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Time test Name:

1.What time is it? Write the time. Napíš čas – vetou aj v digitálkach.

1 ___________________________ 2 _________________________ 3_________________________

___________________________ _________________________ ________________________

2. Draw the time. Nakresli hodiny.

It´s two o´clock. It´s half past one. It´s eleven o´clock. It´s half past two.

3. What time is it? Koľko je hodín?

1________________________ 2__________________________ 3_______________________

_________________________ ___________________________ _______________________

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Doplň vety so slovesami v správnom tvare.

a) I ___________ (like) chocolate.

b) He ___________ ( like) pastries.
c) We ______________( not/ like) apples.
d) She ______________ (not/ like) nuts.
e) ______ you _________ (like) cake? Yes, I do.
f) ______ Billy _________ (like) baloons? No, he doesn´t.
g) He ______________ (get up) at 6 o´clock.
h) They ______________ (have dinner) at 7 o´clock.
i) She ______________ (not/ go) to school at 8 o´clock.
j) We _______________ (not/ have) lunch at 12 o´clock.

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