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For each of the following ten statements, identify with a 'True' or 'False' which best represents
your behavior or belief, even if that particular behavior or belief is not present all the time.

1.You should make others feel important through an Open

appreciation of their ideas and work. T F

2. Because people tend to judge you when they first meet

you, always try to make a good first impression. T F

3. Try to let others do most of the talking, be sympathetic

to their problems, and resist telling people that they
are totally wrong. T

4. Praise the good traits of the people you meet and always
give people an opportunity to save face if they are
wrong or make a mistake. T

5. Spreading false rumors, planting misleading information,

and backstabbing are necessary, if somewhat unpleasant,
methods to deal with your enemies. T

6. Sometimes it is necessary to make promises that you know

you will not or cannot keep. T

7. It is important to get along with everybody, even with

those who are generally recognized as windbags,
abrasive, or constant complainers. T

8. It is vital to do favors for others so that you can call in

these IOUs at times when they will do you the most
good. T F

9. Be willing to compromise, particularly on issues that

are minor to you, but major to others. T F

10. On controversial issues, it is important to delay or

avoid your involvement if possible. T F

Source: Prof. J.F. Byrnes (Bentley College), "ThePolitical Behavior Inventory." With permission.

Analvsis and Intemretation

Politics are a natural part of organizational life. This i n s t m e n t was designed to give you some
insights into how politically-oriented you are.

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According to the author of this instrument, a complete organizational politician will
answer "tnie" to all ten questions. Organizational politicians with fundamental ethical
standards will answer "false"to statements 5 and 6, which deal with deliberate lies and
uncharitable behavior. Individuals who regard manipulation, incomplete disclosure, and self-
serving behavior as unacceptable will answer "false"to all or almost all of the questions.
1s there a "right"set of answers to this instrument? Some may argue that there is: Giving
all false responses. But that might also indicate a high degree of political naivetk. Some
organizational cultures demand active political behavior for members who want to thrive, or
even survive:% you should interpret your Score in light of the type of organization you work
in. Or, conversely, you should consider choosing an organization to work for whose d t u r e
aligns with yow political orientation.

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