UNIT 3 - The USA

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Before watching…

1 Do you recognize the American cities in the pictures?

Which of them is…

1) the capital of the USA?

2) famous for the film industry?
3) the biggest city in the USA?

2 Can you name any other American cities?

3 Look at the map of North America. Can you find the USA? What is the name of the country to
the north of the USA? What is the name of the country to the south of the USA?
Watch the video and find out.

4 Read the statements below then watch the video again and say if they are true (T) or false (F).

1) There is the Atlantic Ocean to the west of the USA and the Pacific Ocean to the east of the USA.
2) There are 50 states in the US.
3) The president of the USA lives in New York.
4) Chicago is the second biggest city in the USA.
5) Chicago is also called the Windy City.

pripremila: Slavica Nuić

5 How many people live in…

1) New York?
2) Los Angeles?
3) Chicago?

Find out how many people live in Zagreb then write the names of the cities in the chart.

City population

_________ _________ _________ _________

Population in millions

6 Work in groups and look up more information about Chicago then explain the pictures.

The Willis Tower

/ The Sears Tower

pripremila: Slavica Nuić

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