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rhaade Ls] de ate Lule fay tage Maco] pglell Cpe gyal le pens VAVA ple 2 GTIB\LSUI 2 chad Line 2 aad peitee Jol(Wundt 255) FN Shall Fy AUB Jol 5B Luale Legs eetly uaill ley fap Ks! lls cay Ayslll Leaded calgs at aceiualy cupeilly due gio gll Lam oye Ages Jala, Zaplly Apladly « qaaill aggde ym Lard GLole,| lia yi eco Sag Laygts ceageal 3B cdatly Lgl pully Maula Jie doacie Slee SS A Lp Saall SLAY y Gayl ys ae JS Gs Lua le olts ES capil AAU Lg pay tL Lb g jlucig « Lites 1505 Leta Jes Lake yaditl ole gpa caleny peal peal cay} QSyao SLaleals Gayle “Epa pglall Ujie 2 Weve agle Sie Spoke “Lyaaill ple” penn fo i IL! Jl peal oped cols Ley Saaglall (ye Layats Lam slgasllg ullall y clraseall gytins Cae adil le cpa Lidge gids Lalall GI (VV) gies pedy Syd gi Lal Valsel WS opi OF O93 Leland 375 CY gener Byles apee SAE Gye olga peaaoy padi ales pW! gala 2,5 cll ines Lumaiie ccaaare 5 apeliing dutty arluacioal JS cag jy ccnp diL Lily dey soudill le 2 yeauads ~Laball plad Egey ce — Lia jail by Ve Legs a> Luold Jl LU pglall cdMasal of JL Ore V2) abe pats elapailly Local! Jie aepalell ag tell le ~alLall ga ge hee 2 ~ Bb ag LNT BLES pe Lage 999 Landy Sholylly Lin glgeal Rabel pay OF SI AM ogy cyudill ple SLA daly Lyin Gay OLA "aS ding yee yuiill ale te Saree watt les Sele“ aaitt ee” pies San List Spat Ve ge tiledits Shesall oe oe Lee plat! cilege se + pla Cage Baye Ce SENN Sates he UA ha ll Lime ipl ony leg eal sa Aatatog Lgeatliad y Zasstall palgltls tele al ait st pleas Caley Lyall ABLE atlas 2 ts cage Tegel y Kanal polit atliad 2 ona clyegeal ley lh Lael bpaLle adi elady...proliall iia ony LeLal dosy ds 3pby Ve OLE el gee pol gSleat! yl, Behavior slut! ag Yi teu Mgt wé Abstract |, 20 eagle gf Concrete Luge Lale Lal aiLall PSUS Tala! Cilbeslly a sdll yp cobalas¥ly eal gly alaill fhe hue LEI cya yates cpl MoE 3 gan glide” Jude paeaaly = mayb ge ale LES Lette al ee ee en Lal ys B glad! Lgottciew All algal p93 pa ciel! oie lly: gladag dylpat! oles waa! algal Uliies Mia clyjadll lad «3 pallet ities Ula! ele Aig nn. puolial Rye gill ZAESaNy Syed! dara! BS uadtll ele colgal cpa Le oSaly tsigSal! pagal te, cilgal aw dhe Gapb Ye poll LEI Digbes adil ele age F glad dual yo Agalall puLadl GBy Uelag pd 2425 ill Lema aI LGR Vy ala ye Toya tlhe tty Led eo ala Ot OSes im eB cal galy 34201 Ge Az! Lege past! causes au ole a i 3 pe atl ple Jims Be Saal eed Al poll —— TEER Tyla! pales oe ayaa Ge! ane NR TE TTT pn {sls rail! ple 2 caw gale : tan celal Lge gns all “SpaLall” Lang lal bogie Ge nSY Lud re GT ins ois Tag pass crag 5p allall dul ys 2 plall Lgarriow call “alg ails’ wr oSy gl Tea gf adaplall ga oles all ode CIE GY! AG colgoil Is nv 4s SZ Spee GI gill 537 jinesy ApolSll ode le care ol pl a | # ; chee gunge Lule dangle OgSas OF 4 Ls plally dpallall pis [Sb aEN 2 Gaba pZanilly aap b sll gency Golo gy Want cad UM ~ a Lab Tl papa pen Gl Cl ape ot gas Ge sue J! LOY, Tecoglull palgLall Jolt 2 saacll daaling Ail plo Qaiill plat GL ullday atoll renil yds coliey Golaptad agany shal Lap bitly teaball Gos Legere be padi! ele 2 op emueiill sins TRL go agg Ge DURE 6Ay FEM AGL pay pd 2 Kpalall crilsally idee Jol pty cleL IPE Gs paps cle Galen Tosa Cee GO page 2 abph 4S ropes gs be ping ~ ual! ale 2 Leauabell beat Ia thuawadiia Tyee dail yyy plist syny :Lauald Lasky glLall Glesle Jo 2 ypsauadiies Lrale pludl ing OW! evel Trauedill tyabell dates! 20 Ae gare ogi Lee Aalieel! de gay cyuaill ale gual indy adil ale £979 2 Gasakill Glare! pend ill dulleglly All! ull led Apeeayalll May Il te (yadill lay Cult Lgl Sepak! ioe! Lunendl «The Egyptian Association for Psychological Studies Saudi Society for Educational and (jus) iomdilly Lapel! arte ee pad Ages! Lelasts Slee Pially itl Gest le alas! Oe Als ey, Psychological Sc »glas, 2 9 $6 ole ely Lee ~ ~ lat oy lal Sbagie a wats et HS gh a eae oipLSe ly cabal! etter udill ley 3 ,aldb oy Hated sgl! GoSlaS ST alls Lal Gael) ala cilgate apaliag pad yb v.40 ual! eles s,slbN JG 2 weil Gi Jaap bl 5 ~_—. sEyalle spe Fs Wal algal ageg - glad Lub3 2 Ge gagll Tewaiie Laake dailgyg plucSt apng - ° well gle Jia. sling oi gue gil Sljull ge GL SECT SULblagde pa ail la ah Se 955 of 4Sa5Ul ad Hilde poe Fed cys LAL GLB Gol Gaus (All Coleg Stl alts ——EEeee aly sdpaling easly | (de gidge Sta JB - Qudill ele gi Ny say Sid ee | aly Gly tg Saget FH pea pag Slaclos! 2. teauadil Halal 4oLudi aly alyptads VEalell pglall Ld, Jie adlaal Guied J! ee aaa “oti” Aicady esac gle apes ap! Ail cull ple 2 Opemearll Ses : Hat Lawl GgBpuey am + sell Epabglly URAL! clyyaaalt Yt 2 apasl -1 “aglall anal” 9 dive! tal 3 a Eaagalal aslall Je 2 wa sata ee $ Sela lay aes oO tem yal lly ys gly em epee! GMS fa Oty Magee Fall! ade Jaa eeeny OI Smee Ll capes cues! Sle 2 LEM tygeall AB te Letgatger 278% ee ease GV oon Oppel igh Gl Cine Ep OT GA 3 nll gle a SS aghe F LEN pe pa gb AE le 9 eS al phyB ighan pe gagg tl Sigh Bttby Cane ghee eBlgll SEL wines pal ga 9 Ene g cagpall gle ge ROT TST Vine glen 2 people ye abby phe quill yA filyl 2 Cruprall ashe pact spa gla ob foe ABI M glee Ge cabiay Jalal! alghe 32 Gy3 ik AS pol ql Alas (4 pails seco 5h ale! | SILL. spall jue J ght -) dishes —_—— Caer. Lege ca ys AB SLAG glall gle Canal ppdge Eula OF 4 reli ang DLE plas GLa ye pS 2 ght 1s ght typ pae eLelell pe Gre | = cet SLAG YN Ughll jd Lusolea— Cygys Lege — Whe Zral Salle apale | ° ————— — ~ ; ~ | —_—_——_ SAS ce Mile bazied Gye Lgianl sate ty WS HUIS 94 piles gale agg bt — Lage 9 ll pats A glaall (pe dagade gle! SS pel -¥ ON cue ile Aghaall 3 a3 3 ON is platy glad 2 cise adage dy juciy Le yguenaieall dy ef dhang ol 7 Ulan Aigo penny CoN Gf page pe ley e aye ol Pa @ Une $555 18 teed! a5) g 45LEy 9 A alall A3ljand ole U* &, 7 pawl AAI S we 8 a a -Wglas obs, Sl gia 9 Latyall Joes clgbe Bakes 039 Sood pal Laued Vol5 - SLY! ill Gl tegange (gia p+ RBIS Rasa cog Le Mga Sb cLol tel dgeg 2 595 goanse Leds 9 GID 2» 2 Eoebgll ALES hagas Gye Aull pel Le ll ape Le spent He pl cpalell eginll Cel LAY sof ge 9— Cupsll ol sal gle Je 2. eB Opens LO Lynas ll Sige all Spl geal ot bb al (10+ ida) Saye cy 2 ayggls Opa calle Silat Quail GH Spo Le pple Caneel aily pudill le Casey (FeV tide USB ray PAA 2g Ailsa so cle LEI Kiyo pibui cL pe Cale my eel! Legs Jeluati yf Lg paditl g opal Lem 9 ggaghly ontabaall Crrigganall Casall gyege Gilat ALES pte cl earn LA zl Ligne bles play iia § SLAgYl gland! Slee 2 Jal esau daly Vagnse tes Cage Laas g Lagat on geal oes ol Lorslsaall ele ot SLES Lage Lagaelye gladly spill one s+ dad 3 alayselial Coe pl g BDL dan gl 05 Lge cle i Ohare dubz Lyal dam die JL Shy SLE clagesall ib eb aad Feast A Os OS SMGaT aL taal ple papel aba ort Leman a OSES Mi gie gg 2a pl Taal! 34> s!! Layliel Leislss 9 Lens Pa ih tia BEATE plane YI g teal alles (gilaulyy SLE At 5p elgg ky Salat Se oLekall le 131 9! alin! als AB sass tt fuesill af 96 Ugaegd dceyhtee dpeold paces Lass y iu cal tel heogill agleaal Ave Lie gud ge Ntad duolsdt SLL! US page peas al aly Y p Cf dogha Y Lalas Iay 5 ned ap BW lgla 38 UF Sony Be opele pe pee aptall LL o Gals 693 pee Lia peels Il SABER Y 5 Gopal! pads g) Leddly G57 play Raa! pal ba al Spey eee le tony Jigs 2 fh Il Sagal olaasll ow gh kgs pats 9 So celal ALB ales Say gt pLall opitall cps de gene ABLE AN Lgl tI Upueg aya hb wslole Apne (og 205 Lea Jy ele LSS ud dame tay col cas 2 ply cpglall Gye UD pub of elyeatall ple gf cual ple WAS 2. algun onges] cyst Leno opty eggaaglly Gabil! TAU ygasall ell J] Realy Ll (¥eN +) adm Sed Lia 9 GeV its patty SLY Agludl gf gl eeaees SLs ghaall pele Fp toll coal Legge tool LB ol plies 9 depen EES argue Lids Lady gla 2 pil eee (NB eo AL Y Sal g palg ball ue LUIS jek 2 eygun One Lah pple Y Lila) os cLasae Gp Call paly lb fea ds Lead deol il! Leen cLabul dgelgy Gill CABgll g ccladlly gla Ug Lib Le 13! 3 cats pel g ileus 2 toseal laaged all (ie puue pee ea aDGS | alae ey elles Seba Ll glad Boll ale poet aban dey Ss allan g ST ll oleae Cue WE by Legs coll ioral! 9 widest eo gt a Yl dey i, ? 6 ghiny gi palpell Gleb! sh Oban te — ~ . penal ee US Jes ey! fc eee oe el Lh a ey Ly othe RS clllang sSybeaol asl iy SLIM Syl th pity pip ls Op1S pe OF Sgall daca g Lai uit ope ity aadic5 ely ey BLN glad 5a esol uty Lene cipal pill Shes bee AES AN AS Leds AI jgeal of ab YS wpb gale Slee radi le 2 Gamal qaliey Abell) lgeeall Gall; Li B Lapee elall flee 2 cay tll pale ay pl lis ls a! he gauaty (aed AUS 9 Dia Lydladly penny ogee gle aS 8 Epo alee a Laut opal Sula , E egg gp Lag gil 5 Le On Lb old lis asi gl gals VET | oakall Jal Jol ne Joo 2 JS lad oles tale | TT z > 4s aps Lae AIT bees’ (VAAV cglaie tom! tyes) od Ia 2g dong co leks gill oa Sle She sf aed gl apsed st agile aedoe | ce Lincl yg Lag ato¥l Jo8 eS gh czloYl SU Se Cala ae Lad! Oe no. ise gl Call gl a ola Sag BIW JylS lol tabi glgbslee? |” alga Lajas olga Lip 2 QSL gay 5I JR5 2 phe * 5 GNM gue Sipps Coaualy equa JB Lede Tue gud gh! Leal d commyl Lue sll qua Le we LaLa Wy Lydeebs BVy cAgegeuad BY tad yl od be perctic Oily D cgtnly LL! yy Say yf ALIS Callan. .colaglen gue asl on pd, balp + Letaals Gee geaght ots a wed ale Nal Lee peel OL opi y slaty ee elt BA cade SEs SLY pasty at tie 2 - Ig Saal pees Le gp See pd ANAS oe patel a ate 5 2 3 A gale) Sot aie Kqslill Astatle sl get Ai gBy Reeds vosgang alse 5455139 0,58 sAyghicls elall ggie 2 ORAM i ghdic tao! tou) “Zatal ile 2 al teguogt! ile 2 ciaglall pages peau be Joe gi olast yogl go ail 25k pins Lyall padi tl ate 2 ty1> oles! 49 Information Processing approach SMe Sogiayll Jules poy Le ipialall pantie «Cognitive Psychology tags Le pans a> J] 455 Laiyle 96 Sp Sosigpily « Protocols analysis iaayle Jum ats LOLI og By tae Ola gyi placid tie 2,2 Jie 2 ANS Gh lgun Legelys call Ueatuall J> Il Snegll 2 vesmall aL ags eb 2 pall colabeall Gyo WS pad gh olco¥l dl s¥l gi asst opal (gestil ail lensl aa! JI dyesl Ys Sogigyll HIB Jules Alcatel Jo 3! Jgeoglt 2 ge ites aaill gle Oly ealuills clad! clay aly Gaze of sey jis ASU Ladys Es sgadill le Lpaley cela ol Li Soong eciheagell ela gh Lewd doles “pslell qual" aly adil ele aeg Jam ON “ gslghuaed BL gaa! ple eens ahaa Yl Le. Spall . (os Lage agli os kee nil ple asl oan = gal ale Stal CD: tagundly 3A UN! wad at pis! tay0e I] ail! pele ae Las LSD tal See 2* lene lara! Styaly colual da yang Leng? le sel wale I pn J] gang eo NOT Tale ale jo 3)9%) Via Sepey hat fhe UL 5s one Ge DLE YI JUS Ge Ady Liat Sasoy ISU $day aS Syl @: tote dows iss all daglgall any gadeg GS! gig Gilead 2 pang ZpaLlall Ling 2932 alas yaar 2 ecanlly daguall ccf cpaLlall ole 2. peal! 0 Lies Behavior zlall Joiais pau Le yudill gle Slee 2 ling Mabel olutt -modification ©: Dated peat - tae Ua yang Lapeeudig Lyagg dsliesd Ua pae JUS Goelgball jt! shy (al SL 635 ins Hall cpee ugh J] BP ol OSe Gl Sab Wied casie alge 2 Cigee legles 23 00 gf ladiad (le G5 o! oe cobalt 593 Ge Lal Che Late of gp all Gadi! LT aes peli geleh 2 Colas Ly dag of eeay Cuall Jp ally Lyeasicaall : aglly Gaps JUS (pe US Lily cull gle Luale Ugo Spal Ge GLY tay ele pals pglall a gb gl I "pg AT Wijen zpbed caalsaly lal clase J al Natural Sciences Cuesta! aglall J] Gudill ele -ouis Ja gl Syadlll § Social Sciences {iLuiyl asl! aglall ye ple daly jue udiSl le desde of gai... Stguull 1a Ge bly Lagle yp Sa) ag lall (pe Laut ae Wats jada Interdeceplinry Science iis! Bagsol EgpAll cain yudill cle Ugas yids al aglall deus camry y SIT t5 akan Gales ie JUN Japa cola (JR I LH (due Qe MELT adil eld “gopill atl le” Wa SLM gall any Laytll Ghaya Gail ple oly bis pele ge pty Lenin y «Le sla ly paula! Guat ale” oY! Jie 29 ° . Helany g a wet eer ete clad cate gl yy i : ’ : > Seagal gh tll gh geo okt le shegstzeall nk leg all alt ole a lyacal 5 Lin Solis Zul ys Va ee Lis Sglud Helge OF Kassab! gall yas as yy a aay AUST La Ol gg age Vy cl, cet ead) of SIA Madly SLES talaga util ete dass) Sy Mie wet ee eth SNS Ley hg 8 es Leeeagl LS ais Mile ely peel agg Leclnes 2B AU ctu lly ele pglally GIs el lptbes galll ele aLuSi 2 soy of 298 algsHly hae Vly altel! eal pend! yalaally co slgeaadlly grecell Untill leg eee adil Bopall util! ales patil ale 2 Gat! (galls) le peal gills jay easel Le pads Lake penal gall le Gee! I elle) a saaill spaLlall Lays Lenlyo 2 Laalall aptally - ORAS entific Method <-le!! ell Lis squall guia! Gl gaol ellall gh ett ° (aad Say big ype Hd I Si glast 54 Se la ey) Lglacay ill HpaUetly Habel! jap poy) B am Daal ys pg tall 2 Cage! or i il cya de gene 7 hes : vce agandy Jal por ole Dae tl AY TT Fs ey im Ole = (gyn er nee? Taglas > ; 1 calglad 2 4 OY nh pall pith ped Snes ll BM om 4 wollte Cage’ PANSALLy wld - tygt ep Ss col Ala digas dygaecs gl Laaale legedge GLasyl dats Leis ete ULE et lag Ct ols openy I] cial a LH ase 2s cee pay GOT mall SNe cde od cong ASL Glas NT Sale tatt Hatin Quaid LAL coLaglall py CABDLI! yo] gt UE Gay Ht! USSALL Ugbl sj! teseoy olaglall oe dene gs Cob culties tot Haal y pioge bapa uaa tan add a8 Lally alll Gegpall Gps sue ends Goll pga ll ae CdS pe gh ELI ye Rags ge Gaydlly teal! Ulead gf Spee Ge ULet steal ied Ge GLU 5 tyagatl hesi- tae DU pe Wy yogpall SLES Y lela] daa Coll apy ald se 6 gh Saha De pds gill opal Jpsd WIDE G0 gis Sate Lapa quae gle pad Yall Gagpill Ug pute gl aby iy lee «Lyla ge Ube} algal sy aoy tarall Lae y galepe yin JU ge USS cag tall Heal ccobaglally GUL! pad 49 Lassie gaulilly cond! voll aaties = Leah ceo Ul Lay ld all Lyall JS. Gye oilaally cilaglall gar any Ldgee gl Lyees Upliesy calllgall oka cbetaate pal w Lgengaly guitar jas — Lal ce Alay Lal] lao g all SKS pasty oll agdzdglaadl oda dey ayia} 2. Lyall Jagd Lacs URAL Sign Glas Gansll dagay deal 2! DE of BET Sot ard Oe de shoe “= gbsy TaD Sala wall yu ‘46 calill le 2 oot, ceed pe AN EAL Gog Lge os tH ty E839 tae fag Le Rati LAI tty Introspection Method : jlaiie¥) zis Ag Lal Jit gi ANAM Laat ay gio te weil ioe ag peel op Sl Lee ag Gl Subjective Observation ASI) BI cas u SES T5IS Laas ately Juls a, 20 ost lac falb ay yyy Lae (els pony be iabinny au opens Cauegs opal pee Ce bls aa cide Lgaseteal ll alll sf ine Ola weie oF oe pales EGY clas SU dade 3 go aaf YT ual Ola Tl agie wad PGMs cAaUll plein epebie Ge pel Ge apa 43 gle rey - P Masog gh ably ygay Le Cases! dBaleo ol ps (ygSa3 Y 43 apdll pearinw opens gi Slgeco cya Igiley Geil cxallull gf JULY veel Vue gle Y allay ygay Lac clad 2 Lam apdll dey 3° dasLad 4ilpdy Gilaglea: apall 936 - NN Vas ala ~ Ub dsangl LDS ona eng Yall eal Me mate 7" osls ie ta cualle) -LtLall 2YLell peed Oo tH VBA jyuate conlle) = (QMAA cab AS Je pa ed pl ghey deadly and Lenk yo opal ealatiany Y Ale lay rails Rueadill palplall Lulyo 2 pulal qgiats Glacial eels prtcian be fe — pall pub glad Leoguad R olan gage le aay (0) le Lyall Leal pally Sageel Guciel ~ SLES Coe pee dle Gaal All ela pe Olle Raayle ys | Rguade dll alsa) paceied (all Lioldg uaadill pauslally ee TUL gle ac (GT La ps Stall Laaple ppt a ce - i” AOV9AS cae @p8) Seagal ast (oe eljeesy Glatt! gil dong all ole dal Lis ye Gf ary oe if gf RON Ge saci pegs ail ai gyn eel! Jol ange Le eal ol Lal qelll ee Tide U GLalusly opal polite pte Lulu! sia, Subjective Method 313 gels cele eety V gl apa pf Ge LAI Cb MU te sine Vy HBA Objective Method ise gz 94! GutLodll | Descriptive Method : auagll ((Adaytal!) egitl : isd sl Rucoghidll FpaLtell Lalo 2 gd eogll gill CoN as Cagisaty pall olka Jg> cull OLaglall cam Gayle ge allay cdasaiill I dpsoglt Luau gt Laat Uplales ye abu ead days SUL oe ; ual yall gus ge 3pallald gale pull | = Ayal Cobalt tale Lage A gle Lines ynped Saudis Veal egill Lis sa] geege dll Used Gye Lyle DU duo gl! gill oll easel By ty Uy gf tiger tua’ go Cdlla!l baLel le cagbgll be aalyall |* Pole ele} Gab 2 (Lal dye) Uses ti olf pia gb ie | pac Last q shale survey Method 2 1 cll foe emul faith cacdiyskn nye pbb ge Uneds BLiogly Clegleny SLi pt 49 LLY Rae Ge 55L buney stdies posi te ee Lil Ugal a aay Carig(s [opt insase Lage gl cles! iS apo of a” 3) agyill 5] cdyelein Wl plas gl on feel Lal jall Slee ug Elle 9) Lake oleae Gay ve OVARY che call) Lae Joes Ue tea : Ousted Aude LS) Yh Lalas! slapd le By Boll Gop ts duo sll gill Cols pub 1s Pi gektsy edt es betes NN el pe se ogy ULL 4 iBDLal yoy ty 1B Whee Laal pall audge Fpsllall Gael pend J! Sguesll pasos abl) ASL cy LBD sf Eps olla ciapee Beas call cpu all Stly goes eal ony BIL gf Lapel L5! Correlation studies (2613,¥I ality obul all oA pad UL! aay Ugeany Ll pall qa obi dol) gas Coll ond tal all oe despa pall gf (ye She Leal all gil ees 288 sclllsLS Yt oka Uy Fis Jha Leal oe ad Yeas I ollepes YL Vo LbLS! aS gtbapen GL eee 8 ST ob ayaa ae yaad) eal itl (Ad ptt Cobael pal Longitudinal & Cross - sectional studies mathe Jae ee Le eS st Development studies Ka patel! ABaplall si Klglel Lay bell O* sensed ase gat Mey ist oi eae gis etl asda ale Seb fame dayne Nee nana vy taLl pled ie Llgbs spaLball ods Lelya Ga Celine V1) Gee tae (Mad (igang ga le oll ge) Lal yall Jp Sbaglal ery iP Lage aids Gy All Syadll Jy Huis clbaa Le gf belly Sob age cae ~ 1 ‘Slagle Eby Spin laa tale ala GL gle Lael Gad Gal iF , Tey cpus gga JUALIN gal gill jl ya 3p alll ohn Lal j9 OS 029 7 op ESI, Tapa coke yaklty Lb palaall U2apball Pal Ekayhey Clg” cp 2 Regeneg (Cin uw Ble game cdaliee 4p00 SS, Oe Geen cS ic gameg ecalgine © Gyan Baal yg cl gion £ (paw 2 Grd! Me gemeg lpi T “ul we —_—— ank..temiiet : Told! Glulaail ol olla! gens CLIT aga pS cilyian VG i . ee —— pels Line gad Spill 2.2801 pci Ca Dag Qypee dng ea! Lagi Laally P See eee eee 3 ell pn 2 cares at seg SI Tyla Leaadill jatleadll (ue puree ane Ll y> Gees Ail uly Mayyball oe ol 4S cguuad Cbg 2 cphecgendll pa donate Sle gers Gal CLS gh ceag canal ge y8gs LES ecEgll ye AES! yagi Leyataall geil! Gutill ele 2 taal Slee 2 Ll asctasl BOM (8 eb pall Gobel jal cua geedll (yo bioly Legare gle bY Gbulaall OT Maplall ode gee O49 83,1 nS Legal cna igplly Cn gS B= lp lal he le = jaa fa prs Y LIE LAY Gpball Lull jn0 ds Jt POU Joy Les dated ag ARR Lge ph Canad Leal) SLE Tiga! OY lly Ql ll Halo 3 pee Gye LAS Tales Call Lage pS) Le gent! (pe Legere Jeon da) © ay pee le Healy Ba ay, che 6725 LY « Wtuay Tha REST gla! ciLual ya! gla ulld le S- sy ON WT hates 28 le Le gant oda Laks giay dads inl depen Spl ginny Got Lake hageny by Ca Leil Lygle Sd jy HUplall obeLpall jp el dye oat jo Le, Rahal Jesus isi BN ee eased ole 85 3 Raat BS LB te OP pty ab Lael ina JAS Sas ay 288 bs 5 a Rahal! Cutlul gle aie, Las dain GLE SI gl YI 4 GUSIy 28s Si sai eat pene cle) La pasley th lat ote epbetl JLial aule ep OBAY coaydiy feb psteal! Glal patlg Gtgtas) Global ow By Gad II Jgintty O) Sy ae Ot te she old Dupes Seger Glau DigeceBg| padi 2 a Bye Lees 5 Gea ypsed Libya cig ae fewreerent) Rem itetireg Gotan neler c quia chy 2 Slagle! Ear ie Gah glint et 5 Betys pe ct SS Bite aye Lids Suna! Bp ay go pall oe) : | aes OF (eee ggg pola gel Case Study + 23tat1 Rusty os yp Bg Le UL Gaal Sal! oo Legs Ue! Lasky phat cat Gapb ge teyill gh pS «Lbs Lacie gi emnpe oi (aye Bes ally ebrleg GuSUN Uglpady La Gal ptt aol! Ge coils caplet GDL appl egal le ag Bgll Heald Lng cilgal plains AAS pay NAAN cag 9 pane le) CAV eal Gl) Ugg CABS At ate BD cLaglellly SUL gant Ugo Tle dls poked oh ome of do paly ay 8 LEY Lala Ugelacetal Least Gp eaeay ciadany Ladys pabied Cay ctule @ Saal asad aly Gil ceiall Uae UL ges CaaS (Saas ple Laypuaiig Uglabady LIL cand Legge old algal LOMAS oboe Gd taal ctyaatlige pile) 4st ela 2 gel lal Spaally GRE acedll ya Leng pg UL! taal ys” GLd allay atleast phe LHR pe Ryall iy SL BY! Cue Legend gi ctl Lay4 (yegy me dere) “Gilad yl Ui gLaal gs 2 SLad JS Sy aged Al dopa! ° LOVAAS Ball Juclanl «sgl! greed pasate (aN padi Ladi filing Gao} ULI dal y2 peasy SUS 2 aya Heong plead ely 2 onto ll se lad (all cleglally GUL ge Cobaglatl cles Laleoy alata Yl gioge yogodhl go dual! il 1a GaN 5 teed LL Lualie dil SEAM jL SI GLE aSsbag $ydghe apa woageatl LolSS! Galea ciaglall ye Fuel’ gle Lid eet A] SL cling ual alt SL oye pil cle Le Lal july Babs cosdhee Gaby (veal) sabyiaall asl aad at Label abshyst TNS Jue ad Gaglay el yall cg ually Laslal gf Layally LLL vk ptucoay es yay Wen anreie ites ces iictee shape inte AE oe tk ete, pepe Sok T Nils cototy ogc, gles aces siLelanl SL ee ay tty PZ tees Chega ge Lule Feil 2 Gaols athe ye SLI lee (oll LAM Gilly ; Bla LLY Gt) Gye 2 epi Ge IA Bho N42 5255 Fees SLI tad Obed LAL Y Legal (1) aU gall ML Lantys 2 LoL Lgeeny All cikaglell selagl yeaa (7) a bg BI uu I gpdT OY Lala 2 MLA Quel aad Gat gSae Y (0 zal ge OF «gee! aglul (r sig tela gk its a BET oe : cially cLaglall cae Guay ky LL! Lala Lealgd Cece! LOMAS gygydly ggeais Calle) Lulall eadge yogeall ¢ (A dyapall GLa Lalo Ge jee all as Hele Ga yballs | cqesdill Doll colgat alaceiael; Cob! apd: tue Lgielyo alll 3 allt Joes CS] 4p Just Gia Gkeeiny UaLd duly ULall dala ge diced ally Ub! Laljall edge Zpallall 8b Ally yogeill Luni 2 seal Jala eg ghd pity pSt a Ng pala! pally gpeglpSoeall GLa Ly Lad yt gl coed (All bu! OLLIE Leal clad pall 2 Coll pags peplag Le SE os eqalnaall gle play Lop LEY! go WLI Gadi! Glee p32 Cia age on LK pascal Lally Glee 2. aw Le J} Sse Shae Laglg eae I] Uguogl) «Lutes Helas alezay able! Juledy | Lesage Lelusetaal Gamdedll lulz pail! Jaleilly pbany Leal tiga 2 Lyell! Lal jal placed obs allay old yailiad (6 3yg40 «glalaoy opal Luuaied ye Ualeaia ogo toll CSE Lala ecles Uy cae alge ale anses A18 I Ty CE Le ose Gunes iaayy i pete SSN Lal all 2 So ath 5 call OS 9 pS wee cls SO9AS dle ey) aulaing Vinal ee pies 2 fuel ecall ily bags estes Lala 1444 4b od euisy 2 ASS Qala Cpe Ay Lables shell 9 i clt adit! GLect If Up cogll tele ayuall e vbedados @AL ye ope le Cantey ygal uly «Liligiene Apasetll ye Ualeaiay UaLd ayy elle] © Saou ols (yn Abadi Gee 2 Se oul ll plaeiol pene falja Laud yatl Lie pie g Aelia Laue 659 Gal (yo si I assed whyay8 ULe Le peat gf Adal digles gf oseLive 2 DSS Olio otf dongs ait! aed Us Jas atta te sts ol ABI Gay Les Gatee daalgid agey are © gale Cell S5La ead pis Gall Hue geegll ala Saas Yk geagibeatl Leal yall DLS ge Leal] hao al gill « GS Lotys pats yuel Ly (gay UL tala Jas Ugh tue 56 UY Lu! DRO, FO) J2e :Siperego yte9) wi @ Ghee el 2 gas Pre 2 yeas lag igallel ell Lael phage a ya agit esos ince, L pepgll le ths 18S JAS ‘pete 8 gi Jyude pO Leda sany ESI LYy coll we Jalal 2 alas (Stn Lesie GY le Lani ole spill gnats All Fall! (Sally St aaially lel gall Oe thee Shay gill uate dle pm adilay tom yay degli alga Ne peat 2 Lb oly gid SS le8 dye tS take 58 lll pig adiny dogs ee aie Sage shasta ls adap eed Le yee 398 50 tue ye splay oll BS ye eli daly Lop re gh nya Cum pe tut BDU Ling “dil adss ge es a :Consciqusnessygaiill (7 cobalt) GY Gye 2 cpa ety «Laall 4 gelyll egal iy Ragga DU pLasI coLajibenes Lue Led Clue lll Gbiall :Sub-Consciousnesgyail 1.3 Ls’ &) See NY Sept pope dog Sa Yall ole NL ps SSN J! adap 2 ily Leagly age! ga ayy ela ial Unconsciousness 5.851! @ Sa dae chal hay ae ggy8” Ugg Ga aa jell ga BES Le ialey dang Y Slag 525 Car i gegll Ge aandly Jaal Lapslbally Lyon gl! Giaalall oS! nett! ake Sy Rept as | GNA! aS! gga egg « Exstental and Phesomemabea! pe Pha, q ALB SSID ayn ales (SiILSS) LL 4 dv at! Wea, ya by GSI J! spl 52S Sle pact al le Sle Bat OT a | slide a Ips Lae ay genal toge 5 ibs oSe VMs | ose LA SRE a baal et Seatiaulton, = Shee ps Liga yal gat SLs at al Neel oualy | ce LS pt Bye GL NG gL os oh uy! wheel Lely bes GR La ante Nga ll AKAN ype a Lay cling | Leaglly zpall She taleg yl Gljeany SLY! Gallons Jalad cys « gays Rendell spell pee ibe! le Fadel gd LEY Udy dangly dtl Lal Ugly ued ipgplacall QoL AST Lantz ge Lali) dala | = TREaSlo ee La a Favay Faun ina pit se ends yor Mirbill oe lacey yes page oe ulasy, shake’ y sea aalva . AU psy cay lca, | gyal Lael peal ge el 9 GLI 0 Oe etsy oy oa shal nt all Jeegill See YL Lanta ages COs “Olga he 505 oil Laat alsin atl Paine avail’ oC oll see = : i s = sail oa erg olusyl 3 alone od ali Lae seg Seb eye oly Less pS Gly Spl Lal ol 5 4S Sad Sa ae AEM aaa et Jes - taka 2(\4¥e— \4sA) Abraham Maslo Sy 2 AVA AD plc & gle Lal yi ate Su ASlgS ogee peal go Gh eam ted eee gl pag Spe 2 “glale pal pt the Raat De heey Slash jus cgay ebael | cele lum ciel pitty gIULY 2 aby tee es ele (galea) < 3i iba Lgi oly SR Gales gt GLC aie Sled Laat yall Si Sos 568 Ups geil neal gptene tel I Jpsogll ga oy 2 ll dedsd as ‘eae ail eA ol el pee STE de il 0 dl hn aig Ll Ja Vy cp a sl EB ge tut oP oly GMa, lela ule mete Lytle apr add Lips veel o¢ <5, yi : Positive Reward ALLY pe Sl ky Xysiiay orm 78:51 QQ ra typed yudill_ale_ aarti pl Boney ae silks Sau Se steno te optaly Yalan Renn ALS ages p Eageny BBB 9 pt Lal ole ert piel SL BIL get cate seh le Si ey ait | RgpR Nt LEN ples 05,1 = ight gaa! Deeges pully GILLS 0 Leal “Spey ote UAL Ups Juan Jaily «ea aS E Som SILAS jpee «Laslygy Lgishiny GLI! Cay) Wage ol aay Waid GT +2) ae pe SILT Hn pe Le By Spel al le AU gala ag oP aby coe Lely «LA LT ped of Jes saan aban “ay Jab Lace ih joe oe Lpaany Wtaane Aaaghtl ypebly 2 “getiagy 9 geen shel eel 2 DY! Gea gieg — / ’ Catal Opa 2 ail Lae cpl egal Le JSS oN Lyall ay eel aby 3 ssl sYl obglaall geby Gly Les Molds cabled ye lu Leo hatl Usd Leskiewe Leal ny DUM Ais a all pe Jolys ged Jo Jeb Le daly GLa jay Spy 2 (Clinical Method) (2aideat day Lal pS gh tate Gd Sie Ge UY Uses 58 tile JIpb “oly! Genetic Lag Saal Lay all le pag > ga ling Sty 9M cat aL OLuG¥! sa} Shs Epistemology pay Structuralism 1 SLSL op bas Dgm og Quel Lay nee ay eye co ge a HLS ab Ca i Jal! OF 595 a! pla tga VF onder sl ASL Gm cababeall 25 Jol spall 2 bg ie ley UsMy GL! Jaall ssiewe sie Reality I sI Ae Jess 5! operation ALON Seal aie, bales J! pay ala Olleall ode Jaleas UL! gill clea aby Ticeal Lic, bal sey gle acd all 2” onder Shale cae 2 el ppl Catal EY yi eel sl 2 USL! fb stad cate pail Jol pe ge Ub pe IS pallies GILLS ely” SMa pM oe aie Jalal 955 Al Glad! Gay clleall wy a7\ gail “gh tell Jo AT TSE a ST pele 03 Sensory - Motor Suge LSM Raney fog Soil Satna laehy scsibe ee Mh are 2 Ey) Le nse «JUST g oll pea yy lasig eapel eal g3iall See ee SLA Se Pre - Operational Stage wl gins aes SS] ss 2 — SEA OM pag pot penal 2 i Gusi Leads SN 5 Ful BS, jal Spall gail 3b) Srey Ld Pong gt le yt Blly Lanpell Gall LY slag ie ee SSB ES ap Bl be Laety ual uy Sy Gay aaa Formal Operation Stage WANS, rales eo Ledby qty ea ips Sal oe city | Betts AURA falas! slasecaly yeegitl 2 jayell bball _bLaaally Lay! appl geal SN yee plakiuly oueaaill 4 Mass Sy> Sal yt p2oy03 Whe salasey Huey tealgall eaiy (ALN gl oe tae ye get Gea Yl “ely Gk 2 sll ay Gees ya onde Ball pally glee ch SLT OU . 27d) SS S96 Ge LAS (all AB yall LSS eats aasag say ce BA tlt tapi SD pal 13h aa Lally : he jbl Jalal ersay Spon eel gly Jabal alee cmscilgll gaggi Gedo BSL pb Gla psd ley Leal GLI Sai Fasall LAM ppt Leal Lagat Galil, ede Ga StS oy Lay ly Hadad yal ple gat Lata by Gays Callie Gals nay sglasly cpp eel 29 Gps cilagegll Glial Sod de ial UGLY ast Posey olan aged LS SLs I galetisy LR gal clabll ola aby JLAall Jaa dle Giles Sylas Jae ply ies Vy aee whi y Syed 48 Gallas ASG gall Call Gye og acd Les Spebual! oe — 7 ca helines ales Lam G0 agro yapall sie Le Glial rite ZS . a . « cRasaglilly eESlypaall Joe J se La ye PBI! 4 64993 GIG clay ANS jI peteal y « RARE y Lady Lil paally Sod! ghd opal Sti J} st! ay Uy Uh, le 1 BEIGE, C_) (tGeal og Cping «daguele Op Linge a> he cliawaiet! abies 2 OSS deme iG eases Lyall Sslecalap lly Uiedally cal! Alergy tals Ua55 GH gslaan > (gad del 9 exlsh) ays Weed : ez VRS as? As ed eal & AS¥ pe" x aa Owe OS eee ale ty old yb iy tame pac gui sn code GARI gS UL) Lite IY ening Car ogy eid ge (ATTA) ple 2ig5 Gkaeo oya I ceseally Lala opiey Leen glally Gaspall att AB Bgdiy Bl ys em aha Jay pghsl Sh GU eno Tibadlly cLESL, pgitly A@ALlaly GURU) Beals YgVlectall Creal 35 oof Tof pay voaae ciales All dal! £358 Olly gall assay Le Glad pa cil By aa Giants npg eilalll Bayo (glass) Bohan! Jawad x sj) \ Sill Glad they thelial Gall Jal el -E € al.) a SSLull ygue 1 coll Ato Kole - —— gla ae ts ERIS ap bb 2 GLGY ull Gol pel 2 Liaye couuly le sa NR AN 4 oN Ll oe ly page gas = Lea ; gall gill yf GLU eae “pant cle OsbdF ei oy ge QlLall ol Jill gooey Lgadle Cam G4 type ag WEISZ pO9m 68 iyguey page Quail of JID ype! ‘pb al o1LY Ligh gall elias G5 Y ual gt UD Gee gad | Vplawyl ALY Ligh ahd t255 Yy gat Jcoy sh eS Gall Gad 2 AL Lll ly ues gene Ue Gade aU OLS yodb pLaall J] 2.5 al La. AAI Gs psi La cle Spent vans NW saaanis iggy solcoglang Stns + aah cos be att aC) sang Yl usceeangy «Vga! yn 9g tall SNS) Jay é ILA! io Uayatly cols ile of ae Gals LAG se TELL 552)! yo Jat QlusYy thats Ludi aly «gpl Saal! 5 Jaall 2 al ie Bs La Ng «dads Lal a My Ball 2 yal oN gdall | spel cM gdall ie ll Sadly Saal ad ya Lig Kell ab Sap yguall gg Lei Bgl a Eyl cps OI gy BS ll actly JLA all gad DI Japaall ga SLaill Jal JSD ypglall I eLisul ge gl AlN Kate 2y5y dae gland padi GY US salen! SuSE gost waa sjaakl drt! OF sre See, asl 48d a8 Lash STS ae “gel Hyuaaill Slew UeLall Ligall Jal Li abe 2 21jlill alle say sal pile Lace yall pansy gh SL aly ol om all etc | Taaaaill jae Ep arge 9 cela gait! le 2 Lag! leg ay giles aint! 2 gelcn Yl JeLall Geaaly delet wots | Ago )\ Aol g— ( ce ccle Oo alll ane Gop aod! cle gil gas aay oye gpd Gari 2 CATV") ple aly iy eLibel pgbly Led Gaalall Led a ale oh eg 1p 23 any Say 151 panels cpalall eo bal 2 (gill) 9S Joy ty ghey all a> Leggy leak 2 ball slely adil! ole pysdga 2 “plant leaily “gglplat” jleaal Ls ile gad ge Sola Leseg deel AMY Sell in ely Ley Lge adil 69 Tpth LoS ygacill 29299 ual! ageg Ay ual ale 2 tabi sLuily 4 tl al Gey yay 2 75 Uy GAN Egg adil) Gop ll Yo yl gall ga oh be Agen ua Al Aus LS J be pda All AES pall panne atl pall OT S72 ppmnalalleslapally sondill pay 537 jouae Ye Lely pp tegen LEW | le Lika agasy: gy olay -Y celaaly Zpaly paecally Comedy pDLEall Joe Kuadill aSllgIly JLBYI spall gilall Slab 65 Nl Aalaall ulead ye Le gene Wey a aI pe aA Glas Yl jeg eS cual AY! ye Uastull pall g8 Ugasar Spill odin 4S GNI ep qasdlly ually ply Sl Geta ayy atl ae 2 aoe poled ling? stack ody Kb po ged ale BLN ST ie Hall ye patane uals call gsBl ga OUapal Ln Jal EESTI dapllolay-t Tag Lae Laelay Ug yl ade Gaal agg cL le Cees ad pS Llelly Kaa! gy dll Jens Sy Lande gf od shades pty gary Y peal AL Sy Age oe liad oy Y tay YVpatesall O18 [By Lguled aiey Cary oeline | caasingy Lyle gf pluto! shel oe che gl ageg SLs] dle ane LES Oly rg ge dil alld aby hoy 8 PB ptuee Le eaunll gh Gelpoul Ge gin ol apage TOLLS (donee Adpally abla (70 Giada nail alc pas lal So Gag ee NLL polall yudtll gle 2 aya! “eel ll LT ae ets Lal iy paall Guy Luineoy Leal Frpen lenge Jl Le | dill hyn 0 OpoSly SaSly Coailly Lgl al pal Epudge gun «peolall jadi ete Sle pd ye cael Psychosomatic (&5Lajung2a cll) ——-. shad sty pdt dt pall La NSN dol apy ES ASM of Lines gyal on ane SL Laps ALL acl pits gud Ub yintl gull Lgl pay lay endill 4A yay GLAST LE) Soa Lal gall OA taal 9315 yay alo! stoljes Gal wally all hans Label Lins 2 Lapel eli Laue cpl agg] MSN ola! 2 dag yall ol WN ola cau UL aYSy dau Sally le sll Ge ge gi -1y the 786 0 Gaol ae Law Us Salat! aie SIU asgie te tts Veh gh Les p25 Y coy UN IRs AU Gaus GLERYTEY seal plobinal Jalal) ropa of yeaeay abel sgals aLiall Gaasd JA6 Jalal 4o95 Gi sys alladll aay NUS Le glee pall uall gY Leal DLN dale gag LLY ong) LB ye be gS die ies 1515 SUEY cele “AUS nBLSy Lacs Gye Lie YI ELAN Gyglady 5 Saal Upalall ape dueal eee em Renee] “Alay ab ae Ue nt sal Sle, eb ine tn JS etd HI 08 Say Ws ad ols ttl bat oe V3 Cyst ua oh gas enlly snail peel any dadey Gall Sales aya gi ay a lone DEI, oy BLED ope Folens gaol aU gle bls USP Sisal (yadda bial ag) hauls (jal! gepll line 2 Syasut gosh ol gps te tele GA 2% eel ety be + Labball oY gi ye libel euul> 2 Wtbue Gyaal ple est Nag ea olsiy lala DIEM y LS shut eb pas plall oases al ps Jacl Ness acd cpp Eecbiald sles “ity lull ab (a) IS UL pena JS Up bd leo ge ls Ij] Oo JS oat ol ey peleadg 458 gp Legh padetll dang poled ob oe uel ae > 25 USI AY pt olelinall i cpall lad of -! pales ga 2. 39 legals dl ake Gana pe lt tt St a aeyy | 49 adil ale 4 ple Sick oggell ul aay duos GT LAI glow 2aeall Ia Cay pene adil le Legh” pm Lay “alam gol alga” ype! 98 (41449) Gaal ja eteaatll ee ge he 2 3s Fala Silgly obey ptaall S1yh Le pazaleodl adil! ele bay Cae OLS ae (ell lye pay ele pats ol SUL Last este ghey oLatly copell wal cab? pate Eahyall Rett oe Gia yy tin asl Ste esl) « eLsally yl! Les I! pail le Guat oe sal Can Guba) « depally By lt SS aati le LNs La yal Lal! doc! Gas Leu) « ER Rel etal do Ged) SL penn 2 al la Hag os asy PUD Heatly lay hae all lj gall Caw aay GLU gals al Reel Hind lla Slo of ad SN jyall any aly ital! aaj Sas aa setae all le syle Rs ood J abit ; py ase Ganda 0 Lanny yb cgiae aly ee A a sty Al agent) Vaca! OLEN Nagy Cacigl abel!

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