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AÑO 2023
My name is: _____________________________________________.

Manejo de wh words, ( who, what, how, where, when, what time, how long, how many, how
much, how often ) ellas permiten iniciar las preguntas de información.

1.. Complete with a wh Word, each question.

_____________ do foxes get food? Catching small animals
_____________does bears live? In the mountains
____________ pups do kangaroo have? One
____________ is two coffees? Two thousand
___________ do you go on vacations? On june 23rd.

2.. Read the sentences and choose the correct Word to connect them
When you see something in your hands. Need -----say ------ have
Get a new subject or activity. learn ---- tell ----hear
Similar to love… say ----- wear ---- want
You decide to do the best . Choose ---- feel ----- put
A phisycal o emotional experience listen ---- write ----feel
When you tell something to someone. Say ---- pay ------ go
It´s an auxilary of present simple. Ask ----- do ----- answer
When you need information you, sit -----ask ---- look
Everyone use your eyes to do this.. look -----eat ----- come
You have an idea to do something. Find ---- work ----- know

3. Select the correct answer.

1.. I was born ____ june 23.

A. behind B. next to

C. in D. on

2. Antarctida is the ________ place on Earth.

A. cold B. hotter

C. colder D. coldest

3. I can´t go to school today, because I have got a headache.

A. You should leave at 10. B. You should go to the drugstore

C . You should stay at home. D. You should use your mobile.

6. Where is Jose?

a. He is my brother B. he is a Vet

C. He is in the Library D. she is cooking.

7. What ________ you learn? I learn English.

A. Do B. is

C. are D. Does

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