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Mythico Inc.

Capitalization Table

Shareholder Common Shares Common %

Larry Landlord 555,500 0.044243558599817
Three Comma Capital 0

Halley Heroine 8,000,000 0.63717096093346
Christopher Cache 1,000,000 0.079646370116682
Jessica Javascript 1,000,000 0.079646370116682

2019 Equity Incentive Plan

Granted Option Shares 600,000 0.047787822070009
Available (Ungranted) Option Sha1400000 0.11150491816335

12555500 1

[1] This example assumes that the Series A converts into Common Stock at a 1:1 ratio. If the Series A converts into Common S
the Series A columns should be expanded into a "nominal shares" column and an as-converted shares column and all calculati
shares of any other class or series (e.g., the "Total Shares" calculation) should draw on the as-converted shares.

This cap table template has been modified from the original Cooley GO "Simple Cap Table Template" available at https://www
For more information and advice on cap table creation and management, see the Cooley GO "What Is A Cap Table, Why Do Y
Common % w/o Pool Series A[1] Series A[1]% Total Shares Total %

0.052626592771541 0 555500 0.042549117230286

0 500,000 1 500000 0.038298035310789

0.75789872578277 0 8000000 0.61276856497262

0.094737340722846 0 1000000 0.076596070621577
0.094737340722846 0 1000000 0.076596070621577

n/a 0 600000 0.045957642372946

n/a 0 1400000 0.10723449887021

1.000000001 500000 1 13055500 1

ries A converts into Common Stock at anything other than a 1:1 ratio, then
shares column and all calculations in which the Series A shares are combined with the
onverted shares.

plate" available at

What Is A Cap Table, Why Do You Need One and What Should It Look Like?" blog post at
image (3).png, image (4).pngThree Comma Capital

image.png Raviga Capital

Three Comma Capital is an investment group founded by t
he late Bill Yonair and the main funding company of Mythi Bill Yonair, Violet Votingrights, Paula Preferred
Raviga Capital Management is an investment group
founded by the late Peter Gregory
GE-stock-certificate-giveashare-big.jpg, Series Seed Term Sheet.DOC
image (9).png Bill Yonair Founder, Lead Partner (former)

image (10).png Violet Votingrights Lead Partner

image (11).png Paula Preferred Associate Partner

Three Comma Capital Algorithms

Three Comma Capital Artificial Intelligence

Three Comma Capital Consumer

image (12).png Halley Heroine CEO

image (13).png Larry Landlord Chief Executive of Physical Space (Landlord)

image (14).png Christopher Cache Co-CTO

image (15).png Jessica Javascript Co-CTO

image (16).png Clifford Callmeback Head of Business Development

image (17).png Ned Noop Former employee



Halley Heroine GE-stock-certificate-giveashare-big.jpg

Halley Heroine GE-stock-certificate-giveashare-big.jpg

Halley Heroine GE-stock-certificate-giveashare-big.jpg

Halley Heroine GE-stock-certificate-giveashare-big.jpg







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