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Between the Employer: ANBROS MARITIME S.A.

And the Seaman Hereinafter called the “Employee”

Family Name: KOVALYOV First Name: OLEG

Date of Birth: 17.11.1978 Place of Birth: UKRAINE

Full Address: UKRAINE, Zhitomir reg Krasnopol Shevchenko str 28

Marital Status: MARRIED No of Children: TWO

Nationality: UKRAINIAN Phone No: +380679684792

Passport No: FB531912 Issued on/ Expiring on: 29.05.2015/29.05.2025

Seaman’s Book No: AB605028 Issued on / Expiring on: 05.04.2017/04.04.2027

License of Competency: DEEP SEA CAPTAIN

License No: 00962/2019/11 Issued at/on 07.08.2019 Kherson

Name and address of next of kin OKSANA KOVALYOVA- Wife,Ukraine Berdichev Zhitomirskaya str 7 apt 27

Mr. KOVALYOV OLEG will commence his employment as CHIEF OFFICER, on board
M/V “PELAGIANI” Date: 08.04.2023, Place:Port Said / Egypt .
Duties : Partial listing of professions and duties in Company’s SMS Policy Manual Section 3.
Duration of Contract 6 (six) months with extension under mutual concept at owners option.
In full and final settlement of all financial claims, the Employer shall be obliged to pay the Employee for the
previous month or pro-rata the following:
Monthly Basic Salary: USD 1490
Monthly Overtime : USD 1107 ( all in all )
Monthly Leave Pay: USD 397
Leave Subsistence: USD 144
Owners Bonus: USD 3862
Total Monthly Wage: USD 7000
Monthly Working Hours: 40 hours per week (Monday – Saturday).
Rest Periods : Minimum 10 hours rest in any 24 hour period and 77 hours in any seven- day period.
Remarks : Overtime is calculated at 1,25 the monthly hourly rate based on 40 hour working and a
maximum working week of 48 hours (ref.ILO C180 ) hence 104 hrs.
Leave is 7 days per month at a rate of 1/30 the monthly basic wage.
………………………………………..…………………………………… ……………………………………
(As Agents, for and on behalf of the Ship Owner. (15.03.2023) Employee (15.03.2023)

The Employee shall be employed on board the vessel mentioned in the first page and/or
transferred to any one of the vessels managed by the Employer, irrespective of trade of such vessels, in etch
position as stipulated in the preamble of this contract. The period of employment is 3 (three) months unless
otherwise agreed in which case the duration will be specified in the preamble of this Contract.
The commencement of employment will be the date of departing from Employees’ domicile and
terminated upon signing off disembarkation date from the vessel. It is understood that the Employee will
follow repatriation instructions, arranged by the Employer.

The employee must, within his normal duties, execute at all times any and all work assigned to him by the
Master, his superiors or the representative of the Company, provided such work is within his position duties
on board and in accordance with maritime practices.


Normal working hours at sea and at a port shall be eight hours during week days from Monday to
The officer employee is paid a lump sum overtime compensation as stated in this agreement and
shall in addition to watch keeping, work any hours and performs all other duties as directed by the Master
without further compensation.
The rating employee is contracted to work 8 hours per day, Monday to Saturday. Working hours
over and above these will be compensated for by a single overtime rate as stated in the agreement.
The seaman shall not be paid out compensation for overtime work done in the case of emergency
(danger), that directly affects the safety of the vessel, the passengers and the crew, or the necessary work
for rendering assistance to other ships or persons in immediate danger, or the necessary work for rendering
assistance to other ships or persons in immediate danger, or for the times spent at emergency drills.

The basic monthly salary and compensation for overtimes, reduced by the amounts drawn by the
Employees, shall be paid during the following month for the previous month to the account denoted by the
seaman or in cash by the vessel’s Master, if circumstances permit so.

For every full calendar month of service onboard, the Employee is obliged to transfer minimum 80
per cent of his monthly earnings to his bank account or to his family. When calculating the wages it is
understood the month to have 30 days.
In the event for whatever reason monetary transaction cannot be effected and in particular by the
time seaman disembarks all earning amount should be paid direct to the seaman bank account.
Every three months the seafarer will remit a minimum of 80% (eighty per cent) of his outstanding balance of
wages through special allotment directly to the designated allottee.

The Employer shall provide the Employee with good and substantial meals and adequate with
sufficient facilities.


All benefits given below are subject to the vessel’s P&I Club approval.
If the Employee suffers an illness or injury while being in the service of the Employer, irrespective
Of whether at the time of suffering illness or injury he was on board the ship or ashore (provided that such
illness or injury was not due to a willful act or default or misbehavior of the Employee and that illness or
injury were not intentionally concealed by the employee at the time of his engagement) the employee shall
be entitled to all necessary medical care until he is cured, or until the permanent character of the sickness,
or the resulting incapacity has been determined, or until is returned to the port he was signed on, or until he
is repatriated to his domicile, all expenses shall be borne by the employer. In case of death, any
transportation and burial expenses shall be borne by the Employer.
The Employer shall not at any time be obliged to pay to the Employee with regard to his medical
care, cash benefits and allowance any amount for any period beyond the 16 weeks from the date of the
incident giving rise to such claims or beyond the date of his repatriation.
The employer shall pay sick wages, starting from the day that the employee was declared unfit for
duty, at a rate equivalent to the Employee’s basic wages as per the Contract of Employment for a maximum
period of 112 days. The payment of sick wages is strictly subject to the Employee providing the Employer
with a medical report issued by a doctor at the port of disembarkation stating that the Employee is “UNFIT
The payment of sick wages is further subject to the Employee providing the Employer with a
medical certificate issued by a doctor not later than 72 hours after arrival at his/her place of declared and
approved residence and thereafter at weekly intervals stating the length and nature of his/her illness.
The Employer will provide the Employee with ordinary dental examination, dental extractions
during employment but excluding filling and/or cosmetic repairs.


The Employer undertakes to insure the Employee against the risk of death, missing at sea, or
permanent disability caused by accident during the time of his employment. Such insurance cover shall
commence from the time he travels from his domicile to meet a vessel until the time he arrives back to
domicile if the repatriation has followed immediately after the termination/expiration of the employment.
Periods of employment while the Employee is on leave and/or sick leave are excluded from such insurance
cover. The amounts of such insurance will be:
a) In the case of death due to accident or missing at sea USD 50,000 to the widow and USD 7,000 for
each child under the age of 18.
b) In the case of permanent disability whilst on board or traveling to/from the vessel, will be
compensated on a percentage basic of death benefit, to be assessed by the P and I Club.
The Employer undertake to insure and keep insured all personal effects of the Employee against
total or partial loss or damage due to loss including whilst travelling to or from the vessel , according with
the rules of the P&I Club of the Employer and /or the respective airline regulations in force is applicable.
Maximum compensation for loss of effects as provided for in article 10 of this Agreement should be
to an amount not lower than 3 months of wages.


The Employer shall bear the costs of reimburse respectively in the Employee the cost of
transportation from the place of Employee domicile to the port of employment.
The Employer shall pay the Employee, after termination of this Contract the corresponding part of
his monthly wages as well as unused leave and shall arrange for and bear the costs for Employee’s
repatriation to his domicile.


a) The Employee is employed subject to a probation period of 3 months. Should the Employer
terminate this Contract for any reason during the probation period, a minimum of seven (7) days
notice should be given.

b) Should the Employer terminate the Contract during the probation period and seven days notice
should be given.
d) Should the Employee terminate this contract for any reason, before expiring of this contract a
minimum notice seven ( 7 ) days should be given. If the Employee give such notice he has to bear
the costs of his repatriation and those of his substitute.

e) If such notice is given by the Employer all repatriation costs will be paid by the Employer.

f) If the vessel is lost, either constructive or total, sold, laid up and the Employer is not in the position
to provide the Employee with employment under the same conditions, the Employer may
terminate this Contract provided that the employer shall bear the costs of the Employee to direct
repatriation to his domicile.

g) After the expiration of the Contract, the Employer shall have the right to hold the Employee aboard
the ship until the ship arrives a convenient port at Owners Discretion.

h) The Employer may make use of this right up to 60 days. If the ship fails to reach a convenient port
within 60 days and the Employees do not wish to extend the Contract, the Employer shall be
obliged to make it possible for the employee to return to his domicile.

i) If the two contracting parties agree this Contract may be extended upon its expiration. For this
purpose, one of the contracting parties shall inform the other party of its intention latest 30 days
before expiry. The party of which the extension of the Contract was offered shall be obliged to
answer the other within 7 days. All terms and conditions of this Contract will also apply in case of
any extension.


This contract may be terminated before the expiry date in the following extraordinary cases.

Termination by the Employee:

a) If the Employer or his representatives do not follow the contractual obligations.
b) If the vessel is sailing or making preparation to sail into an area where warlike operations take
place, and the Employee has not given any written consent accepting such a voyage.
c) If in any way and without being guilty, the Employee’s life, personal liberty and health have been
continuously threatened beyond normal risks of employee’s profession.

d) In the case that the Contract is terminated because of one of the above stated reasons, and the
employer is not in the position to offer employment on another ship to the Employee under same
conditions, the Employee is entitled to one month’s extra net basic salary upon termination of
employment, and costs of his repatriation.

Termination by the Employer, if the Employee is involved in:

a) Breach of Contract by not following his contractual obligations.
b) Criminal offence or any other offence against any law.
c) Embezzlement of Vessel’s property.
d) Willful damage to the vessel’s property or to the vessel’s cargo.
e) Breach of discipline and disobedience.
f) Gross negligence in performance of duties.
g) Action/jeopardizing the safety of the vessel and/or her cargo.
h) Smuggling
i) Frequent drunkenness on duty or drunkenness that considerably spoils relations between crew
members and customary order and discipline of the vessel.
j) Grave misconduct.
k) Possession of narcotics and/or fire arms.
l) Desertion, willful and permanent leaving of the vessel or missing the vessel due to late return from
shore leave.
m) Possession of any quantity of alcohol unless declared to the Master.
n) Purchase of any alcohol from ashore without the approval of the Master.
o) Consumption of any alcohol during four hours before, or on duty.
p) Written voluntary resignation

If the contract is terminated because of any of the above-mentioned cases the Seaman, shall alone bear the
costs of his repatriation and the costs of his replacement.


The Employee shall not be obliged to enter into a War Zone as declared by the flag state of the
vessel or by the relevant authority and for as long an additional insurance premium applies for the area.
If the employee agrees to continue to serve on the vessel in a declared War Zone as per above , he
shall be entitled to receive a bonus of not less than 1/30 of his monthly basic wages for each day the vessel
stays in the War Zone , but for a minimum of seven days.
In the event that the Employee refuses to sail into a war zone, the Employer shall arrange and pay
for the Employee’s repatriation to his declared and approved place of engagement at the earliest


The cost for the issuance of all Flag Administration certificates for any Employee will be to the
account and responsibility of the seamen.


The Employee is solely responsible to pay his income-tax obligations, if any, to his country of
residence and he shall keep the Employer as well as the Owners of the vessels in which he has offered his
services during the course of this Contract, harmless from any claims or liabilities, which may arise, out of his
tax obligations.


The employee is responsible for his social security insurance & this insurance should be valid at
home country.

Any dispute that may arise from this contract shall be resolved upon the basis of mutual
understanding and good will of both parties. Should the parties not reach an agreement, this Contract is
subject to jurisdiction applicable to flag of the vessel.

The employee agree to all the above, concerning his employment contract, and his condition of his
employment likewise have read and fully understood the context of the Contract of Employment as well as
of the Condition of Employment attached thereto

He also confirms and declares that he has no other claims what so ever, against the Vessel, her
Owners, Managers and / or Master.


This Contract has been issued in three copies, one of which is kept respectively by the Employee,
the Company and the Master.

In witness of this CONTRACT and the following Terms the parties here to have signed this CONTRACT.

For the COMPANY:

Full Style / Name . _______

DATE: 15/03/2023


NB: All pages should be signed by the seaman

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