Instructional Plan in Science 5: of Wonder. Quezon City, Philippines: FNB Educational

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX - Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga City


Grade Level: 5 (Gifted) Date: January 17, 2024
Quarter: Second Allotted Time: 70 minutes
Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of how plants reproduce:
Performance Standards NONE
Learning Competency Describe the reproductive parts in plants and their
functions (S5LT-IIf-6)
I. Objectives: 20. Identify/locate the male and female reproductive
parts of a flower
21. Describe the function of each reproductive part of a
II. Subject Matter Parts and Functions of a Flower
a. Concept The parts of a flower are:
1. Stamen - is the male reproductive part of a
2. Pistil - is the female reproductive part of a flower.
3. Sepals - are the leaf-like structures that enclose
the flower before it blooms.
4. Petals - are the colorful structures that make the
flower attractive to pollination.
b. Materials Laptop, LCD projector, activity cards, meta cards, 5
illustrations of a flower),5 real flowers (gumamela), 5
envelopes, pilot pens, manila papers
c. Reference Noble, A.C. & Estolano, M. C. F (2016). Science a field
of Wonder. Quezon City, Philippines: FNB Educational,
Tan, C. T (2002). Science for Daily Use. Quezon City,
Philippines: Dane Publishing House, Inc.
d. Process skills Identifying, describing, predicting, observing and
e. Values integration Cooperation in doing the activity
Appreciation of God’s Creation
III. Learning Tasks
A. Engagement 1. GAME: WORD PUZZLE
 Divide the class into 5.
 The teacher prepares 5 envelopes intended for
each group ahead of time.
 The teacher distributes the 5 envelopes.
 Inside each envelope contains: word puzzle and
 If they are done with the activity, let the pupils
clap their hands for them to acknowledge.
 Whoever finishes first will declare as winner.
Instructions: Let the pupils complete the word puzzle
through finding the equivalent letter of the symbol that is
placed on the blank



(NOTE: Pupils may form the word puzzle in their most

comfortable place)
B. Exploration Say: “Today, we are going to learn about the parts of a
 Teacher distributes the 5envelopes containing
activity card 1 and illustrations of a flower/real
flowers, and activity card 2 containing the parts
and the functions of a flower.
(NOTE: Parts and the functions of a flower are written
on strips of paper. Teacher prepares 5 envelopes (inside
the envelope: 1.illustration of a flower or real flowers,
meta cards, marker, scotch tape, a pair of scissors,
manila paper, activity card 1 and 2 ahead of time.)
1. Pre-activity Discussion
 Divide the class into 5 groups
 Set the standards.
(Cooperate with your group
Follow the instructions
Work harmoniously)
 Distribute the envelopes which contain the
needed materials for the activity to each group.

2. Activity Proper
 Tell: “You are going to identify the parts and
functions of a flower.”
(NOTE: It is important that the teacher will mill around
during the activity to be able to assess if the learners are
doing the things right and to be able to provide
immediately assistance to the struggling group).
Activity Card 1

Directions:Identify the male and female reproductive

Parts of a flower and describe each function.

1. Stigma; 2. Anther; 3. Filament; 4. Style; 5. Ovary; 6.
7. Sepal; and 8. Peduncle )

Activity Card 2
Parts Functions
Pistil The colorful structure that makes
the flower attractive to the
Style Leaf-like structures that encloses
the flower before it blooms
Stigma The female reproductive part of a
stamen Responsible for catching or
trapping pollen grains
Petals A long tube that holds and
attaches the stigma to the ovary
Sepal The storage place of the egg.
Receptacle The male reproductive part of a
Ovary Responsible for producing pollen,
the male gamete
Anther The structure that supports the
Filament A part of the branch where the
flower form
NOTE: the parts and functions do not match
(Skills: predicting, identifying, manipulating,
Parts Functions
Pistil The female reproductive part of a
Style A long tube that holds and
attaches the stigma to the ovary
Stigma The female reproductive part of a
stamen The male reproductive part of a
Petals The colorful structure that makes
the flower attractive to the
Sepal Leaf-like structures that encloses
the flower before it blooms
Receptacle A part of the branch where the
flower form
Ovary The storage place of the egg.
Anther Responsible for producing pollen,
the male gamete
Filament The structure that supports the

Guide Questions:
1. Identify/Locate the male and female reproductive
parts of a flower.
2. Describe the function of each reproductive part of a

C. Explanation  Let each group present their outputs

 During their presentation, the teacher notes down
incorrect answer/s.
 The teacher checks each output whether correct
or wrong
Questions to process:
1. What are the parts of a flower? (pistil, style,
stigma, stamen, petals, sepals, receptacle, ovary,
anther, filament)
2. What are the male reproductive parts? (filament
and anther)
3. What is the male reproductive organ of the
flower? (stamen)
4. What are the female reproductive parts of a
flower? (stigma, style and ovary)
5. What is the female reproductive organ of a
flower? (pistil)
6. Describe the function of each reproductive part of
a flower. (Refer to the parts and functions table)
7. What is the color of the petal? Are brightly
colored petals and sweet smell of flowers
important? (Yes.) Explain. (To attract insects like
bees and butterflies.)
8. Is the flower important? (Yes) Why? Why not?
(Because it helps in the reproduction or
production of new plants.)
Strategy: Reporting
(Skills: Communicating, Identifying, Explaining.)
D. Elaboration  Lead the class to form the concepts by asking
1. What is the female reproductive organ of a
flower? (Pistil)
2. Based from our discussion, what are the parts
of the female reproductive organ of a flower?
(Stigma, style, ovary)
3. What is the male reproductive organ of a
flower? (Stamen)
4. What are the parts of the male reproductive
organ of a flower? (Anther and filament)
5. Describe the function of each reproductive
part of a flower? (Stamen is the male
reproductive organ of the flower. Pistil is the
female reproductive organ of the flower.)
1. Who created these flowers that we see around
us? (God)
2. What will we do to the flowers that God
created? (Appreciate) How do we show our
appreciation of God’s creation? (Take care).
E. Evalutation Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Write
the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. What part produces the male sex cells or pollen?
A. A B. C C. E D. D
2. Choose what statement BEST describes the
function of
A. Produces the female sex cells
B. Protects the unopened flowers
C. Catches and holds the pollen grains
D. The male reproductive organ of a flower.
3. The diagram shows the flower of a plant. Which
of the following rows has the parts of the flower
labelled correctly?

A anther stigma Ovary
B stigma anther Ovule
C stigma anther Ovary
D stigma Filament Anther

4. Which part of a flower serves as the storage of

the egg cells?
A. A B. B C. C D. A and B
5. Which part of a flower holds and attaches the
stigma to the ovary?
A. Petal B. Style C. Ovary D. anther
(1. C; 2. A; 3. C; 4. C; 5. B)
F. Assignment Draw and label the parts and functions of a flower.


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