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The Being is the invisible energy

field that gives life to the physical

body can you feel it simultaneously
and all parts of your body.
The more attention you give it the
clearer and stronger this feeling will
The inner body energy field lies at
Being as Energy/Essence It will feel like every cell is coming the threshold of your outter form
alive and if you have a strong visual and your inner essence identity,
it is impossible to form a mental true nature.
side you may envision your body
image of it. It is your very essence.
becoming luminous.
The being can be felt as the Never lose touch with it.
Although be Leary that any image is
animated presence within you the Being is the unmanifested or sign
going back to form.
inner body. post to guide you towards the
It’s as if every cell awakens and feeling.
Inner Stillness
To inhabit the body is to fuel the Feeling will get you closer to the
If you’re having trouble connecting truth of who you are then
body from within.
with the body focus on conscience
breathing follow your breath into
every cell of your inner being, feel
the cells light up internally.
Imagine yourself flooded by a
luminous substance around you
breath that substance in and fill
your inner body.

The minute an idea gets translated

into a word. It becomes a label. It
became a signpost a way of
transcribing a concept.
Being as “I am”
When it comes to the idea of god. What is god?
It is the expression of “I am” that All such scriptures are teachings
are signposts guiding you back to The eternal one life underneath all
proceeds any description of I am
the 1 truth. forms of life.
this or I am that.
God is within.
Through the inner body you are
forever one with god.
Love isn’t a portal love is what
shines out when the gates are
Love is Oneness.

Space & Time

Physical form is almost 100%
empty space what is left is more of
a vibrational frequency then any
sort of matter.
Access to the Unmanifested The essence of all things is
There is no separateness between
Everything everyone pays attention
source and form it is the essence of
to is in space but who pays
attention to space itself.
We enter the unmanifested every
Most people live in the dimension
time we go into sleep or prefrontal
of the body or the dimension of this
cortex shuts off our thinking mind
mind, physiological and
and we run in the background
What is Being? psychological but missed the
called the autonomic nervous
dimension of the essence.
A course in miracles can express
We will not become liberated unless
this theory that nothing real can be
we enter this stage consciously.
threatened nothing unreal exists.
Use your inner body as a portal to
In this state of essence you deeply
the unmanifested.
respect all manifested materials of
The now can also be used as a existence and bodies living
portal to the state of unmanifested. amongst it.

You cannot be in your body without Time and space only come into
being intensely present in the now. existence when there’s two points
of objects space is only relevant in
Any way you can access a gap in reference to objects. Objects are
the mental stream of thought is a only relevant in reference to space.
gateway portal into the
unmanifested. Time is only in reference to
Attention on a flower so deeply
that it silences all other aspects of Silence does not exist without
the mind is a gateway. sound, sound does not exist
Being as the Unmanifested without silence.
It’s up to you to get in touch with a
gateway of your own to the You need to points of reference for
unmanifested. distance to exist.

Surrendering is another access Before the big bang there was no

point in which we can lose the space, no objects to relate the
sense of self. emptiness to, just pure emptiness.

Transparency of form. Time and space are the two

So the unmanifested can shine truths of God.
through you.
Infinity and Eternity
Surrender to what is.
You only need to use one. According to Einstein time and
space are not separate.
Look toward the silence behind all
sounds.. where did the sounds Time is the fourth dimension of
come from and where did they space. “space-time continuum.”
return to. Yes what you perceive externally is
This is the unmanifested. actually illusory.
Every sound is born out of silence Within you both space and time
and returns to silence and is have an equivalent that reveals their
surrounded by silence. true nature as well as your own.
Nothing is so much like God than Well the inner essence of space is
silence. no mind the inner equivalence of
time is presence the eternal now.
You cannot pay attention to
silence without becoming still It is through the world and through
within. ultimately you the unmanifested
knows itself.
Silence without stillness within.
You are here to enable the divine
purpose of the universe to express
Your radiant true nature remains but
not the personality, whatever is real
and of true value in your personality
is your true nature shining through.
Nothing that is of value that is real
is lost.

You have a treasure within that is

infinitely greater than anything the
world can offer. In this state of being how can you
not succeed you have succeeded
A Spiritual Essence.
All spiritual teachings are saying the
same thing.

Quieting of the Mind

Repetitive patterns of the mind.
If you stop investing it with selfness
the mind loses its compulsive
The compulsion to judge the
compulsion to resist what is.
In fact the moment the judgeness
stops, you are free of the mind.
You do not participate in drama.
You’ve made room for love for joy Drama of the mind.
for peace.
You stop judging your self and then When you create ideas of the
you stop judging your partner this is Future you are creating time,
the strongest aspect of a psychological drama.
Most people are in love with their
When you can accept someone
drama. Sense of self. What they
exactly how they are.
fear the most is the loss of self.
All mind games and all addictive
Their own awakening.
clinging are now over. No accuser
and no accused. Can it be that
Yes. It is that simple.
In the stillness of your presence.

Inner Peace You can feel life deep within you in

in your essence.
You look beyond the vail of form of
separation in others.
This is the realization of oneness.

Responsibility for your Inner

No matter what happens on the
outside nothing can shake you
Once you know that you are
responsible for your inner space
now. Nobody else is.

When you inhabit the body the

Great immediate immune system master inhabits the house. No
improvements are realized when we longer will shady characters hang
put our attention on the inner body. out there, disease, illnesses

Forgiveness / Letting Go
Victim identity is the mind saying
the past is more important than the Forgive Yourself
To free yourself of all past suffering
What people did to you is out of forgive yourself and your body and
your control. your mind for the grievance you’ve
held onto, let it pass and let life flow
All there is, is within this moment. through you.
The past cannot prevail against the
No thing or life situation will give
you joy, it may give you pleasure
but joy is sourced internally.
Identification with mind creates a
picture sequence of concepts,
labels, images, judgements that
blocks all true relationships. Power over others is weakness
disguised as strength.
It comes between you and yourself,
you and your companion, you and Conflict and argument are mind
your fellow nature. Between you positions resistances to a particular
and god. position

It is this stream of thought that

creates the illusion of separateness.

A knowing that the mind knows

“The mind cannot know the tree, It
can only know facts, judgements,
labels about the tree.”
My mind cannot know you, only
labels, judgements, facts and
opinions about you.

Being alone; knows directly.

Don’t just listen, hear with your
whole body. Feel the energy field of
your body when listening to others.
Listen with your whole body.

Inhabiting the body while listening

allows for a soft space for listening
to others you’re giving the other
person space, space to be.
When you’re too caught up in
thinking you’re unable to connect to
the being underneath the other
person’s thoughts and words.

You cannot feel another persons

being except through your own.
This is the beginning of the
realization of the oneness which is a
The deepest core of our essence.

Most of the activity of the world is

on a surface level of mind
connection where true connection
lies is in communion of beings.

Being in touch with your inner

body allows you to hold the space
of no mind and creates an
opportunity for connection to

Humanity is under great pressure to

evolve our consciousness.
It is the only opportunity for our
You don’t need anyone in your
world to be conscious for you, to
be enlightened, you control you.
Relationships are there to support
What is love?
each other‘s oneness, wholeness
To feel the presence of that one life and authentic expression.
deep within yourself, within all
Being the knowing creates a clear
space of loving presence which
To feel it, to be it. allows all things in all beings to be
as they are.
All love is the love of god.
No greater Catalyst for
Exclusivity is not love that is love of transformation exists.
There may be one person that Open communication, immediate
reflects your love back to you more expression of feelings and thoughts
clearly than others. and acceptance allows for no
Deeper Connection in Relationships And if that person feels the same energetic built-up energy.
about you it could be said you were
Giving space to others and to
in a love relationship.
yourself is vital.
Who knows you more than anyone When you remove the two factors
else? that are distractive to relationships
Your being buried, beneath the when you have to remove the pain
mind becomes alive. Mind body and you are no longer
identification. identified with mind and positions;
Anytime we have intense emotions And your partner has done the
use that as a learning opportunity same you’ll experience the bliss of
to become aware of the ego. flowering relationships.

This becomes your “Satinna” or Instead of mirroring to each other

your practice. your pain and unconsciousness.
Instead of mutually satisfying one
anothers unconscious ego needs,
you can reflect back to each other
the love that shines within.
Once you understand the root of
the ego identity attachment you do
not have to explore the numerous
manifestations that it expresses
itself in a relationship.
Do you need to have a relationship
with yourself at all?
Why connect with Inner state of
Being? Can’t you just be yourself.
I and myself, the mind created
duality is the source of all your Do you have to have a relationship
problems. with yourself?

The split caused by self reflective You’re splitting yourself into I and
consciousness is healed. myself why not just be.

In the state of enlightenment you Duality of all unnecessary

are yourself. complexity and all problems in life.
You do not feel sorry for yourself, In enlightenment you are yourself
You are not proud of yourself, you you and yourself merge into one.
do not love or hate yourself.
You are yourself. You do not love yourself,
You do not hate yourself, you
Who is it that whom is doing the simply are yourself.
Who is it that is doing the hating? The split between consciousness
reflection is healed there’s no
That’s the story of the mind. exceedingly rare humans.

When you free yourself from the Most people need to experience
mind activity of the ego. extreme levels of residence before
they will relinquish control and
You just are. Free of the story. accept.
Free of the the split of Self reflective Before they will forgive.
The awakening of being
Broken from the curse. consciousness.
One relationship you give up is the
relationship with yourself.
When you do that, all other
relationships become love.
When you are identified with form
you are incomplete you are 1/2 of
the whole male or female.
You will always have the pull
towards the opposite sex attraction.
It feels like waves and ripples on
the surface of a vast and deep
Intimate Relationships ocean.
The waves and ripples addictive
desires only brush the surface when
you are grounded in the deep
ocean of true self.
When you’re identified with the
form you have needs, when you are
unidentified you have no needs.
Compassion is the realization of a
deep bond between yourself and all
What is the power of the now?
“Nothing other than presence, your
consciousness liberated from
thought forms” -to stay present in
everyday life it helps to stay deeply
rooted within yourself.
Otherwise your mind will drag you
along like a wild river.
What do you mean be deeply
rooted in yourself?

It means to inhabit your body fully.

To always have Some of your
intention in the inner energy field of
your body.
To feel your body from within and
body awareness keeps you in the
present. It anchors you in the now.
I can see stressing for emergency
situations, people’s health, crisis’s
but stressing for the almighty dollar
selling your soul, your heart, your
health for someone else, for money
it’s just not worth it you got to have
a roof over your head you’ve got to
Experience Quality of life in the
have food on the table the rest is
extras. Simplify,
Satori is a flash of presence, for
only a short time embrace them.
Focussing on your body steals
attention from your mind, if a
response is required your body will
have the answer.
It holds infinitely more intelligence
than the brain.

So much of our life we believe we

are required to do, achieve,
become, acquire, understand
something before we are free.
The here and now is the only point
in which you can get there.
You see time as the resolve to get
to your salvation when in reality it is
the biggest obstacle to salvation.
Here and now is the only point in
which you can get there.
You get there by realizing you are
there already.
You find god the moment you don’t
need to seek god.
Your inner body is limitless,

Formless and transcendental reality

was often depicted by women
figures because they’re more
naturally in their body and therefore
closer to a state of enlightenment.
In the Dao de jing one of the most
ancient and important books ever
written, Could be described as
Completely present the mother of
the universe.
When the man took over and
Human started creating the God
figure which they related to Man
they lost their touch with the divine
Your inner body is connected to essence.
something so vast it is Society became male dominant
inconceivable. and women’s became subordinates
to the male.
This may be a helpful idea to grasp
but ultimately unimportant when we
come back to the oneness.
The energy frequency of the mind
seems to be predominately male.
The mind resists, fight for control
dominates, attacks, grasps .
Surrender to non judgment,
The mind energy is hard and Rigid
the being is soft and yielding but
infinitely more powerful.

The mind runs our civilization,

being runs all of life on our

Engaging in Work
You can still be active and enjoy
manifesting and creating new forms
but you won’t be attached to them
you can improve your
circumstances but you won’t label
them as your life or identify with
them as yours.
They are not your life only your life
More Fulfilling Work
The compulsion to do and resist.
The work is not in how many
breathes we can count without a
thought the work is how gracefully
we can come back to present.
To awake.
This lets us be with the most joyous
of moments as well as the most
devasting and to come back to ok.

Exercise one - Meditation

Focus all your energy on the energy
field of the inner body.
Let go of any mental image of the
outer body.
All that is left that is an all
encompassing sense of presence.
Merge with that energy so there is
no longer a duality between the
observer and he observed.
There is no longer an inner body
you have transcended presence.
Pure being look at the world around
you in a meditative kind of way
without labels.
This connection with the outer
world is liberating and frees you
from form and identification with

Sit with self. This is life and it’s unaltered state

Examine all the sensations, notice without fragmentation.
the sounds and the silence beneath The unmanifested the being within
them. Feel the life energy inside All beings.
your body.
You are leaving behind the Eastern philosophy uses the word
Deadening distraction of the mind. chi or “qi” which is the inner energy
field that is between the
unmanifested and the outer body.
Chi is movement the unmanifested
is stillness.
Chi is the link between the
unmanifested and the universe.
The unmanifested takes on form
through Chi which becomes the
physical world.
When attention is focussed on work
we become form and attention is
It is immediately available to you as focussed on work through the river
a feeling of your own presence. of Chi we find the source the
unmanifested the stillness.
Always be connected to the inner
body especially in relationships and
connections to nature.

Keep the bottle open.

This connectedness with the source
that we call enlightenment.

What is the power of the now?

“Nothing other than presence, your
consciousness liberated from
thought forms” -to stay present in
everyday life it helps to stay deeply
rooted within yourself.
Otherwise your mind will drag you
along like a wild river.
Sacredness of presence
What do you mean be deeply
rooted in yourself? Is presence the same as being?
When you become conscious of
It means to inhabit your body fully.
being what is really happening is
To always have Some of your being is conscious of itself.
intention in the inner energy field of Presence is pure consciousness.
When being is conscious of it self
your body.
that’s presence since being
To feel your body from within and
consciousness and life are
body awareness keeps you in the
synonymous we can say
present. It anchors you in the now.
consciousness becoming
conscious of itself.
I can see stressing for emergency
..The ultimate transcendental reality.
situations, people’s health, crisis’s
but stressing for the almighty dollar
selling your soul, your heart, your
health for someone else, for money
it’s just not worth it you got to have
a roof over your head you’ve got to
have food on the table the rest is
extras. Simplify,
Satori is a flash of presence, for
only a short time embrace them.

To be identified with your mind is to

be trapped in time.

To live almost exclusively through

memory and anticipation.
The Power of NOW
Endless preoccupation with the
past and future and a unwillingness Compulsive thinking has become a
A Guide to Spiritual collective disease your whole sense
to honour and acknowledge the
Enlightenment present moment and allow it to be. of who you are is derived from mind
Eckhart Tolle The compulsion arises because
of past gives you an identity and
the future gives you anticipation
for goals and dreams.

Both are illusions.

Time isn’t precious at all, time is an

Silence the Mind What you perceive as precious is
not time, it is the one moment out
Here’s the key “End the delusion of time.”
of time which is the now.
Time and mind are inseparable.
The more you were focussed on
Remove Time from the mind and it stops unless you choose to use it. time the more you miss the now.
The most precious I think there
Why is it the most precious thing
because it is the only thing.
The eternal present is the space in
which your whole life unfolds.
The one factor that remains
constant, life is now.
Identification with mind feeds it more energy.
Awareness of mind withdraws energy from it.
Identification with mind creates more time.
Observation of the mind opens up the dimension of the timeless.

The energy that is withdrawn from the mind turns into presence.
Once you start to begin the habit of being present you find it easier to step out of the
dimension of time.
This dramatic realization happens
often in times of deep suffering and
is the most profound state of
conscious realization.
It usually comes about as surrender
amidst intense suffering.
Only life‘s challenges are the true
test of your level of consciousness.
Witness how you respond when
everything is chaotic.
Stress and wanting to be
Practising meditation increases
somewhere else.
your presence, power vibrational
calmness that will transpire through Are you stressed?
chaotic situations. Are you so focussed on the future
that you are using the present as a
When you start you will notice the
means only to get there?
background static of ordinary and
Are you so busy with the future that
presence and you will witness how
the present becomes a means of
rarely if ever your state of being is
getting there?
at ease and peace.
Stress is a result of being here and
And an undercurrent of tension
wanting to be there.
boredom Anxiety or discomfort is to
Being in the present but wanting to
be expected.
be in the future.
Carl Jung & Native Cheif
It’s a split that tears you apart
Most white people have tight faces, To live with the split I call insanity,
starring eyes and anxiety ridden and the fact that everyone else is Acute unhappiness can be a
body. The whites always want doing it does not make it any less great awakening.
something, we don’t know what insane.
they want. We think they are crazy. The evil is forcing us towards states
You can walk, walk fast or even run of suffering to help enlighten the
Buddha the root of suffering is the without projecting yourself into the world.
chasing of things to be different future. The only way out is forgiveness to
from they are. the evil.
Do whatever you are doing
presently enjoy the high energy of Hold the frequency of intense
It is not moving in the right
the moment. presence.
It is the constant thinking and If you were worrying about a future Whether faith is connected to a
Surrender to the Now event what if scenario you were
planning and wanting and lack of deity or not it’s essence lies in
being enjoying and living. identified with mind projecting itself trusting ourselves to discover the
Am I not just temporarily evading
into the future and creating fear. deepest truths on which we can
my problems?
Time block planning. rely.
You can stop this life and health
It’s about realizing there are no
What’s going on inside me. eroding phantom, all you have to
problems only situations, which are
Be at least as interested in what deal with is real life apart from this
to be dealt with now or left alone
goes on inside you as in the imaginary mind projections is this
and experienced as the isness of
outside. moment.
this moment.
Primary reality is internal within.
Secondary reality is external You can never cope with the future
Until they change, or can be
without. you can only cope with now.
What’s here now. How are you? The right strength mindset
Problems are mind made and How are you denying, avoiding, reactions will summon to get you
cannot survive in the isness of the resisting life? through the next moment.
Surrender to the now.. Accept what Are you waiting to start living?
You become so overwhelmed with is. It’s not uncommon for people to
your life situation that you lose your
Are you polluting the world or spend their whole life waiting to
sense of life of being.
cleaning up the mess? You are start living.
When you create a problem you responsible for your inner space. Waiting is a state of mind basically
create pain. You are responsible for both your saying you want the future more
No matter what happens I will make peace and your suffering. than the now.
no more pain for myself.
You’ve probably noticed in an Suffering is a result of comparing
emergency there is no problem, the judging and associating with
problem is a story in the mind an differences from your surroundings.
emergency forces us to action and
we instinctually respond. Keeping up with the jones. Is real
not just in homes but relationships,
cars, jobs, spiritual enlightenment.
Being is the gateway to freedom.
Separation from the mind, the story.

As long as negative feelings are

there, use it as a signal to be more
Wake up get out of your mind be
present. My recommendation for people that
are out doing workshops trying to
Experience the NOW.. If you cannot drop the thought or seek peace is stop.
agitation imagine yourself
The now is the only access point
becoming transparent to the Surrender, accept the state of
into the timeless essence of being.
resistive energy, let it flow to and non-peace here you will find it.
through you without letting the
mind create resistive blockages, Forgive yourself for not being at
irritation arises agitation why did it peace.
come about why did you create it.. The moment you completely
You didn’t the mind did. accept your non-peace, your
non-peace transmutes into
The Minds belief, is that by feeling peace.
How do you access the state of Life is Now
this way it will force you into a
Have you ever done felt or experienced anything outside of the now? behaviour to change it, when that’s This is the miracle of surrender.
Do you think you ever will? not possible you just suffer.
Great spiritual death knows when
The past and the future have no reality of their own just as the moon has no The unconscious belief that if you you get ruffled on the outside, hold
light of its own. hold this resistance it will help the yourself together in stillness on the
undesirable stimuli dissolve. inside you don’t let your outside run
It can only reflect the sun; without the sun past and future have no basis away and cling to changes.
without the now. Let everything pass through you.
Let the stimuli that is undesirable You just watch them come and go
flow through you. feel the other persons radiant and
true being beyond and in touch with
Respond appropriately expressing your own.
your thoughts as undesirable but
The Now is all there is. don’t let it get affect you.
Someone or Something external
behaviour no longer has power over

Life Purpose
How do we reconcile the need for
purpose with living only in the now?
Outter purpose vs inner purpose
have both.
Horizontal plane of what you did
and where you are going.
Vertical dimension of the timeless
Life vs Life Situation being here and now.

It is true my past has created my What you did and what you are
present life situation but it is in this going to do is much less important
situation that makes me unhappy. than How I am experiencing you
now.. create the story all you want
Forget about your life situation for a (do that for your legacy, for people
while and consider your life. you’ll never meet) but all you will be
remembered for is how people
Your life situation exists in time.
experienced you in the now..
Your life is now.
Why not let this be your legacy.
Your life situation is mind stuff, your
life is real. Outter journey may contain 1
million steps, inner journey has only
Finding the narrow gate that leads
to your life is called the now.
This moment. Your outter purpose is only potent
until you realize your inner purpose.
You can improve your life situation The experience of the now.
but you cannot improve your life.
It becomes much more a game.
Succeed in outter purpose fail in
inner peace, gain the world lose
your soul.
The outter purpose is destined to
fail because it is material and a part
of the law of impermanence.
Just like the houses, community
and life of the disasters of The
Bahamas class 5 tornado.

The Buddha once said - I can sum
up all of my teachings in one

All that arises passes away.


This too shall pass;

Allow the present nature to be,
accept the nature of things
changing inevitably.
To offer no resistance to life is to
be in a state of grace ease and
Nothing real ever dies only
There is no fear of loss anymore life names labels, forms and
flows with ease. illusions.
What if there was an afterlife, how You can still appreciate the passing
would that bring presence? pleasures of this world but there is
patience? and practice to the no loss anymore.
What if we let go of the end and
enjoy the now.
The state of being is beyond the
polarities of the mind and frees you
from a state of form.
Watch any plant, animal or
mountain and let it teach you
acceptance of what is.
Let it teach you being, let it teach
you integrity.
To be you, to be real, to be whole
let it teach you how to live and how
to die.

Flow State
The reason athletes, artists, sports enthusiasts, extreme base jumpers choose
these activities is to lose the illusion of time and be lost in the dimension of the
It is important to note that time is important for practical purposes but not
necessarily required as a concept to run your life.
The lack of being, lost in the world of time in mind allows it to be more sharp
and focussed when you do put it to practice.
We need to use Clock time to run our life but psychological time past and
future is the story of our life.
Clock time includes setting goals learning from the past so we don’t apply the
same mistakes in the future predicting the future by means of patterns and
laws taking appropriate action on the basis of our predictions. And an
elighteneded person is always preferably aware of clock time but loses the
sense of psychological time.
Ask yourself..Is there joy ease and
lightness in what I am doing?
It may not require a change in what
you are doing but how you were
doing it.
How is always more important than
Lighten up your Energy the what.
Pay more attention to the doing,
keep your full attention to what the
moment presents.
Completely accept what is. Give
your full attention to what is.
Whatever you do becomes a
product of quality care and love.

See if you can catch yourself

complaining either in speech or
thought about a situation.
Your complaining is always
nonacceptance to what is.
You have three options:
Remove yourself from the situation.
Change the situation
Accept the situation
Often times action is better than
If you’ve been stuck in a rut for a
long time take action.
If it was a mistake, at least you
learn something which therefore
isn’t a mistake.

Accept Yourself
There’s no problem with striving for
goals and desires but the challenge
occurs when you start using it as a
substitute to the feeling of being
The foundation of the building is
your true being; the superstructure
around it is your life situation you
cannot have an enjoyable life
situation without the foundation
sense of well-being in tact.
Gratitude for the fulness of the
present moment right now is true
When you were happy with self you
are happy with everything else.
Self acceptance I am, Is the state of
We must stretch ourselves as much
as possible but until then is that
sense of self acceptance we must
Accept What is come back reset.
“Sorry to keep you waiting!
That’s all right I was not waiting I
was just enjoying myself “in joy” my
self. “ - Eckart Tolle

Beyond happiness and
unhappiness there is peace.
The difference between inner peace
and happiness, happiness depends
on conditions being perceived as
Do you truly know what is positive
vs negative?
Some of the greatest failures were
people’s greatest teachings of
reality, humility, Depth and
Complete acceptance of what is,
just is. The only sane way to live.
You are not pretending you are
Standing beyond the resistive
patterns of the mind that create
neg /pos polarity towards events.
What if there is something I can do
about the situation? How can I let it
be and change it at the same time?
Wouldn’t action be more effective
than acceptance?
Do what it is you need to do. In the
meantime accept was is.
Free from mind dominance, it
reconnects you with being.
A different frequency of
An intelligence much greater than
the mind takes charge. A different
quality of consciousness will flow
into your doing.

Identification with your mind. Decarte’s Theory

Mind as a Tool
Compulsive need to always be Decartes thought he made a
thinking. revolutionary insight with a The mind is a superb instrument
statement if used properly but thinking has
This incessant mental noise hinders “I think, therefore I am.” turned into a disease.
you from finding that inner stillness, but what this displays is the biggest
That is inseparable from being. falsity about our existence. The mind is not dysfunctional it’s a
wonderful tool, disfunction sets in
What is the greatest challenge and The involuntary thought processes What he had done was express when we identify with mind and
obstacle to experiencing this that you don’t realize you have the most fundamental error of then it takes over your life.
reality? power to stop. associating thinking with being.
Continuous monologues or Usually we don’t use our mind at all
dialogues. An identity with thinking. it uses us.
The mind is a chaotic
When you hear people talking to fragmentation. You believe you are your mind this
them self murdering on the streets is the disease mind has taken over.
you call them crazy but you like Without thoughts being is
most other normal people and wholeness at one. Beauty love creativity joy all the
society have that same dialogue things that really matter are
The release from enslavement of experienced beyond the mind.
ongoing in their mind 24/7. incessant thinking.

Ego-based identification invites

a lifelong companion of fear.
Most common ego
identifications have to do with
possessions, the work you do,
social status and recognition.
Knowledge and education,
What is the EGO?
physical appearance special
abilities, relationships, belief
systems, political identifications.
Death is a stripping of All that is
not you.
The secret of life is to die before
you die.
Why do we have an Ego? PERSON Metaphor
Egos fear is death.
Ultimately all fear is based in the
fear of death.
Physically, socially.
In this mind identified state fear
affects every aspect of our world
even such a trivial meaningless
argument with the need to be
The Ego right.
It is the mind identified state that
needs to survive.
Defending the mental position in
which you have identified.

Challenges with the EGO? To be wrong is to die.

Forceful, compulsive and deep
need to be right is a form of
violence and will no longer be
there as you lesson your
attachment to identity of the
You can state clearly how you
feel or what you think but there
will be no aggressiveness or
defensiveness about it.
Your sense of self is then
derived from a deeper truer
sense of self.
Not from the mind.
What are you defending?
Defends and protects an
How does the EGO work? An illusory identity, an image in
your mind, a factiscious entity.
Enlightenment is your natural
What is Enlightenment?
state of oneness with being.
Those that I have not found their
wealth the radiant joy of being in
the deep internal peace that
comes with it.
Beggars are looking outside for
Who is not enlightened? Beggars
pleasure or fulfilment validation
security or love.

Enlightenment Even if you were not a street

begger ,if you are in search of
Who is Englightened? the material world you are.
Awakened ones
Those who have connected with
their inner sense of being. Marcus Aurius was a rare ruler
Their energetic essence, who possessed world power
beyond thought form. and wisdom.

Beyond Identification with

physical form.
When I use Jesus or Buddha; I
do this not to compare but in
essence to enlighten that there
always has and always will be
only one spiritual teaching.
All though it comes in many
forms, some of these forms
such as the ancient religions
Religion have become so overlaid with
extraneous matter that their
spiritual matter has been
completely obscured by it.
My attempts in quoting religion
is to restore the transformative
One timeless spiritual teaching
the essence of all religions.
Do not be concerned with the
fruit of your action give full
attention to the action at hand,
the fruit will come at its own
This is what was said through
karma yoga in one of the
greatest spiritual teachings
Non-attachment from results.
Should I not have goals? What if
I still have goals?
Of coarse you can have goals,
but you won’t expect a certain
future. You aren’t attached to
things unfolding a certain way.
Illusionary expectations that you
set for yourself in order for you
to be happy, set you up for
You may seek out external
desires, that is the world of gain
and loss but you won’t need it
for a state of wholeness.
On a deeper level you are
already complete.
You no longer pursue your goals
with Grim determination, Fear,
Goal Setting with Grace
anger, discontent or the need to
become someone.
Freedom from Fear
You no longer are restricted by
fear of failure, due to loss of
When you are grounded in
being your true self and you no
longer require your
psychological self to stay intact
all the time so you are free of
You don’t seek permanency
where it cannot be found, in
the world of form.
You don’t demand
circumstances, expectations,
places and people to behave
or unfold in a certain way and
then sulk when they don’t live
up to your expectations.
Everything is honoured but
nothing matters.
Forms born and die but you
were aware of the eternal
beneath the forms.
You know that nothing real can
be threatened.
Lower Levels of
Drugs may be a short-term relief On the level of the body humans
for people in mental distress but are very similar to animals.
will not allow enough space for
true liberation from the mind. All the basic bodily functions
pleasure pain breathing, eating
Dropping down to a below drinking, defecating, sleeping.
conscious state like that of our
Consciousness The drive to find a mate and
pre-ancestral animals is no
longer possible. procreate birth and death.

We have moved on and we Make friends with your animal

must move towards nature.
consciousness Understand we have a body but
we are not only our body.
Knowledge comes from
learning, wisdom comes from
Material World Lila - Devine game of life
Thích Nhất Hạnh, Sharon
Salzburg, john Kabit zinn, Jack
Spiritual Teachers cornfield, peme chodron, Kristen
neff, Sylvia boorstein, Tara

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