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2023, Wednesday

The Mag)c Penc)l

Narrator: One day the teacher asked Keyla to make up a short story. In the afternoon, wh9le
she was try9ng to wr9te 9n her notebook, th9nk9ng and th9nk9ng what to wr9te, she heard a l9ttle

Gobl)n: Keyla, Keyla!.

Narrator: Keyla looked on both s9des, but she couldn`t see anybody. Then she heard aga9n the
same l9ttle vo9ce.

Gobl)n: Keyla, Keyla!. Look down here, on the table!.

Narrator: Keyla almost fell to the floor when she saw a l9ttle gobl9n. It was dressed 9n green,
w9th a l9ttle hat and black shoes.

Keyla: Who are you?. Where d9d you come from?.

Gobl)n: Don´t be afra9d. My name 9s Sparkle. I was walk9ng by when I saw you so worr9ed,
that’s why I want to help you. What´s wrong?.

Keyla: I have to wr9te a short story, and I don´t know what to wr9te about.

Gobl)n: (th9nk9ng for a wh9le, then he takes out a penc9l and g9ves 9t to Keyla) Take th9s, I lend
you my penc9l. W9th my penc9l you can wr9te whatever you want.

Narrator: Keyla couldn´t bel9eve what was happen9ng. She then dec9ded to ask the Gobl9n how
the penc9l worked.

Gobl)n: All you have to do 9s ask the penc9l to help you.

Narrator: Then the gobl9n d9sappeared. Keyla took the penc9l 9n her hand and asked for an
adventure short story.

Keyla: Look penc9l. I want the story to take place 9n the jungle, wh9le I am 9n a boat 9n the r9ver.

Narrator: Keyla placed the penc9l over her notebook and she started to wr9te unt9l she f9n9shed
the story.

Narrator: Next day, Keyla read the story 9n class.

Teacher: Wow! Your story was fantast9c!. You have to wr9te for us another story.

Keyla: I w9ll try!

Narrator: And she d9d. The penc9l and Keyla wrote funny and exc9t9ng stor9es. One n9ght she
l9ked her dream so much that she dec9ded to wr9te about 9t. She took the penc9l unt9l she forgot
that the penc9l was mag9cal. When she f9n9shed, she heard the gobl9n`s vo9ce.

Gobl)n: H9, Keyla!. Have you wr9tten many stor9es?

Keyla: Yes, and everybody l9ked them.

Gobl)n: Good! I am glad that you are not hav9ng trouble wr9t9ng short stor9es. I th9nk that you
can now g9ve me my penc9l back.

Keyla: The mag9cal penc9l?. But I need 9t.

Gobl)n: I don`t th9nk so. The other day you wrote your dream, and the penc9l d9dn`t help you.
In fact, you can wr9te whatever you want to because the penc9l always wr9tes what you are

Keyla: You`re r9ght!. I can wr9te all the stor9es I want. And I can wr9te them all by myself.

Narrator: The gobl9n took the mag9c penc9l and d9sappeared, and was never seen aga9n.

Keyla: I am not worr9ed about hav9ng to wr9te a story anymore. Now I know that I can wr9te
whatever I want to.

The End

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