2023 Filtration in The Lab 1

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Year 7 Science Separating Mixtures Name:__________________

Filtration in the laboratory

If a substance such as chalk, soil or charcoal is insoluble in water, it can be filtered out. Filtering
is used in everyday life — you might use it to separate mud from water, or when you use a
vacuum cleaner. The liquid component is known as the filtrate. The insoluble material, left
behind in filter paper, is referred to as the residue.
This investigation allows for filtration to be explored through folded filter paper used with a
funnel and flask.

To use filtration to separate substances in a mixture

Hypothesis (If (IV)…..the (DV)

________if we put the fast filtration paper then the water will come out quicker

(1 mark)

Materials (per group)
 100 mL beaker
 funnel
 filter paper
 glass stirring rod
 conical flask
 insoluble substance, such as soil, chalk dust or charcoal

Health and safety guidelines

 Wear safety glasses and a laboratory coat

Year 7 Science Separating Mixtures Name:__________________

1. Half-fill your 100 mL beaker with water.
2. Add your insoluble substance to the water and stir with the stirring rod.
3. Set up the equipment for filtering as shown in the figure.

4. Fold the filter paper as shown.

5. Place the filter paper in the funnel and moisten it with clean water to hold the filter paper in
6. Pour your mixture into the filter paper.

1. Describe the appearance of your mixture in the beaker before filtration. Did it form a
suspension or sediment, or float on top?
___________mushy clay like its been the same for two minutes

(2 marks)

Year 7 Science Separating Mixtures Name:__________________

2. The liquid passing through the filter into the conical flask is called the filtrate. Describe your
pink tinted only 50ml so far

(1 mark)

3. Examine your filter paper. The material trapped by the filter paper is called the residue.
Describe your residue.
mushy like clay on the sides, leftover powder on the sides

(1 mark)

1. Filter paper is like a sieve with small holes in it. Explain how the filter paper worked like a
sieve in this experiment.
it didn’t let the powder clumps go through that’s why there’s the residue.

(2 marks)

2. What results would you expect if there was a small hole at the bottom of the filter paper
cone? Explain why.
More water coming through faster and more colour in the water. (2 marks)

Refer to the aim and describe the substances that were separated using the correct scientific
terms. (filtrate, residue, insoluble)
In conclusion the filtrate goes through at a slower pace because the filtration paper is like a wall
for it. (1 mark)

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