Bacoto - Terminal Activity

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Help do Establish a study

household chores habit

without being At this stage, your top
told responsibility is your studies. You
are expected to take school
Another way to help you be more seriously so you can graduate
with a degree and have better
responsible is by helping around
the house without being told. opportunities in the future. HOW TO BE
Take the initiative to do the usual
Submit all school YOU: TIPS ON
Listen to your requirements on
parents’ advice time HOW TO BE A
Know that your parents have
Start working on your school RESPONSIBLE
requirements as soon as you
wisdom and knowledge that you
still have to learn. For this reason,
receive the instructions. Do not ADOLESCENT
wait for the week or day before
listen to their advice and heed
the deadline before you begin
their rules and instructions as
doing them. MARCHIEN H. BACOTO
long as you are living under their
roof. STEM 11 - 2AM
Do not lie to your Avoid being a
parents tardy student
Having open communication with In addition to being a responsible
your parents will help you student, it is important that you
develop a more responsible regularly attend your classes
outlook in life.
Take care of Clean your room
your personal regularly
hygiene Instead, make it a habit to make

Like the aforementioned tip, your

your bed as soon as you wake up.
Moreover, set a regular schedule
Choose your
primary responsibility is taking
care of yourself.
for cleaning your room. friends wisely
Keep your stuff For this reason, choose the kind
Be mentored in a organized
of friends you go out with. If you
want to be responsible, then you
small group have to stick with responsible
Make it a habit to put back your people too. These are the friends
Having a teachable heart and stuff to its original place right who will influence you positively.
learning from others can also after using. You can also provide
help you grow up as a an organizer for your tiny things,
responsible individual. like pens and clips, so you do not Avoid vices
lose them.
If your friends are experimenting
Set an alarm with drugs and alcohol, you must
Develop a daily clock to wake up not join them. If your friends invite
you to try smoking or encourage
devotion habit early you to start gambling, please say
a big “NO.”
Establishing such a habit is your Waking up early has a lot of
first step to developing self- advantages. First of all, it will help
discipline, which is essential in you avoid being late for school.
becoming a responsible person. Also, you can do more things
around the house or prepare
yourself without cramming.

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