English Language Arts - Grade - Year 2 - Unit 01 - Building A Classroom Community - Revised May 2018

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Maple Bear Global Schools

English Language Arts

Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Unit 1 – Building a Classroom Community

Section 1: Timeline
The timeline for Unit 1 is four weeks.

Section 2: Theme
The theme approach connects key ideas and vocabulary and allows literacy learning to
grow progressively. The result of using a thematic approach is that often children will:
- Develop learning skills more quickly, as each one is connected to
and reinforced by the other
- Be more confident
- Be more actively involved and have fun
- Present fewer discipline challenges

The theme, Building a Classroom Community, is an opportunity to develop community

within the classroom and support students in sharing and learning about themselves and

Essential Questions:
Essential questions frame a unit of study as an inquiry into a topic. They should connect to
students’ experiences and interests and focus the literacy learning in real world learning.
Essential questions provide focus on the “big ideas” and help to uncover a topic.

What makes a good classroom community?

What does our classroom community need?
How can I contribute to our classroom community?
What makes a good citizen in a community?

Section 3: Learning Outcomes

• Develop and celebrate community

• Interact with others to share ideas, contribute to class activities, and complete tasks
• Take turns sharing information and ideas
• Work in cooperative and collaborative partnerships and groups
• Talk about personal experiences and familiar events
• Connect new experiences with prior knowledge
• Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom
• Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

• Use sound-letter knowledge to construct and confirm meaning

• Identify letters of the alphabet and their sounds to increase word decoding skills
and recognize a range of high-frequency words
• Explore a variety of forms for personal expression
• Write to express personal responses to texts or experiences
• Write a variety of short passages, including messages, lists, and meaningful poems
and stories

Section 4: Literacy Time Allocation

Welcome Greeting/Attendance
5-10 minutes Meeting Place
Morning Message
Shared Reading and Poems and Songs
Shared/Interactive Oral Language/Vocabulary
Writing Working with Words
15-20 minutes Word Wall
Printing – Letter Formation
Reading Workshop Connecting to the Theme
(2-3 times weekly) Comprehension Strategies
20-30 minutes Responding to text
Writing Workshop Modeled Writing
(2-3 times weekly) Shared Writing – with teacher or student partners
20-30 minutes Guided/Independent Writing
Guided Reading and Guided Reading Groups (1 each day)
Literacy Centres Independent Reading and Responding
(Daily starting Week 3) Partner Reading
15 -20 minutes Listening to Reading
Poetry Rereading/Poem Rebuilding
Word Activities
Printing Practice

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Section 5: Assessment

At the beginning of the school year, it is important to begin on-going assessment of student
literacy skills. In the first few weeks, ensure that you are observing students closely to
determine their strengths and needs. It is helpful to observe specific students throughout
the day and use sticky notes and a clipboard to take brief notes. These can be transferred to
an assessment folder or binder.

During the first 3 weeks, provide time for students to read independently and/or with
partners. Use this time to administer the Reading A to Z Benchmark Passages or the
Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment to determine appropriate levels of text for each

Once this has been determined, you are ready to begin Guided Reading and Home Reading.
Use the “What Does Guided Reading Look Like?” found in Section 8 at the end of this unit as a
quick reference for grouping students according to reading behaviour.

Learning outcomes for each unit and lesson are stated specifically so that teacher
observations and assessments can be used to determine how each student is progressing
toward the targeted outcomes for each unit.
• The instruction for the unit should build toward a summative assessment in reading
and writing AND/OR
• Student progress should be plotted on the Reading Continuum, the Writing
Continuum and the Oral Language continuum monthly.
Example of End of Unit Reading Assessment - Students respond to literature orally or
dramatically or by representing or by writing to show their progress in comprehension
Progress in decoding strategies is assessed by having a Reading Conference or taking a
Running Record.

Example of End of Unit Writing Assessment – Students work through the writing process
and create a written text independently to show they are progressing in the writing
process/writing outcomes.

Oral Language Development – Students share their work and are assessed through teacher
observation and an oral presentation rubric or checklist.

Rubrics or checklists for end of unit assessments should be created with the students prior
to beginning an assignment. These criteria are used to give specific feedback and assess the
students’ progress.

See the following resources for examples of continuum, checklists and rubrics:

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Bonnie Campbell Hill Developmental Continuum


Literacy Place for the Early Years K to 3 Planning Guide by Scholastic Canada includes
reading, writing and oral language continua, and assessment rubrics and checklists.

Manitoba Education Developmental Reading Continuum


British Columbia Performance Standards:

Year 2 Reading

Year 2 Writing

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Section 6: Lesson Plans


1. Develop and celebrate community
2. Interact with others to share ideas, contribute to class activities, and complete tasks
3. Connect new experiences with prior knowledge
4. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom

Unit 1 Building Welcome and Greet students as they come into the classroom. Say,
a Classroom Taking the “Good morning. My name is ___________. What is your
Community Attendance name?” Or, if you know the student from the previous year
say, “Good morning _________________.”
Day 1 (10 minutes)
As the students arrive, ask them to go to the meeting place,
put their name card in the pocket chart, and read the
message and think about what it means quietly.
Display the following message on a chart or on the board
Name cards to for students to read and think about:
use in pocket
chart for Welcome to Grade 2.
We are going to have an exciting year together! What can
Chart paper and we do to make our classroom a good place to be?
markers for Our
Classroom Shared Writing: Introduce yourself and welcome the students to Grade 2.
Community Y Tell them how happy you are to meet them and that you
Chart (15 minutes)
are looking forward to learning more about all the
Read Aloud students and developing a classroom community together.
Book: The Name
Jar by Yangsook Explain that community means ‘a group of people living or
Choi working together in the same place’ and say, “In a
community, people work together to help one another and
solve problems together that are too big for one person.”

Demonstrate this concept by taking one piece of paper and

ripping it in half. Say, “This is not difficult for one person,”
Then take a large stack of paper and show how it is too
strong for you to tear.

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Explain that the pieces of paper work together and discuss

this is what happens in a community – when people work
together they can be stronger and make things work
better for everyone.

Create a Y Chart on a piece of chart paper with the heading

‘Our Classroom Community’ and in each section of the
chart write ‘Looks Like’, ‘Sounds Like’, or ‘Feels Like’.
Explain that you want them to start thinking about your
classroom community and what it looks like, sounds like
and feels like. Discuss their ideas and record several on the
Y Chart.

Tell the students that they will have the opportunity to

think about this throughout the unit and that you will
come back to the Y Chart on a regular basis.

Read Aloud: The Activating: Introduce the book The Name Jar written by
Name Jar by Yangsook Choi. Say, “This is a story about Unhei
Yangsook Choi (pronounced Yoon-Hey), a girl who recently moved from
Korea to America and is getting used to a new school.”
(25 minutes) Asking questions is a great way to get students involved.

• Do you know anyone from Korea or from any other

country other than ____________? (Use the name of
the country you live in)
• Have you ever started at a new school? What was
the first day like?

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

• Encourage children to look closely at the

illustrations, ask questions, or predict what will
happen next in the story.
• Talk about vocabulary and expressions that might
be new before reading: “fingered the little block of
wood”, grooves and ridges, scrunching up her face,
blush, wrinkled her nose, grace, graceful, and pouch.
Acquiring: Explain that you will be reading the beginning
of the story today. During the read aloud, pause from time
to time to ask questions or allow for student comments. As
you and the students discuss the events of the story and
make predictions of what will happen next, students
should be encouraged to think about how Unhei feels as
she begins her life in a new school and a new country.

On the bus, none of the children are able to pronounce

Unhei’s name.

• How do the other children respond when Unhei

introduces herself on the bus? Why do they act this
way? Do you think things would have been
different if the children had been able to pronounce
Unhei’s name? Why or why not?

• How does Unhei feel by the time the bus arrives at

school? How can you tell?

• Have you ever had an experience like Unhei’s?

• Do you think that the children on the bus could

have responded to Unhei’s name in a different way?
What could they have done, and how would that
have made a difference?

• What should we do when we have difficulty

pronouncing other peoples’ names?

• Is it important that we say them correctly?

• Why or why not?

• How should we respond to people who are

different than us? Why?

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

When her new class asks for her name, Unhei replies, “Um, I
haven’t picked one yet.” When she goes home, she tells her
mother, “I think I would like my own American name.”

• Why does Unhei choose not to share her name with

her class? How does the class react?

• How does Unhei explain her wish for an American

name to her mother? How does her mother

• Do you agree with Unhei’s mother, that being

different is a good thing? Why or why not?

• In what ways are you different from other people?

Name Activity Assign and discuss the following homework assignment.

(10 minutes) Ask your parents to tell you about the history of your
name. Encourage students to ask questions such as:
• What does my name mean?
• What language is it?
• Was I named after anyone special?

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1


1. Take turns sharing information and ideas
2. Work in cooperative and collaborative partnerships and groups
3. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom
4. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)
5. Identify letters of the alphabet and their sounds to increase word decoding skills and
recognize a range of high-frequency words

Unit 1 Building Welcome and Continue greeting students by saying “Good morning,
a Classroom Taking ______” and encouraging students to respond by saying
Community Attendance “Good morning, ______” to you as they find their name cards
and take them to the pocket chart in the Meeting Centre.
Day 2 (10 minutes)
Ask the students if they found out something about their
own name from their parents. Give students a chance to
Materials: share with the whole group. Remind the students who do
not share today that they can talk to their parents tonight
Name cards and and share tomorrow. Encourage students to elaborate on
pocket chart for the meaning of their names, language of origin, and who
attendance they were named after. ‘This leads well into the
Read Aloud: The continuation of reading and responding to The Name Jar.
Name Jar by
Yangsook Choi Read Aloud: The Review the first part of The Name Jar with the class.
Name Jar by Remind them that the beginning of the story introduces
Large jar and Yangsook Choi the setting, characters and problem, the middle of the
name cards story includes the important events, and the end of the
(30 minutes) story shows how/if the problem was solved.
Chart paper and
markers Continue reading the story using the following prompts
for the discussion:

The next day when Unhei arrives at school, she finds the
name jar on her desk.

• Why does Unhei’s class create the name jar? What

is it for?
• How does Unhei feel about the name jar? How can
you tell?

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

• What are the differences between the ways that the

children on the bus responded to Unhei and the
ways that her class responds? Why do you think
this is?

• What are some of reasons for the names that

Unhei’s classmates suggest? Are these good reasons
for picking names? Why or why not?

• How do Joey and the class support Unhei as she

thinks about choosing a new name? Do you think
that this was important? Why or why not?

• Do you think that the class cares which name Unhei

chooses? Will it make a difference? Why or why

Unhei spends a lot of time thinking about a new name,

during which time she visits Mr. Kim’s shop, shows Joey her
name stamp, and receives a letter from her grandma.

• What do we learn about Unhei’s name when she

visits Mr. Kim’s shop? Is this important?
• Do all names have meaning? Why or why not?
Where do those meanings come from?
• What does Unhei share with Joey? Why does she do
this? How do you think Unhei is feeling about her
name when she does this?
• How can somebody have a name that they can
show you but not tell you? Can you think of any
other names like that?
• What does her grandma’s letter make Unhei think
about? How is Unhei’s name connected to her
grandma? Is your name connected to your family?
• What is the purpose of names? Why do we have
them? Does your name help to make you who you
are? Why or why not?

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Modeled/ Before you start this activity, you will need a Name Jar.
Shared Writing
Write the children’s names on slips of paper. Place the
(20 minutes) papers in an empty jar.

Ask the children to quietly spend a few minutes thinking

about why they like their name.

On chart paper (or on the board), print the sentence strip

“I like my name because __________ As you are writing the
sentence strip, think out loud about what you are writing.

Take a child’s name from the Name Jar. Have the child tell
something he or she likes about his/her own name. Write
the child’s response on the chart or board.

Continue this process until all the children have had a

turn. As you are writing their responses, talk about what
you are writing: sound out words, spelling, when to use
capitals, punctuation, etc.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Work in cooperative and collaborative partnerships and groups
3. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)
4. Write to express personal responses to texts or experiences

Unit 1 Building Welcome and Continue greeting students by saying “Good morning, ______”
a Classroom Taking the and encourage students to respond by saying “Good
Community Attendance morning, ______” to you as they find their name card and take
them to the pocket chart in the Meeting Centre.
Day 3 (5 minutes)

Reading Aloud: Review the beginning and middle of The Name Jar with the
The Name Jar by students reinforcing the importance of respecting one
Materials: Yangsook Choi another’s differences in a caring community.
Name Jar and (25 minutes)
strips for After the weekend, Unhei is ready to introduce herself to the
students’ names class. “‘I liked the beautiful names and funny names you
thought of for me,’ she told the class. ‘But I realized that I
Read Aloud: The liked my name best, so I chose it again.’”
Name Jar by
Yangsook Choi • Why does Unhei choose her own name at the end?
“I like my name What were some of the experiences that helped her
because …” class to decide this? Do you think this was the right
chart choice? Why or why not?
• If you could choose your own name, would you
Materials for choose the name you already have or would you pick
name stamp –
a different one? Why?
card stock,
markers, • Could Unhei still have been Unhei if she had picked a
stickers, etc. different name? Why or why not?
• How does Unhei’s class respond when she tells them
her name? Why is this important?
• How do you think Unhei felt about her name by the
end of the story? Why?

Give students the opportunity to reflect and connect to what

they have learned about their own names.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

• What can we say about names and their importance?

Is a name just another word or is it something more?

Independent Review the “I like my name because …” class chart and ask
Writing and students to also remember what their parents shared with
Representing them about their names to help them plan for their own
writing and representation.
(30 minutes)
Explain that each student will write about their own name,
explaining why they like it, what it means and why it is
special and represent their name by completing a name
stamp. Connect this to Unhei’s feelings about her own name
and the name stamp that she got from her grandma.

Show the students how to make the name stamp so that

when they are finished their writing, they can work on it.
Explain that they are to choose one of the coloured paper
circles. In the middle of the circle they are to draw a picture
of an object that they think represents them. This may be a
soccer ball (or another sports object), a favourite food, an
animal or pet they love, a toy, a flower, etc. You may choose
to provide a variety of stickers they could use instead of
drawing. Next, the children are to print their name around
the inside edge of the circle. Instruct them to print using
small letters and different colours.

Repeat their name until there is no room left.

As students are writing, the teacher can circulate and

provide feedback to students. Encourage them to add
important details to their writing and to check their work
for spelling, punctuation, and capital letters.

When they have completed their writing, students can begin

the name stamp representation.

Note: This may also be a time for the teacher to assess

individual student’s reading using a running record
(Reading A-Z or Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment).

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Work in cooperative and collaborative partnerships and groups
3. Identify letters of the alphabet and their sounds to increase word decoding skills and
recognize a range of high-frequency words
4. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom

Unit 1 Building Welcome and Continue with greeting students as they arrive and giving
a Classroom Word Wall them the opportunity to put their names in the pocket chart.
Community Introduction
Explain to the students that together you will be building a
Day 4 (15 minutes) Word Wall with words that will be useful for reading and
Today, choose 4-5 words connected to the theme to add to
Word Wall cards the wall such as community, belong, different, respect. Write
the words on cards and do the following with the class:
The Name Jar by
Yangsook Choi • discuss meaning of the words
Classroom • use the words in sentences
Community Y
Chart • find where they would go on the Word Wall

• have volunteers post them correctly

Discussing the This is an important discussion to have with your class as

Classroom you develop a sense of ‘community’. Ask the students to
Community think about Unhei’s class and what the students learned
about being a community.
(15 minutes)
Refer to the Classroom Community Y Chart and add any
further suggestions that students may have.

Share the students’ writing about their names and name

stamps with the class.

You may choose to display their work on a classroom

bulletin board. As a class, decide on a title that connects to
the discussion such as Here are the Members of the Grade 2
Classroom Community.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Reading and Explain to the students that they will have the opportunity
Responding to retell or summarize The Name Jar today. You may choose
to use this activity for assessment purposes.
(30 minutes)
Review the Story Retelling Chart and provide students with
a choice of organizers for their individual work. Some
possibilities include:

• BME chart (use large paper folded into 3 equal

sections) for retelling the story in words and
• Story Organizer (see BLMs)
• Someone Wanted But So Then Organizer (see BLMs
in Section 8)

Ensure that students select and get started on their

retelling. Remind them to use details in both their writing
and drawings.

Use this time to continue with individual student reading


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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Work in cooperative and collaborative partnerships and groups
3. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)
4. Identify letters of the alphabet and their sounds to increase word decoding skills and
recognize a range of high-frequency words

Unit 1 Building Welcome and Continue with greeting students as they arrive and giving
a Classroom Taking the them the opportunity to put their names in the pocket
Community Attendance chart.

Day 5 (5 minutes) Encourage students to look at the display of student

writing and name stamps to help them get to know more
Materials: about each other.
Name Cards Shared Introduce the song by pointing to the words and chanting
(child’s name on Reading/Writing: the song.
one side and Name Song
photo on other On second reading, encourage the students to sing and
side) (20 minutes)
perform the actions.
Shared Reading: Use the name cards to select a student name for each
Name Song on verse. Show the printed name first and then show the
chart paper
reverse side with picture to reinforce correct reading. Sing
(Tune: If You’re
Happy and You several times using the different actions.
Know It)
Then, ask the students to think about other actions that
could be used in the song. Add their ideas to the chart
such as shake your body, turn around, tap your head, etc.

Engage the students in thinking about how to write the

Classroom words and form the letters when adding the actions to the
Community Y chart.
Working With Students will work together in their table groups to
Words complete a variety of activities using their names. Provide
explanation and support for the following Name Card
(20 minutes) Activities:

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

• Read each name and check picture on other side to

• Sort into groups - boys/girls, long names/short
• Match names that begin/end with the same letter
• Count the number of letters in their own names
and match names that have the same number of
• Put in order shortest to longest
• Use letter tiles/magnetic letters/foam
letters/letter cubes etc. to build names

Note: Place the name cards in an envelope to be used for

further practice of the Name Card Activities during Guided
Reading/Literacy Centre Time.

Shared Reading Review the Classroom Community Y Chart and ask

End of Week students to think about what they have learned about the
Review importance of building their own classroom community.

(15 minutes) Prompt with questions such as:

How does it make you feel to be part of a classroom


Why is it important for us to form a classroom community?

Give students the opportunity to write a short journal

entry about their classroom community.

End of Week Reflection (10 minutes)

This is an opportunity to review the key literacy concepts introduced and practised during
the week. Begin by saying that everyone is learning to be readers and writers by working
together and learning from each other as well as from you and experts like the authors of
the books, songs and poems that you shared this week.

Ask students to think about the things that they did throughout the week. Say, ‘I want you to
think about what we did this week and what you learned about being a reader and writer.’
Chart their ideas on an “I can…” chart.

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

o I can read and write my name and names of my classmates.

o I can read songs and poems when I practise them.
o I can retell stories using the Retelling a Story and BME charts.
o I can write my ideas using drawings and words.
o I can write words that I see on the Word Wall and other places around the
room and in books.
o I can read with a partner.

Teacher Assessment Focus for Week 1

• Teacher assessment this week (and for the next 2 weeks) should focus on observing
the students’ literacy behaviours and conducting Running Records to determine
reading levels and groupings for the children in the class.
• Refer to www.readinga-z.com. This site provides excellent information for learning
how to conduct assessments and Running Records. You will need to have printed the
appropriate level Benchmark Books and the accompanying Running Records for the
• If possible, talk to the Year 1 teacher for information to assist you in determining a
starting level for each student.

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Interact with others to share ideas, contribute to class activities, and complete
3. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)
4. Use sound-letter knowledge to construct and confirm meaning
5. Identify letters of the alphabet and their sounds to increase word decoding skills
and recognize a range of high-frequency word

Unit 1 Building Welcome and Greet the students and have them pick up their
a Classroom Taking the name-tags to be placed in the pocket chart below the
Community Attendance heading that says “I am in school today”. The other
heading should read, “I am not in school today.” The
Day 6 (5 minutes) teacher can put the names of the students who are
not at school under that heading.
Have the children count with you to determine how
Read Aloud
many students are at school. Then ask them to count
Book: A, My
how many boys and how many girls are at school
Name is Alice by
today. This can become the routine for taking
Jane E. Bayer
attendance for the rest of the week.
World Map or This is a good opportunity to introduce the Morning
globe Message and incorporate Word Wall and Working
with Word activities.
Alphabox BLMs
– one for each The Morning Message should be written on the
student board in the Meeting Place:

Pocket chart, It is Monday.

name cards There are ___ boys at school today.
There are ___ girls at school today.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

A good selection Read Aloud: A Activating: Read the title of the book and look
of books (Levels My Name is Alice closely at the cover picture. Ask students to predict
A - L) plus what type of book this might be.
printed copies of (30 minutes
shared reading total) Prompt them to note the repeated sound in both the
poems and songs title and picture (ape, anteater, ants) and predict
what might come next. Confirm that this is an
Book Boxes or alphabet book with different animals.
Bags for each
student Select a letter of the alphabet (other than A) and ask
students to think of animals that begin with that
sound. Then, provide an alphabox chart for each
student and give time to table groups to brainstorm
for different animals for each letter of the alphabet
(about 5 minutes). Share some of their ideas before
reading the book. Explain that they will have more
time to add to their alphabox charts after reading the

Acquiring: Read through the book with the students.

As you read the book discuss the various names and
items on the page. Use the map or globe to locate the
different countries. You may choose to pause before
reading a few of the pages and allow students to
predict the content of the next page.

Applying: After reading the story, review what they

have noticed about the book (alphabetical, repeated
pattern with repeating sound) and give them more
time to add animals to their alphabox charts.

If your students are interested, provide time for

them to look up photographs of the animals along
with a little information about each animal. Here are
some suitable links for students to use:

Lesson: Getting Review expectations for independent reading –

Ready for see Grade 1 ELA Overview Documents – go to the
Independent document Literacy Strategies Reading and
Reading Writing and read the section on Independent

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

(10 minutes) There are clear ideas for introducing this

component of a literacy program using ideas
adapted from The Daily Five by Gail Boushey and
Joan Moser.

Ensure that you have a good variety of books as well

as copies of all the shared reading poems and songs
introduced for your students to read.

Explain that reading and rereading is a great way to

learn new things and get better as readers. Also let
the students know that their job is to read on their
own while you work with individuals or small

Set clear expectations for reading on their own and

give them the opportunity to first select 2-3 books
plus their poetry folders for Independent Reading
today. Provide book boxes or bags for the students to
keep their selected books.

Independent While students are reading on their own, continue to

Reading assess individual students using the Reading A-Z
Benchmark Assessment or the Fountas & Pinnell
15 minutes) Benchmark Kit to determine instructional reading
level and note reading behaviours.

Note: Your goal is to determine instructional reading

level for all your students by the end of Week 2 so
you can begin Guided Reading in Week 3.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Interact with others to share ideas, contribute to class activities, and complete
3. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)
4. Use sound-letter knowledge to construct and confirm meaning
5. Write a variety of short passages, including messages, lists, and meaningful
poems and stories

Unit 1 Building Welcome and Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and
a Classroom Taking the using the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
Community Attendance
Review the morning message with the group and practise
Day 7 (5 minutes) rereading with a focus on sight words, calling students up
to the board to point to the words ‘is’, ‘today’, ‘girls’, ‘there’,
Materials: ‘absent’, etc.
Read Aloud It is Tuesday. There
Book: A My are ___ girls at school at school today. There are ___
Name is Alice by boys at school today. There are ___ students
Jane E. Bayer absent today.

Pocket chart, Animal Alphabox Use this time for students to discuss different animals they
blank flash cards Review have added to their Alphabox charts and share photos and
and markers research they have done. Students may be motivated to
(10 minutes)
research and share more about unusual animals
Alphabox Charts throughout the week. Explain that you will provide time
each day for different students to share what they have
Writing paper
learned. Note: This can be presented as a
and/or chart
paper and voluntary/optional activity. Teachers should note which
markers students choose to extend their learning. This is useful
information to determine the need for further enrichment
Selection of activities for some students as well as reporting to parents.
Alphabet Books

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Workshop/Shared Revisit the book A My Name is Alice prompting students
Writing with the following questions:
• What do you notice about the organization of this
(30 minutes total) book?
• Can you figure out the pattern that each page
• What is different about each page?
• What do you notice about the illustrations? What
purpose do you think they serve?
• What is your favorite page and why?

Discuss the pattern on each page and write the template

on the board:
___ my name is _______________.
My best friend's name is _______________.
We live in _______________.
And we sell _______________.

As a class, choose a letter and then brainstorm ideas to

complete the pattern. Remind students that the repeating
sound at the beginning of certain words is part of the
pattern and is called alliteration.

Students can then work in partners or table groups to

write their own alphabet alliteration poem using the above

Provide time for students to share their writing with the


Independent Encourage students to look at the various alphabet books

Reading you have displayed and think about the features that
authors include in alphabet books.
(15 minutes)
Use this time to continue with running record

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Interact with others to share ideas, contribute to class activities, and complete
3. Explore a variety of forms for personal expression

Unit 1 Building Welcome/ Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and
a Classroom Morning using the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
Community Message
Review the morning message with the group and practise
Day 7 (5 minutes) rereading with a focus on sight words, asking students to
point to the words ‘there’, ‘today’, ‘girls’, ‘can’, ‘count’, etc.
It is Wednesday.
Read Aloud
Book: A My We can count the boys and girls.
Name is Alice by
Jane E. Bayer There are ___ boys at school today.

Selection of There are ___ girls at school today.

Alphabet Books There are ___ students absent today.

Chart paper and Writing Activating: Ask students to think about A My Name is Alice
markers Workshop and the other alphabet books displayed around the room,
and tell what this book has in common with the others (i.e.
Writing folders (35 minutes they are all alphabet books).
and selected total)
paper Use a sheet of chart paper to record a list of the
characteristics of alphabet books to include:
Book Boxes or • Written alphabetically from A to Z (or sometimes
Bags for each from Z to A)
student • Usually have a consistent and predictable pattern
on each page
• Include words that begin with each letter of the
• Include illustrations or photographs to connect to
the text
• Usually have a theme or topic
Acquiring: Explain that you want the students to work
together to create an alphabet book about the classroom
community. Remind the students about the important
features or characteristics of an alphabet book.
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Invite students to think about what ideas could be

included in their classroom community alphabet book.
Record their ideas on the board including alphabet order,
alliteration and pattern for each page, and ideas for
pictures or photographs.

For example, as a class you might decide that the alphabet

book will include a page for each letter of the alphabet that
describes something that is important to do in your
classroom community (What Does a Community Do?) or
that the alphabet book will tell about all the students who
make up the classroom community and there will be a
page for each student using a predictable pattern (Who is
Our Community?).

A is for asking your friends for help. That is what we do in

our classroom community.

B is for believing in each other. That is what we do in our

classroom community.


___ my name is (student).

I am (adjective beginning with same letter).
I like to eat __________.
I like to (action beginning with same letter).

Planning for Writing: Show students how they can

brainstorm ideas using an Alphabox Chart (community
actions) or Brainstorming Web (foods, actions, adjectives,
etc.) to complete the pattern to get ideas/plan for their
writing before they begin.

Applying: Provide the appropriate planning chart for the

writing task and encourage each student to brainstorm
several ideas before they start writing.

Give students the time to share their planning sheets with

each other. This will provide an opportunity for feedback
and encourage deeper and more creative thinking.

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Note: This writing activity will require more time over the
next few days for students to complete the writing process
of drafting, revising and publishing.

Independent Review the routines and expectations for independent

Reading reading.

(20 minutes) Distribute the Book Boxes or Bags and allow a few minutes
for students to exchange or add more books for reading.

Remind the students you will be reading with individual

students as they read on their own.

Continue assessing individual student reading levels and


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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Interact with others to share ideas, contribute to class activities, and complete
3. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas
presented in the classroom
4. Use sound-letter knowledge to construct and confirm meaning
5. Write to express personal responses to texts or experiences

Unit 1 Building Welcome/ Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and
a Classroom Shared Reading using the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
(15 minutes) Seat the students in a circle and show them the book A My
Day 9 Name is Alice and explain that the pattern was based on a
jump-rope rhyme that the author used to create her
Materials: alphabet book.
Read Aloud Book: Demonstrate the clapping pattern - Both hands slap knees,
A My Name is cross to tap shoulders, clap together, shoulders, knees,
Alice shoulders, together, etc.
Chart paper Demonstrate the chanting pattern - start with the letter A
versions of and choose a girl’s name, boy’s name, place they come
shared reading from and something they sell.
(The Name A my name is Anna and my best friend’s name is Alex. We
Song, Who come from Alabama and we sell apples.
Stole the Then start the chant with the class with the student beside
Cookies from the teacher continuing with the letter B.
the Cookie
Jar?, etc.) When that student is finished, after their hands touch their
knees, they arch the right hand, over to the left knee to clap
Writing folders their hands on top of that knee. The person sitting next to
and selected them at that knee is the next person to go. The group clap
pattern continues until all students have a turn.
Book Boxes or
Bags for each This is a chant that can be written on chart paper and If
student time, use the name jar from Week 1 to select student
names and chant Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?
and/or The Name Song.

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Writing Review the writing task and each student’s writing

Workshop responsibility. This may vary depending on the type of
alphabet book you and your student have chosen. Students
(30 minutes) can work individually or in pairs to complete a page for
the class book. Students should now use the words from
their brainstorming lists to write their drafts.

When students complete their pages, they should illustrate

them, including in their drawings many other items that
begin with the letter they have chosen.

Note: You may choose to display the students’ work on a

bulletin board instead of creating a class book. Another
alternative is to create a digital book with all the students’
illustrations and written work. You might also consider
the addition of audio with each student chanting his/her

Independent Review the routines and expectations for independent

Reading reading.

(15 minutes) Distribute the Book Boxes or Bags and allow a few minutes
for students to exchange or add more books for reading.

Remind the students you will be reading with individual

students as they read on their own.

Continue assessing individual student reading levels and


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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Interact with others to share ideas, contribute to class activities, and complete tasks
3. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom
4. Use sound-letter knowledge to construct and confirm meaning
5. Write to express personal responses to texts or experiences

Unit 1 Building Welcome/Morning Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and
a Classroom Message using the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
(5 minutes) Review the morning message with the group and focus on
Day 10 sight words (we, can, and, at) and add these words to the
Word Wall.
It is Friday.
Chart paper with
acrostic poem We can count the boys and girls at school today.
We can read and write about our community.
Shared Reading:
Charts and Writing Workshop Give students the opportunity to complete, collate and
poems share their work for the class alphabet book.
introduced in (35 minutes)
the unit As students work on this activity, provide the following
opportunity for independent writing that uses the concept
Writing folders
of alliteration. Demonstrate what an acrostic poem looks
and selected
paper like and allow students who have completed their
alphabet writing to work on an acrostic poem using their

Teach the children about Acrostic Poems. (Acrostic poems

are poems in which the initial letter of each line spells out
a word, often the subject of the poem or the name of a

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Here are some examples to show the children. Copy the

poems onto paper and leave them displayed in the
classroom as models for the children.

Acrostic poem using animals:

Macaw Python Kim Alligator

Elephant Iguana Rhinoceros Dinosaur
Mouse Ibis Rooster
Antelope Octopus

Partner Reading Post the chart paper songs and poems introduced in the
unit. Review each chart, poem and song with the students.
(20 minutes) Model for the students and remind them to use their
fingers or a pointer (pencil) to point to the words and
match the words to their voice.

Explain to students that they will be making their own

Poetry folder so they each have a collection of the poems
and songs learned throughout the year.

Tell students that they will be reading with a partner

today. Discuss the following behaviours and reinforce that
these are expectations:

• Sitting elbow-to-elbow and knee-to-knee (EEKK)

• Sharing the book between them
• Whispering

Remind the students you will be reading with individual

students as they read with partners today. Make a group
of 3 students while you are assessing each individual

Continue assessing individual student reading levels and


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End of Week Reflection (This will require extra time.)

• This is an opportunity to review the key literacy concepts introduced and practised
during the week. Begin by saying that everyone is learning to be readers and writers
by working together and learning from each other as well as from you and experts
like the authors of the books, songs and poems that you shared this week.
• Share the “I Can …” chart developed at the end of Week 1 and review with the class.
• Ask students to think about the things that they did throughout the week. Say, ‘I
want you to think about what we did this week and what you learned about being a
reader and writer.’ Add their ideas to the ‘I can …” chart.
o I can recognize alliteration when listening to or reading alphabet books.
o I can create lists of alliterative words to use in my own writing.
o I can use the features of an alphabet book to create my own alphabet page or

Teacher Assessment Focus for Week 2

• Teacher assessment this week should focus on observing the above behaviours
when students are engaged in literacy activities and making brief notes to highlight
strengths and determine specific needs.
• Reading A-Z Benchmark Assessment or the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Kit should
be used to determine instructional reading level and note reading behaviours.
• After you have assessed individual students, use the information to guide them in
their choices for independent reading.
• The goal is to determine all students’ reading levels and behaviours by the end of
Week 3.
• Make it a priority to assess students who are having difficulty during shared reading
or independent reading time first so that you can determine their strengths and
needs and provide appropriate books and supports. For example, provide these
students more opportunities to reread the shared reading poems and songs with
adult support.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Interact with others to share ideas, contribute to class activities, and complete tasks
3. Connect new experiences with prior knowledge
4. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom
5. Express new concepts and understanding in own words, explain their importance

Unit 1 Building Welcome, Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and
a Classroom Morning using the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
Community Message, and
Word Wall Write a morning message of your own choice to share with
Day 11 the class.
(15 minutes)
Materials: Select 3-5 words from the Grade 2 Sight Word List to focus
on this week. Select words that you think students need to
Word Wall cards practise and/or connect to the theme.
and markers
Write the words on cards and do the following with the
Read Aloud: The class:
Golden Rule by
Ilene Cooper • Discuss meaning of the words
Golden Rule • Use the words in sentences
messages on • Find where they would go on the Word Wall
chart paper • Have volunteers post them correctly

Writing folders Read Aloud Activating: Introduce The Golden Rule by showing the
and selected cover of the book and asking:
paper (30 minutes)
• What is a rule?
• Why do people follow rules?

Based on the title, have students make predictions as to

what the golden rule could mean.

Acquiring: Read to the 2nd page and stop at the boy’s

questions and ask the class to answer them:

• What does it mean?

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• Why is it golden?”

Read the 3rd page and have students answer the question
with someone sitting near them:

• Who is it for?

Continue reading through the different religions and stop

after the Shawnee Tribe. Ask students what all religions
have in common? Why would this rule make good sense?

Explain that you will finish reading the book tomorrow

and learn more about how to practise the golden rule.

Applying: Display a chart with both versions of the

golden rule represented in the book:

Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.

Do nothing to other people that you would not like having

done to you.

Review what the golden rule means with the students.

Reinforce the idea that this is a rule for everyone in the
world that may be simple but isn’t easy for people to
follow. Demonstrate how you would organize and write
your own reflection.

Suggest that students first think about the questions the

boy asks (What does it mean? Why is it golden? Who is it
for?) to help them with ideas to include in their writing

At the end of the week, create a display titled ‘What the

Golden Rule Means in Our Classroom Community’ to
display the 2 charts (see above) and student end of week
responses/reflections based on the book and class

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Independent Distribute writing folders and give the students time to

Writing write about the golden rule.
(15 minutes) Remind the students you will be reading with individual
students as they write on their own.

Continue assessing individual student reading levels and


Give students time to share their writing with one another.

Explain that they will learn more about the golden rule
throughout the week and they will be able to add or revise
their ideas in their writing each day.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Participate in shared listening, reading and viewing
3. Use sound-letter knowledge to construct and confirm meaning
4. Express new concepts and understanding in own words, explain their importance

Unit 1 Building Welcome/ Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and using
a Classroom Morning the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
Community Message and
Word Work Select a student to lead the class in a shared reading of the
Day 12 Golden Rule Chart
(15 minutes)
Materials: Review the morning message with the group and give the
students a chance to respond orally to the question in the
Read Aloud: The morning message.
Golden Rule by
Ilene Cooper It is Tuesday. What does
the golden rule mean to you?
Golden Rule
Chart Using The Golden Rule, discuss the concept of ‘compound
words’ with the students. The following compound words
Chart paper and can be found in the text: sidewalk
billboard everywhere anyone yourself
Spelling Folders/ sometimes otherwise
Write each word on the board or chart paper and have the
Writing folders students identify the 2 words in each example. You may
and selected select volunteers to circle the 2 words in each compound
paper word.

Have the students choose 3-4 of the compound words to

write and use in sentences in their spelling

Read Aloud/ Review what was read/discussed yesterday in The Golden

Shared Writing Rule. Prompt students to discuss what the rule means, why
(25 minutes) it is golden, and who it is for – review the different religions
and their versions of the golden rule.

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Set a purpose for reading - ask the students to listen for the
boy’s questions and think about his grandfather’s answers.
Stop after the grandfather says ‘You begin by using your
imagination.’ and ask students what they think he means by

Continue reading and discussing the importance of

understanding their own feelings and other’s feelings to
help them practise the golden rule. Stop on the page where
the boy summarizes things he can do to practise the golden
rule and discuss (tell the truth, listen to others, offer help).

Brainstorming – ask the students to think about ways they

could practise the golden rule at home, in the school and in
the world. Start a chart to record their ideas:

How Can We Practise the Golden Rule?

At Home At School In the World

- help do the - ask new kids - be kind to

dishes or kids who one another
are alone to
- play with my - don’t stare
little sister at people who
- keep my look different
- clean up my
desk tidy
room - greet people
- put games with a smile
and books
back where
they belong-
listen to each

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Discuss the importance of thinking about our actions and

asking ourselves, ‘How would I feel if this happened to me?’

After you have started the brainstorming, ask students to

work in their table groups to continue the brainstorming
and writing their ideas on cards. After 5-10 minutes, call the
class together to share their ideas and add them to the

Independent Explain to students that they will have a chance to add to

Writing their writing response about the golden rule. Ask them to
think about ways they can practise the golden rule and add
(20 minutes)
those ideas to the writing they started yesterday.

Distribute writing folders and give the students time to

write about the golden rule.

Remind the students you will be reading with individual

students as they write on their own.

Continue assessing individual student reading levels and


Give students time to share their writing with one another.

Explain that they will learn more about the golden rule
throughout the week and they will be able to add or revise
their ideas in their writing each day.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Participate in shared listening, reading and viewing
3. Use sound-letter knowledge to construct and confirm meaning
4. Express new concepts and understanding in own words, explain their importance

Unit 1 Building Welcome/ Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and using
a Classroom Morning the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
Community Message
Review the morning message with the group.
Day 13 (5 minutes)
It is Wednesday.
We will finish reading The Golden Rule today.
How We Can
Practise the Read Review what was read/discussed yesterday in The Golden
Golden Rule Aloud/Shared Rule. Prompt students to discuss what the boy thought was
Chart Writing important to do (tell the truth, listen to others, offer help)
(35 minutes) and review the class created chart for other ideas and why
Read Aloud: The
Golden Rule by the grandfather thought ‘imagination’ was necessary to
Ilene Cooper practise the golden rule.

Writing folders Ask the question: “Do you think that it is possible to practise
and selected the golden rule at all times?’ You might use a ‘value line’ and
paper ask students to line up according to their feelings (one end
is strongly agree, the other end is strongly disagree).
Student Book
Boxes or Bags
Set a purpose for reading by asking, ‘What do you think the
and selection of
books for author wants us to learn by reading this book?’
After reading the first page, stop and discuss what the
grandfather means when he says the rule is ‘simple but not
easy’ and the comments the boy makes on this page about
how not everyone can be practicing the way they should
because there are so many problems in the world.

Ask, ‘What do you think it would be like if we all practised

the golden rule?’

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Read to the end of the book and continue the discussion.

Post a chart that shows the grandfather’s final words of

You … It begins with you.

Review the How We Can Practise the Golden Rule Chart and
add any new ideas.

Independent Review the routines and expectations for Independent

Reading Reading and/or Partner Reading.

(20 minutes) Ensure the students have their book boxes and a
comfortable spot for reading.

Use this time to assess individual students’ reading levels.

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1. Participate in shared listening, reading and viewing

2. Connect new experiences with prior knowledge
3. Explore a variety of forms for personal expression
4. Write to express personal responses to texts or experiences
5. Write a variety of short passages, including messages, lists, and meaningful poems
and stories

Unit 1 Building Welcome/ Continue with greeting the children as they arrive
a Classroom Morning and using the pocket chart/name tags for taking
Community Message/Word attendance.
Day 14 Review the morning message with the group and
(5 minutes) practise rereading with a focus on new vocabulary
Materials: (golden, practice, simple, imagination, feelings) from
The Golden Rule. Write the new vocab words on
Vocabulary cards and use to ‘fill in the blanks’.
Cards - golden,
practice, simple, It is Thursday.
imagination, The golden rule may be _________, but it isn’t easy to
feelings __________. You need to use your _____________ and think
about your actions and __________.
Role Play
Examples Ask, “Why is it important for us to understand how
(written on we are feeling and how other’s are feeling?” and
index cards) discuss with class.
Chart paper and How do you feel when others let you pick first? How
markers do you feel when other people won't share with you?
What is the Golden Rule? What does it have to do
Writing Folders with respect?
and writing
paper selection Explain that they will have the chance to role play a
situation and show how to practise the golden rule.
Dramatic Before assigning students to groups, demonstrate
Representation – what this might ‘look like’ and ‘sound like’ with a
Following the simple example such as how to treat a new student.
Golden Rule Show how he/she might be feeling and what would
be helpful for others to do to make him/her feel part
(25 minutes) of the class community.

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Then use the following role-play procedure and


Role Play Procedure:

• Organize students into small groups. Give

each group an index card with a situation
written on it. (See examples below)
• Tell students that members of each group will
work together to act out the scene on the
• Give students a few minutes to brainstorm
ideas for the scene (4-5 minutes). Have each
group act out the situation.
• Let the class discuss the scenes and outcomes.
Use the following prompts: How do I want to
be treated, and how will I treat others?
Will I treat others the way I want to be treated
even if they’re not doing the same?

Role Play Examples (written on index cards):

• What if you fell off of your bike on the side of

the road? How would you want to be treated?
What if you saw it happen to someone you
didn't know very well in your
• What if someone at school was bullying you?
What would you want other people to do?
(You may want to get more specific here:
What if someone was spreading mean gossip
about you or someone else? What if a group of
children surrounded you on the playground
or at the bus stop and threatened to hurt you?
What if you saw this happening to someone
• What if you dropped your lunch in a puddle,
on the way to school? What if it happened to
someone else? What if it happened to
someone who had been mean to you before?

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• How would it feel to share with someone who

had been mean to you?
• What if another student makes fun of your
clothes/hair/glasses? How do you respond?
How do you want others to respond? What if
you saw it happen to someone else in your
• What if when you’re trying to tell a story at
the lunch table, your friend interrupts and
takes over. What do you say?
• What if there is a classmate who bullies
others? One day he throws a ball at you. Later,
you see him get hurt. What would you do?
Congratulate the students for their good work on
thinking about and showing many different feelings
and actions that follow the golden rule.

Writing Modeled Writing (10 minutes)

Explain that they will use the Writing Workshop time
(30 minutes in today to write about a time they followed the golden
total) rule. Use chart paper to demonstrate for the
students. Start by choosing a specific situation (ie a
new student in the class) and thinking aloud about
how the student was feeling and what you did to
help them. For example:

“Last year I had a new student come to class in the

middle of the year. When she walked in the room, I
knew that she was feeling scared. She probably was
worried that she wouldn’t know what to do. I
think she was afraid that she wouldn’t have any
friends. I wanted her to feel welcome and safe at
school. I made sure that I explained things to her
carefully and I watched closely to make sure she
knew what to do. I gave her a partner to help. I
picked another student who would be friendly and
spend time with her. The next day, she walked into
class with a big smile on her face.

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I think she was feeling welcome and safe in our


As you say this, jot down key words and phrases to

help you remember the situation. Point out the types
of words you wrote down – specific details including
who, when, where and feelings. Explain to students
that this will help them when they are planning their
own writing. Explain that the next step is to start
writing and describing the situation using the key

Independent Writing (15 minutes)

Remind students of strategies they can use when


• Think about the situation they are going to

write about and jot down key words or
• After planning, start writing the draft using
the key words.
• Use the word wall and charts around the
room to help you with words.
• Read back what you have written.
• Try to add other details such as feelings to
your writing to make it accurate and

Give students a few moments to think about a

specific time they followed the golden rule that they
will write about. As each student shares their idea
with you, send then off to get started on their
writing. Take a few moments with students who
aren’t sure of what to write about to discuss further
and help them get an idea to get started. Once they
have an idea, use a sticky note to jot down key words
to help them with their writing.

Circulate as students draw and write and encourage

students to talk about their drawings to get ideas for
their writing.

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Note: The teacher may use this time for reading

assessment if there are other adults in the classroom
that can encourage and support students with their
drawing and writing.

Sharing/Celebrating (5 minutes)

At the end of writing time, call students to Meeting


Give students an opportunity to share their writing.

Provide positive feedback for specific details and
feelings in their writing.

Congratulate them for their good work and say,

“Writers, you have all worked hard today.”

Tell the students that they will have more time

tomorrow to add to their writing. Remind them that
is called “Revising” and good writers know that
revising helps to make their writing interesting for
others to read.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Participate in shared listening, reading and viewing

2. Connect new experiences with prior knowledge
3. Write to express personal responses to texts or experiences
4. Write a variety of short passages, including messages, lists, and meaningful poems
and stories

Unit 1 Building Welcome/Morning Continue with greeting the children as they arrive
a Classroom Message and using the pocket chart/name tags for taking
Community attendance.
(5 minutes)
Day 15 Review the morning message with the group and
practise rereading. Select a student to point to the
words as the boys only read the message and then
select another student to point as the girls only
Materials: read the message.
Writing Folders It is Friday.
and student’s We are learning about the golden rule and how to
writing on the treat others.
golden rule from This makes our classroom community a happy place
previous days to be!
Charts from The Shared Reading Review the various charts introduced during the
Golden Rule
reading of The Golden Rule. Ask students to think
(10 minutes)
about what they have learned this week about the
golden rule and how it is an important part of the
classroom community.

Remind students that the golden rule is ‘simple but

not easy’. It is important you work together to
practise the golden rule in the classroom but you
need to help each other.

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Writing Workshop Create a bulletin board titled ‘What the Golden Rule
Means in Our Classroom Community’ and display
(25 minutes)
the 2 charts from the book (see Day 11). Explain to
the students that you will also display their writing
reflections about the golden rule on the bulletin
board. Provide specific paper for the students to
use for their published writing. They will need to
review their writing from earlier in the week, make
revisions and rewrite for display.

Create another display area (or a class book) with

the title ‘The Golden Rule – It All Begins with You”
and explain that this is how they will share their
writing about a time when they followed the golden

Hand out the students’ Writing Folders so they can

continue to work today.

Remind them that writers revise their writing by

rereading it and adding more details to make it

Representing and Take photos of students ‘role-playing’ the golden

Celebrating rule in different ways in the classroom. Add these
photos to the class displays.
(20 minutes)
Provide time for students to share their writing
about the golden rule and celebrate your
supportive and caring classroom community!

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End of Week Reflection (5 minutes)

• This is an opportunity to review the key literacy concepts introduced and practised
during the week. Begin by saying that everyone is learning to be readers and writers
by working together and learning from each other as well as from you and experts
like the authors of the books, songs and poems that you shared this week.
• Share the “I Can …” chart from Week 1 and 2 and review with the class.
• Ask students to think about the things that they did throughout the week. Say, ‘I
want you to think about what we did this week and what you learned about being a
reader and writer.’ Add their ideas to the ‘I can …” chart.
o I can use strategies such as making connections and analyzing to better
understand what I am reading and learn how to apply the author’s message
in my own life.
o I can write down key words before I begin to write to help me plan and
include important details.
o I can reread and revise my writing so that it makes sense and is interesting to

Teacher Assessment Focus for Week 3

• Writing behaviours should be a focus for assessment this week. Making observations
and jotting down brief notes during writing workshop will help the teacher
determine students’ writing strengths and needs.
• Individual reading assessments using Reading A-Z Benchmark Assessment or the
Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Kit should be completed this week and small groups
for guided reading should be determined.
• Use the “What Does Guided Reading Look Like?” from section 8 in this unit as a quick
reference for grouping students according to reading behaviours including reading

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)
3. Work in cooperative and collaborative partnerships and groups
4. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom

Unit 1 Building Welcome/Morning Continue with greeting the children as they arrive
a Classroom Message and using the pocket chart/name tags for taking
Community attendance.
(5 minutes)
Day 16 Review the morning message with the group and
practise rereading with a focus on new words.
Good Morning boys and girls.
Read Aloud: It is Monday.
Have You Filled This week, we will learn more about making our class
a Bucket Today? community a safe and happy place.
by Carol What do you think we can do?
Review ideas about community and the importance
Levelled Text of working together and helping each other. Explain
Sets for small that you will learn something new this week that
group guided can help all of you feel safe and happy in your
reading groups classroom community.
Small plastic Read Aloud: Have Activating: Introduce the book Have You Filled a
buckets (pails) You Filled a Bucket Bucket Today? by saying:
for each child Today? by Carol
OR make McCloud ‘Today we’re going to talk about how we can make
buckets from
our classroom community, our school community
plastic drinking (25 minutes)
cups with pipe- and every place we go a nice place to be. Our
cleaner handles homes, the playground, a relative’s home. Each and
every one of you can help to make that place a nice
place to be. We are going to read a story called,
“Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” and we’re going
to talk about the story as we read.

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Materials for Acquiring: Stop and discuss as you read. Here are
Independent some examples of questions you might ask:
Activity Time
(i.e. Book Boxes, • Ask the children if they know what the word
Poetry Folders, invisible means. Discuss if necessary.
Pocket Chart
with cut-up • Stop at page 4. ‘How are the children on this
poems and
page different? What do you see? How are
songs for
reconstruction, they alike? What do they all have?’
Writing Folders,
whiteboards or • Stop at page 9. To activate prior knowledge
magnetic letters, ask ‘Think of a time when you’ve felt happy.
printing books). This is a time when you’re bucket was full.’

• Stop at page 12 & 13. Draw the children’s

attention to the children who are being kind.
‘Are their buckets full or empty? How are
the children filling other people’s buckets?’

• Stop at page 14 & 15. Draw the children’s

attention to the children who are being
unkind. “Are their buckets full or empty?”

Applying: Use the following questions to help

students analyze and connect to the story.

• In the story, is the bucket real or invisible?

(Invisible.) Why did the author suggest a
bucket instead of a brick? (Answers will vary
– brick cannot be filled. Brick is heavy and
would hurt.)
• What is a bucket-filling moment? (When
someone shows they care, helps someone out,
shows appreciation or uses kind words with
others. Encouraging others is a great example
of bucket-filling.)
• What does it mean to have a FULL bucket?
• What filled Felix’s bucket?

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• How did Felix feel when his bucket was

full? (Felix heard lots of encouraging words
and nice things said about him and it filled his
bucket. It made him feel great).
• How can you fill your own bucket? (By
choosing to practise NED’s message ... Never
give up, encourage others and do your best.
You will fill other’s buckets and help fill your
own bucket by believing in yourself.)
• What happens to the bucket when someone
says unkind words? (It dips into the bucket
and empties it!)
• What does it mean to have an EMPTY
bucket? How did Felix feel when his bucket
was empty? (Felix felt sad when people were
unkind, said mean things, and did not
encourage him.)
• In the book, Felix’s bucket was filled by
many different people at school. Who were
they and what did they do?
Note: Use the book to help students retell
this part of the story.
- Mrs. Bumblenickel praised his story
- The kids listening to his story
- His mom left a note in his lunch
- The Phys Ed teacher named him captain
- The art teacher complimented his work
- A girl at school liked his backpack

Explain that you will be learning more about

‘bucket filling’ throughout the week.

You may choose to have the students create their

own buckets while you work with a guided reading
group today. Make sure that the guided reading
students know they will have time later to make
their own buckets or you may choose to do this
activity at another time during the day.

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

You will find a variety of ‘bucket-filling’ activities

related to this book at Pinterest:

Introduction to Grade 1 ELA Overview Documents – go to the
Guided Reading document Literacy Strategies Reading and Writing
and Literacy and read the section on Guided Reading and
Centres Independent Practice. There are clear ideas for
introducing these components of a literacy
(10 Minutes) program.

Explain to the students that you will start working

with small groups of students each day to practise
their reading skills. Remind the students that you
will be busy working with the small group so they
need to be working on their own and cannot
interrupt you.

Explain the routines and expectations for the

students working independently in Literacy
Centers. These centres are opportunities for
practicing important literacy skills. They may

Independent Reading – students read ‘just right’

books in their Book Boxes or Bags. After Guided
Reading is in place, they can also reread books
introduced during guided reading. Students can
also respond to their reading using formats
introduced such as Shape Go Map, BME, Sketch to
Stretch, etc.

Poetry Centre – students can read and/or illustrate

their individual poetry folders or reconstruct the
poems and songs (sentence strips and pocket

Independent Writing – students can add to stories

they have already started during Writing Workshop
or they can choose to write something new.

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Working With Words – students can use magnetic

letters or whiteboards and markers to practise
writing words from charts around the room or the
Word Wall.

Printing Practice – students can work in their

printing books after letter formation has been
reviewed and/or some adult supervision is provide
to ensure that students are forming letters

Guided Reading Each day the teacher will meet with one guided
and Literacy reading group.
The rest of the students will either choose an
(20 minutes) independent activity for the day or be assigned to a
specific centre. To begin, ask the students what
their choice for the day will be or assign students to
a specific activity and ensure they have the
required materials.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Participate in shared listening, reading and viewing
3. Connect new experiences with prior knowledge
4. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom
5. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)

Unit 1 Welcome/Morning Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and
Building a Message using the pocket chart/name tags for taking
Classroom attendance.
Community (5 minutes)
Review the morning message with the group and
Day 17 practise rereading.

Materials: Good morning boys and girls.

Today is Tuesday.
Read Aloud: Will you fill someone’s bucket today?
Have You
Filled a Bucket Read Aloud: Have Revisit the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? and
Today? by You Filled a Bucket reinforce the idea that we fill each other’s invisible
Carol McCloud Today? buckets when we show respect and kindness to
others. When we are unkind to others, we dip in their
Plastic Bucket bucket and it empties our own. Our happiness
and ‘situation’ increases when we treat each other well.
cards (30 minutes)
The following website will give you more ideas for
Chart paper discussions and activities related to this book:
and markers http://www.bucketfillers101.com
(T Chart)

Boxes, Poetry

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Ask the following questions to clarify the students’

understanding of the author’s message:

• Does everyone in our class carry an invisible

• How can you tell if someone’s bucket is empty or
• How do you feel when your bucket is empty?
• What can you do to fill someone’s bucket? How
does that make you feel?
• What happens to your bucket when you dip into
someone else’s?
• When someone bullies another person, are
they bucket dippers or fillers? Are their
buckets full?
• What can we do here, in our class and school,
to make sure that everyone’s bucket is full

Sorting Activity:

• Create a T Chart with the headings ‘Bucket

Fillers’ and “Bucket Dippers’.
• Explain to the students that you will play a
game where they have to decide if a situation
is a ‘filler’ or a ‘dipper’.
• Fill a plastic bucket with situations written on
cards. (see examples below)
• Explain to the students that you will pass out
“Bucket Fillers” and “Bucket Dippers”.
• Each student will have a turn to place their
card in the correct column.
• Discuss what makes each a bucket filler or
dipper and why. If it is a bucket dipper, discuss
what could be done instead to make it a bucket
• Add additional ideas to the list of bucket fillers.

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Situations (write on cards):

• Saying good morning to your teacher or

• Hurting someone with your hands
• Being disrespectful
• Sharing with a friend
• Hugging a family member or friend
• Not telling the truth
• Tattling to get someone in trouble
• Pushing and shoving
• Saying please and thank you
• Helping to clean up
• Helping a friend read
• Cutting in line
• Opening the door for someone
• Giving someone a compliment
• Making fun of someone
• Sharing your snack with someone
• Asking someone to play with you
• Making someone cry
• Telling someone they can’t play with you
• Being extra helpful to teachers and other
• Hurting someone’s feelings
• Using unkind words

After the game has been completed, you may choose

to introduce the Bucket Filler Pledge:

“I promise to do my best to be a bucket filler at school,

at home, and everywhere I go.”

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Guided Reading Select another guided reading group to work with

and Literacy today.
You may choose for the rest of the students to
(20 minutes)
complete a follow-up response to the sorting game
(Students create their own T Chart with
ideas/illustrations for Bucket Fillers and Bucket
Dippers. They may refer to the chart created in the


Encourage the students not in guided reading to make

a different choice for independent practice today or
assign students to a different centre.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Participate in shared listening, reading and viewing
3. Identify letters of the alphabet and their sounds to increase word decoding skills and
recognize a range of high-frequency words
4. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)

Unit 1 Welcome/ Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and
Building a Making using the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
Classroom Words
Community Introduction Introduce Making Words: This type of word activity
should be familiar to the students from Grade 1. However,
Day 18 (20 minutes) it is suggested that you take the time to reintroduce and
model so that students understand the purpose and
Materials: Begin by presenting the pocket chart and letter cards. Say:
Today we are going to use these letters to create words. If
Pocket Chart we use all the letters, we will spell our ‘mystery’ word. Let’s
and letter begin with what we know about making words. What type
cards (i o u c m of letter do all words need to contain?
m n t y) for
making words Review the idea that all words need to contain at least one
activity and vowel and some words have vowel combinations that
blank cards to change the sounds they make. You may choose to begin
write the with a one-letter word ‘I’. Reinforce the idea that it needs
words to be a capital letter (put a capital I on the back side of the
I card).
Making Words
BLM for
o u i y m t c n m
Say: “First we are going to make two letter words. Does
Read Aloud: anyone know one?”
Have You
Wait for responses and if they need help prompt them.
Filled a Bucket
The first words will be ‘it’ or ‘in’ or ‘my’. Make the words
Today? by
using your letter tiles in the pocket chart so students can
Carol McCloud
see. Continue making words using this procedure.

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Bucket Fillers
and Dippers T
Chart it in my cut cot tin out you mint unit city tiny mount count
commit community
Small plastic
buckets (pails) Write these words on cards and put in the bottom part of
for each child the pocket chart. After you have made many of the words,
hand out letter tiles or give students a strip containing
OR student
made buckets these letters. They can cut the strip into letter tiles to use
from plastic for this activity.
drinking cups Then, challenge the students to find 8-10 words including
with pipe-
the mystery word (community). You may begin this lesson
cleaner and make several words with the students and then have
handles them put their letter tiles in a small envelope or Ziploc bag
to continue the activity during Literacy Centre time.

Read Aloud: Review the book and the bucket filling pledge:
Writing Have You
template on Filled a “I promise to do my best to be a bucket filler at school, at
chart paper Bucket home, and everywhere I go.”
Introduce the Bucket-Filling Activity: Explain to the
(20 minutes)
students that they will have a chance to be ‘bucket-fillers’
today. Remind students of what you have learned about
bucket filling and refer to the charts displayed around the
room. Explain that everyone will be a bucket-filler for 5
other classmates by writing a compliment or something
they like about the person on one of the cards (see Section
8: Teacher Resources for examples).

Note: It is important that the teacher organize this so that

all students receive equal numbers of cards.

Students will leave their own buckets on their desks and

will then (with careful organization and instruction)
rotate around the room to their assigned classmates’
buckets, they will write a compliment or something they
like about that person. At the end of the activity, each
student has a bucket of kind words and special thoughts!
Buckets should be done for the teachers in the class as

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Reflection: At the conclusion of this lesson, make sure to

give students time to study their own buckets and to share
thoughts and feelings regarding this activity.

Note: This writing activity may be repeated several more

times to ensure that each student has had a chance to
write about everyone in the class. Buckets may be
displayed in the classroom until this is completed and then
taken home to share with families.

Guided Select another guided reading group to work with today.

Reading and
Literacy Remind students to complete the making word activity
Centers during Literacy Activity time before choosing an
independent activity.
(20 minutes)
After the guided reading lesson, complete the making
words activity with the guided reading group, as they will
not have time to do this independently.

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English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Work in cooperative and collaborative partnerships and groups
3. Build on a repertoire of strategies to construct and confirm meaning (focus on
prediction, making connections, analyzing, evaluating)
4. Write to express personal responses to texts or experiences

Unit 1 Welcome/Morning Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and
Building a Message using the pocket chart/name tags for taking
Classroom attendance.
Community (5 minutes)
Review the morning message with the group and
Day 19 practise rereading.

Good morning boys and girls.

Today is Thursday.
Materials: You are all bucket fillers!
You make our classroom community a special place to
Read Aloud: be.
Have You
Filled a Reading Present “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” and The
Bucket Today? Workshop Golden Rule.
by Carol
McCloud and (15 minutes) Think-Pair-Share: How are these books the same. How
Thee Golden
are they different? Ask students to share their ideas
Rule by Ilene
Cooper about the books with a partner first and then discuss
as a large group.
Venn Diagram
Chart Introduce the Venn Diagram chart as a way of
recording how the books are the same and how they
are different. (See Section 8)

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The 5 Ws


This is a good opportunity for students to analyze and

make connection to the messages in both books. Guide
them to understand that both authors have similar
ideas that will help people to be kind and happy, make
others happy and make the world a better place to be.

Writing Workshop Modeled Writing: Review with the students what

‘good writers do’ when they want to effectively tell
(20 minutes)
about an experience. Say that this kind of writing if
often called ‘small moment’ writing because the
author wants to be specific and detailed about a
particular event or time. With the class, list important
criteria for Small Moment Writing. Here is an example
of what a checklist could look like:

What Makes a Good Small Moment Story?

• It starts and ends all in the same place.

• The moment is stretched by telling your
thoughts and feelings.
• It tells a true story from your life.
• It shows how you were feeling and tells why.
• The story stays focused all the way to the end.
• It creates a picture in the reader’s mind.
Explain to the class that today they are going to
write about a specific time when someone
encouraged them and made them feel
better.(ie their bucket was ‘filled’).

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Use the 5 Ws (Who, What, Where, When, Why and

How) to retell the event (see BLMs).

Share an example from your own life (short but

authentic/related to school/how a student or teacher
encouraged you) and show how you would use the 5
Ws Writing Organizer to think about the important
events to include in your writing.

Explain to students that they will have a chance to

write their own story using a 5Ws Writing Organizer

Independent Writing: Give students a few moments

to think about a specific time when someone
encouraged them/filled their bucket that they will
write about. As each student shares their idea with
you, send then off to get started on their writing. Take
a few moments with students who aren’t sure of what
to write about to discuss further and help them get an
idea to get started.

Provide individual copies of the 5 Ws Writing

Organizer for all students to record their thinking.

Circulate around the room as student being their

planning and writing.

Note: Students will have time to begin this activity but

it will need to continue on the following day.

Guided Reading Select another guided reading group to work with

and Literacy today.
Students will continue to work on their writing during
(20 minutes) this time.

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Grade/Year 2 Unit 1



1. Develop and celebrate community

2. Identify letters of the alphabet and their sounds to increase word decoding skills and
recognize a range of high-frequency words
3. Listen and understand to recall brief, concrete oral information and ideas presented
in the classroom
4. Write to express personal responses to texts or experiences

Unit 1 Getting Welcome/ Continue with greeting the children as they arrive and using
to Know You Morning the pocket chart/name tags for taking attendance.
Day 20 Review the morning message with the group and practise
(5 minutes) rereading.
Good morning boys and girls.
Read Aloud: Today is Friday.
Have You Filled Our classroom is a kind, caring and happy community!
a Bucket
Today? by Shared Writing Revisit the Y Chart created in Week 1 and ask students to
Carol McCloud reflect on what they have learned throughout this unit
and Thee (15 minutes)
including ideas about the golden rule and bucket filling.
Golden Rule by
Ilene Cooper As a class, complete a new Y Chart that includes what they
Y Chart on think is most important about their classroom community.
chart paper

Small Moment

The 5 Ws


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Suggestion: Display this chart at the class entry to welcome

others and let them know what the class believes in and
values. This will also give you an opportunity to revisit and
remind the students of what’s important in your classroom

Writing Review the criteria for Small Moment Writing with the
Workshop students before they continue with writing their stories.
Demonstrate how you would use your 5 Ws Writing
(15 minutes)
Organizer to write an effective story. Model how you would
think of an opening sentence to ‘hook’ the reader and then
make sure that your ideas were specific and detailed. Refer
to the criteria checklist and show the students how to check
for each point in their own writing.

Hand out student writing folders and provide the necessary

time for them to complete their stories. Make sure that there
is an opportunity for students to share their completed
stories either with the whole group or in small groups or

Note: If you choose to have students publish their stories

(display on bulletin board or create a class book), this may
require extra time.

Guided Reading Select another guided reading group to work with today.
and Literacy
Centers Encourage the rest of the students to complete their writing
before they choose an independent practice activity or
(20 minutes) centre.

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End of Week Reflection (This will require extra time)

• This is an opportunity to review the key literacy concepts introduced and practised
during the week. Begin by saying that everyone is learning to be readers and writers
by working together and learning from each other as well as from you and experts
like the authors of the books, songs and poems that you shared this week.
• Share the “I Can …” chart from Week 1 to 3 and review with the class.
• Ask students to think about the things that they did throughout the week. Say, ‘I
want you to think about what we did this week and what you learned about being a
reader and writer.’ Add their ideas to the ‘I can …” chart.
o I can write about myself and describe a specific experience/small moment
that I had using a 5Ws Writing Organizer.
o I can make connections between texts and see how they have the same
o I can use a Venn Diagram to compare things that are the same and different.
o I can describe something (how it looks/sounds/feels) using a Y Chart.

Teacher Assessment Focus for Week 4

• Reading behaviours should be a focus for assessment this week. When working with
the guided reading groups, make brief notes to help you plan for next lessons.
• Writing behaviours should continue to be a focus for assessment this week. Making
observations and jotting down brief notes during writing workshop will help the
teacher determine students’ writing strengths and needs.
• The Small Moment Writing assignment may be used for assessment using the
criteria outlined in the class-created checklist.

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Section 7: Read Aloud and Shared Reading Resources

Read Aloud Selections

Typically, there will be one Read Aloud each week. All the selections connect to the theme
and provide opportunity to develop oral language, vocabulary, and comprehension

The Name Jar

A, My Name is Alice
The Golden Rule (new selection)
Have You Filled a Bucket Today? (New selection)

Shared Reading Selections

All songs and poems are to be copied onto chart paper ahead of time. After they are
introduced to the class and practised, students should receive individual copies to be placed
in their Poetry Folders or Notebooks for rereading. Some of the poems can be printed up on
sentence strips that students can use to rebuild the poem line by line. This gives students
the opportunity to continue working with the poems to expand their vocabulary and
reading skills.

Note: Many songs and poems that are appropriate for shared reading are available to
teachers on the Internet. Select 3-4 more poems related to this theme (ie caring, kindness,
community, working together) of your own choice to share with the students throughout
the unit. The following websites will provide some excellent choices:

https://www.poetryarchive.org/teach http://www.writersdigest.com/whats-
new/poems-for-kids http://www.dltk-kids.com/type/poetry.htm

Shared or Guided Reading Selections from Reading A – Z

Jobs We Do at School (Level E) & Are You Okay? (Level F)

I Am I (Level G) poetry

Living Together (Level H)

Circle of Smiles (Level J) poetry

I’m All Right (Level L) poetry

The Spelling Bee (multiple levels)

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Name Song (Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)

If your name is (child’s name), clap your hands.

If your name is (child’s name), clap your hands.
If your name is (child’s name),
If your name is (child’s name),
If your name is (child’s name), clap your hands.
Change actions: stomp your feet, wiggle your fingers, nod your head

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you’re happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet!

If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet!
If you’re happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet!

67 All Rights Reserved, Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

Maple Bear Global Schools
English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Section 8: Teacher Resources

Retelling a Story


• Characters
• Setting
• Problem


• Story Events


• Circle back to the

• How is the problem

68 All Rights Reserved, Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

Maple Bear Global Schools
English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Story Organizer
Title: ________________________________________









69 All Rights Reserved, Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

Maple Bear Global Schools
English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Title ______________________________________

Someone Wanted But So Then

(Who is main (What did (What was (What did (What
character?) the the the happened at
character problem?) character do the end?)
want?) to solve it?)







70 All Rights Reserved, Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

Maple Bear Global Schools
English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Bucket Filling Cards

71 All Rights Reserved, Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

Maple Bear Global Schools
English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Name: ____________________________________

I hear …

I feel …

I taste …

I smell …

I see …

72 All Rights Reserved, Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

Maple Bear Global Schools
English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

Making Words Recording Sheet – Unit 1


i o u c m m n t y

2 Letter Words: _____________________________

3 Letter Words: _____________________________



4 Letter Words: _____________________________


5 Letter Words: _____________________________


MYSTERY WORD: ____________________________

73 All Rights Reserved, Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

Maple Bear Global Schools
English Language Arts
Grade/Year 2 Unit 1

The 5 Ws Writing Organizer

Who was there?

What happened?

When did it

Where did it

Why did it

How did it make

you feel?

74 All Rights Reserved, Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

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