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A Guide to CXC CSEC English A exam - Paper 3/2

(Alternative to SBA for Private Candidates)

From June 2018 ALL candidates sitting the CXC CSEC English A exam MUST sit paper 3. In-
school candidates will complete paper 3/1 (School Based Assessment)
Private exam candidates who are not in school settings and who will be sitting the exam
individually are required to sit a third exam - paper 3/2. This is the alternative to the School Based
Assessment (SBA).

CXC CSEC English A exam paper 3/2 is a timed exam consisting of three
(3) compulsory questions.
Two (2) compulsory questions will be short answer type questions. They consist of three parts
each. For example question 1 will have parts 1a, 1b and 1c. Question 2 is organized in the same way.
For the third compulsory question you have to write an extended creative piece, for example an
essay, a poem, short dramatic skit or song.

The exam questions for CXC CSEC English A paper 3/2 will be based on three pieces of stimulus
1) An excerpt from a recent newspaper article on a topical issue
2) A cartoon strip or lyrics to a song on the same topical issue
3) A poem, short story, or extract of a public speech, on the same topical issue.

The two compulsory questions will focus on:

(a) the topical issue raised in the stimulus materials
(b) the potential impact of the stimulus materials on the intended audience
(c) the language techniques used in the stimulus materials

The two (2) compulsory short answer questions will also include questions on oral
presentations. Exam candidates are required to research and be able to answer questions on the
characteristics and features of oral presentations.

For the compulsory, extended, creative question, exam candidates will select one of the
topics raised in the three stimulus materials and create a personal response to it. This personal
response may take the form of an essay, poetry, lyrics to a song, or a dramatic skit. It should be no
longer than 2 pages in length.

Here is a sample of a CXC CSEC English A specimen exam paper 3/2

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