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Soal Asesmen Sumatif Kelas 9


The following text is for question number 1

1. What makes Ernes send the message?

a) He loves his teachers more than others
b) He thinks his teachers have taught him so well
c) His teachers always give him lot of homework
d) He feels that his teachers make him proud of

2. Both messages are intended to…

A. Praise the recipients on their success
B. Give compliment on someone’s struggle
C. Support the recipients to face their competition
D. Make the recipients proud of themselves with their

3. What is the writer’s intention to write the notice? NOTICE

A. To ask people to use stairs.
B. To apologise for the lift’s condition. The lift is out of action due to
C. To inform people about electrical damage. electrical damage.
D. To show the stairs location.
Please use stairs beside the lift.

4. What is the writer’s intention to write the notice?

A. To ask people to use stairs.
B. To apologise for the lift’s condition.
C. To inform people about electrical damage.
D. To show the stairs location.
5. “This area is under 24 hour video surveillance” The
underlined word means……
A. irresponsible
B. ignorance
C. spying
D. lying

To : all employees

There will be blackout each Saturday during this month. Consequently, we will use generator as the
electric source. So, please don’t turn on air conditioners on Saturdays. Please don’t forget to turn off the
lights, computer, printers during the break as usual

6. Where can you read the announcement?

A. at school
B. In library
C. In a Bank
D. In a company

7. How will the passengers of Garuda Indonesia on flight number GA328 leave for Surabaya?
A. They will board the plane as soon as they hear the announcement.
B. They have to depart the airport once they read the text.
C. They should use gate A12 to get on the plane.
D. They must pay attention to the announcer.

8. … on flight number GA328 …

The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
A. aviation
B. stream
C. outlet
D. Flux


SMA Negeri 137

Jl.. Mawar 15/26
Telp. ( 021) 4255612

Dear Syifa
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held;
On Saturday, August 08 2023
At 01.30 p.m. - 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda: Final preparation for the 18 PENSI competition next Tuesday, please come on time, see you


9. When will the PENSI competition be held?

A. On Sunday, August 8, 2023
B. On Saturday, August 8, 2023
C. On Friday, June 8, 2023
D. On Saturday, June 8, 2023

10. Where will the meeting of the PENSI competition 2023 take place?
A. Meeting’s room
B. Committee’s room
C. In the school hall
D. In the school

‘Jumping Bee’ English Course for Junior High School Students

Are you struggling with English subjects at school? Jumping Bee English Course is here to help! We
provide quality English tutoring services for junior high school students at affordable prices.
Our experienced and friendly tutors will guide you through various English skills such as listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. With a fun and interactive learning approach, we ensure you'll enjoy every
session with us.
Hurry up and join us now! For only $50 per month, you can improve your English skills and boost your
academic performance. Contact us via email at or call us at +62 812-345-
6789 to register.
Don't let English hold you back, jump higher with Jumping Bee English Course!
11. What information can we get from reading the advertisement above?
A. The type of teaching materials that ‘Jumping Bee English Course’ uses are online resources only.
B. The average duration of each class at Jumping Bee English Course is 45 minutes.
C. The minimum enrolment period for Jumping Bee English Course is 3 months.
D. The maximum class size at Jumping Bee English Course is 15 students.

12. What age group is the Jumping Bee English Course aimed at?
A. Elementary school students
B. Junior high school students
C. High school students
D. All age groups

13. How can interested students register for the Jumping Bee English Course?
A. Visit the office directly
B. Call the number provided in the advertisement
C. Email the provided email address
D. All of the above
14. What is the label about . . .
A. The food
B. The peanut
C. The chocolate candies
D. The m&m’s

15. From the label we know that . . .

A. The product is made from a special offer
B. The product is not for people who have allergic of almond
C. The product is pricy
D. The product is not for baby

16. “ This product should reach you in excellent condition”

The word excellent has the closest meaning to . . .
A. fine
B. crude
C. regular
D. common

Greeting Card :.

17. This greeting card text is written to…

A. give support to someone
B. encourage someone to be a winner
C. make someone achieve something great
D. show appreciation to someone’s achievement.

18. This greeting cards reward of your hard work and dedicated efforts have been outstanding” .
The sender wants to say that …
A. something good is waiting
B. it is important to work hard
C. all the hard work has been repaid
D. working hard is needed to achieve something
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmin, Shiva and
Vishnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmin and Shiva temples, because Vishnu
temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because
we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived
there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by bus tour.
19. The text above mainly discusses about……..
A. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
B. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
C. the writer’s impression about the guide
D. dthe writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton

20. The text is written in the form of a/an………

A. Narrative
B. Report
C. Recount
D. Anecdote

21. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples?
A. because wisnu temple was amazing
B. because wisnu temple was too small
C. because wisnu temple was being repaired
D. because wisnu temple was being destroyed

How to Clean an LCD Screen

1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15 — 20 cm away from the LCD screen.
2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.
3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush.

You can also do the following steps:

1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser.
2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one

22. What should you do to detergent first?

A. Spray it
B. Clean it
C. Put away it
D. Shake it up

23. Before cleaning the screen surface, we spray the detergent on the screen surface
directly or spray it on ….
A. Our fingers
B. The paper
C. The fabric cleanser
D. The LCD

How to Remove Bubble Gum on Your Clothes

1. Put your clothes that has bubble gum stain in a plastic bag. Make sure the gum doesn’t stick to
the plastic bag.
2. Put the bag of clothes in the freezer. Let it freeze for about 2 – 3 hours to make it easier to be
3. Take it out of the freezer.
4. Put the clothes on a fine surface.
5. Peel off the frozen bubble gum by using your nails, spoon or knife carefully until it’s clean.

“ Peel off the frozen bubble gum by using your nails,……”

24. The underlined word can be replaced with …..
A. Throw on
B. Remove
C. Wear
D. Slip
Once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in a city. Her name was Isabel. She loved to sing
very much. She sang anytime and anywhere. When she was singing, everyone must be quiet. If not, she
would punish them.
One day an old beggar asked her some money while she was singing. Princess Isabel was very
angry, but the beggar was angry too. The old beggar was actually a witch. She cursed Isabel, and from
that day she could not sing.
Fortunately, there was a fairy. She was a good one. She said, “You can sing again after you do a
good thing to someone else.”
From then on, Isabel was always good to everybody. She wanted her voice back. However, it never
came back. So, she travelled from one city to another to do good things.
One day, when she took a rest in a forest after her long journey, she saw a thin little boy. The boy
was hungry. Without thinking of herself, Isabel gave her only sandwich. Suddenly she could sing again.
Her beautiful voice was back.

25. Who was Isabel?

A. A good girl
B. The cruel queen
C. A selfish princess
D. The grumpy princess

Read the text and answer question no 26 -27’

Little Red Riding Hood

One day there was a little girl named little red riding hood. She was asked by her mother to deliver cake
to her grandmother. When she was heading for his grandmother’s house, little riding hood met a wolf.
“Where are you going, a little girl?” The wolf asked. “I’m willing to give this cake to my grandmother”
replied little riding hood.

The wolf had an evil plan that he wanted to eat them both. Then he ran through a shortcut to her
grandmother’s house. After arriving to grandmas’ house, he knocked on her door. When Grandma
opened the door, the wolf caught her and locked her in a closet. The bad wolf then wore Grandma’s
clothes and laid in bed, waiting for Little Red Riding Hood.

When little riding hood arrived, the wolf in disguise told her to come in. little riding hood did not realize
that it was the wolf. Then the wolf ate a little riding hood and her grandmother. After eating them, the
wolf fell asleep beside the river. Suddenly, a woodcutter came; he saw a large wolf’s belly and knew what
had been done by the wolf. Then he saved them by releasing them out from the belly of the wolf and
filled the wolf’s stomach with a big stone. Then he threw the wolf into the river.
26. Why did little riding hood do not realize the wolf who in disguise as her grandma?

A. Because she was blind

B. Because the wolf was kind

C. Because the wolf wore little riding hood’s clothes

D. Because the wolf wore grandma’s clothes

27. Based on the story above, we know that . . .

A. A kind wolf who wants to help little riding hood

B. A little riding hood meet wolf
C. Grandma asked wolf to take little riding hood
D. A bad wolf who wants to eat little riding hood and grandma

“Jack and the Beanstalk”

In the past, there ware a mother and a young child who lived in a village. The young boy named Jack.
Their lives were poor. Their property that there was only one cow, which over time has been reduced
milk production. Realizing this, the mother was planning to sell their cattle, then the money would be
used to buy grain. The plan, the wheat would be planted in a field near their home.
The next day, Jack brought his cattle to market. On the way to the market, Jack met a grandfather.
Grandfather admonished him, “Hi Jack, would you swap your herds with these magic beans?”. “What,
swap pea with my cow?” Said Jack surprised. “Do not insult! This is the magic beans. If you plant it and
let it overnight, then the next morning this bean will grow up to the sky,” said the old man explained.
“Ok, I will see,” replied Jack.
At home, Mother’s Jack was shocked and angry. “How stupid you are! How could we live only with a
grain of beans? “I was so angry,” the mother throws the beans out the window. But what happened the
next day? Apparently there was a giant tree that grew to reach the sky. “Well, it is true what the old man,
he muttered”. Then carefully he immediately climbed the giant tree. “Oh, why I can’t see well into the
end of the tree, ?” Said Jack in his mind.
Not long ago, Jack looked down. He saw the houses to be very small. Jack finally get to the cloud. There
he could see a strange giant palace. “I’m thirsty and hungry, perhaps in the palace I found the food,” he
muttered. Arriving at the palace door, he knocked loudly. “Kriek …” great door was opened. When he
looked up, there is a great woman. “What is it, son?”, She said. “Good morning, I was thirsty and hungry,
may I ask for a little food?” Well, you’re very polite boy. Come on! Eating! “Said the woman friendly.
While eating, suddenly heard loud footsteps, Duk Duk! It turned out that the woman’s husband who
came. He was a giant man-eaters. Quickly she said to Jack. “Son, quickly hide! My husband is coming. “”
Huaaa …. I am home. Quickly prepare a meal! “Cried the giant. Jack held his breath in the furnace. The
giant suddenly smell human. Then he peered into the furnace. Quickly she said, “It stinks that we burn
yesterday’s man. Come relax. This food is ready. “
After eating, giant issued a purse containing gold coins stolen, while drinking. Then he started counting
Soon he was drunk and fell asleep. Seeing this, he immediately came out of hiding. Before leaving, he
took the gold coins stolen the giant as he crept.
He continued down the beanstalk and finally got home. “Mom … look at this gold. From now on we are
so rich. “” You can not get this money easily. What are you doing? “Then Jack told the events of his
mother. “How dare you are, Jack! What if a giant had come to take it back, “she said anxiously. Since
getting gold coins, each day Jack just relax alone with stolen money. Not long ago, the money ran out
loot. Jack back to climbed the tree, to go to the palace. “You come again. What is it? “Said the giant’s
wife. “Good afternoon ma’am. Since I have not eaten from the morning, my stomach was so hungry.” A
good mother was silent, but he still gave Jack lunch. Suddenly …. Duk Duk Duk! Sound of footsteps of
giants. As before, Jack retreated furnace.
Upon entry into the house, the giant eating greedily. After that he put his cock loot on the table and said,
“Chicken, give your golden eggs.” Then the cock crowed, “kukuruyuuk ….,” The cock gave a golden
egg. Giant satisfied, he drank sake until he finally fell asleep. “The golden egg? Well great! ” Thought
Jack. Secretly he caught the chicken and quickly ran back to the house.
By laying cock gold, Jack returned to back alone. “Than you steal it, had better to work in the fields”, said
Mother. Because every day chicken eggs issued more than it should, chicken and even then die. He
returned again to the giant palace.
Again he was hiding in the furnace, when the giant male home while carrying a harp. While drinking
sake, the giant said, “O harp, played a beautiful melody.” Even miracles happen, harp that plays itself a
beautiful melody. The song was made the sleeping giant.
Jack had the intent to steal the harp. He also extended his hand, but … “Sir, there is a thief …” suddenly
shouted harp. The giant awoke. He soon chasing Jack the running while carrying a giant harp it. Giants
continue to pursue, down the beanstalk.
When they came down, he shouted to Mother. “Mom …. Bring me the axe from the shed! fast! fast! How
shocked mother saw a giant figure who comes chasing Jack, he trembled with very afraid. Once down
from the tree, Jack immediately cut down the nut tree with his axe.
With a loud voice, tree nuts collapsed. The giant fell to the ground, and die. Mother was very relieved to
see Jack survived. While crying she said: “Jack, do not do it anymore… you do creepy things like this.
No matter how poor we work with earnest. With gratitude to God, surely we both shall live well.” ” I’m
sorry Mom, from now on I am going to work in earnest, said Jack to his mother. “
Since then, Jack worked diligently every day. Beside him, harp played beautiful melodies that add to the
spirit of Jack. The story of the magic harp had spread throughout the country. One day, a beautiful
daughter came to visit him. Unusually, the harp played a beautiful melody that made the princess
enchanted. Then harp was singing: “If Princess and Jack were married, will be happy.” Hearing that song,
the Princess flushed cheeks. Jack eventually married the beautiful princess with the help of his harp.
Since then Jack became a king who loves to help people in distress.
28. What do we from the text?
A. Jack’s mother was a furious mother
B. poverty makes people hopeless
C. the giantess pity on Jack
D. sincerity makes Jack get something precious
29. What did Jack see when he reached the sky?
A. beans
B. a cow
C. a castle
D. bread and cheese
Barack Obama is the president of United States. He is an African-American. He is tall and thin. He is
bald. He has dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face.
He is the first black man who becomes the president of United States. He is known as a smart and wise
man. He is a loving husband for his wife and a good father for his two children. People from all over the
world adore him because of his spirit and action in creating peace in this world. He also looks friendly
because he always smiles a lot.
30. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To persuade the readers to choose him in the election
B. To entertain the readers about the story of Barack Obama
C. To report the life of the president of United States of America
D. To describe Barack Obama’s physical appearance and personality

31. Why does Barrrack Obama look friendly?

A. always adore A lot.
B. always friendly
C. always smiles A lot.
D. always kindly a lot.
A long time ago, there lived twin sisters. Destiny spoke differently to them. One married a rich merchant
but had no children, while the other was a very poor widow with five daughters.
After four days without food, she went to her sister and begged for a mouthful Of bread.
unfortunately, the very rich sister was too stingy to give some food to her Sister and said, “ I have nothing
in the house,” and she drove her sister away with Harsh words.
After some time, the husband of the rich sister came home. He was going on cut himself a piece
of bread. When he cut the bread, there was red blood flowed from the bread.
When the maid saw that, she was very terrified and told him what his wife had done to the poor
widow. after hearing the maid’s story, the husband hurried away to help the poor widow and her children.
but when he entered the widow’s room, he found no one there. it seems the widow and her children
moved away to find some food.

32. According the text we know that the rich sister was….
A. Kind person
B. Bad person
C. Miserly person
D. Poor person

33. What is the story about?

A. The wealth sisters
B. Two different twin sister
C. The death of the rich sister
D. A wealthy widow

Last summer, when mum and dad weren’t feeling well, Tom was taking his dog, Paddy, for a walk.
Suddenly there was a rabbit running across the path they were taking. Paddy barked very loud and the
scared rabbit ran into the bushes. Although Tom was trying hard to grip the collar, Paddy was running
after the rabbit. That was the last time he saw Paddy.
He tried to look for him for days. Finally, five weeks later, when Tom was out for a coffee at Motorway
Cafe, his parents called. They were having lunch when they heard a dog barked outside the house. The
hurriedly went out and there was Paddy wigling his tail.
34. How did Paddy get lost?
A. He was hungry and searched for a food
B. He followed motorbike riders away
C. He saw a rabbit and ran after it
D. He felt bored and took a walk

35. The text generally talks about ….

A. The coming back of the lost dog
B. A long journey of the dog
C. A holiday experience in Scotland
D. The disappearance of a dog
The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its
surrounding seas. An adult male weigh about four hundred to
six hundred and eighty kilograms, while an adult female is
about half that size. Although it is closely related to the brown
bear, it has paws to occupy a narrow ecological niche with
many bony characteristics adapted to for cold temperatures, for
moving across the snow, ice, open water, and for hunting seals
which make up most of its diets. Although most of polar bears
are born on land, it spends most of its time at sea, hence its
name meaning maritime bear and can hunt consistently only from sea ice. It spends much of the year
on frozen sea.

36. What does the adult female bear weigh?

A. 400 – 480 kg
B. 400 – 680 kg
C. 200 – 340 kg
D. 800 – 1260 kg

37. How polar does polar bear adapt with the cold temperature?
A. The polar bear always moves across the snow
B. The polar bear makes up the special diets.
C. The polar bear does maritime
D. It has special appearance for cold temperatures

member of
who ‘Bo0ok-
A. Kevin C. Clayton
B. Darren D. Darrel

39. Where do you can find the kind of text above?

A. Bulletin board in School C. School’s website
B. Students’ blog D. Announcement board in School

40. Based on the text, we know that …

A. Darrel is the shortest member of students council
B. Calyton is the tallest member of students council
C. Kevin is older than Dyvta
D. Dyvta is older than Kevin

Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Use the simple past form. The following dialog is for number

41. Khaila: Hi Nada, I'm sorry I couldn't attend your birthday celebration yesterday.
Nada : It's okey Khaila. Hilda (say) ... that. you (be) ... sick.
Khaila: That's right. I (have) ... A fever after I was caught in the rain. But niw it'a genting better
although not as energetic as usual.
Nada : You should stay at home to rest so you can fully recover.
Make a short dialog based on the situation below. Use the expressions of asking, giving, and
receiving advice. Those dialog is for number 42
The situation : Sakti asks to Dhian that she has a plan to go out next Saturday cause Sakti is boleh staying
at home durung the holiday. Sakti gives an advicement to go to the Marina Beach. And Dhian is agree
wih him.

42. Sakti : …

Dhian: …

Sakti : …

Dhian : …

Sakti : …

43. Robert just graduated from college. He received the highest

score so he won a scholarship to continue his further studies
at the University of Oxford. You want to send him a greeting
Write and decorate a greeting card for him here.
44. Give the best caption to promote this product.

45. By looking at the picture, please make two passive voice



Kunci Jawaban Soal Asesmen Sumatif Kelas 9

Multiple Choice
1. B 21. D
2. A 22. D
3. A 23. C
4. A 24. B
5. C 25. C
6. A 26. D
7. C 27. D
8. A 28. D
9. B 29. C
10. C 30. D
11. C 31. C
12. B 32. B
13. D 33. B
14. D 34. C
15. B 35. A
16. A 36. C
17. D 37. D
18. C 38. C
19. A 39. B
20. B 40. C
41. Khaila: Hi Nada, I'm sorry I couldn't attend your birthday celebration yesterday.
Nada : It's okey Khaila. Hilda said that. you were sick.
Khaila: That's right. I had a fever after I was caught in the rain. But now it's getting better
although not as energetic as usual.
Nada : You should stay at home to rest so you can fully recover.

42. Sakti : (Answer may vary)

Dhian: (Answer may vary)
Sakti : (Answer may vary)
Dhian : (Answer may vary)
Sakti : (Answer may vary)


(Answer may vary)

44. Give the best caption to promote this product.

(Answer may varies)

45. By looking at the picture, please make two passive voice

1. (Answer may varies)
2. (Answer may varies)

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