Perro Buldog

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Crocheted English Bulldog


rnd – round
mc –magic circle
sc – single crochet
inc – increase
dec - decrease

Required materials:
 Yarn – 1 skein of white yarn (I was using
Gazzal Baby Cotton - 1,76 oz-180 yd) – I prefer to
use fine or superfine yarn for my amigurumis);
some black yarn of about same thickness for the
nose and eyes;
some pale pink yarn for inner part of the ears and
the tongue;
some brown yarn for embroidering the eyes or
safety eyes
 Hook – I used 1,25mm
 Markers – some yarn of two different colors
 Filler – hollowfiber or the filler that you usually use for your toys
 Pins
 Tapestry needle
 Scissors
 Black and pink dry pastels, or acrylic colors + brush for painting

So let’s start.
Body and the head ( we are starting our crocheting from the backside):

Rnd 1: make a magic circle (mc) of 6 single crochets (sc)

Rnd 2: repeat [1 inc] around (we will have 12 sc) – put the marker
Rnd 3: [1 inc, 1 sc] around (18 sc)
Rnd 4: [1 inc, 2 sc] around (24 sc)
Rnd 5: [1 inc, 3 sc] around (30 sc)
Rnd 6: [1 inc, 4 sc] around (36 sc)
Rnd 7: [1 inc, 5 sc] around (42 sc)
Rnd 8: [1 inc, 6 sc] around (48 sc)
Rnd 9 – 17: repeat [1 sc] around (9 rounds)
Rnd 18: repeat [1 inc, 3 sc] – 7 times and put the marker of another
color (in my case it is pink), then continue [1sc] to the end of the round
(to your first marker)

Rnd 19 – 21: repeat [1 sc] around (3 rounds)
Rnd 22: repeat [1 inc, 5 sc] – 6 times, then [1 sc] to the end of the round
Rnd 23- 37: repeat [ 1 sc] around (15 rounds)
Rnd 38: repeat [1 dec, 1sc] to your second marker; then
repeat [1 sc] to the end of the round
Rnd 39: repeat [1 sc] around

Rnd 40: repeat [1 dec, 5 sc] to the second marker;

then continue [1 sc] to the end of the round
Rnd 41 – 48: [1 sc] around (8 rounds)
Rnd 49: repeat [1 dec, 4 sc] around – fill the detail with a filler (we are finishing crochet the head, so if you would like
to use safety eyes – it’s time for it, just look below and find the place where I embroider the eyes of the Bulldog, so
you could put the eyes to the right places).

Rnd 50: repeat [1 dec, 2 sc] around (add the filler if needed)
Rnd 51: [1 dec, 1 sc] around
Repeat [1 dec] – close the detail, fasten off and hide the end of the yarn between stitches.

Front legs (make 2):

Rnd 1: make a mc of 6 sc
Rnd 2: [1 inc] around – put the marker
Rnd 3: make [4 inc] in a row; then continue [1 sc]
Rnd 4: [1 sc]
Rnd 5: [1 sc]
Rnd 6: make [4 dec] in a row; then continue [1 sc]
Rnd 7 – 25: repeat [1 sc] around (19 rounds)
Leave a long piece of yarn for further sewing, fasten off the yarn and fill the legs
Back legs (make 2):
Rnd 1: make a mc of 6 sc
Rnd 2: [1 inc] around – put the marker
Rnd 3: make [4 inc] in a row; then continue [1 sc]
Rnd 4: [1 sc]
Rnd 5: [1 sc]
Rnd 6: make [4 dec] in a row; then continue [1 sc]
Rnd 7 – 11: repeat [1 sc] around (5 rounds)
Rnd 12: make [5 inc] in a row; then continue [1 sc]
Rnd 13: [1 sc]
Rnd 14: make [5 inc ] in a row; then continue [1 sc]
Rnd 15 – 24: [1 sc] (10 rounds). Leave the yarn for
sewing, fasten of and fill the back legs too.

Let’s assemble front legs to the body. Find the tummy

between the markers and according to it attentively and
symmetrically pin the front legs. Our Bulldog will sit so we
have to hold the body under the angle, like at the photos

After you make sure that the front legs are symmetrically pinned to the body, carefully sew them.

Pin the back legs in the sitting position, then sew them too:

Snout (consists of 3 parts)
Part I:
Rnd 1: make a mc of 5 sc
Rnd 2: repeat [1 inc] around – put the marker
Rnd 3 – 6: [1 sc] (4 rounds) Pin this detail like at the picture and then sew it to the head.

Part II: Make 2 Cheeks:

Rnd 1: make a magis circle of 5 sc
Rnd 2: repeat [1 inc] around - put the marker
Rnd 3 -8: repeat [1 SC] around (6 rounds)
Fasten off the yarn, leave a tail for sewing.
Now we have to sew the cheeks to make them look like drops. Look at the photos below.

Part III Lower Jaw:

Rnd 1: make a magic circle of 6 sc
Rnd 2: repeat [1 inc] around
Rnd 3 - 7: repeat [1 SC] around (5 rounds)
Fasten off the yarn and leave a tail for a sewing
Pin the cheeks to the head:

Then pin the lower jaw, put it carefully between cheeks, but not too deep

Now let's start sewing the snout, first of all start sewing both
cheeks together to create nasolabial fold. Then continue
sewing cheeks and lower jaw around to the head

Pay attention to the mouth of our Bulldog, leave
an extra space for the tongue and don't sew the
lower jaw to tight to the cheeks so in that way we
will get the effect of almost real muzzle:)

Nose (take black yarn):

Rnd 1: make a magic circle of 4 sc
Rnd 2: repeat [1 SC] around.
Fasten off the yarn and cut it, then tie short and
long ends of the yarn and cut the shorter one
(longer end we will use for sewing)

To make a wrinkle
behind the nose
make a chain of 15
sc, then the 2ND
row - make 14 sc.
Pin it and sew like
at the photo:

Take dark brown yarn (or just brown - which you like more for eyes). Mark
with pins the spots where we will embroider the eyes and start making

Take some white to embroider white part of the eyes in the outer corner and the light spots in the eyes:

Eyebrows (make 2):
Row 1: make a chain of 5 sc
Row 2: start from the 4th sc and make 4 sc
Row 3: make 2 sc

Pin them around inner corner of each eye like at the photos, then sew them

Ears (make 2):

Row 1: make a chain of 6 sc
Row 2: start crocheting from the 5th sc and make 5 sc
Row 3: 5 sc
Row 4: 5 sc
Row 5: start crocheting from the 4th sc and make 4 sc
Row 6: 4 sc
Row 7: 4 sc
Row 8: start crocheting from the 3rd sc and make 3 sc
Row 9: 3 sc
Row 10: start crocheting from the 2ND sc and make 2 SC
Row 11: 2 SC
Row 12: make 1 SC, and continue crocheting by the side
of the ear to lead the yarn to the wide bottom edge.

Pink inner part of the ear (2) (take pale pink yarn):
Row 1: make a chain of 5 sc
Row 2: make 4 sc
Row 3: 4 sc
Row 4: 4 sc
Row 5: 3 sx
Row 6: 3 sc
Row 7: 3 sc
Sew this pink detail to the ears like at the picture,
carefully sew it and do not let your needle stitched
through the ear, because we do not need pink
on the outside of the ear. With the couple of
make the ears folded:

Pin ears symmetrically to the head and sew them to it:

Few steps left:) Let's crochet a tail:
Rnd 1: make a magic circle of 6 sc
Rnd 2: repeat [1 SC] around
Rnd 3: [1SC]
Rnd 4: [1 SC]
Fasten off and cut the yarn, leave some for the sewing

Tongue (take pink

Make a chain of 3 sc,
then next 2 rows
make 2 SC.

Of course our English Bulldog will have wrinkles around the body. To make them take some white yarn and tapestry
needle for sewing. Start from the front leg - grab 3 rows with your needle (lead the yarn under the rows) and sew
quite tightly, and in that way you can make as many wrinkles as you wish

Now take pastel or acrylic colors (black and pink). If you will use acrylic colors - take some water and very thin
brush. Work very carefully, because you will not have the opportunity to wash it away. Dilute with water some
acrylic color using your brush then draw that specific black and pink spots on the snout of the bulldog (under the
nose and mouth) also you can tint eyes. After the snout will dry, sew the tongue. So that's it:)

Try to sew the tongue between the parts of the snout carefully and make
the stitches of pink yarn not visible (hide them between lower jaw and

I will be very happy to receive the photos of your crocheted English

Bulldog! You can send me them via e-mail:
Thank you for choosing my pattern!


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