship with money?
How much money do you want to make?
Do you believe that the value you provide is worth the money you want to make?
Do you have a hard time asking for the money in exchange for the service you
4. Let the master thought "I can" dominate your mind
What are your dreams in life for fitness, business, relationships?
When you think of your goals, do you come up with ways you can hit your goals
or not?
What 3 things can you learn or do that will more you forward towards your
5. The more effective the person, the less excuses they make
Do you believe you have enough time to work towards your goal?
Do you feel like your health is holding you back from your goal?
Do you believe that you are too old or too young to really do what you want?
Do you feel discouraged because you don't have the proper education or
credentials to achieve your goal?
6. Great outcomes are a direct product of extra effort
Do you feel you are maximizing your time everyday?
What are 3 things you can do to maximize your time today so that you can move
forward towards your goals?
What are 3 things you can stop doing that can free up your resources so you do
the 3 things that can maximize your time.
7. Big thinkers inspire big thinking in the minds of others, The higher the
position, the better the listener
Do you use positive communication to inspire yourself? If not, how can you?
Do you use positive communication to inspire others? How can you do it more
8. Practice adding value to people, things and yourself
What are 3-5 ways you can add value to the people you connect with each day?
What are 3 things you can do to add more value to yourself?
9. Don't get caught up with trivial matters Do you let petty things that happen to
you each day throw your off course?
10. Actions cure fear What are 3 actions you can take that you fear that will
move your forward towards your goals?
11. We receive the kind of treatment we think we deserve
Do you look like and present yourself as the person that you want to be?
Do you believe that your work is important and are contributing to something
bigger than yourself?
Are you around people that reinforce and encourage your strengths and manage
your weaknesses?
Are you around people that put down your strengths and encourage your
Do you carry yourself with enthusiasm?
Do you inspire others without judgement?
How do you talk to yourself?
Are you around people who are telling you it can be done?
Do you see the importance in others or do you carry a "you are not important"
attitude when you walk around in public?
12. The mind is the most delicate and sensitive instrument in all creation.
What kind of information are you are consuming that limit your thinking and
belief in yourself?
How can you stop consuming this kind of information?
What kind of information are you consuming that raises the level of what you
think and belief in yourself?
How can you consume more of this kind of information?
13. Demystify the subject and you will find you will have less resistance to it
What are 3 viewpoints that others have that you resent?
Who are people who have these opposing viewpoints that you can connect with
and learn about
why they believe what they do until you understand how they are right from their
What are 3 subjects do you have resistance in learning because of your ego or
How can you go about learning these subjects so you can understand how they
work till you have a deep appreciation for them?
14. Confidence building exercises
Be a front seater
Practice making eye contact
Walk with purpose
Speak up and speak clearly

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