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MHR435 Nguyen Phuong Huyen 30/3

Ritz-Carlton analysis

The general issue in the Ritz-Carlton hotel is that the general manager James McBride wanted to
change the values and missions of the Ritz Carlton hotel opening process. The “Seven Day Countdown”
has been a part of the Ritz-Carlton for years and is really what made it. Their service stands out against
competition. The company felt like he should not be able to change the values that have been set there for
The Ritz-Carlton is a business selling high-quality service with the Gold Standard concept. Their
vision is to be a place where the genuine care and their highest mission is comfort of the guests.
According to the Ritz-Carlton’s motto, “We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen.”
They focus on differentiation strategy and staff training strategy.
By using the differentiation strategy, they easily distinguish their services from those of different
competitors. They pursue two main customer groups: independent travelers and meeting event planners.
The Ritz-Carlton even created a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur airport and greeted travelers at the airport
with mimosas, discount coupons and piano concertos. They also introduced the “Technology Butler” with
quick, convenient service within 24 hours. Their programs were designed to meet specific customer
needs, such as safety protocols to protect the children of guests and the Service Quality Indicators ( SQIs)
were established. Besides, they also have a monogrammed pillowcase to give the best experience in
staying. The Ritz-Carlton provides their customers with in-room service, a private space for their
traveling. When customers enter the hotel which they have rented. It should feel like home with a little
different styles.
The Ritz-Carlton continued to maintain a heavy emphasis on human resources. Human resources
is the dominant function in this company. The way the Ritz-Carlton viewed its employees was a
distinguishing hallmark of the organization. According to their Gold Standard, these standards included
The Credo, The three steps of service, The motto, The Employee Promise, and The twenty basics, which
were designed to focus employees on the core company values. Due to the firm, employee engagement is
the one of the most necessary for the achievement of customer satisfaction. They respect their employees.
The firm was so intent on treating their employees well that a “Day 21” event was held as a process
check three weeks after any new hire’s start date. Besides, one of those employee treatment policies
included opportunities for career advancement as well as rewards at hotel level. The company treats their
employees fairly and creates a good environment for work.
The company is now using a 7 Day Countdown training strategy before opening a new hotel.
With only seven days of training, new employees find it hard to execute perfect service and they may
make mistakes because they do not fully understand the hotel mission and vision. Seven days is a short
time for new hires to adapt to a new environment as well as people they have to work with and work for.
This creates a serious problem because the firm needs to combine the human resources with the quality
control. McBride needs to lengthen 7 Day Countdown. By adding more additional days, the Ritz-Carlton
and McBride could give their employees more experience in different scenarios that they may have to
deal with. Instead of changing their whole process which could affect their events, work and overall
schedule, the Ritz-Carlton can train their employees during their work and open a soft-opening.

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