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And we continue betraying Prophet Muhammad

Islam is first and foremost Muhammad before it is God.

Thanks to him, Arabs had known the god of Abraham, Moses and

Jesus. But do we really recognise Muhammed? Do we really

recognize his Call and Message? No! We have killed Muhammad the

day his Companions had falsified the concept of Muslim. Indeed,

Muslims have appropriated an image--put in circulation since the 9th

Century by the Caliphal power-- which decided to dissociate itself

from the call of the Judeo-Christian world in order to establish a new

and unique religion, a religion ex nihilo. This was the greatest

treason. As a matter of fact, this treason reflects major events in the

monotheistic process: was not Moses also betrayed by Ezra? The

latter, in reaction to Captivity, would nationalise the first Call. And so

giving rise to Judaism. Hadn't Paul betrayed the call of Jesus and

stabbed the Judaeo-Christian assembly in the back? And so

Christianity is born.

Mohammad had a perfect knowledge of Judeo-Christian

heritage; he had read this heritage. He loved The Word of God, in

both Hebrew and Aramaic. And suddenly he hears a Voice calling him

to the Arabic Word, a Call for all Arabs and speakers of Arabic: the

Jews, Christians, Zoroasterians, Manicheans, and pagans. In short, to

all those who would like to listen to the new Call in Arabic, the Koran,

whose sound and meaning are born from the same roots.

Muhammad’s mission was not so complicated: to put an end

to the conflict that tears Jews and Christians apart, to argue against

the idea of a begetting God, Duality, and Fire, whilst also calling
believers to gather (on Fridays) around a single heritage, that of

Abraham, their Father who was the first to trust in One God: Islam.

Thus the Jew, the Christian, and Zoroastrian and all those who

believe in this One God are all Muslims who formed a solid

Community around Muhammad.

Unfortunately, nowadays, Muslims continue to betray Prophet


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