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Expression Workshop

6th grade: Unit 3 and 4

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Instructions: For this unit, you will create a product with recycled materials. This, so we can
solve a problem through the transformation of materials. Please fill in this worksheet in groups to
know what are the necessary steps.

MyOn Session: Read the book called “Repurpose It: Invent New Uses for Old Stuff”. In it, you
will create amazing inventions and help the environment at the same time. In Repurpose It,
you’ll invent a solar still, a bug robot, a textbook safe, and many other resourceful contraptions.
When it comes to inventing, your imagination has no limits!

Now, answer these questions:

1. What are the 6 steps of inventing? Explain each one thoroughly.

2. What is the connection between these steps and our Powerful Question?
Expression Workshop
6th grade: Unit 3 and 4

Creating the product

1. Problem: What problem do you want to solve? Think of something ground to earth
that you experience on a daily basis.


2. Ideas: Write down some ideas that could help you solve your problem. Be creative.
Think of innovative ideas. Then pick the idea you think will work best.


3. Plan: What do you need to build or create your product? Make a list of all of the tools
and supplies needed.


4. Create: Put everything together and make something new that helps solving your
problem! Share your experience here:
Expression Workshop
6th grade: Unit 3 and 4

5. Improve: Once the solution is created, ask yourself if it really solved the problem. If
not, what can you change? If so, how can you make it better?


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