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Passive bioclimatic strategy: Use of soil and gravel as high

density and specific heat roofing materials 
Jorge-Fernando Toledo-Toledo  ; Marco Ávila Calle

AIP Conf. Proc. 2928, 080002 (2023)


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29 September 2023 13:49:47

Passive Bioclimatic Strategy: Use of Soil and Gravel as High
Density and Specific Heat Roofing Materials

Jorge-Fernando Toledo-Toledo1, a), Marco Ávila Calle 1

Catholic University of Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study details the use of materials for roof construction systems as a passive bioclimatic strategy, in the
search for improving the comfort conditions of buildings located in a mid-latitude, humid and temperate climate, where the
average annual temperatures fluctuate between 15 ºC and 18 ºC and comfort in a sedentary state range between 22 ºC and
25 ºC. Radiation, with a value of 4,116 w/m2, is above the comfortable limits, the optimum radiation being 430 w/m2.
Having the environmental conditions indicated, the bioclimatic strategy referred to above was chosen, since, under this
scenario, it is required to maintain an optimal comfort condition. Soil, gravel and grass, in addition to being materials with
a high bioclimatic potential, have an ideal thermal conductivity. The proposed systems satisfy comfort, maintain an

29 September 2023 13:49:47

adequate internal temperature, are natural and environmentally sustainable systems. The use of physical scale models, as
illustration models, allowed to clearly observe the behavior of each scenario, taking into consideration all climatic variables.

In this work, the applicability of high-density materials (earth and gravel) in roof construction systems and as
thermal insulation for buildings of single-family housing typology, to be located in Ricaurte, Cuenca, Azuay - Ecuador
'Figure 1', considered according to the Köppen - Geiger climate classification, as a mid-latitude, humid and temperate
climate, denominated Cfb [1]. In this space, temperature variations were studied, considering the materiality and the
system itself [2]. The passive bioclimatic strategy is materialized by using as an application resource, a group of
physical scale models, in which a group of roof systems are established, in which the performance of the materials
and their behavior under climatic conditions are observed, with the purpose of satisfying the comfort of the people
living in the place of study.

South America

FIGURE 1. Location of the study site. Ricaurte, Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador.

A series of tests were generated, developing scale models, which simulated four different types of roofs:
conventional concrete slab, system with earth protection, system with gravel protection and vegetation cover. The
intention of the tests was to check the temperature incidence in each case, to establish the comfort levels from the
measurements and to determine the differences in the results.

World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium WMCAUS 2022

AIP Conf. Proc. 2928, 080002-1–080002-10;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4663-2/$30.00

The idea of using materials of high conductivity, density and specific heat as envelope in the roof, allowed to take
advantage of the sun's heat and internal gains in the building for cold climates [3]; since, under these conditions, it is
considered important to store all the heat generated and received during the day, to release it at night, improving its
thermal performance [4]. Soil, gravel and turf, as materials applied in roofs, have high thermal masses and are suitable
for the process of loading and unloading of heat, known as energy inertia [5]. This parameter is directly related to the
thickness of the material. 'Figure 2'.
indoor with
air average inner surface
thermal with high
mass thermal mass
Inner surface with high

thermal mass.
Higher level of cold is felt.


FIGURE 2. Temperature oscillation.

29 September 2023 13:49:47

As part of the analysis, the thermal conductivity of the materials used in each type of roof was considered, 'Table
1', which can be measured in two ways: by their specific heat and by their heat capacity [6]. Soil, gravel and turf, as
bioclimatic materials, are characterized by: Absorb, transmit and accumulate energy; from which, they determine the
effectiveness of the constructive elements in the control or modification of thermal conditions [7]. The materials used,
in addition to having high thermal conductivity, have been traditionally used and have a reduced impact on the
environment, compared to other industrialized products.

TABLE 1. Thermal conductivity of materials used.

Material Thermal conductivity (W/mK oC)
Concrete 1,70
Gravel 1,56
Earth 0,50
Grass 0,90

The reduced level of thermal comfort in the houses located at the study site motivated the use of roofs with gravel,
earth and grass, compared to conventional roofing. In the local context, flat slab roofs are generally used; in most
cases, with reduced or no insulation.

By employing high density and high specific heat materials as components lining the roof, it was proposed to take
advantage of the sun's rays to store all the heat received during the day and release it during the night, allowing an
increase of the temperature in the interior space [8]. This condition was perfectly applicable to the chosen site. 'Table
2. The climate of Ricaurte, as considered by Köppen, is characterized by long, hot and cloudy summers; winters are
short, comfortable and partly cloudy. Throughout the year, the temperature varies between 13 °C and 18 °C, although
sometimes the temperature can be lower, depending on the conditions [9].

TABLE 2. Temperature ranges by month in Ricaurte, Azuay, Ecuador.
Temperature jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec

Extreme high oC 18,0 18,4 18,5 18,4 17,6 16,7 16,1 16,4 17,2 18,0 18,3 18,5
High C 17,3 16,9 17,2 16,6 16,5 16,0 15,8 15,6 16,3 16,9 17,1 16,6

Medium oC 17,0 16,7 16,7 16,5 16,3 15,7 15,0 15,3 15,9 16,6 16,9 16,3

Minimum oC 16,3 16,0 16,4 16,3 16,1 15,4 14,6 15,0 15,7 16,1 16,5 15,9

Min Extreme oC 15,9 15,5 15,0 15,6 15,4 14,3 13,7 13,9 13,9 15,5 15,4 13,7

Oscillation 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,3 0,4 0,6 1,2 0,6 0,6 0,8 0,6 0,7

In addition to the above, there was high solar radiation at the site, with a maximum value of 1295 w/m2 in the
month of February, exceeding the limits of maximum comfortable radiation, considered with a value of 430 w/m2,
which was an advantage for materials with high thermal inertia, since in this case they were exposed to greater ranges
of radiation. Table 3', taking into account that the hygrothermal comfort temperature level in a sedentary state range
between 22ºC - 25ºC [10].

TABLE 3. Solar radiation in Ricaurte.

Radiation jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
Maximum direct
radiation (W/m2) 1089 1080 1072 1047 1026 1008 1015 1020 1036 1066 1079 1081
Maximum diffuse

29 September 2023 13:49:47

radiation (W/m2) 527 586 540 521 479 430 453 505 587 577 526 509
Maximum total
radiation (W/m2) 1242 1295 1233 1203 1106 1118 1155 1129 1248 1278 1230 1216

Total insolation (hr) 458 458 456 428 425 392 422 439 439 478 506 497

The proposed models made it possible to verify the performance of the materials used and their behavior under the
climatic conditions of the site; of which, the use of the roof with insulation material as a passive strategy, in addition
to being characterized as a thermal insulator, also fulfills the function of acoustic insulation, in the search for
improving comfort conditions. For example, the inverted roof with gravel protection, uses this material as a protection
resource of the constituent elements of the roof, avoiding the possible suction of wind and solar radiation into the
interior of the building; without it, thermal dissatisfaction would be caused [11]. In this case, by placing the
waterproofing layer below the thermal insulation, a double function of vapor barrier is generated and consequently,
the waterproofing is more protected, compared to the minimal or even no protection of the conventional roof. In the
case of the green roof, as a construction system composed of an earth substrate or similar, on which a vegetation layer
is placed, it improves the insulation conditions of the base on which it is installed, in addition to increasing the
environmental conditions and comfort of the interior spaces it covers [12]. Green roofs, in addition to protecting from
solar radiation, reduce the thermal fluctuation on the exterior surface of a building, increasing its thermal capacity and
contributing to the passive cooling of the interior spaces [13]. Due to the reduction of thermal gains, green roofs reduce
energy consumption and, consequently, minimize the impact of buildings on global warming [14].


Regarding the construction systems used in roofing, the following are considered for the research: normal roofing
(conventional slab), inverted gravel roofing, roofing with earth protection and landscaped green roofing.
The normal roof is composed of: a structural base, a light concrete slope-forming layer and a cement mortar
regularization layer, as shown in 'Figure 3 (a)'. On the other hand, the inverted gravel roof is composed of: a structural
base, a slope formation layer in lightweight concrete, a regularization layer with cement mortar, a vapor barrier

separating layer, a bituminous waterproof sheet, a geotextile filter, a rigid polyethylene plate for thermal insulation, a
geotextile filtering felt and a protective capping layer based on pebbles of 16-30 mm in diameter with a thickness of
five centimeters. 'Figure 3 (b)'[15].

3 7
2 6
1 4
1. Structural foundation
2. Slope-forming layer (lightweight concrete)
3. Separating layer (regularization with cement)
4. Separating layer (short-steam layer)
5. Waterproof sheeting (synthetic sheeting)
6. Separating layer (geotextile felt)
7. Thermal insulation (rigid polyethylene plates))
8. Separation layer (geotextile filtering felt)
9. Protective layer based on stones

(a) (b)

FIGURE 3. Construction details of normal roof and inverted roof with gravel protection.

Another roofing system is the one with earth protection, which is composed of: A structural base, lightweight
concrete or cement mortar, regularization separating box with cement mortar, vapor barrier layer, thermal insulation
under waterproofing, separating layer over insulation, waterproof sheet, polyurethane sheet, polyethylene sheet,
filtering geotextile felt, protection layer with 3-centimeter-thick sand sub-base and earth protection layer 'Figure 4
(a)'. This system has a similar structure to the landscaped type, with the particularity that, in addition to the components

29 September 2023 13:49:47

referred to, the latter is made up of a vegetation layer, "whose thickness will vary according to the type of plant
material used, considering a minimum of 10 centimeters. From 30 centimeters thick, the thermal insulating layer is no
longer needed, since the general mantle itself performs its function. 'Figure 4 (b)' [15].
11 12
10 11
9 10
8 9
7 8
6 7
5 6
4 5
3 4 1. Structural foundation
2 3 2. Slope-forming layer (concrete)
1 2 3. Separating layer (regularization layer with cement)
1 4. Separating layer (short-steam layer)
5. Thermal insulation under the waterproofing
6. Separating layer for insulation
7. Waterproof film
8. Separating layer (polyurethane film)
9. Separating layer (polyethylene film)
10. Protective layer (sand sub-base)
11. Protective layer (soil mantle)
12. Protective layer (vegetative layer)
(a) (b)

FIGURE 4. Construction details of the roof with earth protection and vegetation cover.


For the experimentation carried out, four physical models were built, a series of boxes in the shape of a prism with
a square base, considering as execution materials: 9-millimeter MDF sheet, fine-grained soil, glue, 4-millimeter
plywood sheet, fiber cement board, 2mm stone, grass fragment and nails, depending on each model. The realization
process was carried out as follows:

Sample Processing and Application of Inert Materials
Volumetric models (cuboids) of 10 centimeters side by 15 centimeters height were considered. Each one emulated
a specific construction system. Each model was given a specific condition, which simulated a defined roof typology
for the analysis of thermal inertia and consequently, the comfort level in each case. The following conditions were
established: a roof with semi-wet earth cladding; a second roof with fine stone cladding, equivalent to the gravel clad
roof typology; a third one in which only plywood sheeting was used, emulating the common roof type 'Figure 5 (a)';
and a fourth prototype representing the vegetated roof typology 'Figure 5 (b)'.
version) 1

1. Cover with semi-wet soil coating

2. Covered with fine stone cladding
3. Plywood sheathing cover (normal)
4. Vegetable cover

(a) (b)

FIGURE 5. Volumetric models developed for experimentation

Comfort Level Analysis

29 September 2023 13:49:47

From the elaboration of the scale specimens, two conditions were considered to analyze the thermal conductivity,
taking into account the temperature measurement, both in the external area next to each roof model; as well as in the
interior space of each of the cuboids [16]. These scenarios were based on exposing the models to the sun and taking
temperatures in the interior and exterior spaces of each model. The process was repeated for two hours, between 12h00
and 14h00, with temperature data taken every 15 minutes. Subsequently, the models were placed in the shade 'Figure
6 (a)' and the indoor and outdoor temperatures were taken between noon and two o'clock in the afternoon, with data
collected every quarter of an hour 'Figure 6 (b)'.

FIGURE 6. Models exposed for 15 minutes between 12h00 -14h00 and temperature recording.


Data Collection and Analysis

From the indicated procedure, temperature data were obtained under each of the conditions and parameters defined
in the materials and processes stage. Table 4 shows the temperature values recorded in the exterior zone, upper space
of each model exposed to the sun, between 12:00 and 14:00. In the analyses carried out, a considerable temperature
increase was noted after fifteen minutes from the last immediately preceding record.

TABLE 4. Temperature data obtained in the outdoor area between 12h00 and 14h00
Roof types Temperature in oC per time (in minutes)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
(12h00) (12h15) (12h30) (12h45) (13h00) (13h15) (13h30) (13h45) (14h00)
Conventional roof 30,5 34,5 38,4 42,4 44,1 47,5 50 50 49,1
Roof with ground protection 30,5 33,2 34,9 37,6 39,2 41,7 45,3 46,5 49,6
Roof with gravel protection 30,5 33,9 37,3 40,7 44,1 47,5 50,9 52,2 55,7
Green roof 30,5 32,9 35,2 37,6 38,6 40,7 42,2 42,4 42,6







0 (12h00) 15 (12h15) 30 (12h30) 45 (12h45) 60 (13h00) 75 (13h15) 90 (13h30) 105 (13h45) 120 (14h00)


29 September 2023 13:49:47

Cubierta normalRoof
oC Cubierta c/prot.
Roof with groundde tierra oC

Roof withc/prot.
gravel de grava oC
protection Cubierta vegetal oC
Green Roof

FIGURE 7. Comparative graph of temperature in prototypes from table 4.

From the data indicated, 'Figure 7', represents the values taken from 'Table 4', the measurement was performed
when the sunlight was at a maximum point, it was clearly denoted a more accelerated temperature increase in the
cover containing the material simulating gravel protection, starting at a temperature of 30.5 °C, until reaching a
maximum temperature of 55.7°C, after two hours of the first measurement. In the case of the cover containing material
with soil protection, the starting temperature was 30.5°C and after one hundred and twenty minutes it reached a value
of 49.6°C. For the normal canopy, the initial temperature measurement was 30.5°C and after two hours, the
thermometer read 49.1°C. And, over the vegetation canopy, the initial measurement was 30.5°C and after 120 minutes,
the final measurement was 42.6°C. With these data it was defined that, in the lapse of two hours and in contact with
the sun, in the exterior space, the cover that had the greatest increase in temperature was the cover with gravel
protection, with a temperature increase of 25.2 °C; followed by the cover with earth protection, whose increase was
19.1 °C. Then, the normal cover, which added 18.6 °C with respect to the first sampling, and the vegetative cover had
the smallest temperature increase with 12.1 °C.
In 'Table 5', the temperature data were recorded in the interior space of each model under conditions exposed to
the sun, between 12h00 and 14h00. In this case, an increase in temperature was also evident with each record.

TABLE 5. . Temperature data obtained in the indoor area between 12h00 and 14h00
Roof types Temperature in oC per time (in minutes)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
(12h00) (12h15) (12h30) (12h45) (13h00) (13h15) (13h30) (13h45) (14h00)

Conventional roof 23,4 25,8 26,9 28,4 30 33,7 35,9 38,5 41,2
Roof with ground protection 20,3 21,5 22,5 23,9 25,3 27,5 30,4 32,9 35,9

Roof with gravel protection 28,1 29,8 32,1 33,5 34,9 35,6 37,1 38,0 39,9

Green roof 21,2 22,1 22,6 23,9 24,3 25,8 26,6 27,8 29,7


0 (12h00) 15 (12h15) 30 (12h30) 45 (12h45) 60 (13h00) 75 (13h15) 90 (13h30) 105 (13h45) 120 (14h00)


Cubierta RoofoC
normal Cubierta
Roof withc/prot.
groundde tierra oC

Roof withc/prot. de grava oC
gravel protection Cubierta vegetal oC
Green Roof

FIGURE 8. Comparative graph of temperature in prototypes from table 5.

With the same conditions as in the previous case, having the sun at its maximum point, 'Figure 8', shows the
comparison of data resulting from Table 5. In this case, when measuring the temperature in the interior space of each
model, the highest increase in the volume containing the normal deck was considered, being the initial measurement

29 September 2023 13:49:47

23.4 °C, and the data after one hundred and twenty minutes was 41.2 °C. On the protective soil cover, the initial
reading was 20.3 °C, and after two hours, the final reading was 35.9 °C. Regarding the gravel cover, the first
measurement was 28.1 °C and the last one was reported at 39.9 °C. In the vegetation cover, the initial measurement
was 21.2 °C and the final measurement was 29.7 °C. From the above, the temperature increases after two hours were
recorded. In the normal canopy, the increase was 17.8 °C; in the soil protection typology, the increase was 15.6 °C.
On the gravel protection cover, the temperature increase was 11.8 °C; and the smallest increase was generated in the
vegetation cover, with 8.5 °C.
In 'Table 6', the temperature information was reported in the outdoor space, upper space of each model, between
12h00 and 14h00, under shaded conditions, when it is not in direct contact with the sun. In this case, the temperature
reduction was verified with each shot taken.

TABLE 6. Temperature data obtained in the outdoor area of the shaded models
Roof types Temperature reading in oC per time (in minutes)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
(12h00 (12h15) (12h30) (12h45) (13h00) (13h15) (13h30) (13h45) (14h00)

Conventional roof 49,1 42,4 37,5 32,9 26,5 22,4 17,6 15,7 12,9

Roof with ground protection 50,3 48,0 45,5 43,0 40,6 38,2 35,7 33,3 30,8

Roof with gravel protection 55,7 51,2 48,0 44,9 41,9 39,9 37,4 32,9 28,4

Green roof 41,2 39,3 38,5 37,6 36,4 35,5 34,8 33,9 32,7

Establishing a condition of location of the prototypes in a shaded space, 'Figure 9' represents the values taken from
Table 6, the models were placed in a shaded space. When recording the temperature data at the canopy level of each
volume, it could be observed that the temperature decreased with the passing of the minutes and with each new record.
In the case of the normal cover, the temperature at the beginning of the recording was 49.1°C and after one hundred
and twenty minutes, it showed a value of 12.9 °C. When taking the values in the type of cover with gravel protection,
the initial information was 55.7 °C, the final temperature was 28.4 °C. Regarding the soil cover, the initial data was
50.3 °C; and, the value after 120 minutes was 30.8 °C. Regarding the type of vegetation cover, the initial data recorded

was 41.2 °C and the final data reported 32.7 °C. Based on this definition, it was established that, in the case of the
normal canopy, there was a decrease in temperature of -36.2 °C. In relation to the cover with gravel protection, a
decrease in temperature of -27.3 °C was recorded. On the cover with soil protection, a temperature reduction of -19.5
°C was observed. In the vegetative cover, it was observed that it was the model that reported a lower decrease in
temperature, with a reduction of -8.5 °C with respect to the initial temperature.


0 (12h00) 15 (12h15) 30 (12h30) 45 (12h45) 60 (13h00) 75 (13h15) 90 (13h30) 105 (13h45) 120 (14h00)


Cubierta normal
Conventional Roof oC Cubierta
Roof withc/prot. de tierra oC
ground protection

Roof withc/prot. de grava oC
gravel protection Cubierta vegetal oC
Green Roof

FIGURE 9. Comparative graph of temperature in prototypes from table 6.

'Table 7' shows the temperature information in the interior area of each model, between 12h00 and 14h00, under

29 September 2023 13:49:47

shaded conditions, when not in direct contact with the sun. It was possible to observe the temperature reduction in
each of the cases, as detailed below.

TABLE 7. Temperature data obtained in the inner zone of the shaded models
Roof types Temperature reading in oC per time (in minutes)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
(12h00 (12h15) (12h30) (12h45) (13h00) (13h15) (13h30) (13h45) (14h00)

Conventional roof 41.2 37.6 33.1 27.8 22.3 19 16.9 15.1 12.1

Roof with ground protection 35.9 34.9 33.9 32.8 31.9 31.4 31 30.8 30.6

Roof with gravel protection 35.9 33.1 30.9 28.4 27.1 26.4 24.3 22.7 20.8

Green roof 33.2 32.9 31.7 31.3 30.9 30.2 29.8 29.2 28.8


0 (12h00) 15 (12h15) 30 (12h30) 45 (12h45) 60 (13h00) 75 (13h15) 90 (13h30) 105 (13h45) 120 (14h00)


Cubierta normal
Conventional RoofoC Cubierta
Roof withc/prot.
ground de tierra oC

Roof withc/prot. de grava oC
gravel protection Cubierta vegetal oC
Green Roof

FIGURE 10. Comparative graph of temperature in prototypes from table 7.

Considering the location of the prototypes in a shaded space, 'Figure 10' shows the report of the values observed
in , 'Table 7', corresponding to the variations and reduction of temperature in the interior space of the analyzed model.
For the case of the normal canopy, the temperature recorded at the beginning of the test was 41.2 °C, after two hours,
the data recorded in the temperature measurement was 12.1 °C. For the cover with gravel protection, the initial data
was 35.9 °C, and after 120 minutes, the measured temperature was 20.8 °C. On the cover with soil protection, the first
measurement was 35.9 °C and the final measurement was 30.6 °C; and, on the vegetation cover, the original
temperature measurement was 33.2 °C and the final measurement was 28.8 °C. With the referred information, in the
case of the normal cover, the temperature decreased by -29.1 °C, after two hours with respect to the first measurement.
For the gravel protection cover, the temperature decreased by - 15.1 °C. With respect to the cover with soil protection,
the temperature value decreased by - 5.3 °C; and, the smallest decrease was evidenced in the prototype vegetation
cover, where the temperature decreased by - 4.4 °C, in relation to the initial measurement and after one hundred and
twenty minutes with respect to the first recording.

From the results obtained, it was established that between noon and two o'clock in the afternoon, in the models
located directly in the sun, when measuring the temperature in the outdoor area, the inverted cover with gravel
protection had a higher temperature increase, followed by the one with earth protection, then the normal cover, and
then the vegetal cover. In the indoor area, the highest temperature increase, after 120 minutes, was in the normal cover,
followed by the cover with soil protection, immediately followed by the cover with gravel protection, and then the
vegetative protection. Thus, in general terms, it is evident that the vegetation cover regulates the temperature in a
better way, both in exposed external spaces and in interior spaces protected by its incidence. Regarding the information
obtained in the temperature measurement of the prototypes exposed to the shaded area, when recording the information
obtained, both in the exterior and interior spaces, it was possible to note that the temperature was ostensibly reduced
in the normal roof, followed by the roof with gravel protection, then the earthen roof, and then the vegetation cover.

29 September 2023 13:49:47

The latter is the one that registered a moderate decrease, which implies an adequate level of comfort temperature
regulation, both in the external area of the roof, as well as in the interior space, protected by the typology of the roof.

It was observed that the vegetal cover, followed by the earth protection type, are those with the highest thermal
inertia, due to their high water and carbon content, managing to store heat to vary its temperature in a given time,
providing insulation and being able to be applied effectively in the study site, due to the climatic variations of the
context (with temperatures, between medium and low) added to its high level of radiation. Then, there are the roofs
with earth protection; and, later, the conventional typology. Finally, it is important to emphasize that the vegetation
cover allowed for a significant improvement in thermal performance, both in internal and external areas, since it
reduced the cooling load of these environments, lowering their ambient temperature and minimizing the thermal gain
in the same external space of the roof, all this added to the important aesthetic and environmental contribution that
encourages its use as a system.

This article is part of the research and degree work of the Master's Program in Construction with Mention in
Sustainable Construction Management of the Catholic University of Cuenca, therefore we thank each and every one
of the instructors belonging to the research groups; City, Environment and Technology (CAT), and Embedded systems
and artificial vision in sciences, Architectural, Agricultural, Environmental and Automatic (SEVA4CA), for the
knowledge and information provided for the elaboration of the work..

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29 September 2023 13:49:47


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