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First Principles Cheat Sheet

Made by Jen Taruno. Property of

According to Tim Sonnreich’s First Principles guide, First Principles have two key elements:
(1) A good understanding of the principles of logic (i.e knowing how to show that an argument is logically flawed
without knowing any facts about the issue).
(2) A good understanding of the key concepts that form the fundamental “clash” in the debate

The second element is what we want to focus on in this cheat sheet. This is a very simplified compilation of many
debating workshops on the Internet, with some personal modifications. That means this is non-exhaustive, and
might or might not suit your style. If you want to know more, check the References section at the bottom of the

The way you want to use this is:

● Find the heading (theme) of the motion you’re debating in. If it’s a mix of multiple headings, look at the
cheat sheet for all headings
● Use the Common Clashes to form arguments and clashes
● Ask the questions in the relevant sections during casebuild

Art and Culture

COMMON CLASHES: Experiential Value, Aesthetic Value, Cognitive Value/Ideas, Accessibility of Art
Consumers of Art, Artists, Social Movements
Access, Talent Development, Fair Competition, Societal Benefits, State Benefits
Athletes, Fans, Sports Clubs, States

Purpose of art Art x Social Movements Must ask for art debates
● Experience it provides to the ● How does it affect the way ● Who owns the art?
viewer (expressing emotions) people form values? ● How do people interpret it?
● Aesthetic qualities ● How does it influence people’s ● How does that affect
● Cognitives values; ideas behaviour? discourse?
behind it (e.g. politics, ● What makes art an exclusive
environment criticism) medium?
● Why is art important for the

Purpose of sports for athletes Purpose of sports for society

● Talent development ● Entertainment
● Fair competition ● National pride
● Valuable job ● Unity of communities
● Health benefits
Choice and Philosophy

COMMON CLASHES: Moral Legitimacy, Utilitarianism, Choice Rationality

Access, Quality, Discourse/Check and Balance
Emotional, Cognitive, Moral, Social Impacts
Individual Impacts, Communal Impacts

Debates that limit/extend choices Is a choice rational? When do you have a right?
● Do you maximise choices? ● Pros and cons? ● Do you own it? Did you earn it
● Is the choice well-informed? ● Short term vs long term justly?
● Are people forced to choose a impacts? ● Are you capable of consenting
certain option? ● Is it a coerced choice? to and exercising the right?
● Were people forced to need ● Is the choice objective or ● Is the exercise of the right
that choice? E.g. necessity of biased? meaningful, not harmful?
sweatshops because of ● Does it neglect harm? ● Is your moral position superior
insufficient poverty alleviation to other actors?
● Does the choice lead to good

Is something morally legitimate? When can you hold someone Must-ask for Regrets/Narrative
● Is it important to consider responsible? debates
human agency? ● Were they the cause of harm? ● How do people interpret the
● Is it important to consider ● Were they negligent and did narrative?
special relations of actors? they allow the harm? ● Who makes and spreads the
● Does it devalue meaning? E.g. ● Did they benefit from it? narrative?
is being happy from swallowing a ● Do they have special relations ● How does this impact
pill meaningful? that make them responsible? expectations? To what value is
● Can it be justified for a greater ● Are they the only ones who the narrative tied? What
good? can be held responsible? trade-offs are made for it?
● What other narratives
empower/mitigate this
● What does the world look like
without this narrative?
● Does this exclude an
important/significant group of
● Are there policies/reactions
that come from this narrative?

COMMON CLASHES: Economic Growth, Economic Equality, Crisis/Stability
Accessibility of Goods, Quality of Goods, Innovation, Fair Competition, Exploitation
Consumers, Companies, Investors, Workers, Labour Unions, States, International Economic Institutions

Characterising consumers Characterising companies Characterising states

● How much purchasing power ● How big is the company? ● Is it a developing or developed
do they have? ● Does it provide primary needs state?
● How much confidence do they or secondary/tertiary needs? ● How much money does the
have in the economy? ● What are its sources of state have? Is it well
● What influences them to investment? Is it private or distributed?
buy/save? public? ● What does its budget
● How do people in its hierarchy allocation look like?
think? ● Which sector earns most?
● What are the risks and ● What is the concentration of
opportunities? labour?

Characterising international Market failures and interventions State failures and interventions
traders and institutions ● Is there an industry ● Is it better to have more
● What are its goals? domination? E.g. a company, regulation or less regulation?
● What are its sources of sector, or private vs public ● Is the government budget
money? ● Are people buying a lot? Does misallocated?
● What are its strong and weak inflation/deflation happen? ● Is it better to have a fiscal or
points? ● Do people make well-informed monetary response?
● Past precedents? choices?
● Do people overlook external
effects? E.g. environment,

Education and Family

COMMON CLASHES: Accessibility of Education, Quality of Classes, Social Environment, Future Applicability
Cognitive, Moral, Emotional, Social Development, Parent-Child Relationship
States, Schools, Parents, Children

Actor segmentation Actors’ decision making Education at large

● Who are the actors in the ● What information are they ● Do class, race or identity
debate? influenced by? differences matter?
● Are there important ● What are their interests? ● How do parents interact with
segmentations of the actors? ● What’s their ability to get their education?
E.g. conservative/liberal parents, interests? ● How does education influence
driven/undriven children ● What are they likely to do and people’s values?
● Who are the most vulnerable will it succeed?
Environment and Health

COMMON CLASHES: Solvency, Morality, Environment/Animal Rights/Health vs X (e.g. economy, culture)

Society, Social Movements, Companies, States, International Institutions, Animals

Analysing policies Evaluating harm

● Is it sustainable? ● Does an actor make the
● Does it consider biggest/most direct impact?
interconnectedness and ● Did they calculate the harm?
communal responsibility? ● Did they try to minimise the
● Are the right actors held harms?
responsible? ● Can they justify the harm is for
● Are the most damaged helped? something more important?
● Does it encourage better


COMMON CLASHES: Protection, Equal Representation/Intersectionality, Exposure of Values, Participation,

Feminist Movement, Oppressed, Oppressors, In-group, Out-group, States

Must ask Four waves of feminism

● What is the goal of the ● Suffrage
feminist movement here? ● Job equality, domestic equality
● What is the current social ● Intersectionality and
acceptance? Are people aware self-actualisation
of feminism? Are they in the ● Criticising power structures,
1st-4th wave of feminism? combating harassment
● Who are the activists and how
do they think?
● Which spectrum of followers
do you touch? E.g. Conservative
/ liberal? Young / old?

International Relations

COMMON CLASHES: Economy, Security, Geopolitics

States, Allied States, Adversarial States, Citizens, International Organisations

Analysing states Analysing states’ behaviours Analysing conflicts

● What is its national interest? ● What is the scope of the
● Who is its leader and who else ● How much power does it have conflict?
holds a lot of power? to achieve its goal? ● What are the involved states’
● What do its voters support? ● How is its action going to be interests?
● How does it make its citizens interpreted? ● Who are the adversaries and
trust it? (religion, money, etc) ● How did it behave in the past? allies of these countries?
● What is its power? (economic, ● Is anything in its way? E.g. other ● What are the latest
military, etc) states, int’l organisations, need developments of the conflict?
● Who are its allies and of trade, int’l norms

Analysing international Research guides

organisations ● How do people feel about
● What is its goal? their own history? What’s
● What is the main problem that their national identity?
threatens its survival? ● How do citizens interact with
● Who are its member states? the state? What is their
● Are there blocs in its member relationship built upon?
states? ● What are their ambitions
● Which member states are shaped by?
most influential? ● What are their current affairs?
● How do member states
interact with its goal?

Law and Security

COMMON CLASHES: Retribution, Deterrence, Rehabilitation, Victim’s Closure, Trust to Justice System
Justice System, Criminals, Potential Criminals, Victims, Society

Analysing criminal punishments Factors in criminal sentencing Analysing trial process

● Does this punish criminals ● Was the crime intended? ● What kind of evidence is
justly and proportionately? ● Was the intent purely gathered?
● Does this deter criminals from malicious? ● Are people getting good
repeating the crimes? ● What was the impact of the lawyers?
● Does this give criminals a crime? ● Are the judges objective?
chance to reintegrate to ● Was there a lack of ● Are the involved parties under
society after punishment? understanding that the crime any duress?
● Does this punishment confine would cause those impacts?
the criminal from doing the ● Was the crime done under
crime? E.g. prison = prevent forced circumstances?
physical harm, confiscation =
prevent misuse of funds

Analysing reparation /
● What’s the past injustice?
● Does it still affect the present?
● Why are people still benefiting
unjustly from it?
● How does the motion give
proportional redress?


COMMON CLASHES: Equal Representation, Participation, Policymaking, Accountability/Check and Balance,

Trust to System
States, Politicians, Spectrums of voters

Must ask When can we limit democratic Is democracy even legitimate?

● Are people able to voice rights? ● How many things can people
themselves out? ● Is it used with evil intention? actually consent to?
● Are authorities being held ● Does it undermine other ● Do people have equal power
accountable? people’s democratic rights? to vote for things?
● Are people participating in ● Is it unfairly targeting a social ● Are the people given voting
democracy? group? rights the people that know
● What kind of policies does this and are affected by issues?
result into? ● Are there alternatives to
democracy that can achieve
good outcomes?


COMMON CLASHES: Sense of Hope/Salvation, Moral Compass, Peace/Tolerance/Security, Gaining

Religious Institutions, Religious Authorities, Spectrums of Believers, Non-believers, States

Purpose of religion Debates with religion as a subject Debates with religion as an object
● Sense of hope & salvation ● What’s good for the religion? ● What is religion’s influence in
● Moral compass ● Does it encourage good people’s lives?
● Peace, tolerance, security relationship with the Divine? ● What threatens religion’s
● Gaining followers ● Does it encourage good relevance?
relationship among believers?
● Does it encourage good
relationship with

Terrorism debates
● What is the organisation’s
goal? (e.g. political inclusion,
caliphate, etc)
● What makes people want to
join? (e.g. money, afterlife,
hatred towards the state)
● How does the relevant religion
react to terrorism?
● What are existing measures to
counterbalance terrorism?

Science and Technology

COMMON CLASHES: Access, Quality, Emotional, Cognitive, Moral, Social Impacts

Individual Impacts, Communal Impacts

Analysing a technology
● Who has access to this
● Will people make
well-informed choices for it?
● How do people think about it?
● How do people experience the
application of it?
● What are existing alternatives
to achieve the same goal?

Social Movements

COMMON CLASHES: Participation, Policymaking/Protection, Catharsis, Maximisation of Choices, Equality

of Access
Social Movements, Oppressors, Oppressed, In-group, Out-group, States
Must ask Is this good for the movement? Is participation meaningful?
● What is the goal of the ● Does this increase ● Does it increase the
movement here? participation in the social movement’s traction in the
● What is the current social movement? society/government?
acceptance? ● Does this result in good ● Does it increase awareness for
● Who are the activists and how policies? meaningful issues?
do they think? ● Does this provide a cathartic ● Does it ensure good check and
● Which spectrum of followers platform? balance inside the movement?
do you touch? E.g. Conservative ● Does this increase choices
/ liberal? Young / old? people can make?
● Does this ensure equality of
accessing a narrative?


● Manchester Debating Union Advanced Training Debate Workshop
● Section 2: First Principles by Tim Sonnreich
● SEF ITB Matter Bank
● Art and Culture, with Enting Lee
● Stop sucking at principles, with Lucía Arce
● Education by Xiao Ke Lu
● A Brief Look at the Four Waves of Feminism
● Debating International Relations Motions by Rizqi Isnurhadi
● Islamic terrorism and radicalisation, with Ameera Natasha Moore

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