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Bhawanpreet Singh

General Arts and Science, Conestoga

Due on 26 Jan. 2023, 11:59 PM


Subject: Design Principles Assignment Submission

Dear Professor ,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my assignment on the Design

Principles of Contrast and Repetition, based on the provided content regarding "The Big

Four: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity."

Assignment Details:

Due Date: 26 Jan. 11:59pm

Value: 4% of the final grade

Passing Grade: 55%

Content Analysis:

I focused on the principles of Contrast and Repetition as discussed in the provided content.


I selected a sample page from Chapter six of "Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation

Design and Delivery" by Garr Reynolds. The slides demonstrate the effective use of contrast

in design elements, such as color, size, and placement, to create visual interest and a clear

focal point. The URL for the source is included in the document.


The content emphasized the importance of repetition for unity and consistency. I chose

examples from a presentation on designing a book by Swiss designer Markuz Wernli Saito.

The slides showcase the consistent use of a red note and paperclip element, providing a

subtle repetitive element for a professional and unified look. The URL for the source is also

included in the document.

Document Details:

I have compiled the information into a Microsoft Word document, including details about the

company, product/service, design principle, and creator. Each example is accompanied by the

URL source.

File Name: Bhawanpreet Singh_DesignPrinciplesAssignment.docx


I believe I have followed the assignment guidelines and addressed the principles of Contrast

and Repetition effectively. I appreciate your feedback and guidance.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Bhawanpreet Singh


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