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Define Chemistry

Sitting between biology and physics, the field of chemistry is

sometimes called the central science. This branch of science deals not
with the most basic elements of reality, such as fundamental particles,
or the complex world of living organisms, but the in-between world of
atoms, molecules and chemical processes.
Chemistry is the study of matter, analysing its structure, properties and

behaviour to see what happens when they change in chemical reactions.

As such, it can be considered a branch of physical science, alongside

astronomy, physics and earth sciences including geology.

An important area of chemistry is the understanding of atoms and what

determines how they react. It turns out reactivity is often largely

mediated by the electrons that orbit atoms and the way these are

exchanged and shared to create chemical bonds.

Chemistry has now split into many branches. For instance, analytical

chemists might measure the traces of compounds in ancient pottery to

discern what people were eating thousands of years ago

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