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Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The

University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.






INDEX NO: 2021/0940/84296/N







MAY, 2021
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.






INDEX NO: 2021/0940/84296/N









MAY, 2020
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


This is to declare that this research project titled KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE OF



is solely the result of my work except where acknowledged as being derived from other person’s

or resources.





Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


This is to certify that this research project by MBA, OLUMBA KANU with Examination No.:

…………………….. has been examined and approved for the award of


Signature:……………………………………… Date:……………………………..

Mr Ndukaku Nwakwue C.


RN, B.Sc (Hons) Nursing, M.Sc Nursing,

Department of Nursing Science

University of Calabar, Calabar

Signature:………………………………………… Date:………………………………

Margaret Mombel Opiah

B.Sc (Hons) (Ibadan); M.Sc Nursing

M.Ed (Ibadan), PhD (Port Harcourt)

A.G. Head of Department

Signature:………………………………… Date:……………………………..


(Chief Examiner)
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


This work is dedicated to Almighty God who bestowed me with grace, strength and good health

to undergo this programme.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


First and foremost, my utmost appreciation goes to God almighty for His Grace that kept me

throughout the years of my academic pursuit.

I cannot express enough thanks to my amiable supervisor, Mr Ndukaku Nwakwue for his

unrelenting effort in reading and making useful corrections and suggestions that led to the

success of this work. I also appreciate the motherly Head of Department, Dr. Magaret Mombel

Opiah and all other lecturers in the Department of Nursing Science, University of Calabar for

their relentless effort and positive contribution to the successful completion of my academic


Very importantly, I sincerely appreciate my late parents Apostle Mba Kanu and Mrs Theresa

Mba for showing me the right path even before their demise. My humble appreciation goes to

my anty Mrs Ibum Kanu for her love, care, prayers, encouragement and financial support

throughout the course of my study and for being my new mom and dad. I extend the appreciation

to my anty Mrs Roseline for her guidance. To my ever supporting siblings and cousins Ibum,

Fortune, Unoh, Nancy, Onugu and all others, I love you specially.

To my friends, Lekan Macaulay, Inaku Basil, Odo Chukwudi, Isaiah Adeh and Promise Gabriel,

I say a very big thank you for your immeasurable contribution towards my success. I sincerely

appreciate my mentor, Mr Njor Asu, may Almighty God bless, replenish and reward you all

abundantly. I love you all.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


Information technology is of high significance in the health sector as it eases the work of health
professionals and improves quality of care to patients. This study investigated knowledge and
attitude of nurses towards information technology in nursing care of patients in The University of
Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to determine
the knowledge of nurses on information technology in nursing care of patients in The University
of Calabar Teaching hospital, Calabar, examine the attitude of nurses towards information
technology in nursing care of patients in The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.
Theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed in line with the study objectives. The theory of
Roger’s diffusion was used for the study. A descriptive cross-sectional survey using quantitative
design was adopted to select 235 nurses in The University of Calabar Teaching hospital, Calabar
for the study. Ethical approval was obtained according to requirement. Data was collected using
structured questionnaire and the same was analyzed using frequency count and simple
percentages while Pearson product moment correlation was used to test for the null hypothesis.
Findings revealed that majority of the nurses (98.2%) had good knowledge of information
technology while 1.8% had bad knowledge. Furthermore, as regard attitude of nurses towards
information technology, findings showed that all (100%) of the nurses had positive attitudes
towards information technology in nursing care of patients. Also, results of null hypothesis
showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge and attitude of nurses
towards information technology in nursing care of patients in The University of Calabar
Teaching Hospital, Calabar at p<0.05. Based on these findings, the researcher recommends that
trainings, seminars and workshops should be organized by nursing leaders so as to educate
nurses on information technology and its application in nursing care of patients. Also, the use of
practical sessions will help improve self-confidence of nurses towards application of information
technology in nursing care of patients.

Word count: 321

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

Key words: information technology, nursing













1.1 Background to the study

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Purpose of the study

1.4 Research objectives

1.5 Research questions

1.6 Research Hypothesis

1.7 Scope of the study

1.8 Significance of the study

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

1.9 Limitation of the study

1.10 Operational definition of terms



2.1 Introduction

2.2 Conceptual Review

2.3 Empirical review

2.3.1. Knowledge of nurses on information technology in the nursing care of patients

2.3.2 Attitude of nurses towards information technology in the nursing care of patients

2.3.3 Factors affecting the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards information technology in

nursing care of patients

2.4 Theoretical framework

2.4.1 Concept of the theory

2.4.2 Application of the theory to the study

2.5 Summary viii



3.1. Introduction

3.2 Research design

3.3 Research setting

3.4 Research population

3.4.1 Inclusion criteria

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

3.4.2 Exclusion criteria

3.5 Sample and sampling technique

3.6 Instrument for data collection

3.7 Validity of instrument

3.8 Reliability of instrument

3.9 Method of data collection

3.10 Method of data analysis

3.11 Ethical consideration ix



4.1 Socio-demographic characteristics of the participants

4.2 Analysis of research questions

4.2.1 Research question 1

4.2.2 Research question 2

4.3 Test of hypothesis

4.3.1 Ho



5.1 Discussion

5.1.1 Research question 1

5.1.2 Research question 2

5.2 Implication of the study to nursing

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

5.3 Summary

5.4 Conclusion

5.5 Recommendations

5.6 Suggestions for further study


Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


Table 1 Participant’s socio-demographic characteristics (n = 231)

Table 2 Nurses’ knowledge on information technology in UCTH (n = 231)

Table 3 Nurses’ attitude towards information technology in UCTH (n=231)

Table 4 Pearson product moment correlation analysis (N = 231)

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


Fig 1: A pie chart showing summary of nurses’ knowledge on information technology in UCTH

Fig 2: A pie chart showing final summary nurse’s attitude towards IT in UCTH (n=231)
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


1.1 Background to the study

Information Technology (IT) has transformed the way people collaborate, identify potential

collaborators or friends, communicate with each other and identify information that is relevant to

their practice (Adeleke et al., 2014). The continuous and extensive use of information technology

(IT) is changing the way people and organizations work (Agwu, 2018). Fergus and Igwe (2013)

stated that technology has increased rapidly over the past four decades, and has become an

integral part of healthcare.

Many terms describe the processes related to information technology leading to difficulties in the

choice of terms which can affect the clarity of ideas and discussions. As a result of this, attempts

were made to standardize the terms. The application of information technology to the field of

health care was termed health information technology. According to Taiwo (2015), Health

Information Technology (HIT) is the application of information processing involving the

deployment of computers and computing technologies for storage, retrieval, sharing and use of

health information for communication and decision making to improve health care quality.

Due to the importance of health information, Nigeria is witnessing continually advocacy and an

increased number of individuals yearning for the computerization of health information and

healthcare processes. On the other hand, the government is evolving policies and strategies for

the adoption and implementation of health information (Adeleke et al., 2014). This is evident in

the development of a draft by the federal ministry of health and the ministry of communication

technology which was termed the National Health Information Communication Technology

(ICT) strategies framework. According to Kobryn (2015), Health Information Technology

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

includes a set of subspecialties that identify diverse spheres of information technology

applications to medical science and practice namely clinical informatics, bioinformatics, health

care informatics, nursing informatics, imaging informatics etc. Nursing informatics is the

application of health technology to the field of nursing. Nursing informatics is the use of

computer science and information science to manage and communicate data, information

knowledge in nursing practice (Daniel and Oyetunde, 2013).

According to research carried out by Akpabio and Ella (2015) on the preparedness of graduate

nurses in Calabar, graduate nurses’ level of knowledge of informants possessed is mostly limited

to using the computer. The majority of them do not know the scope or components of

informatics and have limited knowledge of the management of information. Also, research by

Aanwoluwapo al. (2014) on the competencies and barriers to the use of nursing information

among nurses in primary, secondary and tertiary, health care facilities in Nigeria showed that

nurses’ knowledge of information technology was just far while the majority rated themselves as

not competent in the use of nursing informatics with various barriers identified. Ajibade et al.

(2013) in research to assess the knowledge and attitude towards the introduction of informatics to

nursing training among selected nurse educations/leaders in Nigeria, established that the

introduction of informatics to nursing training was a welcome idea by the generality of nurse

tutors and lecturers. Also, Abiola et al. (2014), on the assessment of ICT knowledge, utilization

and perception among health care providers at National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria, showed that the

health care workers massively indicated interests in further training in the use of computer and

the internment to boost their sources of information for better practice and improved public

health. These studies provide evidence that the knowledge of information technology was poor

among Nigeria nurses and as well prove that nurses are interested to have a better knowledge of
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

health informatics. It is against this background, it became necessary to examine the knowledge

and attitude of nurses towards information technology in nursing care of patients in The

University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria. This study will include five chapters;

chapter one will introduce this study and the significance of the study, chapter two will review

the literature on the topic, chapter three will indicate methodology used in this study, chapter

four will analyse data and findings, and chapter five will discuss findings as well as conclusions.

1.2 Statement of problem

Globally, information technology is now an integral part of healthcare services. The impact of

information technology on nursing has been a subject of discourse. Despite its obvious benefits,

adapting information technology to healthcare has been relatively difficult in many developing

countries (Ayandiran, 2013). Fergus and Igwe (2013) opined that Nigeria, even with the

development of strategies to implement health informatics is still very far from achieving it, due

to a lack of foundational knowledge of information technology as well as a reluctance to undergo

such training due to opposing factors. Adams et al. (2020) showed that the high cost of modern

equipment, lack of power supply of electricity required to power the instruments, complexity of

the instruments, lack of self-confidence and fear of the unknown were the factors discouraging

nurses from using information technology in the care of patients.

Nigerian nurses still significantly lagging behind their fellow counterparts in other countries has

led to the development of questions as to if nurses should have a basic knowledge of information

technology and if they feel information technology does not influence the quality nursing care of

patients (Ademuyiwa et al., 2020). Furthermore, the emphasis is that nurses need to embrace new

technology to meet future demands on healthcare (Akpabio and Ella, 2015). The study, therefore,
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

seeks to assess the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards Information Technology in nursing

care of patients in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to establish and determine the knowledge and attitude of nurses

towards information technology in nursing care of patients in The University of Calabar

Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

1.4 Research objectives

1. To determine the knowledge of nurses on information technology in nursing care of patients

in The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

2. To examine the attitude of nurses towards information technology in nursing care of patients

in The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

1.5 Research question

1 What is the knowledge of nurses on information technology in the nursing care of patients in

The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar?

2. What is the attitude of nurses towards Information Technology in nursing care of patients in

The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar?

1.6 Research hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards

information technology in nursing care of patients in The University of Calabar Teaching

Hospital, Calabar.

1.7 Scope of the study

The study is focused on the assessment of the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards

information technology and its relevance in promoting quality nursing care of patients in the
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar and only based on research objectives set by

the study. It covers all cadres of nurses working in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital,

Calabar, Nigeria.

1.8 Significance of the study

This study on the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards information technology in nursing

care of patients in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar will be of great benefit to

some persons, including nurses, organizations and the government. Particular to the nurses this

study will help to increase their awareness of information technology and its application in

quality nursing care of nursing patients more specifically called nursing informatics. It will help

to erode the negative attitude of nurses towards information technology application.

Organizations, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will be encouraged to organize

and sponsor information technology campaigns across institution and hospitals. International

health bodies such as The World Health Organization (WHO) will be encouraged to fund the

computerization of health facilities.

The government also stands to benefit from the study as this study will establish the need for the

government to make purchases, install and manage information technology devices across

medical centres. The media will also be encouraged to increase the awareness of the relevance of

IT in quality nursing care.

1.9 Limitation of the study

Limitation of this study has to do with the challenge of collecting information as some of them

refused to give information for confidential purposes. The study only concentrates in The

University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, a wider study that will cover nurses in other hospitals
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

in Calabar will be required for generalization to be made. Also, the time gap for the completion

of the project was short.

1.10 Operational definition of terms

Information: Facts or details about a situation, person, event.

Technology: Techniques created by humans.

Nursing: The act and science of assisting people to promote and maintain health prevent


recover from illness, adjust to and live with a disability and accept death in terminal


(ICN, 1975)

Care: The provision of one’s needs.

Knowledge: This means having information about something.

Promotion: The process or action helping the progress of something

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter will review the literature on the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards

information technology in nursing care of patients. It will consist of conceptual review, empirical

review, theoretical framework and conclusion.

2.2 Conceptual review

Information technology also called information and communication technology (ICT) more

extensively encompasses all those digital and analogue technologies that facilitate the capturing,

processing, storage and exchange of information via electronic communication. According to

Yekini, (2014), information technology is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit and

manipulate data or information. The term is commonly used as a synonym for computer and

computer networks but it also encompasses other information distribution technologies such as

television and telephone (Yekini, 2014). In the health sector, information technology refers to a

set of projects or services that allow for remote care (telehealth), interdisciplinary clinical

support, as well as knowledge transfer (Cote et al., 2015). A computer is an important tool in

information technology because of the speed with which it processes information. According to

Adeleke et al. (2015), the computer is a major information technology tool that has transformed

information and data handling processes in all endeavours. The computer is a device that is

capable of automatically accepting (input) storing and processing data into useful (output) at a

very high speed under the control of stored instructions (programs) (Yekini, 2014). It is made of
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

hardware and software. Hardware is the physical parts of the computer that can be seen while the

software is any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's processor to

perform specific operations. Examples of hardware include mouse, speakers while software

include Microsoft word, electronic health records etc. According to Adeleke et al. (2014), it was

reported that the deployment of information technology in healthcare management has provided

a mechanism for promoting greater reliability in healthcare quality. The application of

information technology to the healthcare sector known as health information technology is seen

by Adeleke et al. (2014) as the application of information processing involving the deployment

of computers and computing technologies for storing, retrieving and sharing and use of health

information for communication and decision-making to improve health care quality. Information

technology is an important part of the healthcare system it makes it easy for the integration of

data, information and knowledge to support health care providers including nurses in their

provision of services. According to Daniel and Oyotunde (2013) information technology is used

in the direct provision of care, establishing effective administration systems, managing and

delivering educational experiences, supporting lifelong learning and supporting nursing research.

It was also stated that the goal of information technology in the health sector is to improve the

health of the population, communities, families and individuals by optimizing Information

Management and communication.

According to the Canadian nurses association according to the Canadian association of schools

of nursing (2012), the basic foundational information technology skills among nursing students

should include device use (featuring personal computers, tablets, modems, flash drives of

loading downloading use of the internet) and application use (featuring the use of emails,

creating videos, YouTube channels, use of MS words, spreadsheets and presentations, use of
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

technology for self-directed learning familiarity with social networking applications such as

Twitter, Facebook). This of course helps to access patients and their families to access, review

and evaluate information using Information and Communications Technology to manage their


2.3 Empirical review

2.3.1 Knowledge of nurses on information technology in the nursing care of patients

Possessing the necessary knowledge about a subject area such as information technology is of

utmost importance as it ensures great competence. Knowledge of information technology helps

nurses to provide good quality care to their clients. In a descriptive study by Akpabio and Ella

(2015) on the nursing Informatics preparedness of graduate nurses in Calabar, a convenience

sampling technique was used to gather 102 respondents from a target population of 165 graduate

nurses. From the result 25 (25%) of the respondents rated themselves as adequately computer

literate while 76 (75%) admitted fair knowledge as they do not know the components of

information technology and its application to inpatient care. This showed inadequacy in the

computer literacy level among nurses and the need to emphasize information technology

education. In addition to this, a quantitative study carried out by Ayandrian et al (2013) on

nurses’ perception and barriers to the use of information technology in a teaching hospital in

Nigeria showed that out of the 100% of sample size, 37.8% stated that they had never had formal

training on information technology and many rated themselves as possessing little or no skills in

areas such as word processing, spreadsheet, presentation. 55.6% stated that they do not have

access to information technology despite the fairly widespread satisfaction perception established

among them results further showed that 48.9% of the nurses had never used information

technology in patient care. Also, a cross-sectional survey was conducted by Blank et al (2014) on
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

the health workers’ knowledge of and attitudes towards computer applications in rural African

health facilities. A total of 108 providers responded, only 40% had ever used computers and 29%

had prior computer training. About 80% were completely illiterate or beginners. Hence, they

lacked knowledge about information technology and its application in the care of patients.

Adopting a cross-sectional survey designed, Aanwoluwapo et al. (2014) performed a study on

the competencies and barriers to the use of nursing Informatics among nurses in primary,

secondary and tertiary health care facilities in Nigeria. Data was collected from 350 nurses from

1 tertiary, 6 secondary and 30 primary health care facilities using multi-stage sampling

techniques from six towns. The result showed a fair knowledge of information technology by

55.4% of the respondents who were able to use information technology devices to perform basic

operations on the internet, word processing in the care of patients.

Ademuyiwa et al (2020) in a study on knowledge and use of nursing Informatics among nurses

in a university teaching hospital, Lagos, used a multi-stage sampling technique to achieve a

sample size of 162. It was discovered that the overall knowledge of nursing Informatics was

high, 121.5 (75%) had a good knowledge of nursing Informatics and its application in the care of

patients in the area such as the internet, word processing, nursing process application. In a

children's cancer hospital in Cairo Egypt, Ebrahem et al (2014), found that 100% of the study

sample had a good knowledge of information technology in the nursing care of patients.

2.3.2 Attitude of nurses towards information technology in the nursing care of patients

According to Karani et al (2014), a positive attitude could cause rapid adoption with

accompanying realization of the benefits of information technology. Therefore positive attitudes

are important and the willingness of health workers to use any health information technology
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

system is influenced by their perceptions of its value, clinical benefits and ease of use. In a study

conducted by Adams et al (2020) on the assessment of nurses’ attitudes towards the use of

modern technology in Nigeria, 250 nurses were selected from three hospitals in Benin city, Edo,

60% of the respondents expressed a positive attitude towards information technology and its

application in the care of patients. This is in agreement with a similar study carried out in

Singapore in 2011 to explore nurses’ knowledge and attitude towards the adoption of modern

technology in nursing practice and found that more than 64% of the nurses experienced a

positive attitude towards the use of modern technology.

In research by Ajibade et al (2013), among nurse educators and leaders, 175 respondents were

randomly selected for the study on attitude towards the introduction of information technology to

nursing training, 100% of the study sample had a positive attitude towards the introduction of

information technology to nursing training. This of course goes a long way to influence the

application of information technology to nursing care positively. Accordingly in research also

performed by Blank et al (2014), of the 180 respondents 95.3% had positive attitudes towards

information technology in the nursing care of patients.

2.3.3 Factors affecting the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards information

technology in nursing care of patients

A study conducted by Afzal et al (2019) on factors influencing nurses’ attitudes towards

information technology in nursing practice revealed that gender, nationality, educational levels

and duration of computer use were the factors that affected the attitude of nurses towards

technology in nursing care of patients. Karani et al (2014) cited age, educational level, years of

nursing experience and experience with computers as factors influencing nurses’ attitudes
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

towards information technology. Age was consistently found to influence nurses’ attitudes

towards the computerization of nursing care plans as younger nurses demonstrated a greater

enthusiasm in the use of technology. Additionally, Irinoye et al (2013) discovered that nurses’

poor access to information technology facilities and unreliable network connections as barriers to

the use of information technology. Also, Adams et al (2020) on the assessment of nurses’

knowledge and attitudes on the use of information technology in Benin city discovered the high

cost of modern equipment, lack of power supply of electricity required to power the instruments,

complexity of the instruments, lack of self-confidence and fear of the unknown as the factors that

affected the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards information technology in nursing care of


2.4 Theoretical framework

Rogers’ Diffusion of innovation is a behavioural theory that describes the process the users go

through in the adoption or rejection of new ideas, practices, or technology. It was developed by

Rogers in 1962. The main components of this theory are innovation, adopters, communication

channels, time and social systems. (Fink et al., 2005). Rogers suggests that there are five

perceived attributes of an innovation that affect its uptake and use. These are:

 Relative advantage whether an innovation is perceived as better than the idea it replaces;

 Compatibility which is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as congruous with

the values, experiences, and needs of potential adopters;

 Complexity, whether an innovation is perceived as difficult to understand and use;

 Trialability which is the degree to which an innovation may be experimentally tested;

 Observability whether the results of an innovation are visible to others.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

2.4.1 Concept definition

According to Rogers, diffusion is a process by which an innovation is communicated through

certain channels over time among members of a social system”. The process includes:

 Innovations: This represents newness. It is not the same thing as invention. The

invention is about the discovery of new ideas or approaches; innovation is about their


 Awareness: The individual is exposed to the innovation but lacks complete information

about it.

 Interest: The individual becomes interested in the new idea and seeks additional

information about it.

 Evaluation: Individual mentally applies the innovation to his present and anticipated

future situation and then decides whether or not to try it.

 Trial: The individual makes full use of the innovation.

 Adoption : The individual decides to continue the full use of the innovation (Rogers,


2.4.2 Application of the theory to the study

Patient care should be scientific, technological and research-based to achieve high-quality patient

care. The vision for nursing in the twenty-first century is for all nurses to seek out innovations

and evidence and apply it in their everyday practice. As health care is evolving constantly, wave

after wave of new technologies, insurance models, regulatory changes, information technology

system and institutional arrangements buffer the system and the people in it. Innovation is not a
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

new concept to nursing, as a profession. Nurses worldwide are in engaging in current

technological trends to promote efficient nursing care of patients. Many of these developments

by nurses have resulted in significant improvements in the health of patients, populations and

health systems. Nurses occupy a unique and powerful position in the healthcare system. They

spend more time than other health professional in direct patient care and interact with patients

and families, often in times of great need and distress (Johnson and Ryan, 2015). As such, they

are critically positioned to provide creative and innovative solutions for current and future global

health challenges.

 Innovation

Innovation is a broad category, relative to the current knowledge of the analyzed unit. Any idea,

practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption could be

considered an innovation available for study. Information technology is an important innovation

that is highly significant in the health sector. It has changed the way nurses work to perform their

tasks, making it easy.

 Adopters

Adopters are the minimal unit of analysis. In most studies, adopters are individuals, but can also

be organizations (businesses, schools, hospitals.), clusters within social networks, or countries

(Meyer, 2004). in this study, the adopters of information technology are the health institutions

that seek to use this innovation to improve health care services.

 Communication channels

Diffusion, by definition, takes place among people or organizations. Communication channels

allow the transfer of information from one unit to the other. Communication patterns or

capabilities must be established between parties as a minimum for diffusion to occur.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

 Time

The passage of time is necessary for innovations to be adopted; they are rarely adopted

instantaneously. Nurses, with time, are expected to have a good knowledge of and a positive

attitude to information technology in the nursing care of patients.

 Social system

The social system is the combination of external influences (mass media, surfactants,

organizational or governmental mandates) and internal influences (strong and weak social

relationships, distance from opinion leaders) (Sarah et al, 1998). There are many roles in a social

system, and their combination represents the total influences on a potential adopter of

information technology.

Five stages of the adoption process

- Knowledge / Awareness

The individual is first exposed to innovation but lacks information about the innovation. During

this stage the individual has not yet been inspired to find out more information about the

innovation, hence deficient knowledge of information technology.

- Persuasion

The individual is interested in the innovation and actively seeks related information/details.

- Decision

The individual takes the concept of the change and weighs the advantages/disadvantages of using

the innovation and decides whether to adopt or reject the innovation. Due to the individualistic
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

nature of this stage, Rogers notes that it is the most difficult stage on which to acquire empirical


- Implementation

The individual employs the innovation to a varying degree depending on the situation. During

this stage, the individual also determines the usefulness of the innovation and may search for

further information about it.

- Confirmation / Continuation

The individual finalizes his/her decision to continue using the innovation. This stage is both

intrapersonal (may cause cognitive dissonance) and interpersonal, confirmation the group has

made the right decision.

2.5 Summary

The literature review has identified a lack of knowledge towards the information technology by

nurses in the care of patients. A positive attitude and willingness to have a knowledge of

information technology and apply it in the nursing care of patients was also highlighted by the

review. The literature review has also shown that lack of adequate facilities and proper policies

affected nurses’ attitude towards information technology in the nursing care of patients.
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the method adopted by the researcher in carrying out the study and will

comprise of the following sub-units; research design, study setting, study population, sample

size/sampling technique, methods of data collection, instruments of data collection, the validity

of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, ethical consideration and conclusion.

3.2 Research Design

The research design refers to the basic structure and strategies a researcher uses to answer

questions and test hypothesis (Polit and Beck, 2018). The research design adopted for this study

is the non-experimental, descriptive cross-sectional survey using the quantitative method. A

cross-sectional survey was adopted because of its ability to generalize its results to the

population of interest depending on the sampling method; it is also economical and easy to

manage (Nieswiadomy and Bailey, 2018). It is therefore preferred because the researcher will

collect data using a cross-sectional survey.

3.3 Research Setting

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

The setting for this study was the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar (UCTH)

established in 1979. It is a tertiary health facility located in Calabar Municipal Local

Government Area along Unical hotel road by the West, bounded in the North by Edim-Otop

community, in the East by Satellite Town and in the South by the University of Calabar. The

hospital has a health care service department, the administrative department, laundry, tailoring

unit and mortuary services. The health care services include laboratory department, internal

medicine, surgery, nursing services, community medicine, family medicine, paediatrics,

obstetrics and gynaecology, radiology, ophthalmology, physiotherapy, orthopaedics, food and

nutrition, accident and emergency, dental department, blood bank and dialysis unit. It is also a

research centre and is made up of seven clinical departments, 48 nursing units, 415 beds and 300

cots. The staff strength is 2,946, the number of nurses is six hundred and one (601). The hospital

renders the following services, clinical, manpower development (teaching of nursing,

paramedical and medical students) and research. The University of Calabar teaching hospital

comprises both the administrative offices and the clinical ward which is suitable for quality

nursing care.

3.4 Research population

The research population is a complete set of persons or objects that has similar characteristics of

interest to the researcher (Nieswiadong and Bailey, 2018). Target population defines the total

group of elements to which the researcher wishes to generalize is studies, while the accessible

population is the number of elements of the study to which the researcher can have access

(Nieswiadong and Bailey, 2018). The study population comprised of all registered nurses

working in the university of Calabar teaching hospital totalling six hundred and one (601). The

accessible population will be nurses available at the time of the study.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

3.4.1 Inclusion criteria

This will include all registered nurses that are practising and are willing to take part in the study.

3.4.2 Exclusion Criteria

This study will exclude professional nurses who are not practising, not willing to participate in

the study and also those who are unstable and not physically able to.

3.5 Sample and sampling technique

Sampling is the process by which a researcher selects a portion of the population to represent the

entire population (Polit and Beck, 2018). The sampling technique used in this study is the

purposive sampling technique. This sampling technique enables the researcher to choose objects

or people based on own judgement (Akpabio, 2018). A sample of two hundred and forty (235)

nurses was drawn from the target population of (601) six hundred and one. This sampling

technique was used to ensure equal participation of nursing staff in each nursing units (wards)

and eliminate bias. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's (1977) formula, which is

stated as;

Z 2 pq
n0 = c


n0 = Cochrane sample size

Z = Level of confidence = 1.96

P = Proportion of population = 0.5

q = 1-p (1-0.5) = 0.5

c2 = level of precision = 0.05

(1.92)2 (0.5)(0.5)
n0 = (0.05)2
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

n0 = 385

Calculating for a smaller sample size.

( n0 )
1+( no −1)
n = N

1+(385−1 )
n = 601

n = 1+0 .64

n = 1.64

n = 235.

Therefore, the total sample size was 235

3.6 Instrument for data collection

Research instruments are the tools used by the researcher to collect data for observation and

measurement of variables of interest (Nieswiadong and Bailey, 2018). A well-structured

questionnaire with close-ended was used to collect data for this study.

The instrument will be divided into four sections:

Section A will be used to elicit information on the socio-demographic characteristics of the

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

Section B will be used to elicit information on the knowledge of nurses towards information

technology in nursing care of patients.

Sections C will elicit information on the attitudes of nurses towards information technology in

the nursing care of patients.

3.7 Validity of the instrument

The validity of a research Instrument refers to the extent to which the instrument measures what

it is designed to measure (Polit and Beck, 2018).

Face validity: an instrument is said to have face validity when its preliminary examination

shows that it measures what is supposed to be measure (Nieswiadong and Bailey, 2018). To

ensure face validity the instrument will be given to the project supervisor for assessment,

correction, modification, and approval.

Content validity: this shows the degree to which an instrument has the appropriate sample of

items to measure the variables and construct domain in research (Polit and Beck, 2018). To

examine the content validity the questionnaire will be given to the project supervisor to assess

the content validity with the variables concerned in this research work.

3.8 Reliability of the instrument

Reliability is the extent to which an experiment, test, or measuring procedure yields the same

results on repeated trials (Nieswiadong and Bailey, 2018). The reliability will be done using the

test-retest method. The researcher administered the questionnaire to twenty (25) nurses and after

two (2) weeks the same questionnaire was administered again to the same respondent.

3.9 Method of data collection

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

Following consent, quantitative data will be collected from nurses in the University of Calabar

teaching hospital. Data will be collected through face-to-face administration of questionnaires

during a two-week visit to the hospital. and will be retrieved on the spot through the help of a

research assistant. After the respondent has completed the forms, the researcher will gather data

for analysis. The researcher will also include pre-note to enable and guide the respondents on

how to fill the questionnaire.

3.10 Method of data analysis

To carry out data analysis for this study, Pearson product moment correlation will be used to

analyze the quantitative data gotten through a descriptive cross-sectional survey. Data will be

analyzed into the frequency and simple percentages.

3.11 Ethical consideration

The researcher got permission from the head of the Department of Nursing Sciences, University

of Calabar, Calabar. The researcher also got informed consent from the respondents. The

respondents were given adequate information about the research work, which satisfies their right

to full disclosure of information. Their rights to autonomy and voluntary participation were

strictly adhered to. The principle of beneficence and non-maleficence was ensured as well as

excluding their names and any means of identification from the questionnaire
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.



This chapter focuses on the analysis and presentation of data. Two hundred and thirty-

five questionnaires were distributed to the participants and a response rate of 98% was

obtained. Data is presented according to the research questions and analyzed with

frequency counts, simple percentages and pearson product moment correlation.

4.1 Socio-demographic characteristics of the participants

Table 1 reveals the socio-demographic characteristics of study participants. From a total

of 231 study participants, 3(1.3%) were males while females constituted 228(98.7%).

Data on age shows that 47(20.3%) were aged 25-34 years, 143(61.9%) were aged 35-

44years, 32(13.9%) were between 35 - 54 years and 9(3.9%) were aged 55years and

above. Regarding marital status, 24(10.4%) were singles, 185(80.1%) were married,
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

22(9.5%) were separated while none was divorced/widowed. Statistics on educational

qualification showed that 190(82.3%) had RN/RM/RP, 36(15.6%) were BSc holders,

5(22%) had Master’s degree and no participant had a PhD. On years of experience,

8(3.5%) had 1-5years of experience in nursing, 169(73.2%) had 6-10yeras while those

with experience of 11years and above were 54(23.4%). Regarding participant’s

designation, NOII/NOI were 81(35.1%), SNO/PNO were 120(51.9%), ACNO/CNO were

26(11.3%) while 4(1.7%) were within the rank of DNS/DDNS.

Table 1
Participant’s socio-demographic characteristics
(n = 231)
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

Variables Response options Frequency(N) Percentage (%)

Male 3 1.3
Gender Female 228 98.7
Total 231 100
Age 25- 34 years 47 20.3
35- 44 years 143 61.9
35-54years 32 13.9
55 years and above 9 3.9

Total 231 100

Marital status Single 24 10.4

Married 185 80.1
Separated 22 9.5
Divorced/widowed - -
Total 231 100

Educational RN/RM/RP 190 82.3

qualification BSc 36 15.6
MSc 5 2.2
PhD - -

Total 231 100

Years of 1-5years 8 3.5

experience in 6-10years 169 73.2
nursing 11years and above 54 23.4
Total 231 100

Designation/Rank NOII/NOI 81 35.1

SNO/PNO. 120 51.9
ACNO/PNO 26 11.3
Total 231 100
(Field survey, 2021)

4.2 Analysis of research questions

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

4.2.1 Research question 1: What is the knowledge of nurses on information technology

among nurses in the nursing care of patients in UCTH?

Table 2 indicates nurses’ knowledge on information technology in nursing care of

patients in The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar. All the participants

231(100.0%) accepted that information technology could be applied in the hospital

setting. On whether they were aware of information technology, 180(77.9%) strongly

agreed while 51(22.1%) agreed. Of the participants, 100(43.3%) strongly agreed that

information technology involves the use of digital and analogue technology in processing

and exchanging information while 131(56.7) agreed to it. Also, when asked if they were

able to use computers for basic operations such as typing and sending emails, 150(64.9%)

strongly agreed while 81(35.1%) agreed. Finally, the participants were asked if they had

enough knowledge and skills to apply information technology in nursing care of patients,

50(21.6%) strongly agreed to the fact, 160(69.3% ) agreed while 21(9.1%) disagreed. The

final score for nurses’ knowledge of information technology was obtained by adding up

participants’ scores on all items in section A. The minimum score was 6 while the

maximum score was 11. Participants who scored 6- 8 were categorised as those with poor

knowledge on IT while those who scored 9- 11 were classified as having good knowledge

on IT. Hence, 227(98.2%) had good knowledge on IT while 4(1.8%) had poor knowledge

on IT. This summary is indicated in FIG.1.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

Statements Strongly Agreed Disagreed Strongly

agreed disagreed
I am aware of Information Technology 180 51 - -
(77.9%) (22.1%)
Information Technology involves the use of 100 131 - -
digital and analogue technology in (43.3%) (56.7%)
processing and exchanging information
I am aware that Information Technology can 231 - - -
be used in the hospital setting (100%)

I can use a computer for basic operations 150 81 - -

such as typing and sending emails. (64.9%) (35.1%)

I have enough knowledge and skills to apply 50 160 21 -

information technology in nursing care of (21.6%) (69.3%) (9.1%)

Table 2
Nurses’ knowledge on information technology in nursing care of patients in UCTH
(n = 231)
(Field survey, 2021)
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

on IT

on IT

FIG.1: A 3-D pie chart showing summary of nurses’ knowledge on information technology in
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

4.2.2 Research question 2: What is the attitude of nurses towards Information Technology in

nursing care of patients in The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar?

Table 3 shows nurses’ attitude towards information technology in UCTH. Out of 231

participants of the study, 182(78.8%) strongly agreed, to the statement ‘I feel Information

Technology makes my work easier’, 49(21.2%) agreed and none, disagreed or strongly

disagreed to the assertion. On the statement, ‘I feel reluctant to use Information

Technology in caring for patients’ 114(49.4%) strongly agreed, while no participant

disagreed or strongly disagreed to the statement. As regards the opinion, ‘I wish to learn

more or get more training on the use of Information Technology in the care of patients’,

169(73.2%) strongly agreed, 62(26.8%) agreed while none, disagreed or strongly

disagreed. Also, on the believe whether knowledge of information technology should be

made mandatory to all nurses, 106(45.9%) strongly agreed, 125(54.1%) agreed to this.

On if participants believed they had enough knowledge and skills to apply information

technology in nursing care, 172 (74.5%) agreed strongly and 59(25.5%) disagreed while no

participant disagreed or strongly disagreed to this assertion. For ease of computation, the

scores for strongly agree and agree were collapsed into agree while those of strongly

disagree and disagree were merged into disagree to show participant’s attitude towards

IT. FIG 2 reflects this summary. Then, the overall summary for nurses’ attitude towards

information technology was obtained by computing the sum of scores on all items

measuring attitude in section D. The maximum score was 13 while the minimum score

was 6. Participants who scored 6-9 were categorized as having poor attitude while those

whose scores were between 10 and 13 were categorized as having negative attitude.
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

Therefore, 231(100%) had positive attitude while none had negative attitude towards IT.

FIG 2 reveals this summary.

Table 3

Nurses’ attitude towards IT in UCTH

Statements Strongly Agreed Disagreed Strongly
agreed disagreed
I feel Information Technology makes my 182 49 - -
work easier (78.8%) (21.2%)
I feel reluctant to use Information 114 117 - -
Technology in caring for patients (49.4%) (50.6%)

I wish to learn more or get more training on 169 62 - -

the use of Information Technology in the (73.2%) (26.8%)
care of patients
I believe knowledge of Information 106 125 - -
Technology should be made mandatory to all (45.9%) (54.1%)
I believe I have enough knowledge and skills 172 59 - -
to apply information technology in nursing (74.5%) (25.5%)
(Field survey, 2021)
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


FIG.5: A pie chart showing final summary nurse’s attitude towards IT in UCTH

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

4.3 Test of hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards

information technology in nursing care of patients in The University of Calabar Teaching

Hospital, Calabar.

Table 4.

Pearson product moment correlation analysis of the relationship between the knowledge

and attitude of nurses towards information technology

(N = 231)

Variables ∑x ∑x2 ∑xy r

∑y ∑y2
Knowledge 4198 76726

71308 0.1556

Attitude , 3920 66974

P < 0.05, df = 233 critical-r = 0.127

The result in table shows that the calculated r-value of 0.1556 was found to be greater than the

critical r-value of 0.127 needed for significance at 0.05 alpha level of significance with 229

degree of freedom. With the result, the null hypothesis which state that there is no significant

relationship between the knowledge and attitude of nurses towards information technology in

nursing care of patients in The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar. was rejected.

This therefore implies that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge and attitude
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

of nurses towards information technology in nursing care of patients in The University of

Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.




This chapter presented the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study. It also

presented the implications of the study and suggestions for further studies. These were presented

as follows.

5.1 Discussion of findings

5.1.1 Knowledge of nurses towards information technology in nursing care of patients

Result of this study showed that a significant number of the respondents (92.8%) had good

knowledge of information technology. This is due to the current wave of technological trend in

the society. This finding is in agreement with a study by Ademuyiwa et al (2020) in a university

teaching hospital, Lagos where it was observed that the overall knowledge of information

technology was high, 121.5 (75%) had a good knowledge of nursing Informatics and its

application in the care of patients in the area such as the internet, word processing, nursing

process application. The result of this study is also backed up by a study Ebrahem et al (2014) in

Cairo, Egypt where it was found that 100% of the study sample had a good knowledge of

information technology in the nursing care of patients. The study also indicated that 100% of the

respondents could perform basic computer operations such as typing and sending emails.

Also, a study by Akpabio and Ella (2015) on the nursing Informatics preparedness of graduate

nurses in Calabar, showed that of the 102 respondents from a target population of 165 graduate

nurses, 25 (25%) of the respondents rated themselves as adequately computer literate while 76

(75%) admitted fair knowledge.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

Contrary to this study, Blank et al (2014) on the health workers’ knowledge of and attitudes

towards computer applications in rural African health facilities showed that of the 108 providers

responded, only 40% had ever used computers and 29% had prior computer training. About 80%

were completely illiterate or beginners.

5.1.2 Attitude of nurses towards information technology in nursing care of patients

Findings of the study showed that all the respondents (100%) had positive attitude information

technology in nursing care of patients. The nurses showed willingness to undergo more training

on information technology and they also felt it was necessary to have these skills to promote

patient care. This result agrees with Adams et al (2020) on the assessment of nurses’ attitudes

towards the use of modern technology in Nigeria in which 250 nurses were selected in Benin

city, Edo and 60% of the respondents expressed a positive attitude towards information

technology and its application in the care of patients. Also supporting the study is a research by

Blank et al (2014), of the 180 respondents 95.3% had positive attitudes towards information

technology in the nursing care of patients. Also, Ajibade et al (2013),in a research among nurse

educators and leaders, 175 respondents were randomly selected for the study on attitude towards

the introduction of information technology to nursing training. 100% of the study sample had a

positive attitude towards the introduction of information technology to nursing training. This is

in agreement with a similar study carried out in Singapore in 2011 to explore nurses and

awareness knowledge and attitude towards the adoption of modern technology in nursing

practice, 64% of the nurses experienced a positive attitude towards the use of modern

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

5.2 Implication to Nursing

Findings of this study showed that the nurses had good knowledge and positive attitude towards

information technology. This makes it important for nurse leaders to organize trainings and

workshops on information technology for both nurses and nursing students. Experts in this area

could also be resourceful in improving nurses' level of knowledge. More so, nurses will have to

stay up-to-date with new trends regarding information technology in nursing care of patients.

5.3 Summary

This study examined knowledge and attitude of nurses towards information technology in

nursing care of patients in The University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar. Two research

questions guided the study and were related to the specific objectives. Literature review was

based on two specific objectives and were reviewed conceptually, empirically and theoretically.

A descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used to carry out the study while convenient

sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 235 nurses. Results of data analysis were

presented in frequency tables and percentages. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the

respondents (98.2%) had good knowledge of information technology. It also showed that all the

nurses (100%) had positive attitude towards information technology in nursing care of patients.

5.4 Conclusion

In conclusion, respondents of the study had good knowledge towards information technology in

nursing care of patients. This affected their positive attitude as majority of the respondents

expressed a good attitude towards information technology in nursing care of patients. Knowledge

of information technology plays a key role in influencing the attitude towards the use of

information technology in nursing care of patients. Nursing leaders have a vital to play in
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

organising seminars and training sessions to train nurses on information technology in the

nursing care of patients.

5.5 Recommendation

Based on findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:

1. Trainings, seminars and workshops should be organized by nursing leaders so as to

educate nurses and nursing students on information technology and its application in

nursing care of patients.

2. The use of practical sessions will help improve self-confidence of nurses towards

application of information technology in nursing care of patients.

3. Hospitals should provide equipment that will be needed for further training of nurses on

information technology in care of patients.

4. The government should be pressured to make policies that promote the use of

information technology in the healthcare system.

5.6 Suggestion for further studies

Further studies should be conducted on the following:

1. Application of Information Technology by nurses in the nursing care of patients.

2. Barriers to the application of Information Technology among nurses in care of patients.

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.


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Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
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Dear respondent,

I am a 500L student of the Department of Nursing Science, University of Calabar, Cross

River State. I an carrying out a research on "knowledge and attitude of nurses towards

information technology in nursing care of patients in The university of Calabar Teaching

Hospital, Calabar". The questionnaire is designed to collect data for the research, it, therefore,

promises confidentiality. Kindly provide your most honest response to these questions.

Thanks for your cooperation


Please kindly tick (√) for an option or fill the blank space as the case may be.


1. Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )

2. How old are you? A. 25-34 years ( ) B. 35-44 years ( )C. 45-54 years ( ) D.Over 55 years ( ).

3. What is your marital status?

A. Single [ ] B. Married C. Widowed [ ] D. Divorced [ ]

4. State your years of experience in nursing

Below 5 [ ] 5-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ]

21-25 [ ] 26-30 [ ] Above 30 [ ]

5. What are your qualifications?

A. Diploma [ ] B. Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing [ ]

Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses Towards Information Technology in Nursing Care of Patients in The
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar.

B. C. Master Degree in Nursing [ ] D. Doctorate or Advanced Practice [ ]

6. State your years of experience in nursing

Below 5 [ ] 5-10 [ ] 11-15 [ ] 16-20 [ ]

21-26 [ ] 26-30 [ ] Above 30 [ ]

7. Designation/ Rank ______________




knowledge of nurses towards information technology in the nursing care of patients.


1 I am aware of Information Technology

2 Information Technology involves the use of digital and
analogue technology in processing and exchanging information
3 I am aware that Information Technology can be used in the
hospital setting
4 I can use a computer for basic operations such as typing and
sending emails.
5 I have enough knowledge and skills to apply information
technology in nursing care of patients
Attitude of nurses towards information technology in the nursing care of patients in the
university of Calabar teaching hospital, Calabar
6 I feel Information Technology makes my work easier
7 I feel reluctant to use Information Technology in caring for
8 I wish to learn more or get more training on the use of
Information Technology in the care of patients
9 I believe knowledge of Information Technology should be made
mandatory to all nurses
10 I believe I have enough knowledge and skills to apply
information technology in nursing care

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