Write Up - Task 2

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The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in a manner that could not have been expected or
prepared for in any possible manner. We went from running between schools, tuitions and coaching
classes hustling till we were exhausted, to log in and out of Video Chats on our laptops.

Setting everything aside, one thing this pandemic has caused is a whole lot of anxiety in minds of our
upcoming High School Graduates regarding their careers post Covid-19 times. Sure, the job market
seems dicey and the future of work a little bleak, but this is as predicted by various Research out of
Ivy League schools, is just a temporary slump like any other previous Wars or any other big event
that has shaken the world before. There is no need to panic the world will adapt, evolve and recover
fully to pre COVID-19 levels in a couple of years.

A sudden forceful shutdown of Industries coupled with a slump in demand for most items has
pushed world economies into recession and it agreed that it does seem scary at first but when given
a deeper consideration one may realise that this will only last a couple of years as well after which
the economy will pick itself up to pre-COVID-19 levels and everything would be normal.

Yes, things would be shaken up a little and definition of the concept of “normalcy” would be
different this time but that’s the sacrifice one would have to make to get the wheels of economy
running. Physical meetings would be converted into emails and long frustrating Zoom Calls,
Travelling for Business could become an activity of ancient past like door to door salesmen earlier
and Mandatory Medical Screenings, sanitizers and masks could be the new norm among various
other changes. Setting the challenges involving the new learning curve aside we might even become
more productive than earlier working from the comfort of our homes and once we’re acclimatised
with this new norm we may be back on track, earlier than expected. Given we won’t be working like
our parents did but we would be churning out projects like nobody’s business and if we believe in
ourselves enough then my friends through the words of Mr Obama and now Mr Biden, I would like
to state “Yes We Can and Yes We Will” overcome these trying times stronger and better than ever.

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