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Have you ever been accused of doing something wrong? Well, that’s what happens in the stories “ Mr.

Peabody’s Apples” by Madonna and “ Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros.

In the story, Mr. Peabody's apples an elementary school teacher named Mr. Peabody organizes baseball
games every Saturday. After one baseball game, Mr. Peabody is walking home from the field he stopped
by the fruit market. He picks up a shiny red apple and walks away. He didn’t know that Tommy was
watching. Tommy thought that Mr. Peabody stole the apple but he had already paid for it. He told the
whole town that Mr. Peabody was a thief. But Mr.Peabody was patient and told Tommy what he did
was wrong.
In Eleven, a girl named Rachel is turning 11. She is explaining how when you are 11 you also are 10, 9, 8,
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0. When she goes to school her teacher, Mrs. Prices has a very old sweater. She
thinks that it is Rachel's even though it’s not. When Mrs.Price puts the sweater on Rachel's desk, Rachel
moves all her things away from the ugly sweater. Mrs. Price yells at her and makes her wear the
sweater. At the end of the class just when Rachel was about to burst into tears and very mean girl
named Sylvia Salvador says the sweater was hers. Although these two stories are very different they
have similar concepts and help teach what to do if this ever happens to you.

There are a lot of similarities between Mr. Peabody's Apples and Eleven. One of the similarities you can t
see almost immediately how close the theme of both stories is. For Mr. Peabody's apples, the theme is ‘’
don’t come to conclusions without proof’’ and for Eleven the theme is ‘’don’t assume things about
people based on what others say’’. Both themes are about not making assumptions about other people
by what you hear. Also, both stories have similar character actions, and both stories’ anti-heroes have
similar standards. Both Tommy and Mrs. Price have been proved wrong and have started something
against the main characters ( Mr.Peabody and Rachel). Another similarity that is harder to find is the
setting. Even though one is a town and the other is a classroom. But if you think about the phycological
setting both main characters are being ridiculed in well-known places, for Mr. Peabody, it’s the town he
lives in, and for Rachel, it’s her classroom.

Both stories also have some differences. One difference is the physical setting the setting, in Mr.
Peabody's apples the setting is a small town where everyone knows everyone else. But in Eleven the
setting is in Rachel’s classroom, where there are friends, enemies, and an annoying teacher. There are
also some other differences such as the main character’s responses to their problems. Mr.Peabody
stayed calm and tried to help Tommy understand what he did was wrong. Rachel was upset when she
was accused of the ugly old sweater being hers even though the sweater belonged to a very mean girl
named salvia. Another difference is the theme of the story also has a small difference. The theme for
Mr. Peabody's apples has more of an effect on people who are being accused of doing something wrong.
But Eleven’s theme is for people who have been emotionally humiliated by being accused.

As you can see both stories have a lot in common but they also have a lot of differences. But the most
important thing you can learn from both stories is how to react when someone does something like this
to you. As you can learn from both these stories you have to remain calm and try to get the other
person to see where you are coming from. For example, Mr. Peabody tried to make Tommy understand
why what he did was wrong. And Rachel tried to remain calm and not make a big scene. But sometimes
it's not so simple and if you get upset the right thing to do is remain calm and try to figure it out in a
peaceful way. Both these stories are helpful because they show you how you can live your life even if
others are blaming you for things you didn't do.

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