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Fool and His Foolishness- Psalms 14

D.L. Moody was preaching once and got a note before he preached. All that was on the note

was the word "Fool". He stepped up to the front and said, "This is interesting. I usually get

letters from people without a name on it. Tonight somebody has given me a piece of paper

with their name on it but no letter."

20 years ago, John Blanchard published a book titled “Does God believe in Atheists?”

The word used for ‘fool’ is the Hebrew word nabal, which means fading, dying, or falling

away, as a withered leaf or flower. Everyone who denies the existence of God is in such a

state: fading, dying, and falling away. They are here today and gone tomorrow. Their life is

but a vapor dissolving in the air. God offers them eternal life, but He requires them to accept

it in humility.

Do you know what’s amazing about this Psalm? This Psalm begins with people who don’t

believe in God. And get this:

- There are 41,173 verses in the Bible and God gives one half of one verse to the atheist!

- There are 774,746 words in the Bible and God gives the atheist 11 words.

Think about it - the most brilliant scientist who sees a car - has no problem believing there’s a

designer. He sees a portrait and has no problem believing there’s an artist. He reads a book

and has no problem believing there’s an author! But when he sees creation, he denies there’s

a creator! That’s really amazing to me!

here are 2 types of atheist in America:

- The intellectual - believes there’s no God.

- The practical - behaves like there’s no God.

And the most foolish person in the world today is not the intellectual fool, but rather the

practical fool, the one who believes in God but their lifestyle is godless!

The practical atheist says:

There’s a God, but I’m going to live without him.

There is a Bible, but I’m not going to live by it.

There’s a Lord’s Day, but I’m going to sleep it away or go fishing all day!

Some Christian comes under this category

- Live a life …no God

- If nothing is happen- Why God

- If something problem- No God

The most famous atheist of our day was Madelyn Murray O’Hare. Her son William

quotes her as saying…“I’m an atheist, not because I’ve searched behind every star

and looked under every rock to prove there’s no God. I’m an atheist because I want to

live my life as if there’s no God.”

Don’t miss what I’m about to say…God doesn’t deal with atheism on an intellectual

level - because atheism is not an intellectual issue, it’s a moral issue. It’s not so much

a mental problem as it is a moral problem! Atheism is not a head problem - it’s a heart
problem! Atheism is not a person who cannot believe in God as much as it’s a person

who will not believe in God!

Example – Round and vacuum

How much you know----20 percent- What you don’t know…if god exist there

The atheist’s biggest problem is not in the evidence but rather the great threat God is

to their lifestyle! Think about it…If there’s no God, then there’s no judgment, no

punishment, no standard of what’s right or wrong - why not make it whatever you


This reminds me of a little boy who was talking to his atheist dad at dinner and said, “Dad, do

you think God knows that we don’t believe in him?”

Even the most educated genius with the highest I.Q. can be a fool! The person in the natural

can know what E=MC square is, but in the spiritual knows nothing about the ABC’s of God!

The professor held a Ph.D. in biochemistry, he is a brilliant man, and he is also a Christian.

He used to say that he was the most worshipful of God when he was looking into a


He would say that was when he was filled the most awe and wonder of the power and nature

of God. God is a God of order and design. He has wonderfully arranged the stars in the

heavens as well as the cells of a human eye.

A college student was in a Philosophy class, where a class discussion about whether or not

God exists was in progress. The professor had the following logic: “Has anyone in this class

heard God?” Nobody spoke.

“Has anyone in this class touched God?” Again, nobody spoke.

“Has anyone in this class seen God?” When nobody spoke for the 3rd time, he simply stated,

“Then there is no GOD.”

The student did not like the sound of this at all, and asked for permission to speak. The

professor granted it, and the student stood up and asked the following questions of his

classmates: “Has anyone in this class heard our professor’s brain?” Silence.

“Has anyone in this class touched our professor’s brain?” Absolute silence.

“Has anyone in this class seen our professor’s brain?” When nobody in the class dared to

speak, the student concluded, “Then, according to our professor’s logic, it must be true that

our professor has no brain!”

How many times you reject God… is spirit issues….spirit doesn’t recognize who spirit is

Worshipper must worship in truth and spirit

God is Spirit. When you reject the Spirit who given the spririt to search for him. You are fool.

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