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Bussiness Process Engineering

Minahil Arshad 014

Assignment no : 4
Submitted to : Miss Sadia Zafar
Question no:1
Discuss the difference of Business Process Re-engineering and TQM
for daily life business scenarios.
Answer: BPR stands for Business Process Reengineering. It is a systematic,
disciplined approach to reducing organizational costs and redundant business
processes involving the analysis of existing human and automated workflows.
Digital Transformation, Change Management, and Process Reinvention are real life working
Total Quality management is another area of continuous process improvement. In
addition to increasing organizational efficiency, companies must fine-tune their
business processes to improve the quality in their products, services, and
operations. Many are using the concept of total quality management (TQM) to
make quality the responsibility of all people and functions within an organization.
Toyota implemented kayaban system to make its assembly line more efficient.

Question no:2
What are the critical issues that define BPR in detail.

Question no:3
Identify all phases of BPR.
Answer: BPR includes three phases:
Analysis phase: It includes customer requirement analysis, baseline analysis,
design specifications, current process review
Design phase: It includes design principles, build in continuous improvement
feedback, model validation
Implementation phase :it includes planning for implementation, excecuting initial
change, manage transition.

Question no:4
Differ by the help of daily life example for traditional approach and
BPR Implementation

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