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Unit 2.

Activity 6

A letter of advice
Unit 2. Activity 6

Course of action-> pasos a seguir

The table below provides examples of phrases used to structure the information
in a text. These phrases serve as signals, pointing to information before it is
presented, thus increasing the clarity of a text. Add the phrases from the text
where appropriate to this table.
Unit 2. Activity 6

1- an unfair dismissal, a divorce

2- you have been fired because of your
- Considering the fact that you have mentioned…
- Taking into consideration
3- the legal problem, the dispute appears to be that ,
4- following the data protection law we can highlight that
5-If we consider,
6-we take into consideration,
7- take into account
7- thus
8- bearing in mind the above
9- to conclude
10- I would suggest

Para cerrar.

I wait for your response.

In case you need any further help,
do not hesitate to.

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