Rapid High-Resolution SPGR VFA

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Rapid High-Resolution T1 Mapping by

Variable Flip Angles: Accurate and Precise
Measurements in the Presence of
Radiofrequency Field Inhomogeneity

Hai‐Ling Margaret Cheng and Graham A. Wright

Version Post-print/accepted manuscript

Citation Cheng, H.‐L.M. and Wright, G.A. (2006), Rapid high‐

(published version) resolution T1 mapping by variable flip angles: Accurate and precise
measurements in the presence of radiofrequency field inhomogeneity.
Magn. Reson. Med., 55: 566-574. doi:10.1002/mrm.20791

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L.M. and Wright, G.A. (2006), Rapid high‐resolution T1 mapping by
variable flip angles: Accurate and precise measurements in the presence
of radiofrequency field inhomogeneity. Magn. Reson. Med., 55: 566-
574. doi:10.1002/mrm.20791, which has been published in final form at
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Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 55:000 – 000 (2006)

Rapid High-Resolution T1 Mapping by Variable Flip

Angles: Accurate and Precise Measurements in the
Presence of Radiofrequency Field Inhomogeneity
Hai-Ling Margaret Cheng1,2* and Graham A Wright3,4

Rapid 3D mapping of T1 relaxation times is valuable in diverse gradient recalled-echo (SPGR) images acquired with var-
clinical applications. Recently, the variable flip angle (VFA) ied flip angles. Advantages of this approach include low
spoiled gradient recalled echo approach was shown to be a power deposition compared to spin echo techniques and
practical alternative to conventional methods, providing better low spatial distortion compared to rapid echo planar im-
precision and speed. However, the method is known to be
aging. Most importantly, the accuracy has been shown to
sensitive to transmit field (B1!) inhomogeneity and can result in
significant systematic errors in T1 estimates, especially at high
be similar to that achieved with conventional and acceler-
field strengths. The main challenge is to improve the accuracy ated techniques but with a significant reduction in imaging
of the VFA approach without sacrificing speed. In this article, time (5,6).
the VFA method was optimized for both accuracy and precision A dominant source of error in the variable flip angle
by considering the influence of imperfect transmit fields, noise (VFA) approach is inaccurate knowledge of the flip angles
bias, and selection of flip angles. An analytic solution was due to transmit field B1" inhomogeneity. Although the
developed for systematic B1!-induced T1 errors and allows impact on T1 accuracy is known (7,8), correction of mea-
simple correction of T1 measurements acquired with any imag- sured T1 has been reported in only a few studies (9,10),
ing parameters. A noise threshold was also identified and pro-
mainly due to the complexity and long scan time require-
vided a guideline for avoiding T1 biases. Finally, it was shown
that three flip angles were the most efficient for maintaining
ments of mapping the B1" field. A second source of sys-
accuracy and high precision over large ranges of T1. A rapid B1! tematic error is noise-induced bias. The effect on T1 mea-
mapping sequence was employed in all phantom experiments surements is generally subtle and may be the reason it has
and high-field in vivo brain scans. Experimental results con- not, to our knowledge, been previously reported. However,
firmed the theory and validated the accuracy of the proposed these errors can be appreciable below a certain signal-to-
method. Magn Reson Med 55:000 – 000, 2006. © 2006 Wiley- noise (SNR) threshold, particularly with multiple angles,
Liss, Inc. and one must identify and image at a suitable SNR level to
Key words: T1 mapping; fast volumetric imaging; high-field MRI; ensure accurate measurements. Another consideration un-
quantitative MRI related to T1 accuracy is optimizing the efficiency (preci-
sion per unit time) over the desired T1 range. Recent (6,11)
Rapid and accurate measurement of the longitudinal, or
and past (5) efforts on optimizing the VFA method have
T1, relaxation time has long challenged MRI scientists but
investigated the influence of flip angles, using efficiency as
remains an important goal because of its clinical relevance
the performance metric—accuracy was not explicitly con-
across a diverse range of applications. Many of these ap-
sidered. They concluded that dual angles were best for
plications, however, including dynamic contrast-en-
achieving the highest efficiency over a narrow T1 range,
hanced studies of cancer, perfusion studies of muscle,
while multiple angles (11) achieved the most uniform
diagnosis of neurologic disorders such as multiple sclero-
efficiency over a wide T1 range. Ideally, we seek an angle
sis and epilepsy, and enhanced tissue discrimination for
set that will yield the highest and most uniform precision
image-guided procedures, require low-noise, high-resolu-
across large T1 ranges while maintaining accuracy.
tion mapping over a large volume. These requirements
In the present work, we describe a set of methods for
cannot be achieved in a clinically acceptable time frame
accurate and precise 3D T1 mapping across a large T1 range
(!30 min) using conventional methods of inversion- or
(50 –3000 ms) in less than 15 s per slice. We first develop
saturation-recovery (1–3). An alternative method (4) in-
an analytical expression for systematic T1 biases in the
volves determining T1 from a set of two or more spoiled
presence of inaccurate flip angles. This yields a calibration
curve that, together with a rapid method for mapping B1"
field variations, is used to correct T1 measurements ac-
Department of Diagnostic Imaging & The Research Institute, The Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. quired with any choice of flip angles and repetition time
Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. (TR). Accuracy is further ensured by maintaining suffi-
Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Can- cient SNR. Furthermore, we show that a multiple-angle
approach based on three angles achieves higher and more
Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
consistent precision across a large T1 range, compared to
*Correspondence to: Hai-Ling Margaret Cheng, Department of Diagnostic
Imaging, The Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, dual angles, and avoids the potential for noise-related
Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada. E-mail: hai-ling.cheng@sickkids.ca biases when imaging with an even larger angle set. Numer-
Received 26 August 2005; revised 20 October 2005; accepted 31 October ical simulations are performed to assess the validity of the
DOI 10.1002/mrm.20791 analytic expressions. The feasibility and accuracy of the
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). technique are demonstrated in phantom studies. Finally,
© 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 1
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2 Cheng and Wright

T1 measurements in brains of healthy human volunteers at

3 T are presented.

The SPGR steady-state signal amplitude Si acquired at a
flip angle $i is a function of the longitudinal relaxation
time T1, repetition time TR, and equilibrium magnetiza-
tion M0 (12),

Si #M0sin$i , [1]
1%cos$i E1 C
where E1 # exp(%TR/T1). By acquiring signal at different L
flip angles, the T1 can be determined first by transforming O
Eq [1]. into the linear form Yi # mXi " b,
FIG. 1. T1 estimation from linear regression on low and high angle
Si Si data points, aL and aH. Noise bias shifts data points to new locations
#E "M0(1%E1), [2]
sin$i 1 tan$i (crosses) in the directions indicated (arrows). The result is a fitted
line that overestimates (dashed) or underestimates (dotted) the true
and then extracting T1 from the slope m # E1 as follows slope (solid), leading to errors in T1.

T1#%TR/ln(m). [3] tion of T1. This undesired influence of noise bias can be
reduced by placing greater emphasis on high SNR points
We now derive the systematic error in the T1 estimate due through weighted least-squares analysis. However, signals
to inaccurate angles. Assuming that the angle error (d$) is collected at more than two angles need to be acquired.
small, we can calculate to first order the error propagated The precision, or uncertainty (T1, in the T1 measure-
into T1: ment is another important performance indicator and
stems from propagation of random noise into the T1 cal-

N culation (see derivation in Appendix B). The precision
&T1 &T1 &T1 &T1
dT1# d$ " d$ ". . ." d$ # d$ . [4] normalized for a constant scan time is often used to com-
&$1 1 &$2 2 &$N N &$i i pare the relative merits of different T1-mapping strategies
(1). This metric, known as the efficiency, essentially de-
Following the derivation shown in Appendix A, we obtain scribes the T1-to-noise ratio (T1NR), or T1/(T1, per square
an expression for the T1 error due to inaccurate flip angles, root of the total imaging time Tseq (6). In this article, we
define a relative efficiency, )

%T12 exp(TR/T1) d$i
dT1# [Y (X ! X)"Xi (1"tan2$i ) ) " *T1/(T1)/ #Tseq+T1NR/ #TR ! NEX ! N. [7]
TR ! N(X2%X2) tan$i i i

' (Yi ! Y%2exp(%TR/T1)(Xi ! X))] [5] MATERIALS AND METHODS

Choice of Flip Angles
where N is the number of flip angles, Xi # Si/tan ai,Yi # Achieving the best precision for the T1 range of interest
Si/sin ai, and X! ,Y
! are mean values.
requires judicious selection of flip angles, but the selection
Random noise in the signal can also introduce system- process remains complex, particularly for multiple angles.
F1 atic T1 errors, as illustrated conceptually in Fig. 1. In the However, a couple of key results from previous work on
absence of noise, signal acquired at two angles, aLand aH, this topic (5,6,11,14,15) serve as useful guidelines. When
are transformed according to Eq [2]., and the exact T1 can imaging for a single T1, precision can be optimized using
be extracted from the slope of the fitted (solid) line. In the two “ideal” angles, defined as those whose signals are 71%
presence of noise ((), the measured magnitude signal is of the Ernst angle signal (6). Multiple angles are preferred
larger than the true value A due to noise threshold and is when imaging over a large T1 range, especially T1 ,
approximately (13) 2000 ms, to achieve more uniform but lower precision
MAVE " #A2"(2. [6] In this study, we attempted to find the smallest angle set
that provided the high precision possible only with dual
Graphically, data at aL and aH shift in the direction of the angle imaging but across a large T1 range. Sets were cre-
arrows (Fig. 1). Depending on whether noise bias affects ated on the premise that appropriate combinations of ideal
the low or high angle signal, the fitted slope (dashed line) angles tuned to different T1’s may increase the range of
increases or decreases, resulting in over- or underestima- precise measurements. The simplest solution combined
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Accurate and Precise VFA T1 Mapping 3

two pairs of ideal angles, each tuned to the minimum or because of sensitivity to B0 offsets, SE-EPI B1" maps need
maximum T1 of interest. For example, for a TR # 5 ms, a to be corrected by normalizing against SE measurements.
four-angle set [2,3,9,19] (in degrees) was formed from ideal For simplicity, we assume a pure B0offset, which does not
angles, [3,19] and [2,9], tuned to 500 and 2500 ms, respec- affect the RF distribution. We have found that the speed
tively. The actual T1 values to which angles were tuned advantage of SE-EPI can be retained by determining the
were adjusted, and more ideal angle pairs were incorpo- normalization factor off-line, from calibration scans per-
rated, to assess the effect on the precision profile. In any formed on a phantom.
set, similar values may be combined to reduce the number The sequences employed were: SE-EPI, 8 shots, TE #
of angles. For example, a three-angle set can be derived 18 ms, bandwidth (BW) # 250 kHz; SE % TE # 10 ms,
from four angles, as the smaller two angles are often within BW # 15.6 kHz. Common parameters are TR # 4000 ms,
1 point of each other and only one need to be retained. Ten 128 ' 128 matrix, slice thickness (SL) # 4 mm, 60 and
angles optimized for TR # 5 ms from a genetic algorithm 120° excitation angles, 120 and 240° refocusing angles.
(11) were also evaluated, consisting of the set 10$ '
[2,3,4,5,7,9,11,14,17,22]. Although our straightforward
strategy of combining appropriate ideal angles was not as Phantom Studies
sophisticated as these other approaches for multiple angle
selection, we showed that comparable precision profiles Quantitative T1 imaging was performed on a 1.5 T MRI
could be achieved. system (Signa Excite TwinSpeed, GE Healthcare, Milwau-
kee, WI, USA) using an eight-channel receive-only head
array coil (MRI Devices). Eight phantoms, one containing
Simulation Studies water and seven doped with NC100150 (Nycomed Amer-
Numerical simulations were performed to verify our the- sham), spanning an approximate T1 range of 50 to
oretical models and study the influence of flip angles, 3000 ms, were used to test the accuracy of our proposed
systematic angle biases, and noise on accuracy and preci- method. A cylindrical phantom (12 cm diameter, 20 cm
sion. The range T1 # 50 –3000 ms was considered. Estima- length) filled with distilled water and 3.33 g/liter NiCl and
tion of T1 began with signal generation (Eq. [1]) using the 1.4 g/liter NaCl was also used to assess the accuracy of our
chosen angles, TR # 5 ms, and M0 # 1000. Gaussian- B1" measurements. Transmit B1" maps were acquired as
distributed, complex-valued random noise (zero mean, described above. Data for T1 maps were acquired with a 3D
( # M0/SNR) was added prior to data averaging, where fast SPGR sequence: TR/TE # 4.4/1.1 ms, 256 ' 256 ' 28
SNR is the maximum signal-to-noise per pixel for an image matrix, FOV # 20 cm, SL # 5 mm, BW # 31.25 kHz. Flip
acquired with $ # 90° and TR , 6 ' T1. The SNR level was angles and number of signal averages (NEX) were chosen
varied from 150 to 1000 to study noise-related biases. to match those used in simulations, using 6 NEX for twin
Furthermore, a fixed imaging time of 15 s or less per slice angles, 4 NEX for three angles, and so on. Systematic angle
for a 256 ' 256 matrix was considered for a clinical set- offsets were also introduced to study the effects of RF
ting. This time constraint, together with SNR # 250, was pulse imperfection on T1 evaluation. The potential for
used to evaluate different angle sets, where more SNR gain noise bias at lower SNR was assessed by reducing the slice
through averaging of multiple signal acquisitions was pos- thickness to 1 mm. Reference T1 values were measured
sible for smaller sets. T1 was then determined through a using single-shot fast SE inversion-recovery (SSFSE-IR):
weighted least-squares regression on Eq. [2], with weights TR/TE # 5000/32.4 ms, 256 ' 256 matrix, FOV # 20 cm,
proportional to signal. The process was repeated 10000 SL # 5 mm, BW # 31.25 kHz, and TI # [50, 100, 150, 250,
times to obtain a mean estimate (T! 1) and SD ((T1). 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000] ms.
To study the influence of inaccurate flip angles, errors Pixel-by-pixel T1 maps were calculated and then cor-
were introduced such that true angle values varied be- rected for the measured B1" field nonuniformity using Eq.
tween 50 and 130% of the nominal. Simulations were [5] for calibration. The mean and SD of T1 were computed
performed as outlined above, using true angles for signal within each phantom to yield measures of accuracy and
generation and nominal angles for estimating T1. precision, respectively.

Transmit Field B1" Imaging

In Vivo Studies
The transmit field B1" of a volume coil is generally quite
uniform. However, substantial inhomogeneity may arise For final evaluation, brains of two volunteers were imaged
when using separate transmit/receive coil systems or on a 3.0 T MRI system (GE Signa Excite Eclipse) using an
when imaging at field strengths above 1.5 T. An accurate eight-channel receive-only head array coil (MRI Devices).
approach to account for these variations is to map the B1" T1 maps were acquired with 3D fast SPGR, with all param-
field distribution using a double-angle method (16,17). eters the same as at 1.5 T with the following exceptions:
Standard spin echo (SE) acquisitions are the most robust, FOV # 24 cm, TR/TE # 6.1/1.5 ms, NEX # 1. This resulted
as they are insensitive to B0 variations, but are impractical in a total scan time of 2 min 24 s for three angle acquisi-
in the clinic due to long scan times. Rapid B1" mapping tions over 28 slices. In vivo B1" maps were acquired using
has recently been demonstrated using a SE segmented-EPI SE-EPI in under 2 min, while calibration scans were taken
sequence (18). Similar to conventional SE techniques, sig- off-line on a phantom (15 cm diameter, 28 cm length).
nal is acquired at excitation angles of 60 and 120° for Pixel-by-pixel T1 maps, corrected for B1" variation, were
maximum sensitivity to small variations in B1". However, then generated.
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4 Cheng and Wright

accuracy was achieved over the entire T1 range. However,

biases were again elevated in increasing the angle set to 10.
This may be due to a preferential increase in the fitted
slope (Fig. 1) arising from the presence of more noisy data
points. At a threshold of SNR # 350, the T1 error was
within 2%, except for the range T1 , 1250 ms when the
dual angles were used.
The efficiency performance of various flip angles is pre-
sented in Fig. 4a. Dual angles tuned to 500, 1000, and F4
2500 ms demonstrated the highest efficiency at the respec-
tive T1’s. Note that in these dual-angle profiles, equal or
better efficiency was achieved down to roughly 20% of the
T1 to which they are tuned. However, efficiencies were
poor either at low or high T1 values, due to placement of
angles in the low signal portion of the signal-versus-$
curve. The use of multiple angles overcame this problem
and maintained consistently high efficiencies. Efficiency
FIG. 2. T1 bias due to inaccurate flip angle $ (B1" error). Simulated profiles of the 3- and 4-angle sets were comparable to the
measurements of T1 relative to true value in the absence of random 10-angle combination optimized through a genetic algo-
signal noise show a significant offset dependent only on the relative rithm (11), but the selection was much simpler, based on
error in $ (thick line). Results are shown for various combinations of combining dual-angle pairs tuned to 500 and 2500 ms.
flip angles and TR, averaged over T1 # 50 –3000 ms. Theoretical Moreover, for an SNR # 250 before signal averaging and
predictions (thin line) based on Eq. (5) provide a good approximation
constant scan time, greater T1 bias was seen with larger
when relative errors in $ are within 15%.
angle sets (Fig. 4b). Three flip angles appeared to be opti-
mal, providing consistently high efficiencies with minimal
noise bias.
Simulation Results
Phantom Results
Inaccurate flip angles were a dominant source of error in
T1 estimation. T1 measurements were calculated in the Phantom experiments validated our analytic expression
absence of signal noise for a range of angle offsets, and the for correcting T1 errors due to inaccurate flip angles and
measured value relative to true T1 was averaged across T1 confirmed our angle selection for optimizing accuracy and
# 50 –3000 ms for each angle offset. This was repeated for efficiency. Figure 5a shows a B1" map acquired in a cylin- F5
different combinations of $ and TR. The results are shown drical phantom, which was used to correct T1 values ac-
F2 in Fig. 2 (thick line). The various solutions are difficult to quired with three angles. A cross-section taken centrally
distinguish due to close agreement. Theoretical predic- through the cylinder, averaged over 10 rows, showed that
tions based on Eq. [5] are also shown (thin line). The key corrected T1 values (117.0 - 2.86 ms) agreed closely with
observation is that the relative T1 error is constant for any reference SSFSE-IR measurements (116.8 - 2.07 ms) (Fig.
T1 and depends only on the angle offset. When the true 5b). However, the VFA method was three times faster than
angle is within 15% of the nominal, the analytic solution the accelerated version of a standard SE-IR sequence. T1
is a useful approximation of the error contracted in T1. In maps before and after B1" correction are also shown (Fig.
this range, the relative T1 error is twice the relative angle 5c and d).
error. Whether the calibration curve or the analytic ap- The accuracy of our technique for correcting B1"-related
proximation was used, correction was easily achieved and T1 errors across a wide T1 range is shown in Fig. 6a. F6
was accurate for any combination of $ and TR, requiring Noise-related bias was not significant as sufficient SNR
only knowledge of angle variations. was maintained. Although B1" variations were small,
F3 Noise-induced systematic T1 error is illustrated in Fig. 3 within 6%, the accuracy of T1 measurements improved
for sets of 2, 3, and 10 flip angles at various SNR levels. after B1" correction. Furthermore, consistent results were
The exact nature of the bias depended on the specific angle obtained for different combinations of angles and TR,
values, but several observations can be made. Dual angles thereby confirming that the correction method is indepen-
generally suffered from biases at T1 values outside the dent of imaging parameters. In Fig. 6b, additional offsets of
target range even when SNR is high. With 3 angles, better 10 and 20% were introduced into the nominal flip angles

FIG. 3. T1 bias due to noise. Simulated T1

measurements relative to true T1 at various
SNR levels for TR # 5 ms and flip angles of
(a) [2,14], (b) [2,9,19], and (c) 10 % $ (see
text). Measurements are mean values ob-
tained from 10000 random trials.
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Accurate and Precise VFA T1 Mapping 5

FIG. 4. Flip angles for optimal performance over a wide T1 range. (a) Efficiency measurements from 10000 simulation trials show that
multiple angles maintain consistent efficiencies across the entire T1 range. Dual angles fail at either low or high T1 values. (b) Accuracy is
best ensured using fewer angles. An SNR # 250 prior to signal averaging and TR # 5 ms were used. Dual-angle acquisitions were averaged
six times, three angles averaged four times, and so on to maintain comparable total scan time.

to test further the accuracy of our correction method and different slices. Furthermore, measured T1 values agreed
illustrate the errors incurred in uncorrected T1 estimates. with those reported in the literature (see Table 1). T1
Efficiencies obtained in phantoms followed the trends
predicted from simulations, with the three-angle set pro-
viding the highest and most uniform efficiency overall. DISCUSSION
F7 Figure 7 shows that both multiple-angle schemes (3 and 10
angles) offered comparable efficiencies, while perfor- The variable flip angle method allows rapid T1 quantifica-
mance was degraded either at low or high T1 when dual tion with better precision and accuracy than conventional
angles were used. approaches and was recently shown to be capable of gen-
Noise-induced bias predicted from simulations was con- erating rapid 3D T1 maps in a clinical setting (6,7). The
F8 firmed in vitro. Figure 8 shows that greater bias was ob- value of quantitative imaging spans numerous clinical ap-
served when the slice thickness was reduced from 5 mm plications, from quantifying vascular properties in dy-
(SNR . 300) to 1 mm (SNR . 60), progressively worsening namic contrast studies to improved characterization of
with an increased number of angles. Dual angles were even neurologic diseases. T1 maps offer the advantage of remov-
more susceptible to noise-related errors, even for 5-mm ing confounding influences of T2 effects, proton density,
slices, outside a limited T1 range. and coil sensitivity on T1-weighted images. Unfortunately,
these advantages have remained largely unexplored in the
clinic, since T1 mapping is not part of routine assessment.
In Vivo Results
However, the combination of speed, volume, and high
F9 Figure 9 shows B1" maps and corresponding T1 maps resolution possible with the VFA approach has made it a
obtained at 3.0 T. Note that T1 values in the corrected practical alternative. In fact, recent studies of breast (19)
images were more balanced within a slice and among and brain (20) tumors have been reported using this ap-

FIG. 5. Correction of T1 map acquired in

phantom at 1.5 T using the VFA approach
($ # [2,9,19], 4 NEX). (a) Transmit field map.
(b) Cross-section taken centrally through
uncorrected (dotted line) and corrected
(solid line) T1 maps compared to reference
SSFSE-IR measurements (thick line). (c) Un-
corrected and (d) corrected T1 maps. All T1
values are in milliseconds.
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6 Cheng and Wright

FIG. 6. Accuracy of corrected T1 measure-

ments in phantoms over T1 # 50 –3000 ms.
(a) Correction scheme is accurate and inde-
pendent of parameter settings. (b) Errors in
T1 measurements are significant when ad-
ditional offsets of 10 and 20% are intro-
duced into the flip angles. Corrected results
correspond closely to reference values.

proach. With its growing popularity in the clinic, it is correction, as 25% deviations have been reported in cer-
important to understand the limitations as well as the tain regions of a breast coil (19). Our results indicated that
conditions under which accurate measurements are pos- the relative T1 error is significant and is approximately
sible. twice the relative angle error for B1" variations under
The total scan time required for 3D T1 mapping depends 15%. However, we have shown that correction requires
on the specific clinical target. For brain imaging, large only knowledge of the B1" error and was accurate for T1
volume coverage with high spatial resolution may require maps acquired with any choice of angles and TR.
128 slices of 1 mm thickness. Unilateral breast imaging The second contribution is a better understanding of the
may require as few as 28 slices. Regardless of the applica- SNR threshold necessary to achieve accurate T1 measure-
tion, it is crucial to maintain the highest SNR possible due ments. An SNR . 350 (for $ # 90° and TR , 6 ' T1) was
to the sensitivity of the VFA approach to noise-related shown to reduce T1 biases to less than 2% for the angle sets
errors. Accuracy and short scan times are best ensured studied. Three angles were better than dual angles, as
with high-resolution coils and, if possible, imaging with weighted least-squares regression could be implemented
larger voxels. An additional problem of B1" field-related to reduce the influence of noisy data points. Three angles
errors is encountered when imaging at field strengths were also better than 10 optimized angles for two reasons:
higher than 1.5 T, and correcting this error imposes more the presence of fewer data points to experience noise bias,
demands on scan time. In this work, we obtained in under even at the same SNR; and more time was available for
4 min a full 3D T1 map of the brain in vivo, with 1 ' 1 ' signal averaging to further improve SNR. Inadequate noise
5 mm3 resolution, calibrated for B1" variations, using an reduction results in characteristic biases in our T1 mea-
eight-channel head array coil on a 3.0 T system. surements, best evidenced in Fig. 3c. Here, the same set of
The first contribution of this work is an analytic solution 10 angles are positioned mainly in the low angle portion of
(Eq. [5[) for the systematic error in T1 measurements due to the signal-versus-$ curve for small T1 measurements, but
inaccurate flip angles. Inaccurate angles can arise from two mainly in the high angle portion for large T1. When noise
sources: slice profile errors, which are minimized using 3D dominates, the fitted slope of Eq. [2] preferentially in-
sequences, and B1" inhomogeneity. The latter problem is creases or decreases, respectively (see Fig. 1). The average
exacerbated at higher field strengths and needs to be cor- tendency was to overestimate small T1 values and under-
rected (16). Even some coil configurations at 1.5 T require estimate large T1 values (Fig. 3c).

FIG. 8. T1 bias in low SNR phantom experiments. Reduced SNR
FIG. 7. Efficiencies achieved in phantoms over T1 # 50 –3000 ms. through thinner slices (5 mm, black; 1 mm, red) results in undesired
Three angles offer an efficiency profile comparable to a 10-angle T1 bias. This bias is more severe with larger angle sets. However,
acquisition and is significantly more uniform compared to any dual even with 5-mm slices, bias is evident for dual angles beyond a
angle acquisition. limited T1 range.
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Accurate and Precise VFA T1 Mapping 7

FIG. 9. In vivo brain 3D T1 map-
ping at 3.0 T. (a) Transmit field
maps. (b) Uncorrected and (c)
corrected T1 maps acquired with
three flip angles ($ # [2,9,19], 1

Finally, we offered a simple and practical method for ume effects from white matter or cerebral spinal fluid. An
choosing flip angles to achieve accurate and precise T1 additional challenge with long T1 species, such as gray
measurements. In contrast to most papers on this topic matter, is that accuracy is more dependent on experimen-
(5,6,11), which optimize the precision per unit time, we tal conditions. With conventional inversion- or saturation-
also considered accuracy. Another distinction was that our recovery methods, which are used in Refs. (24,25), often
focus was not to devise a systematic method for determin- parameters adopted are optimized for measuring T1’s in a
ing optimal angles. Instead, we provided a set of guide- lower range and/or TRs chosen are too short to allow
lines based on validated results from theory and experi- sufficient recovery of magnetization. These factors repre-
ments. Once the T1 range of interest has been determined, sent a potential source of T1 underestimation reported in
ideal angles tuned to the maximum T1 and at least five the literature for gray matter. In our approach, these
times the minimum T1 are calculated. We found that tun- sources of biases are accounted for, which may explain
ing to this lower T1 threshold was sufficient, as the effi- higher T1 measurements compared to those reported by
ciency profile peaks over an even lower T1 range. In fact,
Ethofer et al. (24) and Wansapura et al. (25). In fact, our
tuning to the minimum T1 value resulted in poorer preci-
values agree with those of Stanisz et al. (23), who also
sion overall. This process yields a four-angle set, and only
considered details related to T1 accuracy.
one of the two smallest angles needs to be retained. The
In addition to the choice of flip angles, noise threshold-
addition of more angles tuned to intermediate T1 values
ing, and B1" inhomogeneity, other factors can influence
may not offer better efficiency and can potentially cause
bias if SNR is insufficient. the accuracy of the VFA technique. Off-resonance effects
Practical demonstration of our technique was given in may become problematic at low bandwidths, but this is
full-brain T1 mapping at 3 T. Total scan time was under not generally a concern for the short TRs employed. An-
4 min, including correction for B1" inhomogeneity. At this other important but subtle criterion for accuracy is that the
field strength, RF miscalibration was significant. The field equilibrium condition of Eq. [1]) must be satisfied (14).
distribution was asymmetrical (Fig. 9a), resulting in low- Failure to drive the spin system to equilibrium prior to
ered T1 values in the right frontal and diametrically oppo- data sampling can occur if the number of pulses prior to
site regions (Fig. 9b). Corrected T1 maps showed improved data acquisition is inadequate, which is more likely in
symmetry within a slice and consistency among slices tissues with very long T1 relaxation times. T1 mapping
(Fig. 9c). Our measurements agreed well with literature techniques based on signal detection during the recovery
values, especially for white matter. Greater variability ex- to equilibrium may circumvent this possible source of
ists in reported gray matter T1’s, possibly due to the diffi- error (3,21). Comparing the merit of VFA imaging against
culty of isolating gray matter regions without partial vol- other rapid sequences is a topic of future studies.

T1 Values Measured in White and Gray Matter at 3.0 T in Two Healthy Volunteers
T1 (ms)
Volunteer 1 Volunteer 2 Literature
White matter 1084 - 79 1087 - 49 1084 - 45 (23)
1110 - 45 (24)
832 - 10 (25)
Gray matter 1703 - 53 1732 - 70 1820 - 114 (23)
1470 - 50 (24)
1331 - 13 (25)
Note. Mean - SD averaged across 20 anatomical regions in six consecutive 5-mm slices were obtained for both white (frontal, parietal, and
occipital regions) and gray matters (frontal, parasagittal, insular, parietal, and occipital regions).
tapraid5/z3t-mrm/z3t-mrm/z3t00206/z3t2425d06a gockleyj S#9 12/14/05 13:49 Art: 05-8050 Input-sl

8 Cheng and Wright

A major component of this work required that accu- Each term in Eq. [A2] will now be derived. The first term
rate B1" maps of the transmit field be acquired rapidly to is obtained from Eq. [3]:
preserve the time advantage of the VFA T1 mapping
approach. The SE-EPI sequence we adopted (18) is sig- &T1 T12
nificantly faster than traditional SE imaging and offers " exp(TR/T1). [A3]
&m TR
comparable accuracy. However, the off-resonance offset
needs to be determined and accounted for. We have
found this calibration can be performed in a phantom as Next, the definitions of Xi and Yi given in Eq. [2] are used
a separate step to avoid additional scan time in vivo. to find the two partial terms:
Errors in the calibration will propagate into our correc-
tion of T1. Sequences that are insensitive to off-reso-
nance effects will obviate the need for off-line calibra-
&Yi &
# & '
&$i &$i sin$i
#%Yi /tan$i [A4]
tion and need to be developed. Another possible source

& '
of error is slice profile effects. Slice-selective pulses &Xi & Si
were used to obtain the transmit field maps, while the T1 # #%Xi (tan$i "1/tan$i ). [A5]
&$i &$i tan$i
sequence was non-slice-selective. To ensure high accu-
racy in the correction, the pulses for both sequences
should match. Since slice profile effects due to finite RF The last two partial terms in Eq. [A2] are determined from
pulses are not corrected by field mapping, differences the definition of the slope m, which follows a least-squares
between 2D and 3D acquisitions, if significant, will af- regression (22):
fect the accuracy of our T1 correction.
In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that XY ! XY
accurate and rapid 3D T1 mapping can be achieved with m# 2 . [A6]
X %X2
the VFA approach across a wide range of T1’s encoun-
tered in various clinical problems. Analytic and exper-
imental results demonstrate significant sensitivity to Equation [A6], together with the definition for the operator
1 N
transmit field B1" (i.e., flip angles) errors, resulting in Z! " ! Z , are used to find the last two partial terms:
N i#1 i
relative T1 errors that are approximately twice the rela-
tive angle error and are independent of imaging param-
eters. This bias must be corrected, especially when im- &m !
Xi ! X
# [A7]
aging at field strengths higher than 1.5 T or using spe- &Yi N(X2%X2)
cialized coils with significant inhomogeneity. We have
proposed a method that retains the speed efficiency of
&m 1
VFA by using a rapid B1" mapping method and a simple " ! %2exp(%TR/T1)(Xi ! X
[Y ! Y ! )]. [A8]
calibration curve to correct for these errors. Further- &Xi N(X2%X2) i
more, we have identified an SNR threshold and have
shown that imaging with three flip angles, tuned to the Combining these expressions for partial derivatives into
cover the T1 range of interest, ensures the best use of Eqs. [A1] and [A2] gives the final formula in Eq. [5].
scan time to achieve accurate and precise measurements APPENDIX B
across a large T1 range. Our T1 values were accurate and The precision in T1 can be determined by deriving the
agreed closely with standard inversion-recovery mea- variance (T12 due to random errors in the signal. We begin
surements. Further validation was obtained from in vivo with the formula for noise propagation (22):
brain results at 3 Tesla, with T1 measurements in agree-
ment with literature values.
( T12# (i2 , [A9]
In deriving the equation for the systematic error in T1 due &Si
to errors in flip angles d$i, we begin with a first-order
where (i is the noise level for the image acquired using flip
angle $i. Assuming that (i is independent of flip angle and

! is equal to (, it can be factored outside the summation

&T1 &T1 &T1 &T1
dT1 " d$ " d$ ". . . " d$ " d$i . sign:
&$1 1 &$2 2 &$N N &$i

!$ %
[A1] N
&T1 2
( T1 2#(2 . [A10]
The T1 estimated depends on the signal Si through the i#1

ordinates and slope defined in Eq. [2]. Using the chain

rule, the dependence of T1 on flip angles $i can be obtained The partial derivative can be expanded according to the
as follows: chain rule:

" " $
&T1 &T1 &m &T1 &m &Yi &m &Xi
&$i &m &$i &m &Yi &$i &Xi &$i
. % [A2] # " # $
&T1 &T1 &m &T1 &m &Yi &m &Xi
&Si &m &Si &m &Yi &Si &Xi &Si
. % [A11]
tapraid5/z3t-mrm/z3t-mrm/z3t00206/z3t2425d06a gockleyj S#9 12/14/05 13:49 Art: 05-8050 Input-sl

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