Interface 1 Test U7 Extra

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Interface 1 Progress Test Extra

Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100


1 Complete the text with furniture words.

I love my bedroom. I’ve got a really comfortable (1) ______________ – I sleep brilliantly in it! Next
to it, I’ve got a small (2) ______________ for my alarm clock and my magazines. There’s a (3)
______________ on it too, so I can read at night. I’ve got a lot of books in my room and they’re on
big (4) ______________ I’ve got a (5) ______________ for my clothes. There’s a long (6)
______________ on the front of it so I can look at myself! I’ve also got a (7) ______________ . I
usually put my shoes in it. Under the window, I’ve got a (8) ______________ and a (9)
______________ . I sit there and do my homework. Finally, I’ve got an old (10) ______________ in
my room. It’s from our living room, but my mum’s got a new one now. My friends always sit on it
when they come round.

Score __/10

2 Complete the sentences with gadgets.

1 You use a ______________ to take photos.

2 You use a ______________ to change channels on the TV.
3 You use a ______________ to wash your clothes.
4 You use a ______________ to surf the internet.
5 You use an ______________ to listen to music.
6 You can cook food quickly in a ______________ .
7 You use a ______________ to clean your teeth.
8 You can keep food cool in a ______________ .
9 You can make phone calls with a ______________ .
10 You can wash your plates and cups in a ______________ .
Score __/10


3 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of be. Use the affirmative or negative.

1 I ______________ at school on Monday because I was ill.

2 My friends ______________ at home yesterday. They were at the beach.
3 Sarah ______________ very excited yesterday because it was her birthday.
4 He ______________ in bed at nine pm yesterday evening because he was very tired.
5 Tom was very happy because all his answers ______________ correct.
6 The match ______________ really boring. It was 0-0.
Score __/6

4 Write questions with the past simple form of be. Then complete the short answers.

1 Luisa / at school yesterday ?

Yes, ______________ .
2 your dictionary / on the table ?
No, ______________ .
3 you / late for school ?
Yes, ______________ .
4 you and your friends / in the park this morning ?

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Yes, ______________ .
Score __/8

5 Complete the text with there was / there wasn’t or there were / there weren’t.

In 1910 (1) ___________________ any mobile phones but (2) ___________________ some cars.
(3) ___________________ a famous car factory in Detroit, USA called The Ford Motor Company
and (4) ___________________ a famous car: the Model T.

Score __/4

6 Write questions with Was there / Were there. Then complete the short answers.

1 any mobile phones / in 1910 ?

No, ______________ .
2 any cars / in 1910 ?
Yes, ______________ .
3 a big car factory in Detroit, USA ?
Yes, ______________ .
Score __/6

7 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.

be form play record start study

Pete (1) ______________ playing the guitar when he (2) ______________ 10 years old. He (3)
______________ music at university and (4) ______________ a rock band with three of his friends.
They (5) ______________ their first album two years later and soon they were very popular. Last
year they (6) ______________ a concert in front of 40,000 people at a festival in France.

Score __/6


8 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Thomas Alva Edison 1847–1931

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and scientist. He started school at the
age of eight, but he was only there for three months because his teacher wasn’t very nice
to him and he returned home crying. After that, Edison studied at home with his mother.

One of Edison’s first jobs was sending messages by telegraph. Telegraphy was the only
way to send messages quickly in those days because there weren’t any telephones.
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876, Edison improved it by
inventing an early microphone.

In 1877 Edison made the first phonograph, a machine that recorded and reproduced
sound. A year later, he invented the light bulb. In 1889, he invented a kinetoscope, a
machine to show moving pictures. He also produced films for his new machine. In 1903,
he produced a ten-minute film. It was the longest film in the world then!

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Edison invented more than 1000 things during his life. When he died in 1931, they
switched off the lights all over the USA in his honour.

1 Edison was at school for ____

a) eight years. b) three months. c) two weeks.
2 Edison invented ____
a) the microphone. b) the telephone. c) telegraphy.
3 Edison made the first ____
a) phone call. b) phonograph. c) photograph.
4 He invented the kinetoscope when he was ____
a) 62. b) 52. c) 42.
5 Edison invented ____
a) almost 1000 things. b) 1000 things. c) more than 1000 things.
6 Edison was ____when he died.
a) 64 b) 74 c) 84
Score __/12

9 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Why was Edison unhappy at school?

2 Where did Edison study?
3 What was a phonograph?
4 How long was the longest film in the world in 1910?
Score __/8


10 You are going to write a description of your house or flat for a writing competition. Write about
80 words. Include this information:

- the number of rooms

- your favourite room and why it is your favourite room
- the furniture in your house or flat.

Score __/10


11 Listen and circle the correct answers.

1 Henry Ford was born in ____

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a) 1853. b) 1863. c) 1873.
2 Ford started working for Thomas Edison as____
a) an inventor. b) an engineer. c) a driver.
3 The Ford Motor Company started in ____
a) 1903. b) 1908. c) 1913.
4 The Ford Motor Company produced ____million Model T cars.
a) 5 b) 15 c) 50
5 Ford Model T cars were always ____
a) white. b) blue. c) black.
6 Ford invented ____
a) the motor car. b) the telephone. c) mass production.
Score __/6

12 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 Henry Ford was born on ______________ 1863.

2 He stopped going to school when he was ______________ .
3 The Ford Motor Company started selling Ford Model Ts in ______________ .
4 His company produced ______________ cars a day.
Score __/4

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13 Ask for and give information.


a) You are visiting the Court Palace. You want to go to the Gallery room, but you don’t know where
it is. You also want to find the restaurant. Ask Student B and complete the table below.

Location of the Gallery room

Location of the restaurant

Closing time of the restaurant

b) Now you work in the Information centre in the Court Palace. Answer Student B’s questions using
the information in the leaflet below.

Gift Shop: 10.30-17.30

Café: 10.00-18.00
Gardens: 10.00-18.00
Royal library: 11.00-17.30

Ground floor

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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13 Ask for and give information.


a) You work in the Information centre in the Court Palace. Answer Student A’s questions using the
information in the leaflet below.

Restaurant: 10.30-18.30
Gardens: 10.00-18.00
Royal library: 11.00-17.30

First floor

b) Now you are visiting the Court Palace. You want to visit the gardens, but you don’t know where
they are. You also want to buy something in the gift shop. Ask Student A and complete the table

Location of the gardens

Location of the gift shop

Closing time of the gift shop

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/30
Reading __/20
Writing __/10
Listening __/10
Speaking __/10
TOTAL __/100

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