Pushpin Color Match Puzzles v12

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Pushpin diamond match puzzle is designed by Erhan Çubukcuoglu

Istanbul /TURKEY

This puzzle design is public domain. You can make, modify, share,
produce or sell as you wish.

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page and document content.

For more puzzles my puzzle blog


This document can contain dangerous operations or some mistakes. Everything

is your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage.

If you find mistakes in this document please contact me by email that I correct
them for you and for other people.

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Pushpin square match

The original of this puzzle is a vintage

cardboard color match puzzle “Birds”. The aim
of this puzzle is making a square such that no
color appears more than once in each row and

I decided to make a wooden copy of this puzzle.

But according to my previous experiences, I
cant obtain a good result with wood painting.
For this reason I decided to use pushpins.

This puzzle has 7 pieces 1x3 and two piece 1x2

as seen on the photo.
The puzzle pieces are below.

You can print cut and try this puzzle or you can make easily your wooden puzzle by using a
rectangular ready wooden stock. The solution is at the end of this document.

You can make saw traces with a small hand saw. If you use a hard wood you may be need to drill
small holes for pushpins. And if the pins of your pushpins is too much long, don't forget to cut
them with a wire end nipper.
Pushpin diamond match

This is one of my simple color match puzzle

designs. There are 7 “L” shaped piece and two
straight piece. The aim of this puzzle is making a
diamond shape so, none of the adjacent pushpins
horizontally, vertically or diagonally mustn’t be
same color.

Puzzle pieces are at the left. If you don't like make a wooden
copy, you can print next page and play

If you prefer to make a wooden copy, cutting “L” shaped pieces

from wood is difficult

I preferred cutting from a rectangular stock two piece ( a x 2a and a x a)and gluing them together. I
made saw traces with a hand saw.

My piece thickness is about 10 mm.



Square match solution Diamond match solution

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