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Aim: To determine the strength of a given potassium permanganate solution against c standard ferrous ‘ammonium sulfate (Mohr's salt) solution. « Ad by CRITEO cro ss) Theory: Potassium perrnanganate is a strong oxidant in the presence of sulfuric acid. Mohr salt is a double salt forming a single crystalline structure having the formula FeSOz(NH,)280s.6H20. The chemical name for Mohr's salt is ferrous ammonium sulfate. In this titration Mohr sat acts as a reducing agent ond potassium permanganate acts as an oxidising agent. So, the reaction between Mohr’s salt ond potassium permanganate is a redox reaction. In this redox recction, ferrous ion from Mohs salt gets oxidised and pink coloured of manganese present in potassium permanganate, which is in the +7 oxidation state gets reduced to colourless Mn?* state. ‘The chemical reaction and the molecular chemical equation Is given below. Reduction hoif reaction - ‘2KMNO4 + 3HaS04~+ KaS04 + 2MNSO4 + 3420+ [0] Oxidation hal reaction ~ [2Fes0,(NH4);80,.5H,0 + H,SOq+ [0] -+Fez(S04)3 + 2(NH4)3804 4 13H20] x 5 Overcll reaction ~ IKMnOg + 1OF@SO4(NHz)2$04.6H20+ BHzSO4 + KzSO4+ IMNSO4+ 5Fe2($O4)3+ 10(NH4)204+ 68H20 ‘The ionic equation involved in the process is given below. Oxidation half reaction ~ [Fe%-» Fo! + e“]x5 Reduction half reaction ~ MnO,” + 8H‘ + 5e~ > Mn?* + 44,0 ‘Overall ionic equation - MnO4” + BH* + 5Fe”* + Mn?* + 5Fe** + 44,0. This titration is based upon oxidation-reduction titrations. When ferrous ammonium sulfate solution Is titrated against potassium permanganate in the presence of acidic medium by sulfuric acid Acidic medium is necessary in order to prevent precipitation of manganese ovide. Here KMnOz acts {5 a self indicator and this titration is called permanganate titration. mateniars Kequirea: LMohr’s sat (etrous ammonium sulfate) 2.Potassium permanganate solution 3.Dilute sutturie acid 4.Chemical balance 5.Burette 6.aurere stand 7. Pipette @.conieal flask 8.Funnel 10. Measuring flosk T.weighing bottle T2.White the 13.Burnet 14.Wire gowe Apparatus Setup: Lin burette ~ KkinOs solution 2.1m Conical flask ~ 10m! t Ferrous Ammonium Sufate (Mohr’'s salt) + Sutfuric acid 3. Indicator ~ Self indicator (kMn0z) 4.End Point ~ Colourless to permanent pale pink colour. MOHR SALT TITRATION WITH KMn0O, fsywus Vonitat KMno, A A off End point: pale Ferrous Ammonium sulphate (Mohr's salt) + prkcolor Sulphuric acid Procedur (6) Preparation of 0.08M standard solution of ferrous ammonium sult The quantity of Mohs salt required for the 250ml of the solution having « normality of O05N con be calculated as fol ows. The molar mass of mehrsealt= 392 glmat strength = Normalty x Equivalent weight (20) x92 = 88 gft For preparing 250mI ot N/20 Mch's salt solution, Mohr sat required (1865/1003) x 250 = 48. gm |. Weigh an empty wotch glass using o chemical balance, 2, Weigh accuretely 4.9gm of Mohr’ saltin ¢ chemical balance. 3.With the help of a funne| transfer the Mohr's salt into the measuring flask. 4. Now wash the funnel with distiled woter without removing the funnel trom the flask. 6. Make the solution up to the marked point with distilled water and make sure the Mohs salts. fully dissolved, 6. This solution Is 005N stancrd solution of Mohs sat. (b) Titration of potessium permanganate solution against standard ferrous ammonium sulfate (Mohr's salt) solution: |LWash and rinse the burette and pipetio with distled water and then rinse with the correspending solution to be filled in ther, 2 Rinse the burette with the potassium permenganate solution and fil the burette with potassium petmanganate solution. 3. Fixthe buretto in the bureite stand ond place the white tile below the burette in order to find the endpoint correctly. 4.Rinse the pipette and conical flask with standard ferrous sulfate solution. 5 Pipette our lim| ef OOSN standard Meh’s salt solution into the canieel flask. 6.Add a test tube full of sulfurle ec n erder to prevent oxidation of manganese to form menganese dioxide, 7.Note down the intial reading in the burette before starting the titration, 8, Now start the tiation, titrate egainst potassium permanganate solution and simultaneously ‘wil the solution in the flask gently. 9.initialy, the purple colour ef Khéno, Is discharged with ferrous ammonium sulfate. The ‘oppearance cf « permanent pink colour reveals the endpoint 10, Repeat the titration until concordant values are obtained, Il.Note down the upper meniscus on the burette readings, 12.Record the reading in the observation table given below in order to calculate the molarity of KénOs given. Observations: SN | Volume of errous ammonium sulfate (Mohr’s | Burette Reading | volume(v) of kMnO o | salt) used used v= (ym Initial( | Final( Calculations: (@) Normality of MnO solution Consider y ml of given kMn0y solution is equivalent to 20m! of Nfi0 Mohr's salt solution. According to law of equivalents, NY = Nave ‘+ Ni, Na are normality of Mohr's sait and KMnO. solution respectively. + V, Vo are volumes of Mohs salt and KMnO, respectively. VWi0x20 = Waxy N= 2y N= Normality of given kknd, solution = fy (b) strength of keno, solution: Strength = Normality x Equivalent mass Equivalent mass of xt4n0s = = 58/5 =18 =2lyxa1safiter Molarity of kMnOa solution N= Mx number of electron gained NeMxS M=N/S molesf tre ‘he strength of and molarity of given KMinOs solution is found out as 2/y 316 gland N/S molesfliter, respectively. Results and Discussion: “Léolarky of given kkinO, solution is _ motee/tter 2. The strength of given potassium permanganate solution is ght Precautions: |. Potassium permanganate is dark, so always read the upper meniscus. 2.Rinse tho pipette and burette before use. 8. Use dilute sulfuric acid for acidifying the potossium permanganate. 4.Clecn all the apparatus with distilled water before starting the experiment and then rinse with the solution te be taken in them, 5. Take accurate reacings once it reaches the endpoint and doesn't go with average readings. 6.Do not use a rubber cork burette as it can be attacked by KMnOs 7.Use the ontinarallel card or auto parailax card while taking the burette readings. 8. The strength of the unknown solution should be token up to two decimal places only,

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