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Important note: This is not a prospectus of any sort. 2

What is ECOMI 3

Blockchain​ ​Background & Benefits 4

Problem Overview 5

ECOMI Ecosystem 6

Security 7
Security Element 7

Product/Offering ​Summary 12

1.0 Secure Wallet 13

2.0 ECOMI One 16

3.0 ECOMI App 19

4.0 ECOMI Vault 21

5.0 ECOMI Collect 25

ECOMI Collect Video Overview 30

Proposed Roadmap 31

OMI Initial Token Sale 32

Token Utility 33

OMI Token Sale overview 35

Token Structure - Overview 36

Funding Breakdown - Overview 38

OMI Token Sale Timeline 39

ECOMI Team 40


Important note: This is not a prospectus of any sort.

This document is presented by Ecomi Technology Pte. Ltd. (hereinafter interchangeably referred to as "ECOMI") strictly for information purposes
only, and shall not, under any circumstances, be treated as an offer of securities or an invitation to participate in any regulated investment
scheme, howsoever defined in any jurisdiction around the world. None of the information contained herein is intended to form the basis of any
advice or inducement to engage in any sort of investment activity. This whitepaper constitutes a description of the functionality of the ECOMI
Ecosystem, Ecomi Technology Pte. Ltd., and the creation, and issuance of OMI tokens by ECOMI. The information in this document shall not be
construed as a commitment by Ecomi Technology Pte. Ltd., and is subject to change and/or update without notice. Such change may pertain to
the intended functionality of OMI Tokens in order to ensure compliance with any legal or regulatory obligations that apply to us, whether now or in
the future. This document is not composed in accordance with, and is not subject to, the laws or regulations of any jurisdiction, which are
designed to protect investors. You are strongly encouraged to read the whitepaper in its entirety and familiarize yourself with all the information
set out below, particularly in the section entitled “Risks and Disclaimers”. Please seek independent advice from your professional advisors,
including lawyers, tax accountants and financial advisors, if you have any uncertainty or doubt as to any of the matters presented.

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What is ECOMI
The ECOMI Ecosystem is a secure digital economic ecosystem supported by Ecomi Technology Pte. Ltd.. ECOMI aims
to bring blockchain technology to the mainstream in one user-friendly platform. It offers the many benefits of
decentralization, privacy, and control in the palm of your hands, made possible with our Secure Wallet and ECOMI
One cards. At the core of ECOMI is a desire to create a range of usable and functional products, which will be
achieved using a mixture of existing technologies, proprietary tools, and numerous standing partnerships.

ECOMI aims to address current security issues associated with the use of applications developed on blockchains and
cryptocurrency, through the Secure Wallet, and ECOMI One (physical hardware). If private keys are not stored offline,
they are potentially exposed to greater risks. Since the beginning of cryptocurrency, billions of dollars have been lost
to hackers and theft, and the most secure and practical solution thus far is to store your cryptocurrency / private
keys, and decentralized applications (DApps) access on an offline device, such as a cold-storage hardware wallet.

The economic aspect of the ECOMI Ecosystem consists of creating a digital finance management platform allowing
users to spend fiat, cryptocurrencies, and OMI Tokens (the native ECOMI Ecosystem token), anywhere around the
world. The 2nd generation of the Secure Wallet, the ECOMI One, aims to offer P2P exchange of digital assets, lower
transaction costs, increased speed of payment, and overcome international payment boundaries.

The ‘digital ecosystem’ refers to apps and services that reside in the ECOMI Ecosystem and within the functions of
the Secure Wallet and ECOMI One device. These DApps and services will be created by ECOMI initially, and eventually
any user who wishes to launch their own app, or business, in the ECOMI Ecosystem. The ecosystem will offer the
opportunity for anyone to participate, and benefit from the development and growth of the ecosystem, and enjoy
the many benefits of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, privacy and control.

The scope of the ECOMI Ecosystem is potentially wide and it can be achieved by establishing a range of partnerships
with established leaders across multiple industries. This will provide a technological baseline on which ECOMI’s
products and services may be built, thus streamlining many areas of the technological development. ECOMI intends
to utilise these partnerships, and integrate them with the ECOMI Ecosystem’s vision, to bring to life an amazing range
of products and services.

As the uptake of the ECOMI Ecosystem increases over time, it is expected that the ECOMI Ecosystem’s network value
and utility will also increase, based on Metcalfe’s Law and Social Theory. This, in turn, is likely to help fuel further
expansion and developments within the wider ECOMI Ecosystem.

​Metcalfe’s law​ in action - Two telephones can make only one connection, five
can make 10 connections, and twelve can make 66 connections, etc

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Blockchain​ ​Background & Benefits
Blockchain is popularly known as the underlying technology behind Bitcoin. It uses a peer-to-peer network of
computers to validate transactions. Blockchain is a data structure, used to create and share a distributed ledger of
transactions among a network of computers. It allows users to make and verify transactions while providing
immediate records without a central authority. Blockchain technology ensures records are tamper-proof as
ownership is transferred via distributed consensus and decentralization.

In a fully decentralized environment, such as blockchain, single points of failure are non-existent. When accessing
information you own, only your authorization can obtain the requested information. This is extremely powerful when
protecting data, assets, and personal information.

Smart contracts, the 2nd generation of blockchain, allow developers to write their own programs that are hosted on
the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), or other similar blockchains. The use of smart contracts in turn brought DApps
to the world, and removed the need for centralized hosting of applications.

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Problem Overview
Blockchain technology powers the creation of smart contracts, which is capable of governing arbitrary interactions.
The decentralized application layer built on top of blockchain is poised to disrupt many industries. Currently, all
blockchains’ distributed ledgers require the use of some form of private and public key to perform actions.

2017 was a record year for cryptocurrency growth, but also one where billions in cryptocurrencies were locked up or
stolen. One of many such examples was the theft of $534.8 million worth of NEM coins held in a ‘hot’ wallet of
Coincheck, a Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, in January 2018. This illustrates the need for proper security
measures when protecting cryptocurrencies and private keys.

Private keys, and the Bitcoin network for example, are extremely secure. To compromise the Bitcoin network, you
would need to process one trillion private keys per second, which would take more than one million times the age of
the universe, and more so, just enumerating these keys would consume more than the total energy output of the
sun for 32 years. This vast keyspace plays a fundamental role in securing Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrency networks.

However, it can be very easy to lose the assets your private keys protect if you don't take the correct measures to
protect your private keys. For example, there is the story of a Bloomberg anchor who displayed his Bitcoin gift card
during a television broadcast and got robbed almost immediately by an astute and nefarious viewer.

Another issue affecting mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies is the inability to quickly and conveniently convert
cryptocurrencies into fiat money (i.e. USD, EUR, etc). This makes it difficult for individuals to actualize their
cryptocurrencies in the ‘real world’. While some exchange platforms are available, most are lacking in security and
can be challenging and complicated to use, making them inaccessible for the masses. ECOMI aims to solve this issue
with the ECOMI One, its second product release, which will allow users to store and spend a large number of
cryptocurrencies anywhere in the world, with little limitation.

Ultimately, the Secure Wallet and ECOMI One strive to be the solution for secure cold storage, data protection,
user-friendly interaction and the ability to spend your cryptocurrencies efficiently and cost-effectively.

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ECOMI Ecosystem
The ECOMI Ecosystem will host a variety of decentralized applications. This ecosystem will be supported by ECOMI
and community initiatives, which will focus on building decentralized applications that offer ownership, control and
privacy, by securely storing private keys on the Secure Wallet or the ECOMI One.

The ECOMI Ecosystem will have a second layer of security unlike any other ecosystem in blockchain. With the use of
the Secure Wallet, and ECOMI One, all private keys created for both cryptocurrency and decentralized apps will be
held offline. This in turn creates an ‘air-gapped’ security level, which improves security as compared to other physical
hardware wallets. Moreover, as the products develop, ECOMI plans to implement biometrics into both ECOMI cards
to offer an even higher level of security.

The ECOMI Ecosystem is designed to return your right to personal ownership, privacy and control. The ecosystem
blueprint includes potentially developing:

● A decentralized application marketplace

● ECOMI Exchange (liquidity provider)
● Personal data, identity protection and storage. Including basic identification, usernames, passwords, credit
card information, passports, licenses and more.
● The recording, protection, and sharing of Intellectual property
● A broad variety of P2P exchange platforms including, but not limited to, cryptocurrencies, messaging
platforms, social media, encrypted file and data storage.

Token holders may be incentivised to support the network and receive access to products and services within the
ECOMI Ecosystem, by staking OMI Tokens, rather than spending tokens. It is possible that participants in the
crowdsale who make purchases above a certain amount will be issued a free Secure Wallet, subject to terms and
conditions, to trigger mainstream adoption and create liquidity across the ecosystem.

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Security is a major proposed feature of the ECOMI Ecosystem, which seeks to ensure private keys remain protected
and are less likely to be compromised. This world class security standard will be maintained by storing private keys
offline in the ECOMI physical hardware wallets - the Secure Wallet and the ECOMI One. It is envisioned that these two
physical hardware wallets can be used in conjunction with DApps and services within the ECOMI Ecosystem, allowing
any ECOMI-based product or service to securely store their related private keys in offline storage.

According to international security guidelines and specifications, the Secure Wallet, is certified CC EAL5 +, the highest
security standard for government level deployments. Private keys stay safe inside the secure hardware element in
each wallet, and solid security design provides a high level of protection.

The Secure Wallet will have a number of security features to protect private keys which include: Secure element, host
registration, host login, security channel, hierarchical deterministic wallet, secure firmware updates, and security
protocols which are outlined in detail below:

Security Element
Secure Wallet adopts the NXP Smart MX​TM ​ secure element (SE), which has the following features:

● Smart MX​TM high

security microcontroller IC secure element
● Security certified according to CC EAL5+
● Data retention time: 25 years
● Endurance: 500 000 cycles minimum
● Interfaces
○ Contact interface according to ISO/IEC 7816
○ Contactless interface according to ISO/IEC 14443 A
● Voltage class: C, B, and A (1.62 to 5.5 V)
● Memory Management Unit (MMU)
● High-speed 3-DES coprocessor (64-bit parallel)
● High-speed AES coprocessor (128-bit parallel)
● PKI (RSA, ECC) coprocessor FameXE (32-bit parallel)

For example, the bitcoin ECDSA algorithm with parameter secp256k1 is implemented in the SE, so the SE can
calculate the signature with the ECC private keys stored inside.

Host Registration
Since the Secure Wallet only supports the BLE (NFC) interface for communication, it needs a host (Android or Apple
smartphone, and soon a desktop computer) to sync with the cryptocurrency networks and ECOMI DApps.

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The mechanism has been designed for the wallet to register the hosts in a secure way. When a host device (Android
or Apple smartphone) sends a request to the Secure Wallet, it provides a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) with
description to the card. The card will generate a UUID which is pushed to the host device so it can generate the
device key (which is SHA256 value of UUID). The Secure Wallet will generate the same device key following the same
protocol. Both the device and Secure Wallet will then confirm the key by challenge-response mechanism. If passed,
the device will be registered as a host of the Secure Wallet.

Host Registration Process:

Host Login
When a registered host device wants to login to the Secure Wallet, it calculates its own device key by sourcing the
UUID stored in the host. The login process is a challenge-response mechanism preventing any man-in-the-middle
attack. After successful verification, the Secure Wallet card grants the host device access to the wallet.

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Host Login Process:

Security Channel
The communication between the host and the Secure Wallet is encrypted by a session encryption key, and some
data needs additional HMAC-SHA256 protection. The encryption key and MAC (Message Authentication Code) key
are derived from the login challenge, device key mentioned above, and different derive strings. The KDF (key
derivation function) used here is SHA256.

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Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet
The Secure Wallet supports the Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallet defined in BIP-32, BIP-43 and BIP-44. The user
can generate a number-style mnemonic sentence on the Secure Wallet, which is displayed to the user via the app on
the host device. The Secure Wallet will calculate the seed and generate the master node inside the secure element.
The mnemonic sentence is confirmed and verified by entering the sum of all sets of numbers into the app to ensure
users have captured the mnemonic sentence correctly.

Firmware Updates
It is possible to update the secure element firmware over-the-air (OTA). The new firmware is encrypted by a loader
key and can be delivered through the network. The App can directly install the encrypted firmware to the Secure
Wallet. The loader of Secure Wallet will decrypt and verify the firmware using the loader key and install the new
firmware after the validation occurs.

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Loss, Backup & Restoration
Security and restoration of private keys is extremely important, and the Secure Wallet has very robust restoration
capabilities. Even if owners lose their Secure Wallet and / or their host device, their private keys will likely remain

During the setup of the Secure Wallet, a ‘Recovery Seed’ is generated within the app, as outlined in the Hierarchical
Deterministic Wallet explanation above. When the seed is generated, the user should write this in the ‘Recovery Card’
supplied with the Secure Wallet and store it in a very safe place. In the event that the Secure Wallet is lost or stolen,
the user can purchase a replacement Secure Wallet, pair it with the host device, and enter the Recovery Seed from
the Recovery Card to restore their private keys. In the future, ECOMI plans to make use of biometric technologies to
make the process simpler and more secure.

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Product/Offering ​Summary
ECOMI intends to release a range of products across a number of areas, including ownership, storage, spending,
protection, and privacy. The initial ECOMI product offerings are projected to include:

1. Secure Wallet (Completed)

2. ECOMI One
3. ECOMI App
4. ECOMI Vault
5. ECOMI Collect

ECOMI intends to obtain the necessary licensing rights to use the Secure Wallet, ECOMI One and ECOMI App for the
ECOMI Ecosystem. Starting with these five core products, ECOMI intends to build a wider range of offerings. While
not outlined in this whitepaper, ECOMI plans to explore various opportunities that are likely to arise from our
strategic partnerships and acquisitions.

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1.0 Secure Wallet
The foundation of the ECOMI Ecosystem is the Secure Wallet - a credit
card-sized, cryptocurrency private key hardware device that helps to ensure
the protection of digital assets.

The Secure Wallet is designed to be impenetrable to malicious cyber-attacks,

since it never connects directly to the Internet or to an online device

The Secure Wallet is paired, via an encrypted wireless / Bluetooth connection,

to a host device (Apple or Android smartphone). By removing the need for a
wired connection to the host device, this reduces the likelihood of it being
compromised, whilst allowing for the highest degree of portability.

Interaction with the Secure Wallet is made via the ECOMI App. This
comfortable and familiar use of app technology makes the Secure Wallet one
of the most user-friendly hardware devices available. By using the ECOMI App,
owners of the Secure Wallet are given:

● Control over the seamless transfer of private keys in and out of the device.
● Safe and secure storage.
● The ability to create up to 5 individual wallets per cryptocurrency.
● The Secure Wallet will launch with the capacity to securely store five cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin, Ethereum,
Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Ripple. The Secure Wallet aims to support 30+ currencies by the end of 2018.

Secure Wallet Components:

1. Hardware Secure Element
2. E-Paper Display
3. Bluetooth connector.
4. Power / Confirmation Button
5. Integrated Circuitry
6. Rechargeable Battery
7. Charging connectors
8. LED Charging Indicator

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How it works
Users will pair their Secure Wallet with an Android or Apple smartphone, using the ECOMI App. First time users will
create a new wallet, and generate the recovery seed. Once set up, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and
Ripple can be sent to, and securely stored on the Secure Wallet.

The Secure Wallet is designed to be hack-proof, and safe from malicious attacks. For a complete overview of the
Secure Wallet security, please refer to the ‘Security’ section in this document.

The Secure Wallet is produced in partnership with the world's leading bluetooth hardware wallet provider. Every
single Secure Wallet goes through a stringent Quality & Assurance process and is thoroughly tested, thus ensuring
each Secure Wallet is of a high quality.

The Secure Wallet has obtained the following compliance certifications:

Market Comparison:
Secure Wallet Trezor Nano Keep Key

Price $189 $115 $105 $129.00

Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin

Currently supporting: Bitcoin, Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum
Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum (+ Classic, Litecoin, Dogecoin, bitcoin, bitcoin cash,
Blockchain Cash and Ripple. all ERC-20 tokens), Zcash, XRP, Dash, Stratis, ethereum, litecoin,
Support Planned Support in Near Ethereum Classic, Komodo, Ark, Expanse, Ubiq, dogecoin, dash, and
Future: ERC20 tokens, NEO, Expanse, UBIQ, NEM, Vertcoin, Viacoin, Neo, namecoinyou
STR, ADA, Dash, ICON, Nano Namecoin, Dogecoin and Stealthcoin, Stellar, Hcash,
Bitcoin Testnet. Digibyte, Qtum, PivX

Open Platform Yes Yes No No

Cold Wallet Yes Yes Yes Yes

One Time Password Yes Yes Yes Yes

Mobile App Yes No Yes No

Portable Yes No No No

Wireless Yes No No No

Bitcoin ATM Compatible Yes No No No

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Secure Wallet Video Overview

→ Watch the Secure Wallet Overview Video

Secure Wallet Main Features

● Top-of-the-line security
● True cold wallet
● Loss recovery and restoration
● Everyday convenience
● Physical transaction confirmation
● Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and soon ERC20
● No strings and no fees (other than standard blockchain fees)
● Long life lithium battery
● Waterproof and a bend capability of 15 degrees
● Environmentally friendly

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2.0 ECOMI One
ECOMI One is a credit card-sized, global payment card. Built on top of the Secure Wallet technology, ECOMI One will
securely hold your cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies (e.g. USD, GBP, EUR), as well as your NFC-enabled debit, credit,
and loyalty cards.

Today, options are limited when it comes to using cryptocurrency to pay for your morning coffee, newspaper, or
utility bills. However, with the growth of cryptocurrencies, the demand to spend these in the real world is growing. Of
course, a cryptocurrency owner could in theory make an exchange of cryptocurrency on an exchange, wait for
confirmation to be completed, then wait for the transfer of funds to their nominated traditional bank account and so
on, but who has the time to do that for a cup of coffee?

ECOMI One solves this problem by offering a consolidated all-in-one wallet with the capability to hold fiat,
cryptocurrency, all NFC-enabled credit, debit, and loyalty cards in ‘One’ place. ECOMI One card holders can spend
fiat and cryptocurrencies, using contactless methods, with the integrated debit card, accepted where all major debit
cards are accepted.

The in-wallet exchange creates the potential for cryptocurrencies to be exchanged for fiat currencies, either directly
within the app or automatically at the point of sale. ECOMI One is envisioned to be a truly global card allowing you to
spend both your fiat currency, and cryptocurrency, anywhere in the world.

ECOMI One will be a constantly evolving piece of technology, which aims to offer a growing suite of tools for everyday
use, and will be an integral part of the ECOMI Ecosystem.

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ECOMI Exchange
The use of cryptocurrency can be difficult for new users to master. It can take days, if not weeks, to learn how to
convert fiat to cryptocurrency, transfer it safely and exchange it for other cryptocurrencies.

The ECOMI Exchange is a mechanism which aims to simplify the use of cryptocurrency by allowing ECOMI One card
holders to spend their cryptocurrency the same way as a regular credit or debit card. At the time of transaction,
merchants will receive local fiat currency (USD, GBP, EUR) as one would with standard bank-issued credit or debit

Prior to spending cryptocurrency from the ECOMI One platform, users will have the option of setting the default
cryptocurrency for fiat purchases from within the ECOMI App. In addition, users will also have the option of
converting cryptocurrency into fiat at any time, to be stored on ECOMI One for later use.

To ensure the ECOMI One remains fully compliant, all ECOMI One users must apply to use the ECOMI One using our
prescribed KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures.

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Michael Ou, Founder and CEO of CoolBitX, a hardware wallet manufacturer since 2014, has headed the work-to-date
on the ECOMI One R&D. As an advisor to ECOMI Michael will play a crucial role in the manufacturing and creation of

Ward Stirrat, Founder and CMO of Coinpayments, and ECOMI Board Member, will be working closely with the ECOMI
One team to integrate numerous cryptocurrencies and fiat payment options.

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3.0 ECOMI App
At the heart of the ECOMI Ecosystem will be the ECOMI App, where our users will be able to access all ECOMI
services and features from one central location.

Initially, ECOMI intends to obtain the necessary licensing rights to develop apps and create guidelines for
development within the ECOMI Ecosystem. Soon after, the ECOMI Ecosystem will be open to any developer who
wishes to either build an app the community has voted for, or to create an app of his or her own.

Users can access the products and services within the ECOMI Ecosystem using the ECOMI desktop and mobile apps,
as well as browser extensions for certain features.

The ECOMI App interface design is a working concept and may be subject to change.

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Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of short-range wireless technologies
that allow contactless communication between devices like smartphones or
tablets. Contactless communication allows a user to wave a device over another
NFC compatible device to send information easily, without needing to go
through multiple steps setting up a connection.

Both the Secure Wallet and ECOMI One are NFC-activated. By utilising the
ECOMI App, users will have the ability to load multiple credit cards, gym passes,
travel cards, NFC locks, hotel room keys and any other NFC operated device.

NFC is expected to add value to the ECOMI Ecosystem by allowing further

consolidation of the above needs into one simple device. Users can save space
by consolidating all their contactless devices and cards into one device and
store unlimited credit/debit cards, cryptocurrency and fiat on it.

DApp Marketplace
As our range of apps and services grows, ECOMI aims to eventually provide
an app store similar to Apple and Google Play, allowing users to browse for
new apps and services in the ECOMI Ecosystem, or even submit their own.
The ECOMI App is also projected to include a physical asset exchange
marketplace, similar to Ebay or Amazon, all processed by the ECOMI

ECOMI plans to use a portion of the long-term initiatives fund to fuel the
community driven DApp incentives. This will allow other community
members to build DApps for the market place which will share similar
security protocols, such as access and information stored offline in the
Secure Wallet and ECOMI One. In turn, ECOMI aims to attract skilled and
talented DApp creators to join and contribute to the ecosystem.

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4.0 ECOMI Vault
We now live in the digital era, and the effective protection of digital assets and data has become of paramount
importance. With each passing month, we see increasing instances of identity theft, stolen data, and more.

ECOMI Vault protects your data. This includes, but is not limited to, all forms of intellectual property, like music,
literature, specifications of revolutionary new technology, and personal data such as credit cards, usernames, and
passwords. Using a combination of distributed ledger technology and offline private key storage (Secure Wallet or
ECOMI One), ECOMI Vault aims to offer maximum level of protection for personal and commercial data.

How It Works
ECOMI Vault is a software-as-a-service (SAAS) solution. The user interface is similar to common data storage services
such as Google Drive or Dropbox, whereby users can upload files to their Vault, create folders, and organise their
data. To keep data further organised, within the Vault there are specific sections for different types of data such as
passwords, credit cards, files, and more.

When data is added to ECOMI Vault, each entry will be verified and time stamped with activities concerning the said
file stored within. This includes when the file was added, viewed, updated, accessed, shared, and more. This activity is
recorded in the immutable distributed ledger technology that underlies the ECOMI Vault.

Protection & Security

Unlike many data storage services (Dropbox) or personal information protection services (1Password) which are
centralized (stored on a set of servers or single point of failure), ECOMI Vault encrypts data and stores it on a
decentralized platform.

Another unique point of difference for the ECOMI Vault is the requirement for the use of private keys, which are
stored on the Secure Wallet or ECOMI One physical hardware wallets, to access the data stored in the decentralized
distributed ledger. The Secure Wallet and ECOMI One physical hardware provides an option for users who desire
extra levels of protection for sensitive or commercial data.

Protecting private keys offline with the Secure Wallet or ECOMI One will provide a high level of protection for
encrypted data. Read more about the proposed security measures of the ECOMI physical hardware wallets in the
‘Security’ section of this document.

Sensitive personal or commercial information are frequently shared in dealings today. The common way this is
achieved is by sending data directly (e.g. email), or sharing read-only versions. However, these measures do little to

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protect the data, or intellectual property, as there is often no record or agreement in place when data is shared.
ECOMI Vault intends to handle all of this with an integrated sharing mechanism.

From within ECOMI Vault, the data owner can choose to share data with chosen recipients. To do this, the data
owner will choose the data they want to share, then create a smart contract in a few simple steps using the built in
smart contract builder, which can create very simple agreements or more comprehensive commercial grade

Once the smart contract is created, the data owner can send an invite to the recipient (via an email generated from
ECOMI Vault). The recipient can then view, and if they agree and sign the smart contract, they will gain access to the
shared data. Once the smart contract is in place, all activity relating to the shared data and the recipient is recorded
in the ECOMI Vault distributed ledger. This provides the data owners with a level of confidence.

The overall goal with ECOMI Vault is to provide an end-to-end solution which allows individuals, and commercial
organisations, an easier and more cost-effective way to protect and share data, minimise costly and cumbersome
legal steps, and overcome the limited features of current storage options.

ECOMI Vault will be designed to be accessible at any time through one of ECOMI’s cross-platform applications
including the mobile app, desktop app, Windows / Mac desktop client, or browser extension.

The ECOMI Vault Desktop Client strives to offer continuous data protection. By installing the desktop client, the user
can install an ‘ECOMI drive’ on their computer. Using this drive, the user can access all files they have permission to.
This works in the same manner as the conventional search functions on operating systems of today. If the user
accesses a file through the drive that requires approval via the Secure Wallet or ECOMI One physical hardware
wallets, they will be prompted to press the physical confirmation button before the file can be interacted with.

ECOMI Vault will use private key staking. That is to say, any user who owns OMI Tokens can add OMI tokens to the
DApp private key and gain access without having to pay an additional fee. If they do not hold OMI tokens, there will
also be options for annual or monthly fees, payable by credit card or cryptocurrency.

Intellectual Property:
Paul Adams, Founder and CEO of Everridge IP, a global intangible asset specialists company, whose clientele include
Coca Cola, Comcast, Siemens and other global organisations, sits on the ECOMI advisory board. Paul's 20+ years
expertise in intellectual property will help to ensure ECOMI Vault is a comprehensive solution for IP and data

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James Lu has over 20 years of Integrated circuit & biometrics experience. Having advised the likes of Acer, Toshiba,
Lenovo and Konica, he has a Masters in Science & Electrical Engineering (Digital Signal Processing) and holds 17
related patents. He will be advising the team responsible for implementing integrated circuitry, security and

IPFS - InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol and network designed to create a content-addressable,
peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing hypermedia in a distributed file system.

Bigchaindb - BigchainDB is a scalable blockchain database. It’s designed to merge the best of two worlds: the
“traditional” distributed database world and the “traditional” blockchain world.

Siacoin - A decentralized storage platform secured by blockchain technology. The Sia Storage Platform leverages
underutilized hard drive capacity around the world, encrypts and distributes your files across a decentralized

Potential Use Cases

Individual Example 1:
● Joan, an aspiring musician, has created the next #1 hit song!
● Before she sends her ‘demo tape’ to record execs, she wants proof the song is hers
● Joan creates an account on ECOMI Vault
● Next, Joan uploads her file and creates a timestamped record of her creation
● Feeling comfortable she now has solid proof of her creative work, she can send her music out into the world
with confidence.

Individual Example 2:
● Jeff is purchasing a laptop online
● Once he reaches checkout, the ECOMI Vault app prompts him to auto populate his details
● (Optional) he is prompted by his ECOMI Secure Wallet or ECOMI One to physically confirm the transaction
● His full name, address and credit cards details are retrieved from the decentralized database via ECOMI
Vault and populates the checkout
● He completes his order knowing his personal information remains safe.

Commercial Example 1:
● A design firm creates a product that needs to be manufactured in China.
● The design firm needs to legally and securely protect their Intellectual Property (IP) before transmission.
● The design firm creates an account on ECOMI Vault and uploads their IP data.

ECOMI | Whitepaper | 1.09 23

● Next, the design firm chooses which files the manufacture can access, and creates a (smart) contract, using
the built-in smart contract builder.
● The design firm then sends an invite from ECOMI Vault to the manufacturer.
● The manufacturer will receive an email with a link to view the (smart) contract.
● The manufacturer must create an account on ECOMI Vault before they can review the contract.
● Once created, the manufacturer can review, accept, or reject (with reasons) the contract.
● Once the contract is electronically signed, the manufacturer can view the IP data the design firm has granted
access to.

Data Storage Market Comparison

ECOMI Vault 1Password Dashlane LastPass Drop Box Google Drive

FREE for token

Price (per annum) $36 $40 $24 $99 $24
holders or $24

Cold Storage Encryption

Yes No No No No No
(offline protection)

Decentralized Server Yes No No No No No

Cryptographically Stored
Yes No No No No No

Cryptographically Verified
Yes No No No No No
Activity Records

Secure Sharing Capabilities Yes No No No No No

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5.0 ECOMI Collect
Since mid-2017 there has been an explosion in interest for digital collectables. For example, C
​ ryptoKitties​, a
collection of ‘breedable’ unique digital cats which, in some cases, sold for over two hundred thousand dollars each.
People have an innate desire to own things that are scarce, and desired by others, and this is exactly what ECOMI
Collect offers: licensed, one-off (or limited), digital products with verifiable ownership. This emergence of digital
collectables is on the precipice of entering the $200 billion collectable market ​1​, and has the potential to scale it in
ways never seen before.

ECOMI intends to obtain the necessary licensing rights to collectables in the form of a ‘Non Fungible Token’ (NFT) -
essentially a digital asset that has a verified owner – and offer them through ECOMI Collect. These NFT’s represent
unique collectable items, such as rare cards or characters, that exist in the digital space, and each can be traced to a
verified owner.

Problem:​ Despite massive revenues, many of the digital collectables that have entered the market are unknown,
non-licensed digital products. In addition, the user interfaces to purchase / collect these first-generation digital
collectibles may have been created for users familiar with the crypto-space, and as such, may have hindered broader

Solution: W
​ ith ECOMI Collect, users can browse a wide range of high quality licensed, digital products, in an easy to
use and well-designed app. Crypto-collectables can be easily purchased, and then securely stored on the Secure
Wallet or ECOMI One. Once purchased, collectable owners can view, trade, or augment their digital collectables from
within ECOMI Collect.

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Augmented Reality
ECOMI Collect aims to visualise these digital collectables using the latest
in Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, which now comes standard in
Apple and Samsung phones. With quality, licensed materials, ECOMI
intends to create an unique experience, bringing to life one-of-a-kind
licensed digital collectables, right in front of the owners’ eyes.

Each collectable is planned to have animated properties, such as

movement and a limited range of actions. Future releases of ECOMI
Collect will allow collectable owners to augment their collectables, with
new clothes or weapons, for example. Eventually, collectables are
expected to be able to interact with each other - for example, two
collectable owners could battle their one-of-a-kind Stormtroopers in the
AR / 3D space.

People within the ECOMI team, board, and advisors have more than 20+
years in licensing games and collectables and will use these connections
to bring ECOMI Collect to life.
​→ Watch the AR Demo Video

Why Digital Collectables

Collectables have existed throughout human history, and today they come in many forms such as trading cards,
figurines, comics, and toys. Digital collectables have shown extreme promise to date and are on track to be the next
generation of collect-o-mania. There are many possible reasons why digital collectables show a promising future:

● People have an innate desire to own things that are scarce, and desired by others.
● The technology employed by ECOMI allows for the creation of these scarce, digital assets.
● Massive untapped global liquidity pool for digital collectable purchases.
● A ledger that maintains immutable ownership of Non-Fungible-Tokens.
● Peer-to-peer transfer of digital collectables between owners without an intermediary e.g. broker.
● Proven scarcity: NFTs can be programmed to ‘only create 100’, or whatever value is desired.
● Opportunity for license holders to break into a huge emerging market with quality digital assets.
● ECOMI Collectables are 100% unique, cannot be replicated, re-created or destroyed.
● Ownership, history, and usage rights are recorded and easily tracked.

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To ensure the vision of ECOMI Collect comes to fruition, ECOMI has partnered with a number of leading providers in
gaming, AR / VR, licensing, and NFT developments, as well as retail partners:

In the crypto collectables space, there are many variations for product offerings that can be created, starting with the
collectable itself, and then numerous add-ons such as props, animations, scenes, and more.

Collectable Offerings:
● 2D collectables with AR (Augmented Reality) function
● 3D collectables with AR function
● 2D/3D collectables with AR function and single animation cycle e.g. walk, run, etc
● 2D/3D collectables with AR function and multiple animation cycles e.g. walk, stop, run, etc
● 2D/3D collectables with AR function that are poseable
● 2D/3D collectables with AR function in small scene
● Items for 2D/3D collectables
● Scenes for 2D/3D collectables
● Props for collectable scenes
● Animation sequences for scenes e.g. walk a character around
● Worlds or larger environments collectables can navigate through
● Scene builders
● Collectables mods (add new props / items / posable)
● ‘Photo’ feature to share with friends and on social
● Interaction between multiple players with built in gameplay
● Roleplay or turn-based interactions
● Multiplayer capabilities / MMORPGs

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Why ECOMI Collect

All ECOMI Collectables will be purchased, sold, and traded through the ECOMI Collect App. On the secondary market,
users can exchange or transfer collectables peer to peer in the ECOMI Collect marketplace.

Counterfeit Protection
A key advantage of crypto collectables is that each collectable is a uniquely generated asset and cannot be
duplicated. Each digital asset is recorded in the blockchain, which is impossible to manipulate, and ties ownership
directly to the verified owner.

Advertising & Marketing

For each collectable series published, ECOMI aims to have a dedicated marketing budget to secure ‘eyeballs’ on the
product. This will be a two-fold approach: 1. ECOMI Collect existing customers, and 2. New customers based on the
audience of the series / license to be released. Marketing initiatives will be primarily weighted to online marketing,
given the digital nature of the product, with a smaller percentage allocated to traditional offline marketing.

ECOMI provides a highly secure hardware wallet, which keeps digital assets safe from cyber criminals. The Secure
Wallet securely stores the ‘private keys’ that hold access to digital assets, such as Crypto collectables. The security
employed by the Secure Wallet is CC EAL5+, the same standards used for government-level deployments. Crypto
collectable owners are further protected by the robust loss prevention built-in to the Secure Wallet. If a Secure
Wallet is lost, the digital asset (private keys) held within remain securely protected. To restore access to the digital
assets / crypto-digital collectables, the owner simply purchases a replacement Secure Wallet, enters their ‘recovery
phrase’ (generated when the Secure Wallet is set up) and their digital assets are immediately restored.

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ECOMI Collect App

The ECOMI Collect app interface design is a working concept and may be subject to change. All images, illustration, logos and artwork are
copyright ©TOKIDOKI, LLC. Designed by Simone Legno. All Rights Reserved.

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ECOMI Collect Secured License
ECOMI has secured the first crypto-collectable license - the internationally renowned brand ​tokidoki​.

tokidoki is an internationally recognized and iconic lifestyle brand based on the vision of Italian artist Simone Legno
and his partners, serial entrepreneurs Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold. Since debuting in 2005, tokidoki has
amassed a cult-like following for its larger–than-life characters and emerged as a sought-after global brand. tokidoki
offers and extensive range of products which include apparel, handbags, cosmetics, accessories, toys and more. As
an innovative company, tokidoki is known not only for its eye popping aesthetic partnerships with the likes of iconic
brands such as Hello Kitty, Karl Largerfeld. LeSportsac, Barbie, Onitsuka Tiger, Sephora, Marvel and others. The
tokidoki universe contains a diverse array of character across several character families, each one with its own
unique story. Learn more at ​tokidoki​.

ECOMI Collect Video Overview

→ Watch the ECOMI Collect Overview Video

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Proposed Roadmap
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Conceptualisation of the ECOMI
Ecosystem Market research and planning Key manufacturing relationships White Paper commencement

Corporate Structuring Company Scalability Framework FMA Application

Information Memorandum Production Agreement Signed Advisor and Board requirements

Seed funding round opens ECOMI One R&D Commencement

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Seed funding round closes Share acquisition of manufacturer Secure Wallet TGE reward dispatchment ECOMI One physical prototype

Smart Wallet product completed Token Crowdsale Conclusion ECOMI One R&D Completion Secure Wallet 10 more currencies

ECOMI Token Private Sale ECOMI team expansion Secure Wallet 10 more currencies ECOMI Vault MVP

White Paper completed ECOMI Collect scope completion ECOMI App v1 release ECOMI Collect beta release

ECOMI Collect 3 x license secured ECOMI App scope completion ECOMI Collect MVP Secure Wallet Wholesale distribution

ECOMI Vault scope completion ECOMI Collect 6 x licenses secured ECOMI Collect AR release

ECOMI One scope completion

Secure Wallet Updated App release

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
ECOMI Collect public release ECOMI One public launch ECOMI Collect Gaming MVP ECOMI Collect Gaming release

Secure Wallet - 10 more currencies ECOMI Vault public release ECOMI Collect 15 x licenses secured Secure Wallet - 10 more currencies

ECOMI App v2 release ECOMI Collect public release ECOMI One Wholesale distribution

ECOMI Collect 10 x licenses secured Secure Wallet - 10 more currencies

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OMI Initial Token Sale
ECOMI intends to run a Token Generation Event (TGE) to develop the wider ECOMI Ecosystem. ECOMI will sell
approximately 500,000,000 OMI Tokens (OMI) during the TGE. It is envisioned that the sale of these tokens will both
raise funds for the ECOMI long-term initiatives, and secondly, raise awareness and support for the ECOMI Ecosystem.

The purchase of tokens during the TGE allows purchasers to obtain OMI tokens at a fixed price. In future, users who
have no tokens will have to buy OMI tokens from existing token holders in order to use products and services in the
ECOMI Ecosystem.

Five Year Funding Breakdown:

Product Allocation Breakdown Annual Cost Breakdown

50% - licenses + legal $1,250,000.00

20% - product development $500,000.00
ECOMI Collect $12.125m
20% - sales marketing $500,000.00
10% - business operations $250,000.00

40% - legal fees $400,000.00

30% - product development and distribution $300,000.00
ECOMI One $5.0m
20% - sales marketing ( per annum) $200,000.00
10% - business operations ( per annum) $100,000.00

50% - product development and distribution $250,000.00

Secure Wallet $2.5m 40% - sales marketing $200,000.00
10% - business operations $50,000.00

50% - product development and distribution $250,000.00

ECOMI Vault $2.5m 40% - sales marketing $200,000.00
10% - business operations $50,000.00

HARDCAP $22,125,000.00

70% - ECOMI Collect $805,000.00

SOFTCAP $5,750,000.00
30% - Secure Wallet $230,000.00

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Token Utility
The OMI Token may be utilized in a variety of ways. To begin, the OMI Token will be used for application and content
access throughout the ECOMI Ecosystem.

All DApps, including ECOMI Collect and Vault will be funded by ‘OMI Tokens’ in one of the following ways: cold storage
private key staking, one-time payments, per access payment or recurring payments (depending on the DApp being

When staking, a certain number of tokens are required to be held in the address (private key) associated with the
DApp being used. For example, in the proposed ECOMI Vault system, the user creates an account, and an
associated address (private key) within the ECOMI App. They will then have the option to stake OMI Tokens by
holding them in the address, granting the user free access to, and use of, the decentralized storage offered by
ECOMI Vault.

Staking OMI tokens is used in lieu of the paid subscription option, and provides access to all services offered, free of
ongoing costs, simply for holding the minimum required amount of OMI tokens. Conversely, if the tokens were
moved out of the address, the user would need to use another payment method, such as a monthly subscription
fee, to continue using the service, or, replace the minimum OMI tokens required to regain access.

Staking will be available on ECOMI Vault, ECOMI Collect, and many future DApps.

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ECOMI Master Collector
The option to stake OMI Tokens becomes particularly rewarding on the ECOMI Collect DApp. By implementing a
‘Proof of Collector’ protocol within EOMI Collect, OMI token holders will have the option to stake tokens against their
ECOMI Collect account, and thereby increase their ECOMI Collector ranking.

Benefits of ECOMI Collector rankings include:

● Receive free collectables that are unavailable to other platform users
● Be rewarded with access to rare and limited edition collectables, only available to ECOMI Collectors.
The higher the collectors ranking the higher % chance of receiving limited edition NFTs and rewards.
● Priority access to purchase newly listed collectables
● Participate in governance for user submissions and rentals
● Collectors will have access to many other retail and physical collectible benefits including the ability
to participate in location based activities and launch events.

Depending on the amount of OMI held, and length of time they are held for, collectors will be able to ‘rank up’ to
master collector status, where they will also be rewarded with the opportunity to:

● Earn a higher % of the exchange/rental fee for providing network support. For example, once ECOMI
Collect has been established, master collectors will govern all user submissions, and earn a
commission for their work.
● Manage arbitration and escrow between parties, to facilitate sale and rentals of digital collectibles
and artworks. This will use OMI tokens as the security deposit, and Master Collectors will also receive
commission for their participation.

There will be also be other ways to increase your collector ranking including social activities, competitions and
collector achievements.

OMI Tokens may be acquired directly from ECOMI during the crowdsale and after from cryptocurrency exchanges or
via fiat purchase.

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OMI Token Sale overview

Tokens Created: 1,000,000,000

Tokens Available for Sale: 500,000,000

Hard Cap $22,125, 000 USD

Soft Cap: $5,750,000 USD

Proposed Token Price: $0.05 USD* Per OMI

Ticker Symbol: OMI

Private Sale 37,500,000 OMI

100,000,000 OMI / $4,000,000

Stage 1 - 40% Discount

50,000,000 OMI
Stage 2 - 30% Discount
50,000,000 OMI

Transfer-locked - 30/60/90 days

362,500,000 OMI / $18,125,000

Crowdsale 2500 / $125 OMI Minimum purchase
5,000,000 / $250,000 OMI Maximum purchase

Purchasers who buy more than the below allocations may receive a FREE Secure
Sales Bonus: Wallet**:
- Purchase 10,000 ($500) OMI during the Crowdsale

Accepted Cryptocurrencies: ETH

Accepted Nationalities: All nationalities, except residents or citizens of: The United States of America, Socialist
Republic of Vietnam, People’s Republic of China, Singapore, or resident of a country
where American embargoes and sanctions are in force, namely Iran, North Korea,
Syria, Sudan, or Cuba. More information in our Terms of Token Sale.

* we will publish the exact ETH amounts a few days prior to the token sale
** Limited to one per verified, accepted purchaser and subject to other terms and conditions

Unsold Tokens: In the event, the hard cap is achieved before all tokens are sold or In the event, that the hard cap is
not achieved but the soft cap is, the remaining tokens will be subject to redistribution. The redistribution will take
place over 12 months.

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Token Structure - Overview

The above distribution remains subject to change without notice.

Token Structure - Detailed Breakdown

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

It is contemplated that the OMI Token supply will be allocated in following possible ways:

50% for Token Sale Participants:

Amount of Tokens available for Private Sale + Presale, Token Sale Phase #1 is 13.75% of released OMI, while the
amount of Tokens available for Token Sale Phase #2 is 36.25% accordingly.

28% for Long Term Initiatives

Tokens for growth and maintenance of the world-wide community and expanding the adoption of the ECOMI
Ecosystem. These Tokens will provide community development, attract strategic partners, and remunerate key
project team members.

ECOMI | Whitepaper | 1.09 36

18% for ECOMI Founders, Investors, Board Members
Tokens will be stored on a MultiSig wallet with an 24-month vesting schedule with 3 equal portions to vest. The first
allocation will be vested the day after the End Date of the Crowdsale, and the subsequent two allocations in 12 and
24 months, respectively. These funds ensure long-term alignment of interests of founders, board and investors and
token sale participants.

2% for Advisory
Tokens will be stored on a MultiSig wallet with a 12-month vesting schedule with 3 equal portions to vest. The first
allocation will be vested the day after the End Date of the Crowdsale, and the subsequent two allocations in 6 and 12
months, respectively. This ensures key relationships are developed for innovation and adoption.

2% for Bounty
Tokens will be stored on a MultiSig wallet with a 12-month vesting schedule to support marketing efforts and
increase market penetration. The first allocation will be vested the day after the successful completion of the
crowdsale campaign, and the subsequent at 12 months.

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Funding Breakdown - Overview

The above distribution remains subject to change without notice.

Funding Breakdown - Detailed Breakdown

● 65% Product, Platform & Business development: blockchain, web, software & licenses
● 15% Marketing & Business & Sales
● 15% Operational Expenses: Admin / HR / other staff, rent, utilities
● 5% Legal and Auditing expenses

ECOMI | Whitepaper | 1.09 38

OMI Token Sale Timeline
● Proposed Start Date: 15th April 2018 (00:00 NZDT)
● End Date: 31st May 2018 (00:00 NZDT) or upon sale of 1
​ 37,500,000 OMI tokens, whichever is earlier

● Proposed Start Date: 30th June 2018 (00:00 NZDT)
● End Date: upon sale of 500,000,000 OMI tokens, or upon reaching the hard cap ($22,125,000), or on the
30th September 2018.

It is planned that Token distribution will commence within 7 days of the End Date of the Crowd Sale, unless
otherwise governed by vesting periods.

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The ECOMI team will be responsible for growth and support of the ECOMI Ecosystem. It consists of leaders,
developers, and advisors, who share a common passion to create the ECOMI Ecosystem’s vision.

Founding Team
David Yu​ - CEO
David is an Auckland-based company director and founder of G
​ ames R Us Ltd​ at the age of 17. David's early
achievements to date include 21 years in the retail industry and working with intellectual property transforming
licenses into brands. David’s business extended into global projects with Retail Management Group Ltd, launching
brands over several continents setting up international offices and distribution centres for electronics, skincare, food
and beverage products. Both businesses have earned him Finalist in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year in
2004 and 2008, the 2016 Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce award, and Taipei Young Entrepreneur of
the year. Equally as prestigious, David’s company was ranked 12th in 2014 “Deloitte Fast 50 growing companies“.

Daniel Crothers​ - COO

Dan co-founded a variety of successful startups, including a web agency servicing international clients, such as
Hasbro, and The Red Cross. Dan’s previous successful exit was a US media company, he co-founded, which gained
millions of social followers and an equal number of monthly pageviews. Dan is highly accomplished at all things web,
project management, and has a passion for UI / UX. Dan continues to hold interests in numerous web and
e-commerce businesses. He entered the cryptocurrency space in early 2016 and quickly became passionate about
the cryptocurrency and blockchain revolution and has since been deeply involved with the crypto-world.

Mikel Duffy​ - CTO

Mikel has over 15 years of experience in leading technical teams to success. With a focus on intellectual property
Mikel has used both AI and Blockchain to solve major problems. He has led teams in the Blockchain Advisory
department of KPMG, universities and AI firms, and has a keen eye for innovation. In his spare time he has
developed cryptocurrency exchanges, wallets, multiple other DApps, and has his doctorate in philosophy.

Joseph Janik​ - CIO

Joseph is an Australian entrepreneur who began his journey at a young age, starting his first business at 18 years old.
He later went on to become a leading account executive within international corporations focused on the stock
market, cloud technology, health and lifestyle automation. Joseph now owns multiple successful businesses and has
been involved in Blockchain since 2016, where he became a very successful day trader, as well as spotting key
opportunities in crypto-space. Joseph is extremely talented at execution and has a strong passion for creative
innovation, marketing and online business.

ECOMI | Whitepaper | 1.09 40

Board & Advisors

Jonty Kelt​ - Founder, Fantail Ventures

Jonty is an investor in thirty early-stage companies out of his venture fund, Fantail Ventures and works at Silicon
Valley based data and analytics firm Palantir Technologies. Previously, Jonty helped establish Macquarie Bank in New
Zealand, co-founded a media business in China, co-founded technology businesses in the UK and USA and worked
for DoubleClick and Google.

Hongbo Xu​ - CEO InnoHub

Hongbo is a serial entrepreneur, and has more than 25 years of experience in the TMT (technology, media, and
telecom) industry with extensive experiences in strategic planning, product development, marketing and investments
around the world in more than 8 countries. Previously he served as senior architect and principal consultant for Sun
Microsystems and BEA. Furthermore, he had shepherded QualiPSo, the largest open source innovation project
founded by European Commissions. Hongbo is a member of steering committee for Chinese national Mega
Innovation projects. He is also a sitting professor at South China University of Technology. He sits on the China
National BlockChain Standard committee, and is also a founding member of Shenzhen BlockChain Association.

James Lu - Integrated Circuitry & Biometrics

James has over 20 years of Integrated circuitry & biometrics experience. Having advised the likes of Acer, Toshiba,
Lenovo and Konica, he has a Masters in Science & Electrical Engineering (Digital Signal Processing) and holds 17
related patents. He was the former Senior director of listed company Pixart Imaging & EOSMEM Corporation.

Ward Stirrat​ - Technology Entrepreneur

Ward is a longtime entrepreneur & seasoned executive with a focus in the marketing & communication sector for
the past 25 years. Ward has owned & continues to operate several companies ranging from small boutique
communication & branding consultancies to larger sales & marketing companies with 100+ staff in Vancouver &
Toronto. Ward is also the co-founder and CMO of Coinpayments an integrated payment gateway accepting 300+

Michael Ou​ - CEO Coolbitx

Founder and CEO of CoolBitX, a hardware wallet manufacturer since 2014. Michael has headed the work-to-date on
the ECOMI One R&D. As an advisor to ECOMI Michael will play a crucial role in the manufacturing and creation of
ECOMI One and other hardware devices.

Tudor Clee​ - Legal Counsel / Education

Tudor Clee is a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. He has visited over 200 countries and
territories to expand his knowledge of geo politics and social development. In 2012 he created the Touchable Earth
Foundation, developer of the first app where kids teach kids about the world, which has been awarded by the UN as
the best program to promote intercultural dialogue amongst children.

ECOMI | Whitepaper | 1.09 41

Paul Adams​ - CEO EverEdge Global
Since embarking upon his technology commercialization career in the 1990s, Paul has worked with some of the
world’s leading technology companies. He is renowned for his extensive understanding of intellectual property
strategy as well as being a keen advocate for the concept that intangible assets are fundamental to corporate
performance. He is the CEO of EverEdge, the world’s leading intangible asset specialist, was the founding Incubator
Manager of The Icehouse - ranked as one of the world’s top 10 incubators – and for the last four years running has
been named as one of the top intellectual property strategists in the world.

Ryan Donnelly​ - Titanblock

Ryan has over 10 years of corporate technology experience dealing with global companies such as eBay, Uber,
AirBnB and Skyscanner. He specialises in scaling international start-up ventures within APAC and EMEA. Ryan's
experience spans from boutique family-owned technology companies to public companies listed on the NYSE. An
early adopter of Bitcoin and the CEO of TITANBLOCK, he invented the "wallet to wallet" investment methodology and
spends the majority of his time providing venture capital to early-stage blockchain companies whilst offering advisory

Kam Punia​ - Digital Gaming Specialist

As TCG Manager, Kam Punia was pivotal in building Konami Northern Europe's TCG division helping is Yugioh
become one of the most popular TCG's in several territories in both the hobby and mass market. Kam has been
instrumental in forging relationships with games, creative and event led industries to build strong brand partnerships
internationally. With over 7 years experience in the games and toy industry Kam has managed and launched over 40
new product releases.

Jeff Lander​ - Big Red Button Entertainment

Jeff is a game technology leader with a strong background in creating custom systems, engines, and teams for game
projects. Focused on high end PC and console titles with an emphasis on character interaction and gameplay. Jeff is
currently developing high quality character experiences in room space VR on the Vive and Oculus as well as AR
technology and real-world gaming on mobile. Jeff is also developing a Daydream original IP launch title. Jeff is
interested in technology development, outreach, and education through the Game-Tech project he founded.
(​​). Specialties: Gameplay, Graphics, Animation, Dynamics, AI, and technical game systems.

Paul Martin​ - E
​ x Vice President Merrill Lynch Singapore / London
After graduating from Oxford, Paul worked in the investment banking industry with Citibank in London, and Merrill
Lynch in London and Singapore, primarily as a proprietary trader, and designer of automated trading systems -
before moving to NZ. He has since been involved in private equity, government sponsored research, capital raising,
media sponsorship and financing, charitable fundraising and the provision of governance and advisory services;
typically related to problem solving, strategy development or restructuring, as well as private investment. He
currently advising on, or involved in various cryptocurrency and blockchain initiatives.

Philipp Schulz​ - Entrepreneur and Business Consultant

Philipp is an entrepreneur with over 15 years experience in e-commerce, retail and wholesale, specialized in pop
culture collectibles and merchandise. Furthermore he is an expert for cryptocurrencies and ICO processes with a
vast network of people from the crypto space and is well connected to investor groups worldwide.

ECOMI | Whitepaper | 1.09 42

ADVISOR(S). By accessing the information set forth in this document or any part hereof, you represent and
warrant to Ecomi Technology Pte. Ltd. (“ECOMI”) that you unconditionally and irrevocably accept and agree with
the following:


It may not be lawful in certain jurisdictions for individuals, or certain categories of individuals in other jurisdictions, to
view this document. An individual who wishes to view this document must first satisfy himself or herself that he or
she is not subject to any local requirements that prohibits or restricts him or her from doing so. In particular, unless
otherwise determined by Ecomi Technology Pte. Ltd. and permitted by the applicable law and regulations, it is not
intended that any information contained in this document should be sent, directly or indirectly, in or into, countries
where participating in Initial Coin Offerings are banned due to legal restrictions, and countries sanctioned by the US,
or countries considered as high risk and monitored by the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”) (each, a “Restricted
Territory”) and nor should it be accessed by any individual who is a national citizen or resident of a Restricted
Territory, including corporations, partnerships, or other entities created or organised in any such jurisdiction, unless
they are exempted from the prohibition against participating in Initial Coin Offerings. ECOMI shall not be responsible
for individuals who access this document from territories whose laws prohibit such access or where any part of the
document may be illegal. Such individuals do so at their own risk.

The publication, distribution or dissemination of this Whitepaper does not imply that the applicable laws, regulatory
requirements or rules have been complied with. This Whitepaper is not an advertisement, nor is it intended to be
used to call for an offer on behalf of ECOMI. Persons to whom a copy of this Whitepaper has been distributed or
disseminated, provided access to or who otherwise have the Whitepaper in their possession shall not circulate it to
any other persons, reproduce or otherwise distribute this Whitepaper or any information contained herein for any
purpose whatsoever nor permit or cause the same to occur. This Whitepaper, any part thereof and any copy thereof
must not be taken or transmitted to any country where distribution or dissemination of this Whitepaper is prohibited
or restricted. No part of this Whitepaper is to be reproduced, distributed or disseminated without including this part

No person is bound to enter into any contract or binding legal commitment concerning the sale and purchase of the
OMI Tokens and no cryptocurrency, or other form of payment is to be accepted on the basis of this Whitepaper. Any
agreement in relation to any sale and purchase of OMI Tokens (as referred to in this Whitepaper) is to be governed
by only a separate document setting out the terms and conditions (the “OMI Token Sales Terms”) of such agreement.
In the event of any inconsistencies between the OMI Token Sales Terms and this Whitepaper, the OMI Token Sales
Terms shall prevail.

ECOMI | Whitepaper | 1.09 43

This Whitepaper does not constitute or form part of any opinion on any advice to sell, or any solicitation of any offer
by ECOMI to acquire any OMI Tokens nor shall it or any part of it nor the fact of its presentation form the basis of, or
be relied upon in connection with, any contract or investment decision. You must conduct your own due diligence
and ensure you comply with all local laws regarding cryptocurrency, tax, securities and other regulations in your
jurisdiction. We encourage you to consult with the relevant professional advisors independently.

If any provision or part of any provision in this “RISKS AND DISCLAIMERS” part is or becomes invalid, illegal or
unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable.
If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any
modification to or deletion of a provision or part of any provision under this “RISKS AND DISCLAIMERS” part shall not
affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this “RISKS AND DISCLAIMERS” part.


This document is for information purposes only and does not constitute or form, and not intended to be, an offer or
solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, subscribe for, underwrite or purchase any form of investment or securities or
other financial instruments, nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied upon, in any way in connection
with any contract or investment decision relating to the same. It does not constitute a prospectus or offer document
of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for investment in securities in any
jurisdiction. No regulatory authority has examined or approved of any of the information set out in this Whitepaper.
No such action has been or will be taken under the laws, regulatory requirements or rules of any jurisdiction. The
publication, distribution or dissemination of this Whitepaper does not imply that the applicable laws, regulatory
requirements or rules have been complied with.

In no event shall either ECOMI, or any of their respective current or former employees, officers, directors, partners,
trustees, representatives, agents, advisors, contractors, or volunteers be liable for any indirect, special, incidental,
consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue,
income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with:

(i) any acceptance of or reliance on this Whitepaper or any part thereof by you;
(ii) any failure by ECOMI, any of its affiliate companies or third party contractors or licensors to deliver or
realize all or any part of the project described in or envisaged in this Whitepaper;
(iii) any information contained in or omitted from this Whitepaper;
(iv) your use or inability to use at any time the services or products or OMI Tokens offered by ECOMI,
(v) mistakes or errors in code, text, or images involved in the OMI Token sale or in this Whitepaper; or
(vi) any expectation, promise, representation or warranty arising (or purportedly arising) from this
(vii) the purchase, use, sale, resale, redemption, or otherwise of the OMI Tokens; or

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(viii) the volatility in pricing of OMI tokens in any countries and/or on any exchange or market (regulated,
unregulated, primary, secondary or otherwise);
(ix) any security risk or security breach or security threat or security attack or any theft or loss of data
including but not limited to hacker attacks, losses of password, losses of private keys, or anything similar;
(x) your failure to properly secure any private key to a wallet containing OMI Tokens.


All information is provided without any warranties of any kind and ECOMI, its employees, officers and/or advisors do
not make or purport to make, and hereby disclaim, any express or implied representation, warranty or undertaking
in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, including any representation, warranty or undertaking in relation to
the truth, accuracy and completeness of any of the information set out in this Whitepaper. This Whitepaper and the
OMI Tokens are provided on an “as is” basis and without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied.
Each of ECOMI, its employees, officers and/or professional advisors assumes no responsibility or liability to you or
any third party for the consequence of reliance on such information, errors or omissions in such information or any
action resulting therefrom. You assume all responsibility and risk with respect to your use of the Whitepaper and
purchasing of any amount of OMI Tokens and their use.


All statements contained in this Whitepaper, statements made in press releases or in any place accessible by the
public and oral statements that may be made by ECOMI or their respective directors, executive officers or employees
acting on behalf of ECOMI, that are not statements of historical fact, constitute “forward looking statements”. Some
of these statements can be identified by forward-looking terms such as “aim”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “could”,
“estimate”, “expect”, “if”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “possible”, “probable”, “project”, “should”, “target”, “will” or “would”, or
other similar terms. However, these terms are not the exclusive means of identifying forward-looking statements.

All statements regarding ECOMI’s business strategies, financial position, plans and prospects and the future
prospects of the industry which ECOMI is in are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements,
including but not limited to statements as to ECOMI’s revenue and profitability, prospects, future plans, other
expected industry trends and other matters discussed in this Whitepaper regarding ECOMI are matters that are not
historic facts, but only predictions. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual future results, performance or achievements of ECOMI to
be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expected, expressed or implied by
such forward-looking statements.

These factors include, but are not limited to:

(a) the risk that ECOMI may be unable or execute or implement their respective business strategies and future
(b) risks and uncertainties associated with ECOMI and its businesses and operations, the OMI Tokens, the OMI Initial
Token Sale, and the Secure Wallet (each as referred to in the Whitepaper).

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(c) changes in the future capital needs of ECOMI and the availability of financing and capital to fund such needs;
(d) changes in political, social, economic and stock or cryptocurrency market conditions, and the regulatory
environment in the countries in which ECOMI conducts its respective businesses and operations;
(e) changes in interest rates and exchange rates of fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies;
(f) changes in the anticipated growth strategies and expected internal growth of ECOMI and/or their respective
(g) changes in the availability and fees payable to ECOMI in connection with their respective businesses and
(h) changes in the availability and salaries of employees who are required by ECOMI and to operate their respective
businesses and operations;
(i) changes in preferences of customers of ECOMI;
(j) changes in competitive conditions under which ECOMI operate, and the ability of ECOMI to compete under such
conditions; and
(k) war or acts of international or domestic terrorism, occurrences of catastrophic events, natural disasters and acts
of God that affect the businesses and/or operations of ECOMI, and other factors beyond the control of ECOMI.

All forward-looking statements made by or attributable to ECOMI or persons acting on behalf of ECOMI are expressly
qualified in their entirety by such factors. These forward-looking statements are applicable only as of the date of this
Whitepaper, and nothing contained in this Whitepaper is or may be relied upon as a promise, representation or
undertaking as to the future performance or policies of ECOMI, or in relation to the truth, accuracy and
completeness of any of the information set out in this paper. The actual results, performance or achievements of
ECOMI may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. Whilst ECOMI intends to
fulfil all the goals set out in this document, in case of unforeseen circumstances, the goals may change or may not be
achieved without any notice to you.

Neither ECOMI or any other person represents, warrants and/or undertakes that the actual future results,
performance or achievements of ECOMI will be as discussed in those forward-looking statements. Further, ECOMI
disclaim any responsibility to update any of those forward-looking statements or publicly announce any revisions to
those forward-looking statements to reflect future developments, events or circumstances, even if new information
becomes available or other events occur in the future, except to the extent required by law.


This Whitepaper includes information obtained from various third party sources (“Third Party Information”). None of
the publishers of Third Party Information has consented to the inclusion of Third Party Information in this
Whitepaper and is therefore not liable for Third Party Information. While ECOMI have taken reasonable actions to
ensure that the information is extracted accurately and in its proper context, ECOMI have not conducted any
independent review of the information extracted from third party sources, verified the accuracy, timeliness or
completeness of such information or ascertained the underlying economic assumptions relied upon therein.
Consequently, neither ECOMI nor any of its respective directors, executive officers and employees acting on their
behalf makes any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall not

ECOMI | Whitepaper | 1.09 46

be obliged to provide any updates on the same.
No information in this Whitepaper should be considered to be legal, business, financial or tax advice regarding
ECOMI, the OMI tokens, the OMI Initial Token Sale, and the Secure Wallet (each as referred to in the Whitepaper).
You should consult your own legal financial, tax or other professional adviser regarding ECOMI and their respective
businesses and operations, the OMI tokens, the OMI Initial Token Sale and the Secure Wallet (each as referred to in
the Whitepaper). You should be aware that you may be required to bear the financial risk of any purchase of OMI
tokens for an indefinite period. You must conduct your own due diligence and ensure you comply with all local laws
regarding cryptocurrency, tax, securities and other regulations in your jurisdiction.


No person has been or is authorized to give any information or representation not contained in this Whitepaper in
connection with ECOMI and its respective businesses and operations, the OMI Tokens, the OMI Initial Token Sale,
and the Secure Wallet (each as referred to in the Whitepaper) and, if given, such information or representation must
not be relied upon as having been authorized by or on behalf of ECOMI.

The OMI Initial Token Sale (as referred to in the Whitepaper) shall not, under any circumstances, constitute a
continuing representation or create any suggestion or implication that there has been no change, or development
reasonably likely to involve a material change in the affairs, conditions and prospects of ECOMI or in any statement of
fact or information contained in this Whitepaper since the date hereof.


Prospective purchasers of OMI Tokens (as referred to in this Whitepaper) should carefully consider and evaluate all
risks and uncertainties associated with ECOMI, and their respective businesses and operations, the OMI Tokens, the
OMI Initial Token Sale and the Secure Wallet (each as referred to in the Whitepaper), including all information set out
in this Whitepaper prior to any purchase of OMI tokens. If any of such risks and uncertainties develops into actual
events, the business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects of ECOMI could be materially and
adversely affected. In such cases, you may lose all or part of the value of the OMI tokens.

The regulatory status of cryptographic tokens, including any digital currency, digital assets and blockchain
applications is unclear or unsettled in many jurisdictions. The publication and dissemination of this document do not
imply that any relevant laws, regulations and rules have been complied with. No regulatory authority has examined
or approved this document. Where any relevant governmental authority makes changes to existing laws, regulations
and/or rules, or where financial institutions make certain commercial decisions, it may have a material adverse effect
and/or impair the ability of any relevant entity referred to in the document to function as intended, or at all. There
are risks involved in the technologies relating to the Ethereum blockchain, and the OMI tokens, such as unforeseen
bugs, security issues or disruptions. By way of the above and other factors not within our control, the entire sum
used to purchase the OMI tokens may be lost.

ECOMI may contract with third parties to develop and license their products and/or technology for use within the
ECOMI Ecosystem. While ECOMI will take all commercially reasonable steps to secure the necessary rights and

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licenses, there are risks and uncertainties associated with the business and operations of such third party
contractors that are beyond ECOMI’s control and they may not deliver on the products and/or technology. There is
also a risk that ECOMI does not succeed in obtaining and/or renewing the necessary rights and licenses to such third
party products and/or technology mentioned in this Whitepaper. Such events may have a material adverse effect on
the function, deployment and use of the ECOMI Ecosystem as intended.

This Whitepaper does not identify, or claim to identify, all the risk factors connected with ECOMI and its businesses
and operations, the OMI Tokens, the OMI Initial Token Sale, and the Secure Wallet (each as referred to in the
Whitepaper). The disclaimers set out above are not exhaustive. A more comprehensive list will be set out in other
documents that may be published by ECOMI from time to time. You must make your own independent evaluation,
after making such investigations as you consider essential, of the merits of participating in the Token Sale and after
obtaining your own independent professional advice. To the fullest extent possible, ECOMI shall not be liable for any
responsibility, liability, claims, demands and/or damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known
and unknown (including, but not limited to, claims of negligence), arising out of or related to any acceptance or
reliance on the information set forth in this document by you.

To facilitate a better understanding of the OMI Tokens being offered for purchase by ECOMI, and the businesses and
operations of ECOMI, certain technical terms and abbreviations, as well as, in certain instances, their descriptions,
have been used in this Whitepaper. These descriptions and assigned meanings should not be treated as being
definitive of their meanings and may not correspond to standard industry meanings or usage.

Words importing the singular shall, where applicable, include the plural and vice versa and words importing the
masculine gender shall, where applicable, include the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa. References to
persons shall include corporations.

ECOMI and the OMI Tokens are in no way affiliated, associated, or connected with:

(i) [Orbis Worldwide Money Transfer and Investment] or its related ORBIS Token (ORBS) and
ORBISInvest token (ORBSi);
(ii) [Orbis Card];
(iii) [Team Orbis], or
(iv) [Orbis Communications LLC] or its related Orbis Token (OBT),

or any of the services provided by or related to any of the foregoing entities, or any of their respective subsidiaries or

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